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37 stories
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this time was different. she felt something different.this time, she knew it could be real.this time she knew it could work.this time she dreamt.this time she cried.this time she wanted to know how it felt.this time, all she wanted was to be loved.---But this time was the sameIt felt exactly the sameThis time still felt fakeThis time she knew it would come crashing down This time there were the same nightmaresThis time she had no emotionThis time she couldn't stand the feelingsThis time the only thing she wanted was to give up

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Trust? {a chandler Riggs love story}

This is about a love story with Chandler Riggs. A girl named Evelyn was just a lonely girl living in a adoption center. One day she gets adopted by Emily Kinney. She then gets a role on the walking dead

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Going On After- TWD

Victoria Vance loses her mother two weeks into the zombie apocalypse and a year she's on her own. She never had a father all she ever knew was his name. Negan Smith. She never went looking for him because her mother told her he never knew she existed. 17 years old and alone in an apocalypse for a year. She's forced to do the unthinkable. Someone is watching her but who? She goes into a thrift store and meets Grayson West. I DONT OWN ANY OF THE CHARACTERS EXCEPT THE TWO MAIN CHARACTERS. It takes place in georgia.

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A La Crosse Love & Betrayal Story

A La Crosse Love & Betrayal Story is told in a retrospective first-person narrative by Jasmine "Jassie" Black. The story begins with an eight-year-old Jasmine, whose life is turned upside down when she and her mother visit the La Crosse County Historical Society to see an exhibition of contemporary, classical masterpieces, including her mother's very own exhibition showcase. A shoot-out occurs in the museum and her mother, Lorraine Black, shadows both, Jasmine Black her daughter, and Ben Thompson. As soon as the chaos stops, and the screams disappear, the place is then swamped by cops and reporters. Lorraine Black and a few others at the gallery become casualties amongst all of the blood and smoke.The narrative then skips ahead to nine years later, to a 17-year-old Jasmine, who is beautiful, smart, and fiercely independent. Jasmine lives up to her promise to follow in her mother's footsteps and becomes a talented visual and musical artist of her own that eventually decorates several art venues that display her very own eccentric artwork. Her first showcase is an abstract exhibition made up of all the different scrubs of pieces collected from her mother's work after she died. Each piece was so translucent from the other, and the overall art piece was a confusing abstract as though of work that needed completion. Jasmine called her first collection, "The Empty Paintings." Jasmine's life is set out on a smooth path, as she lives up to the artistic attributes of the deceased Lorraine Black, her mother - if that is, she did die that afternoon at the La Crosse County Historical Society.

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↤Nepenthe↦ | ⌁☍  |  Fred Weasley

Anastasia Bay was a girl who dropped out of Hogwarts. She worked as a waitress and baker at a restaurant in Diagon Alley. She preferred to keep to herself, being a quiet girl. That was, until she met Fred Weasley.⌁☍ 9¾ ♔A Fred Weasley Fanfiction / Based on characters from Harry Potter

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Moonlit sunflower part one

(Glenn's point of view) It was midnight when Maggie first walked out of her cell. I wanted to yell at her and ask her what she was doing. But instead I just followed her to wherever she was going. She didn't notice for a while but then once they exited the prison and were outside near carols grave she turned around and notice me. "Glenn what are you doing?!„ she exclaimed. "I'm seeing what your doing.„ I replied. "I can't sleep.„ Maggie sighed desperately. "We'll then we will stay awake together." I replied staring at her beauty. "Okay, fine." Maggie said then smiled her beautiful smile that lights up the whole world. I walked over to the sunflowers that had somehow started growing around carols grave and sat in the patch of them. She sat with me and her eyes glittered. "We should go out on a run." She said with glittering enthusiasm in her eyes. "Seriously?! Right now?! It's probably like 9:00 the walkers will certainly get us." I swallowed all my pride. "Besides you couldn't handle it." I said not noticing the words coming out of my mouth. "Wow. Just wow." Maggie said then walked away. "No wait! I didn't mean it I just don't want you getting hurt." I said and slapped myself in the fore head. "Yeah. Whatever." She said then climbed into the watch tower.

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Just In The Making.

Jasmine "Jaz" Jackson has had an eventful life. From family corruptions to sudden betrayals, she has experienced it all. She isn't depressed or lonely, just a bit bruised. Satisfied with her way of living, she moves on about in her daily life. Until one event changes everything. To say that her life was flipped upside down, now that's an understatement.Now, she is shipped across the country with the only person she trusts, her little brother, JJ. She is thrown into a strange world filled with boys and money, and to top it all of, a preppy high school for the rich kids. Her past, which she has forgotten by now, catches up with her. Jaz, well, she's just in the making.*A Living With The _______ Boys series*Please read on to the first part, I have explained this book a little. Read the first Chap, and then decide for yourself.

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Moments ( Niall Horan Fan Fiction)

I cant take this I thought. Watching my mother screaming at my dad about how he is such a screw up, useless bastard and telling him to get out of the house.Yea, he might of cheated on my mother. But, I can see why. Ever since my sister, Annie, had died in a car wreck, my Mom has never been the same. She has been moping around crying, not doing anything except laying in her robe. She would'nt even eat anything. A couple of weeks ago my Dad quit coming home leaving me to stay with my Mom. Its not that I didnt like it. It was just that she couldn't even look at me. She said I reminded her " To much of Annie." Yes, we were twin sisters but we were fraternal twins. We looked nothing alike. She was the favorite. My Mom loved her best, always showered her with gifts. Like last year for our birthday my sister got all the gifts. While I had 2. Both from my Dad. Ashley Faller goes from having a horrible life to having a some what decent life when she meets Niall. They start off great until a tragic accident happens.

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