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117 stories

In this notice I have a promise, a reason, an excuse, and why I haven't updated.

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Lil drabbles of what me and my friends do This book will discuss- creating crack ships out of characters we got on a quiz- fangirling (but not too much)- crying- Staning all the characters, even if they are little shits- avoiding toxic parts of the fandoms- F A N A R T- F A N F I C T I O N- crazy fans who take it too far Most of the shit you'd hear me talking about if you knew me Irl.

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Desperate Effort

This story came to me in a dream, I added a few things to make it more, "story like."I didn't want it to be very long, kind of a 'short and sweet' type story for all the BYLERS out there. Depending on how much you guys like it, I might shit out another one for you.(Also, my hugest apologies, I'm not very amazing with English.)The time is set in 1988, the party is in the midst of trying to defeat Vecna, so you'll get all that drama, puppy dog eyes stuff that you like lol

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The Minni Heart Attack 💔

Heartbeat 💔

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Avengers: Infinity War counseling, ranting, and theories

The title says it all. just a depressed teenage girl, trying to cope with infinity warThis is a grieving club for all you heart broken, mind troubled Marvel fans, due to severe depression caused by the most recent Marvel movie, Avengers: Infinity War. I will also rant, and share a bunch of theories, regarding your favorite characters. My heart is still shattered from it, and I'd like to help some other helpless fans cope with their favorite characters death.WARNINGits all just infinity war spoilers

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Based on a true story

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Take me anywhere

Mila, ein ganz normales Mädchen, studiert Medizin in Hamburg und wohnt in einer WG mit 5 weiteren Mitbewohnern. Ein ganz normales alltags Leben mit ganz normalen Problemen. Und zu Problemen gehört immer ein Mann mit, denkt sich Mila. Seitdem Daniel mit ihr Schluss gemacht hat, ist sie auf diese Gattung Mensch nicht gut anzureden und will mit ihr nichts zu tun haben. Das geht aber nicht, denn in der WG wohnt Moritz, ein verdammt gut aussehender Kerl und ein großer Womanizer. Mila hat es nicht leicht mit ihm und prompt hat sie sich ungewollt in ihn verliebt, was aber ein Fehler war, denn Moritz hält nichts von Beziehungen und ist der bindungsfeindlichste Mensch, den es gibt... ------- Eine alte Story von meiner Freundin, die ich weiter schreiben werde. Viel Spaß :) ♥

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(In this story all androids are humans, just to make it easier on myself)Connor Taylor, a highly advanced policeman in the DPD, known for seeming all though he has no emotions and no mercy towards fugitives, meets a beautiful young woman named Kara Smith, a maid for hire. Needing some assistance at the station, Officer Taylor hires Kara.

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Rayne (detroit become human trans oc)

rayne is a rk900(0). the most advanced android model on the planet. he cannot fail. he is perfect. he is a machine. the only problem is that the goddamn bastards at cyberlife didn't even give him the right body.

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Poetry By Adam Lane

A collection of my original poems and songs.Cover art by Jackie Lane (thanks mum)

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