Search: uwuursowarm ยป Page 3
80 stories
*jumps down from table* im gay

A (one shot i guess) where Viktor gets disowned by his parents for being gay. Currently the first chapter is going to be an introduction. (trigger warning)

399 3 20
My Shipping Picture Book

Fangirling, Nosebleeds and squealing shippers are welcome!

8.7K 94 227
through the lenses of poetry.

these are poems that help me cope with reality, lol.

27 10 0
Yuri!!! on ice ( On Instagram ) Discontinued

Lol I was very fond of the Yuri on ice on Twitter and Yuri on ice on Tumblr SO HERES AN INSTAGRAM ONE :D Tbh sorry for my grammer it kinda sucks sowwy ;-;

215 2 3
Animatronic Dares

Time to play truth or dare with the cast of Five Nights at Freddy's!! Feel free to leave dares in the comments!

451 16 1
The Westerner (A Ryan Seaman Love Story)

i_Was_Wrong made the cover!Katerina Radke finds her cousin after many years but things have changed. When she has no where to stay, will Ronnie take her in and protect her from everything including his band mates.When she falls in love with one of the guys, will Ronnie approve or disapprove? Will she listen?

5K 3 69
Victoria's Way

A dark anger raged within her as she looked at the man she once loved, with all her heart and soul. "I want a divorce." Victoria whispered loud enough for Mark to hear. "B-but, b-baby I'm sowry! It was a mistaaayyykee, she wos a biggg mistaaayyykee. I luurrb yuuu" He slurred pathetically. Mark began to get up, stumbling. Victoria could smell the liquor, and marihuana on him, his eyes blood-shot, with heavy bags. His skin a unattractive pale green. He put a dirty hand on her wrist pulling her towards him. Not this time. Victoria pulled her wrist away from his firm grip. "No." "Pleasssse!" She just shook her head and began to walk away. She walked out the apartment, slamming the door. Victoria was sick of that lying bastard, fucking everything up. She was getting the divorce shit sorted, getting a new job, new location, new look, new personality, new everything. No more ; Victoria Rail, the stuck up rich girl, who ruined her perfect future. She was now ; Eden Glass the beautiful carefree young woman, who has no worries except what shoes to wear. Eden plans not to fall in love, ever again, he was totally over guys. She was now just up for having fun. One night stands, drinking it all off, partying like there's no tomorrow, friends that are constantly in trouble with the cops. Where will happen? Read, to find out.

33 3 4
Kise Ryota

( This is going to be a another fan fiction of the Koruko Basketball that is going to be Kise Ryota Point of view......for further information, you have to start reading this story. BTW the profile pic as well as the photos that is going to be uploaded here is not mine. )#korukonobasukeisnotmine#itisownbyTadatishiFujimaki

50 3 0
Buuga; Muxamed ee uu qoray Dr. Mustafaa Maxamuud

Xusuusnow in Nabi Muxamed scw uu koray samada todobaad kadibna uu gaaray Sidratul Muntahaa, una dhawaaday goob uusan waligiis qofna u dhawaanin.Ayadoo xaalku sidaa yahay hadana markuu dhulka kusoo laabtay wuxuu u khidmeynayay ehelkiisa, wuxuu lisanayay ridiisa, wuxuu tolanayay kabtiisa, waxaa u imaanayay adoonka oo ka dalbanayay in asiga iyo aabaankiisa kala dhexgalo wuuna sameynayay, waxaa u imaaneysay jaariyadii yareyd gacanta ayay qabaneysay su ay ehelkeeda ugu geyso oo uu reerkooda ugala hadlo ugana shafeeco wuuna uga shafeeci jiray.Wuxuu koray samada todobaad balse wuxuu waligiiba hal saxan wax kula cuni jiray masaakiinta, wuxuu fuulayay baqashiisa, wuxuuna amri jiray ciidankisa ineysan goynin wax geed ah, ineysan dilin carruur, waayeel, dumar sidoo kalana wadaada diimaha ee aanan hubeysneyn faraha ka qaadaan ayaga iyo waxay caabudayaanba.Wuxuu ahaa mid wayn kahor inta uusan korin samada wuxuuna ahaa mid wayn markuu kasoo dagay, wuxuu ahaa mid wayn balse aanan isla wayneyn.| Abdifatah Hassan Roble |

2 1 1
The Journey between the Uzumaki Twins

Hi this is my first story btw,here's the summary! Naruto and Khije(My Naruto OC) are both siblings in the Uzumaki Clan. Naruto is the only jinchuuriki but Khijie doesent care and she's always with him. At three years old Naruto and Khijie are both disowned. Where will they go? What's going to happen to them? (DISCLAIMER: I do not own any Naruto characters or Naruto in general besides my OC *Khijie*)

3 2 0
Fnaf Memes and Funny Pictures

Memes and funny pictures from fnaf!

4.1K 21 47
Grenzeloos verliefd.

Hij tilde me op en gooide me over z'n schouder. ''zijn je ouders weg?' vroeg hij. ''Jaaaaaaaa' gilde ik door het huis, ''die zijn gister avond naar m'n opa en oma gegaan'. Hoezo? Vroeg ik, ze weten dat ik iets met jou heb en ze zijn helemaal gek op je. Ja maar ik wou je iets in privé vragen, zei hij. M'n hart klopte zo luid dat ik bang was dat de buren het zouden horen. Ik ga met m'n broer naar New York. ''Midden in het schooljaar' zei ik verbaasd. Ja het is zond van m'n tijd om naar school te gaan als we ook de wereld rond kunnen gaan reizen, en trouwens ik blijf dit jaar sowieso zitten. Ik kon m'n oren niet geloven, oké echt slim was hij nooit geweest maar dit sloeg alles. Ik vroeg hem: ''wat heeft dit met mij te maken?' Ik wil dat je mee gaat natuurlijk!!

596 2 14
~The Wonderful World Of Randomness~

10K 160 483
margaux's life (r.b 2)

re les gens j'suis de retour pour vous jouer de mauvais tour ๐Ÿ˜ˆLe cover à été fait par @perfect_magcon bc elle est tellement gentille qu'elle me l'as proposé, ducoup j'ai dit oui ducoup elle me l'as fait ducoup je l'as met

4.8K 198 1.3K