Search: stfudumbcunt
2 stories
fuck you

its my godsdam book i do what i fucking want fuck off you little fuckinf scat

402 3 5
It Just Takes Time |Wally Darling X Reader|

(I am so sorry, I honestly forgot about this book for so long. I've been busy but I'll try my best to get back on track with it..πŸ˜…)β—‘Μˆβ‹†Κœα΄‡ΚŸΚŸα΄(●'β—‘'●)οΎ‰, This is my first book I'm writing so please go easy on me. There will be trigger warnings at the start of some chapters. I am writing this for fun and I hope you enjoy my work ever since I fell into the rabbit hole of 'Welcome home.'These characters don't belong to me! They all belong to Clown, You can search their (Welcome home) website up on Google.This cover is VERY temporary. (mostly because my art sucks.) I might, not will, but MIGHT Upload on my Channel about Welcome home, if you want to suggest on the channel you can.I absolutely won't do smut, I'd like to keep Clown Comfortable, Please and thank you. YT: Stup1dCup1d

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