Search: top aehter
12,585 stories
Taehyung ff- When he slaps you

I am a 17 year old and I was married to the coldest person ever in the history. My father and Taehyung's father were both collaborating in business and no wonder how we came in between being the main topic. They both introduced us and both of us couldn't say no. He is 23 years old. Yeah...6 years older but I can't say anything

10.8K 5 188 Full
First Love of Rodium

"ဂျွန်ရိုဒီယန်!!""ဘယ်ကောင်လဲကွ ငါ့နာမည်အပြည့်အစုံခေါ်ရဲတာ""ဂြၽန္ရိုဒီယန္!!""ဘယ္ေကာင္လဲကြ ငါ့နာမည္အျပည့္အစုံေခၚရဲတာ"

8.5K 18 750
ten reasons why // daniel sharman

in which she gives him 10 reasons why he matters. [undercase intended]

25.4K 22 949 Full
~ Why you?! ; Haikaveh // Kavetham

The story currently doesn't matchso my bad lmao(Alhaitahm Top n Kaveh Bottom)I made this story for fun and also 1-4 chapters r a bit bad so yea 🙌

35.6K 8 409 Full
You + Me = LOVE (Completed)

vita🩷shineStoryline Vitaရှိုင်း.. မောင်မကြိုက်ဘူး..ပြောထားရဲ့နဲ့..ရှိုင်းမောင်..ရှိုင်းကို..မယုံကြည်ဘူးကို..

8.6K 11 472 Full
The Reunion - A RaYa ff🌙

Its about how 5 years later Ram and Priya sort out their differences and reunite along with their daughter even after facing so many hurdles.💜

19.9K 10 876 Full

this is the continuation of my previous story on debanya.......this story starts from last part after Holi celebration........

14.7K 28 1.4K Full
𝔓𝔯𝔬𝔣𝔢𝔰𝔬𝔯𝔦 ℑ𝔪 (ᗷᒪᗩᑕKᗷIᖇᗪ2) ✓

"Profesor, çfarë po bën?" "Po të jap leksione private" mund t'a ndjenjë frymën e tij të ngrohtë tek veshi dhe një ndjenjë e panjohur pushtoi gjithë trupin tim. "Më thërrit në emër""Ti je thjeshtë profesori im" "A je e sigurt për këtë?" Trupat tanë tashmë e kishin prekur lehtë njëri tjetrin, shikimet tona u përplasën disa herë. Herë shikoja atë në sy e herë shikoja buzët e tij, të cilat ishin të pamundura për mua sikur t'i prekja e jo më t'i puthja."Po e sigurtë jam" "Sa e sigurt?" Buzët tona e ndjenin afërsinë e njëra tjetrës, të etura për të puthur njëra tjetrën"Shum" Paul ma ndërpret fjalën duke bashkuar buzët e tij me të mija, ndjenjë buzët e tij të ngrohta mbi buzët e mija, m'i puth lehtë për të treguar që ishte një gentleman, luan me buzën time të poshtme sikur po kërkonte leje për të vazhduar më tej "Kjo është diçka e gabuar" i them pasi u shkëputa për një moment nga buzët e tij për t'i rikthyer sërisht e përgjithmonë buzëve të tij.⚠️ NDALOHET KOPİMİ APO POSTİMİ İ HİSTORİSË SİME NË RRJETET E TJERA SOCİALE PA LEJEN E AUTORES (PA LEJEN TİME) ⚠️#1drame#1shqiperi

42.9K 31 2.1K Full
Shine bright like the  Darkness✔️

Pjesa e dyte e librit "Parajsa e tij ferri im"Cover by @moonchild-01Shum pak e shohin shkelqimin dhe driten verbuese qe jep erresira...Vetem ata qe e kan mikeshe te ngushte ia dijne vleren.Per disa eshte e frikshme,per disa stil jetese e per disa lumturi shpirterore...Varet nga rrethanat qe jeta te sjell.Varet se sa e forte eshte erresira qe te pushton.A eshte e zbehte apo mbytese dhe sa mundesh ti ta perballosh ate.Ne erresiren qe te pushton ska asnje menyre te mbietosh pa u njellosur.Zgjidhja e vetme eshte te veshesh nje mantel te zi e ta iluzionosh ate .Te mendoje qe te perpiu dhe ty .Perdore veshjen tende te erret per te fshehur bardhesine e shpirtit nga kjo bote e zeze .Dhe ji nje pantere e shkathet ti besh balle asaj.Sepse syte e nje pantere jan te afte te shohin totalisht paster sado e thelle te jete erresira....

26.1K 32 1.3K Full
Red Flag! But Yours.

ကိုယ်က မင်းအပိုင်ပဲ!

15K 9 548
Feels Like Love!

Where the extremely loud & incredibly intimate Neil Khanna find his way to the immensely silent & hugely aloof Avni Mehta! But, can laughter fall in love with tears? Their relationship, for sure gives Avni wings to fly & offers Neil roots to come back. But, will both of them be able to give each other reasons to stay?

6.3K 22 899 Full
I droguar ne syte e tu

Dy te rinj te dashuruar ne kohen e tyre me te mire, marrin nje perfundim te ndarjes diçka qe ata nuk e priten. Por a do mund te takohen perseri dhe si do jete takimi i tyre pas kaq vitesh.

7.9K 41 349 Full
အမုန်းကိုအစပြု၍ဖြစ်တည်သောအချစ်(short Fic)


2.3K 5 137
ABHIMAAN : A New Start

Hi guys, my new story on Abhimaan.

