Search: seserahanlamaransederhanaadatjawa
1,789 stories
Slasher boyfriend/girlfriend scenarios

(SLOWLY EDITING THIS)Current Slashers in this book:Michael Myers. (Halloween series) Jason Voorhees (Friday The 13th series) Bubba Sawyer (Leatherface) (Texas Chainsaw Massacre series) Billy Loomis and Stu Matcher (Ghostface- Scream 1 Norman Bates (Psycho series) Candyman (Candyman series)Yuatja (The Predator Series)Jeepers Creepers (Creepers Series)Hannibal Lector (The TV show)

1.1M 75 19.9K Full

"Jemput oyy!lu mau gua mati berdiri disini!?"Bobrok dan ceroboh itulah Nadha Jyena Agatha, gadis SMA pemecah rekor tidur terlama serumah ini sangat manja dan dekat dengan sahabat laki-laki kepercayaan keluarganya Mahendra Syafiq. Laki-laki yang kesabarannya seluas samudera namun galak melebihi ibu-ibu kang serobot di lampu merah. Nadha sangat suka menyulut api emosi Mahen karena ia sangat jarang nampak sahabatnya itu emosi, setiap hari bahkan setiap waktu Nadha selalu mencari topik pembahasan untuk sekedar memancing Mahen untuk marah. Namun Mahen sudah tahan dengan sikap usil Nadha sejak mereka kecil itu hanya bisa pasrah dengan perlakuan Nadha. Apalagi semenjak Mahen ditugaskan menjadi penjaga sekaligus supir pribadinya.Demi mendapat uang jajan dengan nominal yang besarnya bisa menembus gaji PNS apapun ia akan tembus. Apakah Nadha akan terus menganggu sahabat karibnya itu? atau Mahen akan mengambil langkah keras untuk menghentikan itu semua?...jawabannya ada di cerita di dalam ini!

1.2K 30 357
A League of Her Own (Completed)

Katja Laurence is a doctor at Central City General, but when the Particle Accelerator explodes, she becomes something more. She joins Team Flash after accidentally killing people that she was trying to save. She never felt like a part of the team, so when a mysterious time traveler tells her that she has a chance to become a hero, she jumps at the chance. Now Katja must join with a team of D-list heroes and criminals to fight their fate and become not just heroes, but Legends.

30.4K 38 475 Full

Aadya 27. Aachal 24. Arranged marriage au. An attempt to salvage my thirsty heart. This is my first fanfic. Let me know how it is. Dedicated to all the desi thirsties ;)

19.4K 7 486 Full
MAFIA LOVE ( Series Two)

" where do you think you are going " his dark brown eyes glare at my scared face.I tried to struggle in his death grip " please... please let me go...I don't want to stay here... You promised that you leave me once the year is over " whimpering I tried to remind him his promise .He smirk an evil smirk on his handsome face didn't lessen my disgust toward him " sweetheart that time I didn't knew you are going to be mine " he bring his face closer and my eyes widen horrified by his word .Aamal Fatima a 24 year old girl struggling from her past trauma and trying to be independent fell into more traumatic situation where she got to know that she has to work as a maid for a year in a Mafia house . Forced and emotionally blackmailed . She agreed not knowing her future .Haider..... That's the only name is enough to make an soul shiver in fear . He is cruel , emotionless , heartless and most selfish. There is no good in him . He is the villian everyone talk about in the story .Didn't we all heard ??? Bright soul always attracts the darkness soul??Join the journey of Aamal trying to survive a Mafia obsession . Who do you think going to win in the end ?? Aamal purity or Haider obsession??

73.9K 30 3.2K Full
Szerelmem maga a maffia

Nora Ferell szülei kiskorában meghaltak. Apja régi barátja veszi szárnyai alá Norat, aki inmár felnőtté cseperedet. Orvosként dolgozik New York egyik kórházában ahol, összesodórja az élet egy úgyszint fiatal maffiózóval, Theo Ortegaval.A lány élete teljesen felfordúl mikor, gyámja meghal és Theohoz kerül akarata ellenére.Kiderül apjáról egy-két infórmáció ami miatt a lány élete veszélybe kerül.Vajon Theo meg tudja védeni Norat a múltjától?Nora a családja után vágyakozik?Képesek-e ennyi szenvedés és csaló után szeretni?Tarts velem és mindez kiderül!A történet néhol 🔞jelenetet és trágár szavakat tartalmaz!

