Search: tourment
670 stories
Pidge's Tourment

Pidge is captured by the galra,she is beaten and tortured everyday.her family/team looks for her everywhere until they finally find her, but will she return the same? Kidge and Shallura will be in the story and this is an angst/au story.WARNING AND THE ONLY ONE YOUR GONNA GET I'm not a very good writer so be prepared for typos and misused words and there will be curse words and violence because I'm that type of person,anyways you've been warned *dramatic exit*. also I do not own Voltron I'm just a big otaku and no art work is mine unless I claim so. thanks hope you enjoy my first fanfic.

9.4K 15 189
Twin Tourment

Read along about two twins who are always fighting but in the end they will be all they have left...each other.

65 7 0 Full

Un étrange assortiment de vêtements flottant sur une barque dans un étang, des babioles anodines aux pouvoirs bien plus macabres que d'apparence, une radio vous annonçant l'heure et la date exacte de votre mort suivi d'un mot interrogatif, un vieux couple particulier : rencontrez donc, je vous prie, la tourmente qui saisira votre esprit.

99 1 10

Poème sur les tourments

17 1 2 Full

An alternate universe set in modern day Queens, New York City where Timothée Chalamet is a vampire turned by his treacherous father. After nearly 200 years of complete isolation, being the only immortal on Earth, Timothée begins to recruit humans in Queens to turn into vampires. When witches seek to put an end to the vampire species, he learns his selfish decisions have deadly consequences.

227 5 8
La tourmente de la mer de corail

Il s'agit de donner à voir cette bataille bien trop sous estimé à travers des histoires fictives mais basé sur des faits réel. je me sert ainsi de la petite histoire pour mettre a grand en valeur. Bonne lecture et je vous invite à approfondir les cherches si le sujet vous intéresse.

10 1 0 Full
Carnet D'une Adolescente Tourmentée

Cahier D'une Adolescente Tourmentée

61 7 4
Bribes d'un Esprit Tourmenté

Ce livre est une compilation d'écrits tentant de retranscrire ce qui est constamment agité dans un coin de ma tête. Sur le papier et l'écran sont couchés mes ressentiments afin de vous aider à me cerner, ainsi qu'à m'aider moi-même à comprendre ce capharnaüm mental. Beaucoup de ces écrits sont de réelles plaies ouvertes pouvant être très sombre, alors je ne recommande pas la lecture aux personnes hyper-empathiques/émotives (dans le cas où je trouverais le courage de les partager ici). Bonne lecture !

616 43 16
les regrets d'un passé tourmenté...

mon histoire... ma vie... ma maladie... mon passé... Mes regrets...

7 1 1 Full
Le Journal D'une Fille Tourmentée

Toute ma vie, je n'ai jamais eu le choix. Chaque tournant de ma vie a été soigneusement prémédité par mon entourage xD (c'est bon! J'exagère). On m'a toujours manipulée tel un pantin sans me laisser aucune liberté de choix dans ma vie.Avais-je seulement eu le choix lorsque l'on m'a conçue?! Non, on m'a imposée ma naissance. Et c'est à ce moment là qu'ont débuté mes tourments.***************Je me suis inspirée d'une histoire vraie. Cette histoire peut contenir des propos choquants ainsi que des scènes violentes. A vous de faire preuve de discernement quant au fait de lire ou pas. Sinon, je préviendrai chaque partie contenant les passages précités.Sur ce, bonne lecture.

78 3 5
Tourmente à HavenTale

La vie de Zaek semble parfaite. Jusqu'à ses dix ans, l'enfant vivait sans nuages noirs autour de lui. Mais et si les choses changeaient alors qu'il prenait conscience de nombreuses choses... HavenTale ne m'appartient pas. Color appartient à superyoumnaAmonyak appartient à Veylen-E-ScribenInsomnia, Némésis, Zaek, Plush m'appartiennent. Le dessin est de moi (mais il sera bientot changer car la il est pas beau et vieux =w=)

1.3K 4 181
Les tourments d'une ado

Un recueil, des sentiments, des émotions. Un mélange d'expérience, des parties, un tout. J'écris pour ne pas oublier, j'écris pour tout évacuer. J'écris, je me trompe, c'est brouillon mais sincère. Tous ces récits son miens, et j'en suis fière. Some english texts with some mistakes. But I don't care.