33.9K 11 2K
Life ✶ Jasper Hale

||Book one in The Protectors Series||Twilight||COMPLETED: October 3, 2017CURRENTLY BEING EDITED. ❝Seventeen, running from innocence, like it's a lion.❞ ❦❦❦ Bella and Svetlana have a strong friendship, basically sisters. Any time Bella is in the slightest of danger, Svet always knows and she is always there to protect her. Especially since finding out that she is to protect Bella. And its Sebastian's job to protect his sister. Now Bella is moving back to forks and Svet is coming with her. She thinks her life is hard now, but she has no idea what's in store for her. What happens when she meets a family that all want her around? Or when she learns of their secret?

359.8K 29 7.7K Full
My Four Eyed Husband

Every girl dreams to marry a prince charming. Who takes her to his kingdom and makes her queen of his heart ..... But all these dreams come crashing down to her head when she married off to a normal-looking man. Who takes her to his home and made her queen of kitchen and laundry... Still, I think it must be better than what I have. I may marry a prince charming but only to become the daughter-in-law of my husband's mother and guardian of his niece and nephew... I am Fiza and this is my story. #28 General Fiction (4.5.2017) #35 General Fiction (28.9.2016) Cover by @AdibahRafhanah

901.2K 55 57.2K Full
Abhimaan : Together for eternity 💞

the story based on the fourth generation of yrkkhArmaan and Abhira..peep into know...!!!

27.5K 9 1.4K Full
Kur  Zemra Nuk Pyet

Dy njerez te cilet jeta i takon rastesisht ne rrugen e saj , dy njerez te cilet jan aq sa te ndryshem edhe te ngjashem Ata te dy kan gjera te fshehta ne te kaluaren e tyre Deani diten njihej si nje djale I fort , i pamposhtur nje student i shkelqyer dhe nje njeri i pastere ndersa ne jeten e tij ai ishte i vet quajtur si Diablonje njeri I frikshëm, i pameshirshem, njeri qe nuk e njihte te pamunduren Ndërsa ajo nje studente e shkëlqyer nje vajze qe ju kishte ber balle sfidave te jetes qe ne adoleshencenje vajze ne jete e te ciles fjala e pamundur nuk egzistonteAjo kishte luftuar shume per te qen aty ku ishte per te ber realitet ëndrrën e saj me te madhe nje enderr e cila ndoshta nje dite do te ishte penges qe ajo te pranonte ndjenjat e saj dy kokefort te cilet jeta do ti takoj shume here dhe te gjitha heret ata do te jen ne luft se kush do te jet I pari por a do te pyesin zemrat e tyre per krenarin, per te shkuaren dhe per vendimet e tyre? A do te arrij ajo te bej pervete Deani deri ne piken qe ai te heq dore nga jeta e dyfishtë? apo Deani do arrij ta bej ate qe ta dashuroj aq shume sa te heq dore nga gjithcka per te ? nje histori me drame, lufte, trishtim, lot edhe dhimbje por ama nje histori qe do te tregoj se kur dashuria vjen askush nuk mund ta ndaloj as dy persona qe mendojn se jan aq te zotet sa te mposhtin gjithcka madje edhe zemrat e tyre Por ajo qe askush nuk e din eshte cfare ndodhe ateher kur zemra nuk pyet ?VAZHDIMI I HISTORIS ( A ESHTE DASHURIA MBI GJITHCKA)

37.4K 50 2.3K Full

မောင်က မင်းကို စတွေ့တဲ့အချိန်ထဲက မြတ်မြတ်နိုးနိုး ချစ်ခဲ့ရတာပါ ရှိုင်းငယ်ရယ် ...#Vitaminအမြဲငါ့ကို လိုက်လိုက်စတတ်တဲ့ မင်းကို မကြိုက်ပေမယ့် ဘယ်ချိန်တည်းက စချစ်မိခဲ့လည်း မပြောတတ်ဖူး မောင် ...#Zawshinehtet

7.4K 21 511
Mahar Class ( အထူးတန်း ){Stop!}

မှော်ပညာဆိုတာကိုယုံလား?Vitamin(မဏ္ဏိရှင်) x ဇော်ရှိုင်းထက်(လျှံ)စိတ်ကူးယဥ်ဝတ္ထုသာဖြစ်သည်။

4.4K 15 284
Anidita : Journey of Love ❤️

A new story on anidita...peep into know..!!!!

8.9K 13 1.2K Full

Hey, ich bin Sophia, alle nennen mich Sophie. Ich weiß etwas komisch beides eigentlich das selbe. So wie es aussieht werde ich bald meinen Mate kennen lernen. Ich kann jetzt schon sagen das ich das nicht will und dafür nicht bereit bin.Macht euch auf was gefasst es wird eine lange Fahrt. ❗Diese Geschichte habe ich mit 13 geschrieben also. Read at your own risk 🤷🏻‍♀️Begin von dieser Geschichte: 7.8.2019Ende von der Story: 25.1.2021

44.5K 15 1K Full
~ It's all My Fault ~ Kavetham Fanfic

An Angsty fanfic about Alhaitham and Kaveh having a rough time with each other inc. big blown fights, nasty words, violence, suicidal thoughts, blood.there will be trigger warnings when there are any if these in the chapters.Lil' Fluff & AngstOriginal Idea came from a Oneshot by Vin- !In their book "Haikaveh Oneshot"

74.2K 11 1.3K Full
Heaven Above, Thank You! (PauStell Fanfic) (UNDER EDITING)


2.9K 18 167 Full

Baalveer falls in love with ananya despite many attempts to not fall in love.....peep to know

16.7K 21 910 Full