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79 stories
Kessie's Short Stories

A collection of short stories I've written, but can't justify making them their own story on Wattpad.Multi-fandomOCs are rampantPairings will be markedThere are some original stories includedOriginal post/finish dates are added, if available

899 74 10
John and Kate's Escapade

One night, eight hours. Neighborhood friends find themselves in a precarious situation that might just bring them closer together than ever before.//Thanks for reading!

39 24 69
Book of Puns

Do you really need a description?.........Well, then. It's a book. Made up of puns. (Puns, puns galore!)DISCLAIMER (and long overdue [insert library pun]):Though I sort of stated it before, this is my official disclaimer: about 99.999% of these puns aren't mine (no one has enough of a dead soul for that). The ones not mine I found scattered throughout the Interwebz, on multiple sites and from multiple people, dead or alive, friends and strangers.

873.6K 220 35.3K
Inside My Mind

A collection of Short Stories. Some things will be horrific, some will be supernatural, some will be just plain weird. Read at your own risk, these are all dreams I've head over the past couple years that seemed like they would be cool as a story

99 12 2

Hahahahah I have art here. Mostly art. Please don't not read this because I have book update information on this book :,,)Lmao how's about you not read it cause it's trash in general :DLeave me to suffer in my false hopes

6.7K 128 762
This Is The End

Lucy Collins was the simple scientist working at Umbrella Corporations along with a few others. When an experiment goes wrong and a vaccine is revoked creating something worse, something deadly. Now suddenly everyone's life is at stake as weird inhuman creatures try to sink their teeth into any piece of skin. Follow Lucy as she struggles to survive. As she struggles to fix her doings. This won't be easy as she meets the selfless broad Layne and suddenly she's not only fighting to survive and find a cure but, she's fighting to keep him from finding out that she just happens to be one of the scientists who caused this epidemic.

14 3 2
Another World (Kny x Female!Reader

[Name] was a sweet girl who always cheer you up if your sad, sometimes she's very clumsy but she's very calm whenever she's in danger.. It was very peaceful day sleeping her bed but suddenly she got teleported in another dimension while she's sleeping peacefully. (Y'all I'm very sorry I accidentally deleted "The Nerd" but don't worry I will recreate it;∀;) (Also sorry abt my stupid grammars haha..) Starts at July 7 2022Ends at

43 2 4

MAT 543 WEEK 10 DISCUSSION QUESTION"Strategic Planning" Please respond to the following: the main steps involved in developing an effective strategic plan. Discuss how the steps may differ for a health care organization compared to another industry.Evaluate the key factors involved in SHEEPED (socioeconomic factors, health care resources and utilization, epidemiological factors, economic factors, political factors, environmental factors, and demographic factors) and their important role in strategic planning. Discuss why it is important for one to consider and include each factor.MAT 543 WEEK 10 DISCUSSION QUESTION"Strategic Planning" Please respond to the following:Assess the main steps involved in developing an effective strategic plan. Discuss how the steps may differ for a health care organization compared to another industry.Evaluate the key factors involved in SHEEPED (socioeconomic factors, health care resources and utilization, epidemiological factors, economic factors, political factors, environmental factors, and demographic factors) and their important role in strategic planning. Discuss why it is important for one to consider and include each factor.

5 1 0

Scott Matthews and Anika Kelley had always had everything their way. They were the school favorite couple. Scott was the captain of the football team and Anika was captain of the cheer squad-- typical high school love. But what will happen when a single slip-up from Anika lead to a horrible chain of events? Will they choose to be alone, or will their relationship survive the epidemic? Find out in untouched-- a wattpad series.

75 4 9
Nightmare Stories

So, we all have those fears that just give us a night terror to the point we feel like we might actually die in our dream. Well, in this book nightmares are killing teens. The nightmares take over the bodies of the teens and then continue to kill anyone they wish. it is up to 5 teens who cam control themselves in their nightmares to conquer the nightmare epidemic. with the leader, Vladimir Ruin, the brains, Jackson Matthew, the cheer leader, Isabelle McCaleus, and the creepy goth twins Rayne and Ross, the group can find the root to the problem. But first they have to answer two questions. Who? and Why?

137 5 2
Before I'm Gone

It has been years since the last time she saw another human. Years since she has been alone, all alone in her big city. Trying to keep her sanity, and keep surviving, with the only purpose of recording what has happened and tell the story, because no one else can. She has to, because she is the only human left alive on planet Earth. She has to keep humanity alive in memory, hope that some other species in another era will rise, and learn about them; how smart they were, how beautiful, how kind, how creative. But also how cruel, how evil, how selfish, how violent, and how stupid they could be.She hoped her journals and records would keep humanity from being forgotten and fading away.She hoped the next ones on Earth would learn from humanity's mistakes, unlike humans themselves.This is the story of Marie Anderson and how humanity fell and became extinct. How she became a hero to be remembered for her bravery.But it is also a warning.Don't do the same things they did.

