Search: superwho
48,740 stories

Preferences for Supernatural(Dean and Sam), Doctor Who(10th Doctor, 11th Doctor), and Sherlock(Sherlock). I take requests!

33.1K 11 1.4K Full

It's seems you've stumbled into the Superwholock universe. Boy, have you got an adventure ahead of you. ~When Sam and Dean investigate disappearances and crashes of planes, they have no choice, but to take to the sky themselves. The plane they inspect takes them to England, where they meet Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, and a strange man by the name of the Doctor. Together, the five all solve a case that is stirred in London, involving each of their worst enemies: Lucifer, Moriarty, and The Master. I do not own anything Supernatural, Doctor Who, or Sherlock.I do not own any of the pictures or videos.Credit those who own what I do not.Yes, the cover has been changed.

262.7K 35 10.8K Full
Superwholock shots

Destiel, Sabriel, Johnlock and more with the occasional Superwholock shots.

7.9K 8 305 Full
King Of Hell [A SuperWho Short]

Sam and Dean wake up in the Dungeon of the Bunker with no memory of how they got there. But they've forgotten something else – A certain demon by the name of Crowley. Meanwhile in the TARDIS, the Doctor had been possessed by a strange red smoke... What will happen to the Doctor, and what will happen to Team Free Will in this Superwho crossover? Read to find out.

2.1K 7 71 Full

**WARNING** this story is discontinued. Read at your own risk.As John copes with what happened with Sherlock Holmes, a sudden thud coming from his kitchen changes his life forever as Sherlock comes back into his life along with a few other friends.

68.6K 33 3.4K Full
Superwholock: The Beginning

Sam and Dean Winchester are shocked when they run (literally) into the Doctor and Rose Tyler on a no name back road in South Dakota. But when the TARDIS takes off on it's own to 221B Baker Street Sherlock Holmes and John Watson are even more surprised. The unlikely allies now have to fend off aliens, demons, angels, and the apocalypse which again hangs over the Winchesters heads. In this SuperWhoLock fanfic the hunt though space is on.

60.3K 22 2.6K Full
A Superwholock Life

What will happen when Sam, Dean, John, Sherlock and the Doctors are all investigating the same thing? Is it something completely rational and easily explained, aliens, or a dark, supernatural force?Warning-possible smut in later chapters

10.9K 9 470 Full
Boarding School Secrets: A SuperWhoLock AU

Set in an alternate universe where all the characters go to a boarding school in Alabama for a year and become friends. Well not all is sunshine and rainbows here at the school and the students need to unravel a web of secrets, lies, and murder before it's too late.Half crack, a bit OOC at some parts but hey, it's an AU after allrated pg-13 for later chapters and for some angsty feels and teen problems with depression, self harm, addiction, and of course, love

561.1K 46 14.1K Full
Superwholock Chat Rooms

The title says it all :)Requests are always open

6K 23 232 Full
Superwholock: Angels in White

Angels. Angels. Angels.All Sam and Dean know is they have to leave this parallel world. One wrong move and the whole universe is toast. People are dying. The impossible is happening. Sherlock and John teamup to help out, and The Doctor finds his long lost love. The Weeping Angels may keep what's important, but that won't stop the SuperWhoLock team. Even when all doesn't seem to go to plan, things can always work least we hope. Remember:Don't blink.

34.1K 41 2.1K Full
A Very Superwholock Christmas

Dean wants to do something special for his first Christmas out of Hell, so he gets Bobby and Sam to decorate and celebrate with him. When he makes a mysterious phone call, Sam and Cas try to carry on, but something's up. This is a superwholock crossover (in case you didn't read the title *shrugs*) and it is Christmas themed. Just fair warning!

17.7K 15 940 Full
The Third Holmes - A Sherlock Fanfic

[Contains JohnLock] Mycroft and Sherlock Holmes. The two brilliant, emotionless, sociopathic brothers. But there's another Holmes. A female Holmes. Enter Avery Holmes - the brilliant, crazy sister - the Third Holmes.

1.2M 56 38.5K Full
Superwholock one-shots

For all those Supernatural, Doctor Who, and Sherlock fans out there. Please request, I need some ideas!

