Search: skyrimserana
32,114 stories
Of Fond Memories [Skyrim and WoW one shots] (Requests Closed)

[Various x Reader] "Skyrim and Warcraft, both are a world of strife and ripped apart by war. There is little to no room for true love... or is it?". These are one shot romance stories from these two games, I saw these stuff are pretty low count in my opinion so I decided to make one.

128.9K 52 2.2K Full
Skyrim X Readers

Hey now that I have your attention, I'd love to let you know that I'm not doing any requests involving shotas, or any other nasty shit, or lemons (as a pan-romantic that's sort of hard to write bUT FLUFF IS FUN TO WRITE SO-), but I hope you guys request stuff!!

18.3K 10 215
Skyrim X OC One shots and lemons

i have always loved skyrim and soooo.....

194.4K 6 263 Full
Of Fond Memories (Skyrim Oneshots) [Requests Closed]

[Continuation of my book "Of Fond Memories" but it's entirely dedicated for Skyrim oneshots only, unlike my first book which was about both WoW and Skyrim]In a world which is under the constant threat of the Daedra, the civil war of Imperial and Stormcloak, and only recently, the dragons. There is little room to appreciate kindness, let alone "love"... or is it?

124.1K 41 2.1K Full
One-Shots // Skyrim

Some one-shot stories for the Elder Scrolls : Skyrim.

9.1K 6 101 Full
Believe, Believe The Dragonborn Comes (male dragonborn x female skyrim)

You are Dovahkiin, Dragonborn. Born with the body of a mortal, but the soul of dragon. The Dragonborn is one of the many legends that are intertwined with the history and lore of Tamriel. Many Dragonborn have appeared throughout history. The previous Dragonborn had sacrificed himself to defeat the Daedric Prince of Destruction, Mehrunes Dagon, and seal shut the Gates of Oblivion. Now, the wheel falls onto you, The Last Dragonborn, but things won't turn out as they're supposed to. Will you fulfill your destiny? Will you be a hero to remember? Will you be a curse and plague for future generations? Or will you simply be forgotten to the sands of time? You decide.

110.4K 22 1.3K Full
Blood of Requiem (Song of Dragons, Book 1)

Long ago stood the kingdom of Requiem, a land of men who could grow wings and scales, breathe fire, and take flight as dragons. Requiem ruled the sky.But Dies Irae, a tyrant leading an army of griffins, hunted Requiem's people, burned their forests, and shattered their temples. Requiem fell. This ancient land now lies in ruin, its halls crumbled, its cries silenced, its skeletons littering the burned earth.In the wilderness, a scattering of survivors lives in hiding. The griffins still hunt them, and every day promises death. Will Requiem's last children perish in exile... or once more become dragons and fly to war?

1.1M 50 34.9K Full
Azalia // Skyrim Fanfiction

• Completed Skyrim fanfiction•Azalia is the sarcastic, fiery and unknowing daughter of two Daedric Princes.When she finds herself in Riften sitting across from a red-haired man who critiques her thievery, Azalia is drawn into the life of outlaws, finding kindred spirits in a band of thieves. Top Ranking: #3 in Skyrim~•~Beware: This story contains a love square and a few ~mature~ scenes.~I do not follow the Thieves Guild story line~Disclaimer: I own none of the origional characters or settings of Skyrim but the storyline and a few characters are of my own creation.

27.5K 19 1.1K Full
[Book 1] Skyrim: There's Something About You, Lass (EDITING)

{Reader Insert: Reader x Brynjolf}{Sequel: Hell of a Life (Being re-written)}You hear the gossip of the Thieves Guild, and are curious as to why it has recieved such word. Just before you make yourself run through the Ratways, you stop at Honeyside -- your home for years. When a red headed man stops you, you soon realize he is from the infamous Thieves Guild. He, alone, gives you quite the time to remember -- with a little romantic twist on the side.[DISCLAIMER INSIDE]

116.7K 15 3.2K Full
Skyrim : book 1 - the dragonborn found (continues in my next book)

My skyrim books series (or the first one) its a selana x male reader but our vampire will only appear in my fourth or third book

21.2K 14 383 Full
It Started with You

2014!| Sasuke | Hinata | Naruto | Sakura | #51 SasuHina 08/02/18

48.4K 19 1.5K Full
Nobody Else

Kennedy Jones is just an average 17 year old who lives with her older brother Kyrie. Kyrie is in the drug business in order to feed himself, Kennedy and his little son Kayden.Kennedy's life changed once she ran into Ja'Korian or as the streets call him "King."COMPLETED

