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As Borboletas Monarcas

A vida dos moradores de Frusnnei, cidadela do Embargo de Nerfonisu, sempre foi rodeada de meias verdades e fantasmas do passado. Skye McKee é uma estudante problemática do último ano e mal pode ver a hora de abandonar a monótona cidade e todas as mentiras que cresceram com ela. Nascida sob o teto de uma mãe obcecada pela religião e adepta das leis do livro O Martelo das Bruxas, a garota sempre sentiu-se indiferente em relação à tudo e, principalmente, às caricatas pessoas que eram suas vizinhas, contudo a situação vira de cabeça para baixo quando percebe estar conectada com assassinatos sob circunstâncias misteriosas que passaram a acontecer pragmaticamente na cidade dos corvos. Assombrada por visões que a enlouquecem, atormentada pelos vislumbres de um palhaço matando repetidamente a mesma criança e cativada pelas cinzas das ruínas da tragédia do Azazel Circus, sua vida em estado de contrição não é mais a mesma quando se vê inserida num grupo de jovens neuroatípicos que, juntos, formam um elenco bizarro de um remake sem verba de O Clube dos Cinco, revelando os mistérios de uma cidade marcada pelas farsas e expondo os demônios interiores de cada um dos seus pitorescos moradores. Desde gatos falantes e divas pop assassinas à teorias de conspiração discutidas na internet e distúrbios psiquiátricos, As Borboletas Monarcas é o livro de estreia do ator, cantor e escritor MARC, descrito por Alexsandra Carneiro como uma versão adolescente e mtvisada dos livros da Agatha Christie e Alfred Hitchcock. A trama promete cativar os leitores e não permiti-los parar até a leitura chegar ao fim.

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Camilo is a writer who is convinced that her hometown is too boring for her and her best friend Donovan. Camilo is always creating new stories to run away with while the world goes on mostly without them. one night, after the surprising sensation of a dream, they discover an entire world similar to one in the book they are currently writing. while they struggle with the idea of something created in they're mind is now a reality around them, Camilo is convinced that the world is in danger, but is questioning a writer's ability to tell the heroes of their knowledge.

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NARUTO HOGWARTS AU (I do not own Naruto or Harry Potter)Naruto Uzumaki sat bouncing on the train."Wanna see a cool trick I can do?" He looked at the pink-haired girl sitting next to him."Hmm... sure." She looked up from the book she was reading. "Okay! Here we go-"***"Oh! Sorry, didn't mean to stumble into this compartment-" Sasuke Uchiha stared at the short girl with long pink hair tied up in a red bow. She was okay looking, he guessed.***Sakura Haruno had nowhere to sit. She didn't know anything about magic so there was no chance that people would want to talk with her. Stumbling along the hallway, she opened a compartment door only to find a golden hair boy eating instant ramen- but it was still hard.-Sasusaku-Naruhina(Most Canon Couples)All Naruto Rights and cover picture belong to Kishimoto, all Harry Potter Rights belong to J.K Rowling

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Mono & Six meets Transformers Prime

After Mono saves Six from the curse, they try to escape from the signal tower. When Mono is about to fall then, Six catches him. Mono thinks Six will betray him, but this time, she saves him because he saves her all the time. When they're about to leave the tower, then the ground cracks, and both of them fall to the ground. Suddenly, the portal came out of nowhere, till they fell in as the portal disappeared. After they left the portal, they discovered they were in a different universe and saw the small town called Jasper, Nevada. They explored the city and hid without being seen.After they found a deserted place to sleep, they heard a noise from outside and saw a giant robot fighting a red and blue robot. Mono and Six are trying to get away from the fighting scenes.While they tried to escape, Optimus saw Mono and Six were in danger, so he wanted to help them while they got away. After the fight, Optimus told everyone that he saw two small children wandering the street, but no one believed him.Will everyone believe Optimus? Will Mono and Six meet Optimus?And here's another love story.Here is the ship.Mono x SixOptimus x Elita one (Yes, Elita will be on my story too.)Wheeljack x ArceeMegatron x StarscreamBulkhead x SmokescreenBreakdown x KnockoutShockwave x SoundwaveJack x MikoFowler x JunePredaking x Ultra MagnusDreadwing x Airacnid To the dragon note, Little Nightmares II and Transformers Prime don't belong to me. It belongs to the rightful owner.Dragon Writer Start:Dragon Writer End:

