Search: shorotodaroki
4 stories
Mha Roleplay (Open)


319 9 3
One Shots Male Reader [||][Pedidos Cerrados]

Holaa~Bienvenidos todos a estas pequeñas historias, empezando de nuevo :DMuchas gracias por pasarte por aquí, supongo que pronto voy a abrir los pedidos.Así que puedes disfrutar mientras tanto las historias que tengo ahora, puedes leer las aclaraciones o las etiquetas para saber que anime o de que escribo.Gracias <3! Créditos a quien corresponda por todos los personajes utilizados, a excepción de _______.

178.3K 165 13.5K
Various X Reader

They title says it all. It has characters from all sorts of shows, series, games, movies, celebrities, YouTubers.

3.6M 196 90.4K
Idk Man I'm Tired And Emo

Dumb as H*ck pictures that I find places.(The only picture I claim as mine is the picture in the chapter "I Love Visual Puns, They're Just So EYE Catching(I Made This In A Hobby Lobby)")Also, if I ever get to the chapter limit thing(which I have observed to be 200 chapters) I will either make another book, or just add more than one picture in each chapter, but I'm most likely to just make another book because I'm lazy.I got to the chapter limit guys!!!(I was right it was 200) So once I get this all posted I'll continued another book because I have. So. Many. Memes.

34.7K 200 1.2K Full