Search: sophiedevereaux
21,831 stories
The Secret Birthday Party Job

With a certain thieves birthday coming up, she begs everyone to not make it a big deal. Leave it to Eliot Spencer to go overboard and the rest of the team to contribute in their own way. [Cover picture is not mine, credit goes to the person who edited and posted it to tumblr.]

2.2K 5 66 Full
Miracle {Women Of The TVDU Gif Series}

Gif Imagines for the TVDU women. This book includes characters from TVD, The Originals and Legacies. Fem Reader X Character. ⚠️ : May contain foul language, mentions of torture, any sexual references and possibly mental health issues. "You should love the person that makes you glad that you're alive" - Elena Gilbert. I don't own any of the songs or characters used in this book.

131.6K 55 2.5K Full
Miracle  ~Klaus Mikaelson~[1]

mir·a·cleˈmirək(ə)l/nouna surprising and welcome eventWhat if Klaus and Hayley never had their one night stand? Instead of choosing to stay, Hayley left.Mireya Leighton. A human girl with a heart so pure, but broken. To pure for the world beyond her.What happens when these two met?Lets just say this... Mireyas life will change forever, all by just meeting him...By meeting Klaus.~The Originals fanfic~~Love interest: Klaus Mikaelson~Started Writing: June 26th, 2015Finished Writing: December 3rd, 2016 March 30th, 2017Cover inspired by: -voidallison

1.3M 30 28.8K Full

I wrote this bc there aren't enough Devereaux fics out there. I hope you enjoy. This is the story of Kathleen Odette Thermopolis Renaldi, crown princess of Genovia.

7.6K 10 144 Full
Meant To Be

"I didn't ask for your name, Miss Y/n"."Uh, sorry sir".***All Harry Potter charactersmentioned belong to JK Rowling.

199.6K 40 5.5K Full
Originals: Blood In The Water (Kalijah)

Another Originals fanfic. This starts with 1x1, ending with season 5. After the cure is shoved down her throat, she heads to New Orleans to Sophie, hoping that if they can find a way to cloak Sophie's spell, that Sophie can do a spell to make sure the cure doesn't have any side effects to it. Kat has shown up during the start of the battle of pushing out Marcel though, so what will happen now that she's caught up in all of that? Will a human Kat survive it all? Will she and Elijah get back together? Will Elijah be able to forgive Kat for lying to him?

190 20 3 Full
The forgotten Weasley

This is Sophie Weasley. She was born after Ron but before Ginny. She was born on the thirty first of July. They thought of her as a squib with no magic. However she is much more. On her eleventh birthday she receives three letters from three different schools. While going to a different school than her family help her at all? {disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or it's characters. I however own Sophie Weasley and the plot.

487.3K 35 10.6K
Marshall Twins [2 - Twins Series]

Klaus Mikaelson, the original vampire-werewolf hybrid, has returned to New Orleans, the city his family helped build, the city from which he and his siblings - Elijah and Rebekah - were exiled a century ago by their relentless hunter father. Drawn back by a mysterious tip that a plot is brewing against him in the supernatural melting pot that is the French Quarter, Klaus is surprised that the city still feels like home to him despite the decades he's been away. Curious as to why Klaus would return to the one place he swore he would never set foot again, Elijah follows his brother and learns that the beautiful and rebellious werewolf Avery Marshall - Klaus' onetime flame and twin sister to Hayley Marshall - has also come to the French Quarter searching for clues to her family history. Avery has fallen into the hands of a powerful witch named Sophie Deveraux. When Sophie reveals to the brothers the almost unbelievable news that Avery is carrying Klaus' unborn children (twins), Elijah realizes that the Original family has been given a second chance at humanity and the redemption they desperately crave.FIRST INSTALLMENT: Gilbert Twins (completed)SECOND INSTALLMENT: Marshall Twins (completed)THIRD INSTALLMENT: Mikaelson Twins (completed)LAST INSTALLMENT: Always (completed)Started: 1st June 2021Finished: 7th June 2022

47.3K 106 719 Full


19.6K 45 336 Full
Gdcp 8 (terminé)

Je sais que tout le monde fais ça mais j'avais envie d'en faire un moi aussi . J'espère que ça vous plaira