1.3K 3 29
Fake nature with a happy smile

About 100 years have passed since vampires have settled in our land, not ceasing to commit brutal murders and kill civilians. In the book of legends it was written that the one who will unite with two other vampires will come, he will also be the strongest. There will be nothing that he cannot handle. However, whether he will show himself ... nobody knows, as well as the gender of this person. It also said that this person will not stand out from the crowd of ordinary teenagers, on his face will be an eternal sweet smile and a headdress that hides his hair. Because of this, the rulers introduced a special classification, where vampires were divided by strength, type and class.There were 5 strength grades in total. The power ranks did not include vampires who were born with strength, and did not receive it in the process of growing up, in other words, those who received strength after some time were weaker than vampires who were born with strength from the same vampires. The ranks were named like this: 1. Legendary rank.2. Special grade.3. Best rank. 4. Strong rank. 5. Standard grade.The progenitor of you was a girl with white hair and large, dull, swampy eyes. She died a long time ago, but Sasuke and Naruto are inclined to the version that perhaps this person will look like her, as the strong women among them, until the current generation, of course. To restore balance in the world, it is necessary to put all vampires who hunt peaceful people on teachers.Therefore, at school, they were instructed to keep records of incidents in the city and to search for these individuals. It was quite an interesting and exciting activity, but it was all very boring, as they quickly found and revealed the identities of the very vampires that were attacking the civilians of the city.What will be next? Who will die and who will guard the legendary man? Who is this legendary man in the hood?SasuSaku ( main pair)NaruHina ( quite a bit)

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Touching The Surface

Maria Malic is just your average girl. She is pretty, has lots of friends and an adorable little brother. Her mother is in the FBI and her father is just the average man. Or so she thought.One night Maria watches as her parents are both brutally murdered, she hides her brother and they come for her to take her away. When she wakes up she finds herself in some sort of prison. She finds out that her father was a secret agent of the United States and high up. She doesn't know where she is, all she knows is that she is tortured daily for the information her father kept. She's scared. She's angry. And she's trapped.Clancy thought he was just going on a quick mission. To North Korea to hopefully stop their threats against the U.S.But his plane is bombed and he is told he is the only survivor.He is thrown into a prison, with a girl. A very beautiful girl with a broken spirit. He feels helpless that he can't get them out and watches as she is tortured and her will dies even more.Is it possible to fall in love in a prison? Can you trust the only person you have contact with for months?Clancy thinks so, but Maria is wary. After all, her father had a giant double life, and her mother was in on it. And if they do escape, will every one else be as accepting of their love? Layla has a fierce disliking of Maria, and it astonishes Clancy, but maybe Layla's suspicions are right and Maria is not the love struck girl she's been playing. Then again, how can you trust someone you met in prison?All Clancy knows is what he see's by Touching The Surface. But Layla is looking much deeper.Enjoy the final book of the Surface Series.

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Unisex salon in Mira Bhayandar

The Unisex Salon in Mira Bhayandar offers a variety of services for both men and women.In the world of beauty, there is no longer a need to think that only one gender needs to be catered to. In this salon, both men and women can receive salon treatments from professional stylists.Hair salons are traditionally thought to be a male-dominated industry. But, this is not the case anymore, as more and more women are now entering the profession. As per the data by International Salon Association (ISA), 70% of hair salon business owners in 2016 were female.Mira Bhayandar is one of the suburbs in Mumbai where there has been a rise in demand for unisex salons. As discussed by Brinda Tiwari, who is an expert in the beauty industry, "The nature of work done at these salons may vary but it's just that they do not discriminate based on gender."Unisex salons have become more prevalent over the years. People today prefer to explore different salons and new ways of doing things. They are curious, and they want to experience a new way of living. In this article, we will explore how a Unisex salon in Mira Bhayandar is making their clients feel great about themselves by providing them with a variety of services that help them feel confident from head-to-toe.

