Search: team7sensei
13 stories
The Opposite Uchiha (Naruto Fanfiction)

White hairPale blue eyesColorful clothingDelicate Doll like featuresWinter-themed-NinjutsuA born Uchiha#3 in fugaku out of 251 stories Dec 24th, 2020

31.9K 8 1.1K
The Everyday Life of Team 7 [ A Naruto Role Swap Au]

Do you know team 7?, yeah the one with the lazy sensei, an emo uchiha, a crazy obsessed pink-haired haruno and a yellow-haired uzumaki who wants to be hokage. But if the team were switched like they switched personalities, follow me as we see the uchiha who wants to become hokage and as he tries to save his best friend from the hands of Tsunade.I don't own the picture.And I don't own Naruto.I just own the plot.

2K 20 48 Full
Sakura goes into the past

WORK IN PROGRESS!!What well happen when a 35 (or Boruto era) Sakura goes into her younger self, will she change the future? will Team7 know about this, or is it a secret?Find out while you read her journey"After going into the past I wake up in my 9 year old body" (I decided to go with 9 in the end, so sorry if I confused you, cause I confuse myself at the start)Connon ships messed up timeline? (possible in hind site)Most of this story will be Sakura P.O.V or someother persons P.O.V I don't own Naruto, and while I have started this, I have not watched/read all of Naruto, so forgive me for these mistakes child friendly (10-12+ depending how mature you are), little cursing (using !@* signs)Started: 17 of June 2021#14th place Sakura: 17/10/2021#14th place SasuSaku: 24/11/2021#4th place Rookie9: 13/05/2023#20th place Team7: 19/3/2022#5th place Konaha12: 13/05/2023

43.3K 39 1.3K
Ghost Hand (#Wattys2016)

Completed Novel. Binge Read it Now!Seventeen-year-old Olivia Black has a rare birth defect known as Psyche Sans Soma, or PSS. Instead of a right hand made of flesh and blood, she was born with a hand made of ethereal energy.How does Olivia handle being the girl with the ghost hand? Well, she's a little bit morbid and a whole lot snarky. Her mother thinks her obsession with death, black clothing, and the local cemetery is a bid for attention. But when Marcus, the new guy in Olivia's calculus class, stares at her like she's a freak, Olivia doesn't like it. And when her hand goes rogue, doing things she never imagined possible, Olivia finds herself running for her life with Marcus from a group of men bent on taking the power of her hand for their own nefarious purposes.Like Ripley's writing and want to read more of it? Sign up for her author newsletter Here: to be kept in the loop.

144.5K 35 8.3K Full
An MLP: G4:-Silence Idea

I plan to write this idea down and get help with it. Here are my inspirations: The cover image is also an inspiration(

152 12 0
Team 7: Loyal

187 1 12
Eilik 😍 #Robot 😘

Eilik 😍 #Robot 😘Full video :

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A girl who never cared about the past and never worried about the future didn't knew that a special thing is waiting for Kim Yn .Character:Kim Namjoon - Hwasa Kim Seokjin - JisooMin Yoongi - RoseJung Hoesok - SolarPark Jimin - Yn Kim Taehyung - Jennie Jeon Jungkook - Lisa

16 3 0
Poetry for Second Graders

Warning : Cringe Alert!!!Its not a poem.Its not a story.Its actually a poor manifestation of the desired narrative(the one which we expect to be perfect ) into some sloppy lines with rhymes.

9 1 1
A New Family ( Team 7 x OC story)

A girl who is powerful and beautiful but lonely and sad and wants a family to love and protect.A boy with sun kissed-hair who is hated and hurt by his home for something out of his control but is smart and stong but hides behind a macks of idiotices and needs the love of a family.A girl with pink hair who is bully by kids for her forhead and betean at home for something that wasn't her fault and needs the love of family.A boy with raven black hair who lost his clan/family in one night because of his brother and is going through hard times and is lonely and needs the love of family.What if they meet and become eachother family what if the girl was a Queen/goddess and protecter of Animals, Monsters, also Music and Queen of Angel and demons and many more she has yet to learn or awaken. What will happen to the village that they call home when they brack their mask and show the world who they really are?(Smart and strong Naruto)(Not an idiot)(Strong and dangerous Sakura)( Not a fangirl)(Kind and strong Sasuke)(Not an emo)(Overpowered, smart and kind Oc)(I do not own Naruto or any other characters insept Natsumi Megami and I did steal a couple of ideas and other stuff but the credit goes to all of them and I put my own twist to the story and what happens so if anything that happens in the story are mine or other story ideas and I might do a crossover in the story so don't be suprised and everything else is a secret. Bye cya later)

118 3 2

Naruto i Kakashi wyrwali Sasuke ze szponów Orochimaru. Młody Uchiha zrozumiał co jest dla niego naprawdę ważne w życiu i choć dalej stara się zdobyć siłę, by móc to chronić, postanawia zrobić to w towarzystwie przyjaciół. Orochimaru jednak nie chce dać za wygraną i ściga chłopca. Sasuke, Naruto i Kakashi powoli wracają do wioski starając się poodcinać po drodze wszystkie macki, które mogłoby sięgnąć ponownie po któregoś z Uchihów i trenując pod okiem Kakashiego i Jirayi, jednak to co zastają nie jest dla nich powodem do wielkiego szczęścia. Sakura, którą zostawili w wiosce dla jej własnego bezpieczeństwa, ucierpiała z nich wszystkich najbardziej. Straciła rodzinę i dom, a aby chronić przyjaciół skupiła się na kształceniu swoich własnych umiejętności niemal zapominając o tym, że istnieje coś takiego jak życie. Kunoichi znalazła sobie dwie mistrzynie - Tsunade i... Hayate Raimei - dawną przyjaciółkę Kakashiego, zmarłą w poprzedniej wojnie ninja medic-ninkę, która swoimi zdolnościami mogła prześcignąć nawet Tsunade. Czy Drużyna 7 będzie w stanie współpracować jak za dawnych czasów? Czy pomimo braku więzów rodzinnych stworzą rodzinę, o jakiej każdy z nich marzył? Opowieść spisana na kartkach na plaży w przypływie weny, wiele lat temu, jeszcze przed istnieniem wattpada, w czasach gdy swoją radosną twórczość można było zamieścić na blogu. Wybaczcie różnice pomiędzy tym co znajduje się w opowiadaniu a tym co jest w kanonie - przy pisaniu o wielu rzeczach nie miałam wtedy jeszcze pojęcia. Historię umiejscowić można gdzieś na początku Shippuudena, a więc i humor zawarty w opowiadaniu przypomina bardziej pierwsze odcinki Naruto. Jeśli ktoś tęsknił za początkami Drużyny 7, serdecznie zapraszam.

31 7 0
Ghost Hold: The PSS Chronicles Book 2

Olivia Black is back. Only this time she's not the one in need of rescue. Samantha James, rich, popular, and an award-winning composer at age seventeen, is the next target on the CAMFers' list. In order to convince Samantha to come with them, Olivia and Passion must pose as cousins, blend into the most affluent high school in Indianapolis, and infiltrate a mysterious cult known as The Hold. Olivia doesn't expect it to be easy, even with the PSS guys backing them up. But what she discovers over the course of the mission will call into question everything she ever believed about herself, her family, and especially about Marcus, the guy she is undoubtedly falling in love with.Get the entire GHOST HOLD book FREE by signing up for Ripley's Author newsletter Here: be sure to check out GHOST HOPE, the fourth and final book of the series releasing June 15th.

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