2.7K 7 92 Full

The only boy joining the girls of Beauxbatons at their voyage to Hogwarts is named Draco Malfoy. Beside from looking after the girls, he also displays how talented a French student can be at both magic as seducing the unannounced 4th Champion of the Tournament, Harry Potter.--Disclaimer: I don't own anything Harry Potter. My Mother language also isn't English so please excuse any mistakes I made.﹛Papillon; means butterfly in French﹜Noticing that there aren't really any long Beauxbatons!Draco fics out there, I decided to create my own. I don't really know where it will lead to yet, but I'm sure it'll become an interesting project to write. I enjoyed writing this first chapter and I hope you'll enjoy reading it as much! A tip to make this fic even more enjoyable is to read every sentence Draco says with a French accent; I'm 100% sure it'll be super cute and fun, haha! I will make up a lot of Beauxbatons things that aren't 'canon' to make the story more interesting. Also, I'm not really a smut writer but we'll see where this will go... It will mostly be written from Draco's perspective but perhaps I will throw in some Harry here and there to explain his feelings better! There will also be quite a lot of French in this fic but nothing too difficult; anyone with a basic knowledge will understand and otherwise Google Translate will be your best friend! Also, my French reading is better than writing so if I make any mistakes in French, be free to point them out and I will happily adjust them!I originally published this fanfiction on Ao3, but decided to share it on here as well!Comments are always welcome!

24.6K 22 1.2K Full
Broken Wings

It's a fine line between murder and bounty hunting, and most days, Shepard Devereaux isn't sure which side he's on.After his parents are killed in a freak wagon accident when he's seventeen, Shepard Devereaux is forced at gunpoint to abandon his younger brother, William, to their cruel uncle's care. Now a bounty hunter six years later, Shepard has saved enough money to rescue William, but within an hour of his return, his world is shattered.When he's offered a chance to join a posse and hunt the outlaw responsible for his brother's downfall and the disappearance of his childhood sweetheart, Hazel Jones, Shepard sets out on a dangerous path of vengeance and justice. Being born the illegitimate daughter of a famous prostitute and raised in a whorehouse, townsfolk have made it known all Hazel Jones' life that she is little better than a sweet roll covered in manure-all except for Shepard Devereaux, the boy her heart has been set on for the better part of her life. Years later, one night after the outlaw Dynamite Fairleigh attacks her at The Lilypad brothel, Hazel flees, unknowingly setting in motion a heartbreaking chain of events that leads Shepard Devereaux back into her life. But Hazel and Shepard soon learn Dynamite Fairleigh isn't the only threat they'll have to survive if they want a chance at a new life together.

15.3K 31 1.2K Full
GDCP Whatsapp

Et si les personnages de gardiens des cités perdues avaient Whatsapp ???

6.8K 45 357
Polar Attraction 1 ~R.L

♩ ♪ ♫ ♭ ♩ ♪ ♫ ♭ ♩ ♪ ♫ ♭The Devaux Family were well respected and adored celebrities in the wizarding world. Made up of the French minister of magic and talented quidditch extraordinaires. Rosaleé Devaux... not so muchWhen the model party girl is forced to transfer schools she could never of guessed what or who was in store for her. ♩ ♪ ♫ ♭ ♩ ♪ ♫ ♭ ♩ ♪ ♫ ♭𝚆𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚘𝚞𝚝𝚐𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝚐𝚒𝚛𝚕 𝚖𝚎𝚎𝚝𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚊𝚛𝚌𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚌 𝚚𝚞𝚒𝚎𝚝 𝚋𝚘𝚢Remus Lupin x femOC ! Read at own discretion, terrible writing and dialogue !

2.5M 66 97.9K Full
Un rêve devenu réalité

Agathe, jeune étudiante en psychologie se retrouve projetée dans le club qu'elle admire depuis son plus jeune âge, l'Union Bordeaux-Bègles. Elle devra s'armer de patience et de courage pour aider ses rugbymen à avoir une vie un plus gaie sans les peurs. Jusqu'à qu'elle rencontre un jeune rugbyman fraîchement arrivé à Bordeaux : Louis Bielle-Biarrey

4K 24 209
Alpha in a New Town + TVD / TW

Allye Hale has been kidnapped to New Orleans by Jane-Anne Deveraux. The reason why? Allye is pregnant with Klaus Mikaelson's child. Allye is about to be thrown into the world of raising a child in the supernatural hotspot that is New Orleans. Sequel to "Alpha in Town" which was also knows as "Alpha In Mystic Falls".Please read that story before starting this one.

4.2K 9 163
Genovia Royals

Amelia Mignonette Girmaldi Thermopolis Renaldi queen of genovia, Mia is twenty one and now the new queen of genovia once her grandmother Clarisse married Joe Mia was named queen. As queen she chose to rule without a husband but is dating her love interest lord Nicholas Devereux the nephew of his uncle viscount mabrey who was recently behind bars for trying to steal the crown of Mia. Mia figures out what's next in her story ruling a kingdom and marrying her true love.