50 2 6

MAT 543 WEEK 10 DISCUSSION QUESTION"Strategic Planning" Please respond to the following:Latest A+ Graded at link below the main steps involved in developing an effective strategic plan. Discuss how the steps may differ for a health care organization compared to another industry.Evaluate the key factors involved in SHEEPED (socioeconomic factors, health care resources and utilization, epidemiological factors, economic factors, political factors, environmental factors, and demographic factors) and their important role in strategic planning. Discuss why it is important for one to consider and include each factor.

2 1 0

An Alchemical Station explodes and nothing seems to counteract its catastrophic effects: a new zombies Ghoul's epidemic spread throughout the country as an incurable cancer.In the same years technology has discovered the Morphization, a branch of experimental magic surgery that could give Sapiens a part of the magic of Venefix blood people -the wizards.The pro-Sapiens terrorist organization Ira pressure in order to make the High Senator and Archmage Osborne Underwood, acting in favour of the Morphization legalization but because of his continue refusals the Ira attacks culminate in the worst of the tragedies: the assault and destruction of the heart of the city where reside academies, Factions and Guilds.Tristan Blackhurst dies there, in the fire of the Hall of the Council.His brother Jeffrey, the Blackhurst family black sheep, escapes and no one know where he is gone.A year later everything seems to have changed. In the worst way.Roxanne Underwood has a secret jealously guarded and the cruel regret of a never born love; Sander Macbeth feels his family's revenge desire and the inner struggle between two parts of his heart; Lua Blackhurst hold an unmanageable power and blind hatred towards a too upright father.And also there is the pure bloodline of the Archmage stepchildren, the licentiousness of Thornton Underwood, the fall of Morrison the traitor, the wandering life of werewolf Ivory Weiss, a secret curse Florian Galbraithe discover and has to break.And above all there are the ruins of the Hall of the Council, a idyllic broken past that seems destined to never return.Here it is the generation of the apocalypse, with its violent delights and endings.

23 1 0
Sequel of Scribbles


7.9K 200 955 Full
The Beginning of the End- The Walking Dead

When an epidemic occurs and people begin to eat one another, a group of teenagers must learn how to survive the dark world and each other. The group faces many obstacles and can never seem to settle down in one place, which only makes them more at risk of death. But when the group encounters many terrible obstacles, how do you keep your humanity? With guest appearances of: Glenn Rhee, Sophia Peletier, Jacqui, Dr. Edwin Jenner, Louis Morales, Miranda Morales, Eliza Morales, Morales, Rick Grimes, and The Governor. (These characters are from AMC's The Walking Dead and many only make small guest appearances/cameos)

895 16 151
Stray Sheep

Have you heard the rumor? They say if you fall in a dream and don't wake up before you land... you die, in real life!Tonight's story is "Stray Sheep," an unconventional romantic horror! Our heroes of this story are the men of the Stray Sheep, a nice bar where gossip not only spreads, but starts. Things are getting strange around town as an epidemic rises, otherwise healthy men being found in their beds dead. The police are suspecting accidental causes though considering foul play, while strange whispers are circulating...Sorry to keep you waiting. Now, grab a snack and enjoy the strange tale of "Stray Sheep"!The desire has appeared. It's the killer. Do not die.__________Hello lovelies c:So here's what this is. A fanfic of Catherine, the game. I don't assume that a lot of people know what it is bc well I don't know a lot of other gamers and Catherine is a fairly unpopular and old one. Very nice game though. But I find the storyline really interesting and well I wanted to write my own version. I think you'll enjoy it anyway even if you haven't played it. If you're interested, the game is a puzzle-platformer (sounds boring, I know, I'm not very interested in puzzle games myself but that was just wow) about a man named Vincent who's been indecisive about what to do about his relationship with Katherine, his girlfriend who's brought up marriage. Meanwhile rumors have been going around, the same rumors I put in this story.The game questions your thinking about love, your answers in which will and determine Vincent's outcome. It's for PS3 and is quite explicit, rated Mature.This'll be my own version of Catherine 'cause I can't exactly include the gameplay or spoil anything major. I'll use it as a base but it'll be an entirely separate story. Probably won't contain as much explicit content. I'm not a very sex-driven gal. & I don't think I'm going to center it around Vincent but the rumors instead.Enjoy the show. Smileyface.