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Date A Live: The Retold [Date A Live x Man of Action crossover] Vol. 1

What if Shido is friends with the American kid named Ben Tennyson and Mexican boy named Rex Salazar? This is the story of how these three save the world, including a boy with an Ability to save those girls with supernatural powers whom they called as Spirits.The series begins with a strange phenomenon called a "spatial quake" devastating the center of Eurasia, resulting in at least 150 million casualties. For the next 30 years, smaller spatial quakes plague the world on an irregular basis. Curently, it has been watched by Asgard Electronics along with the Plumbers an Intergalactic Peacekeeping Law-Enforcement Agency and the Providence a global, clandestine Paramilitary organization that was created in response to the Spacequake Events that occured, while the so-called D.E.M. Industries is on the Watchful eye. How will the two would help their friend to seal the spirits and save them? Note: The events will be set on Season 1 of the series, so I'll have to re-focus on watching season 1 and recreate it based on my perspective.Well i decided to write this since i have been watching Date A Live many times and today i am watching the 5th season of my favorite show, so why not?!*Ben 10 and Generator Rex credits to Man of Action and Cartoon Network*Date A Live credits to Koshi Tachibana and artist Tsunako as well as to AIC (Season 1), Production IMS (Season 2), JC Staff (Season 3) and Geek Toys (Seasons 4 and 5)

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:+: The Pentagram :+: An Oumasai And Kiiruma story :+:

If I remember right, it's .04% of the population of the world. The 'infected'. Is that what they're called, still? Probably. I'm just an average student. Some people even call me 'the emo kid'. I have a place in the world, though it may not be big, I want to keep it. I won't accept it. I can't be one of them. I have enough problems already. ~ • ~ • ~ So what if I hurt him? He obviously doesn't care. But that's not my point. I don't understand him, but I understand something, all right: if I let him stay here, he'll get caught. He knows what I am. I know what he is. Even if I'm one of them, too... well, I'm used to hiding it. I'm good at it. But he isn't. And he didn't even know he was one of them until I told him. That's pathetic. "It's amazing enough that he wasn't already found out and incinerated." I said, shrugging. "So what're you going to do about it? Just give him a few tips and leave?" "Well, no. Dipstick. What kind of person would I be if I let them burn him?" I replied, a faint smile of my face. It was a lie. I was nervous. "You know... helping him puts you in danger of being found out, too. They'll take you to the lab." He sighed. "I know." I said, shrugging. The lab is, well, torture. I'd rather die. "Then why are you doing it?" He asked. "Because I like him." I said briefly. "There's plenty of other witches to drink from." He stated. "I just don't want you, my best friend, get hurt." "I don't just like him for his blood. I'm sure it's something else about him." I said, getting offended. 'It couldn't be that. At least... I don't want to think that's he only reason why I want him around'.

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Naruto Son of Ymir and Masaki