260 50 97
Voltron x Reader Two-Three Shots

Some Voltron Character x Reader two and three shots. Hope you enjoy. Please comment and let me know if you are liking these stories and please click the star of you like it.

2.4K 26 49 Full
meat bags ( RWBY yang Xiao Long x cheated male Son Of tank Dempsey reader )


39.3K 20 337 Full
Entrando em uma fria | Hyunlix

/ concluída / Lee Felix tem um penhasco por Hwang Hyunjin, o cheff renomado do restaurante gourmet Singularity, e desenhar cada traço do rosto simetricamente perfeito que o encantou desde o primeiro dia em que o viu, era um de seus hobbies.adaptação permitida pela autora:@Lee_Jaeny

1.3K 7 204 Full
Cet hiver

Un dm sur insta pourrait t'il changer une vie ? Voilà la question que se poser Athéna ainsi que sa meilleure ami shayla, cette homme blond au yeux bleu polaire serait ce t il l âme sœur d'Athena ? Je vous invite à lire l'histoire tourmentée, passionnent de Athena pour le savoir

85 5 14
The indian flat mate

this is a story about an indian girl who goes to south korea gor studies and there she lived with an indian boy who is popular and his mother's best friend son stay tune to find out what happens in the story as the chapters unfoldsnote - i dont own any of the pictures used in the story it belongs to there respective owners any name and incidents mentioned in the story are completely imaginary if it matches with anyone it is completely a coincidence it is not related with their real life

1.3K 27 27 Full
Gourmet-Tsukiyama x Kaneki

A Tokyo ghoul fanfiction

24.8K 12 716 Full
Un amour impardonnable

Hitomi est une jeune femme tourmentée par ses sentiments. Faisant partie d'une famille de l'aristocratie, elle se doit d'honorer sa promesse de mariage arrangé avec Eichi qu'elle trouve séduisant et plein de charme. Mais son amie d'enfance Maika lui montre un aspect de sa personnalité qu'elle ne connaissait pas, ce qui va tourmenter Hitomi qui se demande ce que représente vraiment son amie.

201 3 5 Full

This is another small part of a much larger story connected to three other stories I elso wrote called "Abandoned" "Koi" and "Tait Carson"Jamie is only a few years older then his younger sister Elie, and both of them have to endure torment from the kids at school, as well as there own parents. Jamie is the only one there to protect Elie, but there is no one to protect Jamie. There trapped in a vicious cycle of bulling and abuse, with seemingly no end.

78 8 8 Full
SuperPotterLock- The Goblet of Fire

They eventually ended up upstairs, where people rarely ventured. John sat at a table while Sherlock continued to search.He pulled a book out and flipped it open to look at the pages. Just as he did, light shone through one of the windows and illuminated him. Motes of dust drifted around his soft curls. Sunlight bounced off his high cheekbones and his lips pressed together in concentration.John fidgeted in his seat, his face suddenly hot and itchy.

10.8K 37 443 Full

Julia: She is a strong independent women, running her parents company in their footsteps, but not everything is so easy because their rival has a son who loves to tourment her Dominic: He is a flirty, short-tempered man who loves tourmenting his parents buisness rival, while he may have a smile on his face he's trying to take over her company

17 8 0
Pitschen ma en gamba - Small, but powerful [A Band of Brothers Story]

Ella Sawyer had not expected to end up with Easy Company when she had enlisted as a nurse. But who could have known that the Army decided to experiment with women in combat? Thrown into the world of soldiers and paratroopers, Ella quickly has to prove that strength can have many froms.

169.8K 82 4K Full
Emily Potter- Book 4 - Goblet Of Fire

Another year, another chance of dying the most gruesome way wizardly possible. That's how Harry & Emily Potter's life is at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft & Wizardry.A lot is in store for the twosome and as well as anyone involved in their schemes. Two international Wizarding schools packed with unpredictable students + Murderous fire breathing Dragons + Heart aches + new friendships formed = A life threatening year as always but this might be the last year everyone takes the last laugh. Read on to the never boring lives of Harry & Emily Potter as they struggle to live yet another year.

587.4K 58 18.5K Full
All Star|C.Bellinger

𝐇𝐞𝐲 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫 -𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐥𝐥No comments please Credit to all the social media people that I use ✨Instagram version story unedited Copyright 2017 by alwaysadoll

209.6K 40 2.4K Full
Marry me, love!

Witness the MaNan Wedding!Completed Story (31.8.19)

73K 20 4.7K Full