4.8K 29 172 Full
SuperWhoLock Imagines

I write superwholock imagines, oneshots and headcanons here so if you have a request just send them... :)

1.5K 8 40 Full
Superwholock- Hell's game (Abandoned)

The Vashta Nerada are lose, the angels are weeping, the Queen is a werewolf?! Dean and Sam find the supernatural to be acting quite strange. The Demons are quiet and Vashta Nerada are becoming more and more vicious and evil. The stone angels laugh at them, and the air remains dull. They seek out the help of Sherlock Holmes the man who is clever enough to find this mysterious Doctor, the man their Dad's book talks about. Together they must stop everyone before all Hell breaks lose and war between Heaven and Hell begins.

7.9K 18 503 Full
SuperWhoLock: Demons Run [COMPLETED]

Just an ordinary night in Wyoming. Two brothers are digging up a grave. One turns around, and the other has disappeared. In his place: an angel statue.In London, England, a flying blue box crashes through the window of flat 221B Baker Street.A man with pitch black eyes appears and disappears throughout all of time and space.Behind it all: consulting criminal James "Jim" Moriarty.~A SuperWhoLock fanfiction starring Sam and Dean Winchester, the angel Castiel, consulting detective Sherlock Holmes and his blogger John Watson, and the eleventh Doctor.**Credit to @Hannah-Jones- for doing the spectacular cover**Translated into German by @TodayIsAGoodDayToDie

52.5K 23 2.7K Full
There's still time to save him! [SuperWhoLock]

This is a Supernatural, Doctor Who and BBC Sherlock crossover fanfic. It is set three months after the Reichenbach Fall. John Watson is terribly lost after losing his best friend until the Doctor along with the Winchesters and Castiel will try to save Sherlock and bring him back to John. This is my first story on wattpad so please be patient and bare with it.

14.2K 10 384 Full
My Detective - A JohnLock Fanfic

John is in love - with his incredibly talented flatmate. Unfortunately, Sherlock's married to his job. Will John ever be able to confess?

251.9K 11 9.9K Full

When Dean, Sam and Cas, Sherlock and Watson, and the Doctor try to defeat the Cybermen. Sorry if there are feels.The doctor found a way to enter fictional realities and is really excited to take his new friends on a trip: Sherlock and Watson. They are on a planet until the Doctor smells something fishy. He decides that he needs more people who are trained at hunting. The Winchesters.No spoilers, but they end up trying to defeat cybermen. The Doctor feels bad that he brought the Winchesters for nothing, but they honestly have fun, that is, until something goes really wrong.It includes destiel and johnlock/ parentlock.

959 7 76 Full
Supernatural imagines/Preferences

Supernatural imagines/Preferences!Requests are closed.

246.3K 88 4.3K Full
MARIA - A Sherlock Fanfic

MARIA. All over the world, at various crime scenes, the name MARIA has been scrawled on the mirrors. And now she's moved on to London. Tuesday, Mycroft receives three photographs in the mail. Each have the word MARIA scrawled on them in lipstick. One photo of him, one of Moriarty and one of Sherlock.One week later, the name MARIA is written on the mirror of an alleged thief. It's up to Sherlock to decipher this code, and figure out just who, or what, MARIA is.

112.9K 24 4K Full
SuperWhoLock Preferences/ imagines

This is my first time doing this! Please do not copy my ideas!!

200.2K 156 4.3K Full
A SuperWho Crossover: The Weeping Angels

This will be a Supernatural and Doctor Who crossover. The story will be about Sam and Dean Winchester, Mandi, and Castiel on a regular hunt. After the hunt, they see a big blue box that appeared where it shouldn't be at.

633 5 11 Full
Staying In - A Mighty Boosh Fanfiction

Howince. Vince is following the latest trend - staying indoors. And he's slowly going crazy. Can Howard find a way to cheer him up?

17.5K 29 527 Full
An Explicit Encounter- A Percico Story

Percico story. It gotz smut. Collab. ALL WE'VE GOT TO SAY

755.6K 34 16.2K Full
The Huntress Meets the Hunters

When Cas tells Dean and Sam about a huge nest of demons, they think it will be the same old hunt. But, when they arrive, all the demons are dead and there is a strange symbol on the wall. A new ally is found, but will their dark past come and catch them?

15K 16 261 Full