Search: therisingoftheswordhero » Page 2
33 stories
Beans Café

Every now and then life goes against its nature and decides to be kind. It does something unexpected and gives you the chance make something good out the little surprise it gives you. In my case, life gave me a lot more than I bargained for. Here's to hoping I can make something good of what life has given me.

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oc book


149 9 18
Stars of the Past

14 year old Ella Robson is a Jewish girl traveling across France with her mother and three sisters in an attempt to escape the Nazi soldiers that have taken over her country. She is ripped from her father, her friends back home and everything she once knew. Ella must live a life of fear and lies. From house to house, kindhearted strangers help them and she learns that religion is no boundary to friendship. One fateful night, Ella gets separated from her family and realizes the vicious Gestapo isn't easy to hide from, and that she must play the most dangerous game of hide and seek she's ever played before. Succeeding in this "game" means hope for a better life, but failure means being sent to a concentration camp in Poland, where death is nearly inevitable. The battle for survival has begun...

1.5K 23 98
Fire At Will (Frerard Fanfiction)

Hey guys, so this is my first story so please don't get mad at me if I have any errors in the story itself.Anyway, the plot goes as follows:Gerard Way was just a simple kid who wanted to live a simple life, at least, that was what he told himself while getting shoved into a locker everyday for the past five years of his life. After being sent to the hospital the school believes it would be best if he would be transferred to a nearby art school. He meets interesting new friends such as Patrick Stump and Bob Bryar ( a man obsessed with real estate and beards) but is still bullied due to being part of the infamous outcasts. Gerard spirals further into depression trying to find release in alcohol and "happy pills" when he meets a mystery man. This is the story of Gerard's ( bad pun incoming ) Chemical Romance.Warning R-Rated language

75 2 6
❤To love an Animator❤// Spencer x Kidnapped! Reader

You've been kidnapped by famous internet celebrity LuckySpark42! Oh crumbs! He's kind of hot tho................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

32 2 2
Watch List: Art Thieves

This is a watch list for art thieves. 'Nuff said.Read the first chapter for moar info because I suck at putting introductions in here. I'm pretty long-winded and sound like a lawyer in the beginning when I still had stuff to rant about, I get shorter and more relaxed as it progresses.I'm also really bad at remembering how to spell "thieves". Bear with me on that XDI also have a bad habit of overusing parentheses and other bracketsThis stuff -> ( ) [ ] { } < >Just dealI hope this helps people become more aware of art thieves on Wattpad, and what they can do to help.

81.8K 127 6.9K