Naruto formerly uzumaki namikaze left by his parent's for being born without chakra as they only saw him as abomination going against nature. Ymir Fritz found naruto as baby in the forest as she is reincarnated in this new world. She checked for any injuries as she left off her dress breastfeeding naruto as she smiled knowing she can raise her son properly this time unlike her past. Somehow she kept her titan powers passing down to naruto. She noticed her powers are different compare to her previous life as its more like mutation or bloodline.She raised naruto with Masaki Kurosaki who came to this world through a wormhole. Masaki suffering from amnesia stayed with Ymir as both raised him as he would call both mommy and mama. One time when naruto got hurt he healed quickly thanks to his titans power not realising somehow naruto copied Masaki genes making him full blooded Quincy as both Ymir and her are his mothers. Masaki realising this she taught naruto the way of Quincy as had additional Quincy cross and Ymir taught him titans power as naruto possess all the titan power. Bring able to use war hammer titan power to harden flesh and use as weapon in human form naruto learned combat from Masaki as he planned to use his titan form as last resort. Naruto even developed quite crush on his mothers as he once saw Masaki being pegged by Ymir as he felt weird sensation in his willy. Naruto soon grown to be a handsome young man as they moved from civilization and started living in isolation. She was adored by many ladies giving him cat calls whenever he went to nearby villages for supplies. He is able to manipulate soul in matter on magnified level giving him upper hand in battling shinobi. He then met a woman named Nico Robin who taught him Haki as naruto in his titan form battled Yagura in full biju mode killing him earning the moniker "Devastator". Naruto soon realised he will targeted by other as he went on killing spree taking all the rogue nin as he earned S rank.

1.7K 1 24
QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number + 1888-833-0109

QuickBooks Payroll Support is a bookkeeping programming bundle created by Intuit. In QuickBooks Payroll Phone Number 1888-833-0109 , you can do all the charging, accounting, and invoicing at one spot. You can undoubtedly follow deals and costs, acknowledge installments and so on. This bookkeeping programming has a large number of buyer over the world in view of its shrewd items and adaptations. A QuickBooks Payroll finance Support Phone Number administration is an administration you can initiate by taking the membership to empower the highlights of Payroll in your QuickBooks Payroll Support work area programming.QuickBooks Payroll Helpline Number finance is a very helpful utility for all exercises which are identified with Finance. QuickBooks Pyaroll Customer Care Number is the principal decision for all the bookkeeping and the board work for all sizes of Organizations. From the littlest startup to the greatest organizations, everybody is utilizing QuickBooks Payroll today. You can utilize QuickBooks to keep up a record of your representative's pay, monitor assets, advantages and different exchanges which are associated with Finance. In the circumstance where you are confronting any QuickBooks Payroll Mistake or issue, you should dial the QuickBooks client administration Quickbooks Payroll Telephone Number.

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Promise - A Sanekana Fanfiction

Sanemi Shinazugawa, a hotheaded, brash man who had recently gained the rank of the Wind Hashira, although his journey was rough. He had lost his family, except for his younger brother, Genya, who he had pushed away to 'protect'. He had also lost his beloved friend, Masachika Kumeno, who had helped him defeat a Kizuki. Because of all of this, he had become the arrogant man he is now, only just because his soft spot is bruised..Kanae Kocho, a compassionate, gentle woman who has the rank of the Flower Hashira. She had lost her parents as a child due to a demon attack, though both her and her younger sister, Shinobu, had survived all because of the Stone pillar. She had always had a certain pity for the demons she was meant to kill, because they had 'sad lives', and because they used to be humans like her. Despite all the things she had been through, she remains a considerate and delicate person. A one many look up to..These two Hashira had crossed paths and met during Sanemi's first meeting. They don't get along well, mostly because of Sanemi's arrogance. Though, Kanae doesn't mind. She actually finds him interesting, and is mostly curious of the story behind all those scars.. she hopes he doesn't gain more scars, she had told him to avoid injuring himself, this was their 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞.! ! A/N : I do not own any of these characters; they are all owned by the creator of Demon slayer: Kimetsu no yaiba, Koyoharu Gotouge.Started : June 21, 2023 :: Ended: Ongoing !love, aerisxox

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Performing Love [On Hold]

Meet Alysia Blackthorn. A shy 16 year old high school girl starting her senior year. She's self conscious, shy, and anti-social. Alysia's mother died giving birth to her and her father left her with her grandparents. She has a tremendous love for ballet and dreams to one day become a professional dancer. Aside from hanging out with her two best friends and creating her own dance moves, she get's bullied by the sexy irresistible bad boy, Andrew Saunders, otherwise known as her next door neighbor.Meet Andrew Saunders, Fort Wood's bad boy, always flooded by girls. He is sarcastic and considered a sex god with an attitude. He has always picked on Alysia calling her "cherry pie" because of her long red hair and hazel eyes. Andrew is a smart mouth that surprisingly knows a lot. Can two people who utterly hate each other become more than just enemies? Will an injury ruin Alysia's dream? And will Andrew's past come back to haunt him?