838 18 0 Full
Originals: Always and Forever (Klatherine)

Any of you that read my Rewritten of Vampire Diaries would know that it didn't make much sense when I made Kat be human still in Rewritten of Originals. In here, I'm going to sorta do what I did in Originals Rewritten, but keep Kat a hybrid so that it makes sense. Those of you that read VD Rewritten would know that I had Klaus turn her into a hybrid, so when I wrote Originals Rewritten, her being human made no sense. I'm fixing that here, instead of rewriting a long ass chapter book. Lol. Hope you guys enjoy, once I get this going.

1.2K 14 55 Full
The Originals: Always and Forever

I've been held captive by witches of the French Quarter for four months. For four months, I've been missing yet no one has found me yet. Even more unsettling-I'm pregnant and Klaus is the father. The witches plan to use me and my baby against him, but they don't know him like I do. Blood will be spilled and betrayal will destroy century-old alliances. My name is Cordelia Mikaelson and this chapter of my life marks the start of a new me.

35K 27 598 Full
Charlotte Potter

The Boy Who Lived... everyone in the wizardry world knew about the boy who had single handedly brought down the notorious Dark Lord himself, Lord Voldemort. But what if I told you that Lily Potter was protecting not one, but two of her children. It was prophesied that a child born in the closing days of July born to a parents who had defied him thrice an equal would be born and this child would have the power to vanquish the Dark Lord. Or so was heard... In true fact it was prophesied that there were two children, not one, born to those who had defied him thrice. Dumbledore not wanting to risk her exposure sent Snape to delivered little Charlotte to James' brother who lived in France. She would raised as their own until the time was right.[RANKED 15TH IN POTTERMORE - 2 September 2019][RANKED 29TH IN BEAUXBATONS - 7 Aug 2018]

25.9K 10 659 Full
Upon the Sword | A Carulia Story

Julia is gravely injured when a caper goes wrong.Cover made by AgressiveKittyCat!This story does not take the events of Season 3 into account.*laughs nervously at the number of reads*

16.7K 9 610 Full

Hardison hates the heat and won't stop complaining. Eliot gets annoyed and gives Hardison something to be hot about.

1.1K 1 25 Full
Miss Ophelia (A Draco Malfoy Love Story)

My name is Ophelia Zabini. The Zabini family took me in after my mother died after giving birth to me, and my father not wanting me. I grew up with Blaise, Pansy Parkinson, and Draco Malfoy. A year after Blaise, Pansy, and Draco turned eleven and were sent to Hogwarts, it was my turn to go. However, Mum and Dad thought it would be better to send me to Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, something about staying away from someone; staying pure. I was disappointed I wouldn't be able to see everyone, but I obliged, and everything was going great. Then one night during supper, our palace was infiltrated, and Death Eaters attacked us. After being hit with a spell I don't ever remember existing, I remember Blaise apparating me to, what I'm assuming to be, the Great Hall in Hogwarts. I remember Blaise screaming for help and professors scrambling to get to me. But what I distinctively hear is a scream of my name.Coming from none other than the most wonderful man in the world;Draco Malfoy.Also Posting on*Highest Rankings: May 2, 2019 #9 in Beauxbattons, December 16, 2019 #1 in Beauxbattons

40.5K 38 925 Full
The Tale of Jamie Devereaux

Jamie Devereaux hates Fred Weasley. He has been getting her detention and tugging her hair since their first year at Hogwarts. Fred Weasley hates when Jamie isn't paying attention to him, and does all in his power to make her acknowledge him. Through prank wars, teasing, and hiding from their feelings Fred and Jamie realize just how important they are to one another. ---Enemies to Friends to Lovers romance with an infinite amount of sarcasm and sass.Golden Trio Era, follows the plot 90% of the time with additional facts that are not found in canon.

315K 56 10.1K
Kids in the Dark [S.S. Book One]

Alyssa Devereaux, Stiles Stilinski and Scott McCall dub themselves the Three Musketeers. They've been inseparable since they were in elementary school.Now, midway through their sophomore year, one of them gets the idea to look for half a body in the woods.Secrets are uncovered. Monsters of stories become true. Lives are changed forever.

51.8K 51 779 Full
Lost Edge - Peter Petrelli [1]

BOOK 1Based on the tv show series Heroes, Sage Deveaux is a character i will be adding, adoptive little sister of Simone Deveaux, who falls in love with Peter Petrelli.---------------------------------When Sage Deveaux figures out what she really is, She tells the person she has known all her life.Peter Petrelli.But will he think that she is crazy too?------------------A/N: To make things clear before Sage got adopted she knew the petrelli's and had known them her hole life and still does, but they lost touch for a while and reconnected again this year.

33.9K 26 832 Full