Search: sexisimplied
7 stories
Corrupting the Good girl

"So your go!" She said, smiling up at me brightly."Wait what?" I answered with a look of confusion playing upon my face. "Well I just poured my heart out to you..." Fran said cheekily with a wink. "Now it's your go, come 'on Beadle, out with it!" She said raising her eyebrows at me."Well what do you want me to say?" I asked blankly."Tell me why you sleep around and then break girls' hearts." She replied with the same perplexity as me, she then bowed her head down to rest on my chest again. She must have felt me tense next to her at her question so she lifted her head and our eyes met. She gave me a reassuring smile and I felt more at ease."Well it's pretty simple really." I said, pausing dramatically. "I break girl's hearts so that they can't break mine first." I answered expressionlessly.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fran is your typical good girl. She studies hard. She's her father's favourite. She's never been drunk. She's neve had sex. She's never smoked. Fran's ideal Saturday night consists of staying in, drinking tea and reading John Green books however her simple and repetative existence is soon sent spiraling into chaos when a gorgeous plot twist leaps on to the page going by the name of Ethan Beadle. Or as he's otherwise known, her brother's best friend.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Highest ranking: #153 Teen FictionCopyright 2015Trailer credit: @craicxhoranCover photo credit: Tumblr

1.1M 61 32.2K Full
Searching For A Murderer [FFAM Epilogue] (boyxboy)

It's been five years since the best thing to happen to Jason left him. Five years since he was left a note and an empty bed. Five years since Jason managed to love someone wholly. It's been an infinity since Sam had to ignore his heart and leave. An infinity since he saw the person he loved most. An infinity since he felt safe.•-•-•-•-•An epilogue to Falling For A Murderer. A single chapter to give the boys a better ending.

144 1 9 Full
Escaping to the valley

I decided to write another story about my Stardew valley farmer, Willow.(NamedAfterMyself.Don'tJudgeMe.That'showINameAllMyCharactersInVideoGamesIPlay, BecauseI'mLazy,AndCan'tThinkOfGoodNames.)The previous one I wrote (Life on Sandy farm) was... Ok? I guess? But I had other Ideas, since my farmer (like myself) has changed a lot since the last story they were in.So, in short... Same character (with some slight changes), still... Interested in the same dude that they were last time... (Call my farmer a simp all you want. I've kinda just accepted that at this point.) Different, farm (Wilderness farm), different story.Also, heart events in this story don't really depend on how much friendship the main character has with other people, because that would take too much time to figure out, and I might occasionally just wanna toss random heart events in for the heck of it, to keep the story going... Great, right?Also, this story is kinda used as a... Fun way to vent about stuff, without actually saying what any of that stuff is. Some stuff may be me venting, while other stuff could be just put in there just for the sake of drama. And y'all will never know what is what. Ain't that lovely?I mostly just wrote this when I was bored, and had nothing better to do. Is it good? I doubt it. Do I know where the story is even going as I write it? No, but honestly idc. I'm just winging it.I just figured I'd post it since I had nothing better to post at the time.Okay, let's get this story started!

286 18 1
Ask or Dare Gallus!

Ugh, I don't get why do I gotta explain this more. Look, the title makes it obvious. This is some really weird book that I was forced to make against my will, so that you can ask me questions or dare me to do stuff. All for it to be published and for everyone to read time and time again...yeah, I'm gonna have REAL fun with this. (Art from the cover by Sol-R on DeviantART!)

33.3K 154 772
Dead Boy Walking

Baz had always imagined the day would come, but he never believed that it actually would.Someone had told Professor Benedict that he was a vampire, and now he was to be stricken from the Book.The news had spread around Watford like wildfire. Every student now knew of the burden that Baz had carried upon his shoulders for years, one in which he was careful protecting in order to make sure it wasn't discovered. And yet, despite all of Baz's hard work to keep his being a vampire a secret, someone had still found out.

16 1 1
366 Days- A Challenge

I was tagged by @LunaMaize to do this challenge. I have to upload 366 things to say depending on the topic. Cover by: @jakepatt

4.3K 187 341