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Who do you pray to in a world where you yourself are a God...? (I update this story once a week or on a daily basis depending on how much college work I have...)

1.1K 44 70
Naruto The Legendary Jinchūriki Part Two

Meanwhile in the Sand village the new Kazakage Garra was still in a battle with one of the Akatsuki Garra connects with Naruto to send for help while he is in his Sand Sheild. "Naruto?" "Yeah what's going on Garra?" "One of the Aktasuki members are attacking the village and I'm currently fighting him.""Garra he's after you for your tailed beast.""I know but he's really strong so I need your help Garra said as he cut the transmission "I'm coming garra." Naruto left the village with Sasuke to save Garra Suddenly little clay critters came crawling out of the sand Garra realized he had made an mistake when he broke the Akatsuki members arm with his Sand burial he left some clay critters the critters exploded and left Garra very wounded his main priority now was to get the Sand away from the village which he used to save the village when to Akatsuki member used a giant explosive clay to fall on the village the Sand slowly hovered away from the village until it was away from the village and it dropped Garra was now so weak he started falling and the Akatsuki member caught him with his giant clay bird "Garra!" Kankuro yelled."Darn it how did he get in the village?" "I'm going after him.""Don't do anything reckless wait for back up." The captain demanded."I will." Kankuro replied as he ran after the giant bird. "Naruto hurry." Garra said in his mind

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Sally Umbra Saga

Enjoy Immersion!Collect powerful pidgeons!Collect over 650 kids from 15 factions in this collection. Collect snails, kids, visions and more complex units to defeat any enemy that stands in your way. Reminds me of American SchoolsNotes on Bobo's epic walkDo you dare to fight the Magma Dragon, Fire Knight, Eternal Dragon or Ice Golem? No? That's a shame, try Defeating tons of challenging bosses, earn loot, XP and special heroes. Classic RPG genre, first iteration!The PvP multiplayer mode has been changedBy changed I mean we deleted it because it caused a brain malfunction in our androids from BycerDife.Experience amazing 3D imagesBeautiful 3D characters show amazing details even on wood. Watch your friends and foes fight in an exciting world full of glory and epic raids.Ruswizi Awan in Yola EgaloBuild your own castle by upgrading it and customize your heroes for dungeons, multiplayer battles and story missions.Enjoy a successful strategy RPGTake the opportunity to guide your heroes to capture hidden objects and combine them as they search. Queue, trigger, combo with cool green AOEs, energy recovery, etc, use them in combat.This statement equal true up our huge PVE mapImmerse yourself in a immersive nightmare in 12 amazing story locations and immerse yourself in a fascinating and immersive story. Forma is a ref for dogs, RIG and many Venti besti and Indu Tilgo Pevisens, SR mounts have raised other Pergo mounts.Play automaticallyAmejiya yu puvintai buy it! Play solo to complete levels and spend more time exploring.Free Satellite for Elon Husk:* Add to cart Add to cart Add to cart Add to cart*Sally is available in English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Ukrainian, Chinese, Korean, Turkish, Russian, Japanese and Portuguese. We know RPGs are better than local ones!

