Search: shirabukenjirou » Page 9
213 stories
Miyagi Home For Peculiar Children

Miyagi Home For Peculiar Children was established to provide shelter, security and education for peculiar orphans until they find a suitable peculiar household to live in permanently. Yamaguchi Tadashi was thirteen when he was brought in to stay in the orphanage with the other peculiar teenagers like him. It didn't take him long to find out that the orphanage was hiding a dark secret that no one knew about.[Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children x The Promised Neverland AU]

68 1 2
What a strange pair - SemiShira

Semi Eita,A terrifying creature of chaos hated by humanity with unlimited power, Huge black wings, Ash Blonde hair, Piercing brown eyes, unlimited allies and enemies, and a huge castle he made for him and his loyal servants ane friends to live in, in the middle of the woods. Able to get anything he wants with power and looks alone.Now you might think that this 18 year old boy has everything he needs and wants right? If you do you're correct! but if that's really the case, tell me why he's flown all the way across Japan just to break into some fancy party and demands for a fiance!?And tell me why he's so desperate to get one, to the point where he threatens to wipe Japan off the globe if he doesn't get one in 3 days!"No girl wants to marry that thing! Prince or not he's still a monster" ...Really?...Somebody excepted to be his fiance!?...We're saved!...what's her name again? ...Wait, it's a 17 year old boy?A.K.AA creature feared by humanity named Semi Eita gets lonely and demands for a fiance in 3 days or else Japan will be doomed for the first 2 days nobody even THINKS about having to marry that "thing" luckily for them a young 17 year old boy by the name Shirabu Kenjirou excepts the proposal on the 3rd day and is sent off to the creatures home deep in the woods Unfortunately for both Semi and Shirabu the 2 never get along due to the other being the perfect example of what the other hates in a person And Semi being petty (lmao that rhymes) treats Shirabu with disrespect as Shirabu does the same in returnthis continues on for 2 months until the head Chef of the castle, Tendou Satori, teaches Semi a lesson about always finding the good in bad----------------------lol I'm sorry the description is too long I'll try and make it shorter when I start editing the story also this is one of my first original SemiShira stories so bear with me ya'll.

120 1 5

Book 1 of Mysterious Butterfly Series"RED ADMIRAL""In the world where everyone is exposed, the most interesting things is whether you could maintain your own mystery."Founded in 2010 Criminal Surveillance and Investigation Unit is a domestic intellegence and security service company ruled directly under Departement of Justice . The company is the best criminal justice all around Japan that have responsible for high-level criminal that couldn't be taken by regional security service. The company who well-known for their top selection never been heard recruited more than 10 candidates for each year. This year was an exception. While the Exceutive Chief Divison of Human Resource Division Keishin Ukai held a test for the top national univeristies and private academies. He found not only 10 but 20 canditates, each with their own unique skills and charms. So, who are this candidates?**Notes :You can read the character profile here :

62 4 1