183.6K 26 5.7K Full
Kartą, seniai seniai

Tai ne pasaka, kurioje gyvena princesės, įkalintos užburtuose bokštuose, ir princai, siekiantys jas išvaduoti. Esu tik aš. Ir raganos, kurias aš medžioju...Tylus, amžinai rūke skendintis Dūmoro miestelis, pagarsėjęs kaip gausiausia raganų buvimo vieta. Raganų deginimas, vaikų ir vyrų pagrobimai bei negyvos jaunos mergelės be širdžių - tai vietinių gyventojų nebestebina. Taip jaučiasi ir Emerė, mergina, kuri apsimeta vaikinu, kad galėtų medžioti raganas. Tačiau nors ir Emerei toks gyvenimo būdas visai ir netrukdo, dažnai jos galvoje aidi vienas klausimas. Ką tokio slepia jos praeitis?

22.5K 35 2.7K Full
Worlds Collide: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim x Fire Emblem: Awakening

With the most unlikely of circumstances, the Hero of Skyrim finds himself in a world completely unfamiliar to him. He's no longer in Mundus, it doesn't even seem he's in Oblivion. He's unsure of where he wound up, but until he finds a way back to the world that raised him, he figured he might as well make the best of it. When he joins up with some unlikely allies, he finds himself torn between his home and this new world. (More information will be in the foreword section of the book.)

4.1K 38 132 Full
Birth of a Dragon: A Skyrim Tale

A Redguard man and son travel to Skyrim for his annual trade route. Once they were leaving the town of Riften, they were approached by men in masks and orange robes. They told him that the boy had to be killed for he was an abomination. In an attempt to save his son, the father is killed. Leaving the boy alone in a foreign land now plagued by dragons.

237 11 15 Full
DxD Gamer Book 2

A continuation of the previous book.

95.7K 27 2.7K
Through my Blood

Racked with guilt from a dark past and the weight of recognition he had for slaying Alduin, the Dragonborn Remus exiled himself from Skyrim. Still, even after going incognito, he fought for the people's sake; taking on bounties like he used to & relying on his former connections to keep himself from the world. He emerged two years later because of the rising vampire threat. He joined the Dawnguard, and was on his first mission to Dimhollow Crypt. He unveiled its secrets, only to awaken an ancient vampire by the name of Serana.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note:- I do not own Skyrim or any of the Elder Scrolls series content- I used some of the dialogues in-game- The pictures I'm using in this work aren't mine either

19.5K 53 379
hermaeus's desire

hermaeus mora sex fic. that's literally it.

527 1 13 Full
DVNT Valhalla (RWBY OC story) [COMPLETED]

Set after Volume 5 and before Volume 6.Before heading to Atlas, Dean, Vali, Nikki, and Tyra were given one last task from Jupiter. They're invited to a hidden chamber where they encounter the most powerful warrior ever created. To make it worst, there's nine of them. Join DVNT as they face one of their toughest challenges ever: the New Valkyries of Valhalla.

3K 10 71 Full
Realm of Games #1: Skyrim

An avid Skyrim player wakes up to find she and her loved ones have been isekai'd to the world of Skyrim in Tamriel. Can they learn to be content in their new bodies? Will they find a way back or will Skyrim call them to stay?

1.9K 36 23 Full
Hunter the vampire layer

A beautiful love story between a nord and a sexy vampire

202 5 1 Full
Naruto|Chatroom 3

2017 | **Do not read this story unless you've already read Naruto|Chatroom and Naruto|Chatroom 2**

16.5K 26 836 Full

2017 | Naruto Chatroom | #349 NaruHina 08/01/18

98.5K 67 4.9K Full
A Court of Stars and Shadows

Azriel, the spymaster of the Night Court, one of the most powerful Illyrians to walk Prythian. He was damaged, he was broken, and he thought himself evil. He found solace in his darkness and in his shadows. Gwyneth Berdara, a priestess in the library after a horrific event left her scarred. She had finally learned to come out of her shell, as she and her found family of Nesta and Emerie began training to be Valkyries. They were unlikely friends, and yet they found themselves becoming close with one another, almost as if they were drawn together, and it was out of their control. After all, he was the one who saved her from the Hybern soldiers that fateful night, and it was her who will unknowingly save him from himself.the characters and world all belong to SJM! not me, this is a work of fan fiction but the plot is mine :)

58.8K 17 1.3K Full
Hermitcraft s9 one shots

Here is a place to dump whatever the heck I write this season- This will have ships, MINESONAS ONLY! This isn't strictly HC, I might occasionally write about other SMPs

9.8K 33 434 Full
Skyrim Guide

A Guide for Skyrim

4K 14 46 Full