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school 2024

Tae: am sagamos ras shvebi ginda gaviseirnot da dasalevat wavidet?Y/n: mcalia tanaxma var wamovalTae: kargi xval skolis mere 8 saatze gavidet gacherebaze dagxvdebiY/n: kargi *gaugime*( 8 saati)*telefoni rekavs*Tae:sad xar amden xans gelodebi drove qeniY/n: male chamoval damelode( 9 saati)*telefoni rekavs*Tae:sad xar droze dagamda Y/n: liptshi gaviwede mishveleTae: *gamoiqca sheni saxlisken*Gamogiyvana da chagexutaY/n: *gawitldi* Tae: kargad xar?Y/n: ki kargad var wavidet*iaret da mixvedit parkshi *Tae: didi xenia minda ragac gitxra da skolashi ver vaxerxebY/n:gismen rame moxda?Tae:Mmm... mom...momwonxarY/n: *gawitldi* martla? Mec getyvi ragacas mec didi xenia momwonxar da mcxvenoda rom metqva.Tae:zalian kargi chemo patara droebit es saidumlod shevinaxot.Y/n: kargi aravis ar vetyvi Tae: xom ar mogshivda? Y/n: mm.. ki momshivdaTae:wamo kafeshi davjdet *xeli chagkida**mixvedit*Tae:*ukacravad* safirmo sawmeli mogvitanet da witeli gvinoKonsultanti: diax ar aris problema*moitanes*Tae:*changals igebs da gawmevs*Y/n: *gawitldi*Tae: gaage piri pataravY/n: *gaage piri da gawama**bevri daliet datverit da ar iyavit sag gonebaze*Tae: *taxi gamoizaxa da tavis saxlis misamarti utxra*Y/n: sad mivdivart?Tae:chemtan paw (20 wutis shemdeg)Tae: *xeli chagkida da otaxshi shegiyvana**pexsacmeli gaizro maisuric miayola*Y/n:ras aketeb?Tae: nu geshinia patarav me shentan varY/n: gtxov ar ginda jer adreaTae: ukve gvinia chemo lamazoY/n: mhhh gtxov tae ar ginda Tae: cotaxani paw...uhhY/n:miyvarxarrr... ah ara geyos shecherdi ( gamis 3 naxevaria gaitishet) ( dilit rom gaigvizet ertmanetze iyavit gadaxlartulebi)Y/n: imedia is ar moxda razec me vfiqrobTae: mosaxdeni moxda...Y/n: skolashi wasvlis droa ertad rom wavalt ar gviawvonTae: nu geshinia taxs gamogizaxeb me manqanit wamovalY/n: kai waval meTae: *gakoca da chagexuta*Y/n: *gawitldi*🤭

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As Crônicas de Ezorion - A Ascensão do Rei

Qual é o poder que sempre imaginou? Forges e Jack são irmãos e cresceram na pequena cidade de Sentene que, apesar de pacífica, vive na pobreza criada pelo ganancioso Rei. Os Jovens, insatisfeitos com o reinado de Isaac, decidiram treinar seus poderes e conseguir alianças para destronar o Rei. Ezorion é um mundo onde todos os humanos possuem habilidades especiais incríveis, desde que as treinem, esses poderes são divididos em categorias determinadas pelo próprio Rei. Jack possui a habilidade de transformar metade dos braços em lâminas, sendo da classe Fusionário e apesar de ser impulsivo, é extremamente forte. Forges, por sua vez, tem a capacidade de mover objetos com a mente, sendo um Extramental, e é apaixonado pelo estudo desse mundo. Eles lutam para derrubar não um só Rei, mas o Reino, e para isso, eles terão de forjar fortes alianças e descobrir que as melhores são forjadas no fogo da amizade. O livro completo está a venda neste link:, Ezorion está disponível em várias lojas, segue os links:Loja Pendragon: Digital): Digital):

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I'm one of the stars to his eyes, but a sun in our eyes

What will happen to the stars without the sun?We can't shine. We won't be seen. Instead, we will just blend in the dark of the space.There are millions and billions of us. Does he know I exist?Well at least that what I thought was going to happen.Hello humans, my name is Alexsandra Kim (알렉산드라 김)I'm 15 years old highschooler at F.U.C.K.SWa-wait.. It stands for Flinnland Utterstone Clarrabelle Korean SchoolI thought it was just and ordinary, private, fuckin expensive school.But later, I found out that this school will help me remember my past. More like magical.I lost my memory at age 8.I'm a half Korean, half PilipinaJoin me with my life and adventures that is full of shits.

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