38 1 4
Build Up Your Muscle Fast

The key brothers got a group here Europe course required reception legs your gluts as well as your chest rate here and it's going to get your core strength to his when you when you catch the ball you appear in court I to stay in that same position actual are a great first round how to dot purpose start back over bro back to the start serving Rebecca Russian twist so keep it up I've seen you can do I feel so you to do the first time since the same things that pick up the pace a little bit perfect and I leaders do more than you ever hear can pick up the pace pick it up not just slow down to like make you feel I keep it up you did great are just read ovary Eric and pick ten seconds ten seconds both feet knees together perfect fast alright Roger me super either soon move like this before here we go and for perfect stand-up squat with the swing right here come all the way down push my hips epidemic of undertows carpenter close really explode up Muscle Forge X the victory pushing her hips back make sure not been in the news for be pushing it back in and coming all the way up right there perfect and excellent keep a quickie perfect see if we can get it perfect explode on the way out excellent make every repetition count to do a burning acquired delivers stretching you’re in your lap their shoulders produce shoulders every time you bring it up five seconds keep it up and three to one to back down those crunches to make a little more intense this time the lower back heels are the ground case arms are straight up criminals got let's do it you know to do here.

6 1 0
The song book

Songs and lyricsOpen to suggestions 70-150 part

1.5K 76 31
Where It Begins

Hello!!! My name is Simone and full disclosure this is my first book I've fully planned out and made so keep that in mind when reading! Thank you and enjoy.WARNINGS; GxG!!!Thalia lives in high expectations of being a perfect daughter for her mother, every move Thalia makes is judged by her. But when the world turns upside down and there's a sickness outbreak, school goes to shreds. Millions die from it including Thalia's mother, soon later getting her father sick too. Being pushed out of her home, she goes to her grandma's house in hope of a safe living there, though when she gets there she's met with a cheeky, bold, blonde girl, though not from the looks of it could change Thalia's life. Hebe a cheeky bold blonde girl, that is seventeen that goes to a boring high school in connecticut. To spice her life up a little, she plays music, all the way from strings to a keyboard. Her dream was to start a band and live as a popstar from the nowhere of connecticut. But all Connecticut brought her was a deadly sickness that killed off everyone she knew. In hope of finding new loved ones and friends she followed what one of her friends told her to do, which was to seek out help in Maine to fly out to England where help is. During one of her pit stops in an old house, a girl barges in. Together Hebe and Thaila make their way up to Maine with two different things in mind. Thaila wanting to restart her life back up, and Hebe wanting to settle down with friends. But in the end will they find it? Or will they be satisfied with an entirely different life than before? Or will they get in maine to only find out they needed each other most?

3 1 0
When the World Goes to Sh*t... {Walking Dead Fanfic}

How many hours are in a day when you don't spend half of them watching television? When is the last time any of us REALLY worked to get something we wanted? How long has it been since any of us really NEEDED something that we WANTED? The world we knew is gone. The world of commerce and frivolous necessity has been replaced by a world of survival and responsibility. An epidemic of apocalyptic proportions has swept the globe causing the dead to rise and feed on the living. In a matter of months society has crumbled. No government. No grocery stores. No mail delivery. No cable T.V. In a world ruled by the dead, we are forced to finally start living...- - - - -Kaitlin Ford has spent most of her life stood on the side line reporting on some of the worst cases of crime, but nothing can prepare her for the apocalypse. When the dead rise from their graves with a insatiable appetite for human flesh, Kaitlin is thrust into a harsh world of survival and brutality. The only option of staying alive is to DO or DIE.- - - - -(Obviously, I do not own the Walking Dead. This story is only BASED on the T.V. show. It runs in parallel with but at no point will include any characters from the show. This story is purely for yours (and mine) entertainment, and is not intended to copy The Walking Dead.)

30 1 2
The country of zombie (ENG)

It is 2019, November 12th, 6:30 a.m., suddenly a strange information appears from the radio and in every possible receiver. Some mysterious virus starts to take over the world, making people aggressive towards each other and literally start to eat.Whether it's some kind of mutant rabies or what the main character, Marcin, was most afraid of, a zombie virus appeared. Now he has to survive in this hostile world alone like a finger, which is not so easy, especially since there are strangely aggressive people everywhere, come on, maybe they are not people anymore...Welcome to @Worldmen7. I'm glad you looked here. This is my first book so I'm learning to apologize in advance for being a little weak and having mistakes. Anyway, I hope you like it and stay with me longer. So I can't help but invite you to read and wish you a nice reading.Bye. - Worldmen7PS. I'm sorry for the mistakes. It's a bit of a proprietary translation I used to help others and translators.Book cover made by my friend @amazingdezo I recommend bumping into his profile and the book in which he will place custom book coversTranslated with (free version)

26 2 2
Rants because I'm  bored

I should be asleep but I'm not so here ya go

1.4K 150 178
Thoughts And Public Diary

Are you so tired that you're falling asleep? Are you so SICK of boring being bored that you're vomiting? Are you so worried about the future of America that your brain is producing cortisol and epiniphrine? Well come right on down to my brain! Here you will find all the extra information that has poured out of my brain and into my fingers and on to the indium tin oxide layer on my phone and on to the other junk in my phone and on to Wattpad! Enjoy ;)

883 87 30