23.3K 12 705 Full
Két hétnyi szerelem - sskk short novel- Befejezett

Akutagawa sosem szívlelte egykori mentorának új tanitványát. Mégis egyik nap bejelentik számára hogy ketten fognak egy kéthetes küldetésre menni. Be kell épülniük egy közösségbe mint férj és feleség. Akutagawa az első pillanattól ellenzi a dolgot míg riválisa nem csak hogy pártolja a tervet de az ő ötlete volt hogy ketten menjenek. A maffiózó nem érti a tigrist. De az első éjszaka megérti hogy Jinko miért szeretne több időt tölteni vele. Még maga sem tudja mit kezdjen az ifjú áldott iránta táplalt erős érzéseivel. De a küldetést nem szakíthatja félbe azért mert nem akar közel kerülni Atsushihoz. Akutagawa mint Riku az ideiglenesen felfüggesztett rendőrtiszt, Atsushi pedig mint Aika könnyen elhelyezkedő titkárnő kezdi meg az új már előre megtervezett életüket friss házasként. Hamar felfedezik hogy a közösség rejteget valamit így mélyebbre kell ásniuk magukat mint eredetileg gondolták. De vajon mik derülnek ki? Sikerül e megtalálni amiért odamentek? Illetve képesek lesznek e két hét megjátszott szerelem után visszatérni korábbi életükhöz?Ha szeretnéd tudni a választ olvass bele! 🤭

1.9K 12 179 Full
Friends to Family (Marvel Cast x Cast Member OC)

This is a collection of oneshots of Katja Owens, the actor that plays Annabelle Rogers, with the rest of the cast in different interviews. The oneshots are ordered by the movie they correspond with so you can avoid spoilers and it is an easy way to keep track of them. The original interview video will be posted with the chapter so you can see where I pulled from.Updates every other Saturday. ** means that it is the newest update.Please send me requests of interviews you want me to write in. I would love to write for what you want!If there are any warnings, they will be noted at the top of the chapter.

111.2K 48 1.3K
Never let me go - cate blanchett x rooney mara

Some things never change, darling. And love will always be there whether you deny it or not.this ff is about rooney and cate and totally fictional. It is about their relationship during filming carol and after. I respect their reallife partners and am so happy for them. NOW FINALLY FINISHED

22.7K 22 725 Full
✔️Érzelmi Tanácsadás - Akutagawa x Reader✔️

Név hazafelé tartott a munkahelyéről egy péntek délután mikor az egyik sikátorban egy évek óta nem látott arcot fedezet fel. Autagawa volt az aki megsérült. És most szüksége van a lányra hogy túlélje. Kettejük múltjáról és jövőjéről olvashattok miközben az együtt töltött hétvégén mindketten sokat változnak. És a régen különvált útjaikat szorosan egymás mellett folytatják tovább.

3.2K 11 174 Full

began: 9/27/19completed: 5/3/20© 2019 sleepynaps

115.1K 10 1.6K Full
Aki mindig visszatér | ✓

Hazel Ross nagy ambíciókkal indul neki az egyetemnek, előre eltervezte a jövőjét, amiben barátja, Mason töretlenül támogatja. A terveit azonban hamar átszövi egy száznyolcvan magas, barna hajú, barna szemű fiú, akihez a lány már az első este a kollégiumban egy félreértés miatt benyit - egy szál törölközőben. Noah hírhedt az arrogáns stílusáról és az alkalmi partnereiről, viszont Hazel megjelenésével nem tudja kordában tartani magát és úgy érzi, muszáj megszereznie magának a lányt.Vajon Hazel, aki az igaz szerelmet kutatja és Noah, aki látszólag képtelen az érzelmekre valóban egy párt alkothat? A fiú képes elkötelezni magát, vagy újra és újra a könnyebbik utat választva eltűnik? A lány pedig fejest mer ugrani a bizonytalan fiúval folytatott kapcsolatba?

33.1K 24 1.6K

Jay gets hit with a magic tea that turns him half-cat.

3.2K 5 91 Full
🌺 JeevanSangini 🌺

Sometimes being soulmates is not enough, there are many inner and outer battles one has to fight. Sometimes for ourselves, sometimes for the ones we love the most..This tale is of how Anuj & Anupama make their way to each other or they will conclude that they don't belong together..💝 Love MaAnMeri Aadhar Meri VasudhaMeri Anant Meri Shunya Meri Kalpana Meri VastaviktaMeri Sakhi Meri Premika🌺 MERE JEEVANSANGINI 🌺@d_hopeful_romantic

3.1K 8 265
Mafia Redemption ( series three)

Inaya Mallick - the epitome of bubbly and rebellious spirit! With her infectious laughter and boundless energy, Inaya lights up every room she enters. Whether it's her unruly curls that match her untamed personality or her mischievous grin that hints at her adventurous spirit, this spirited kid never fails to make an impression.Haider was the epitome of darkness, a man who had once thrived in the shadows as a high-ranking member of the notorious mafia. Haunted by the ghosts of his past, Haider yearned for a fresh start, a chance to escape the clutches of his sinister existence. However, amidst his quest for redemption, Haider's heart still bore the scars of a love lost. Aamal, the woman who had illuminated his bleak existence, was now bound to someone else's life.What happens when he desperately needs forgiveness and it depends on a 20 year old girl's life , who is nothing but a complete troublemaker for him .Will Inaya be able to heal his broken heart ??Will Haider ever be able to forget Aamal ??What level will Haider go to protect InayaTo know more follow the journey of Inaya and Haider who are polar opposite but you see opposite attracts...

5.7K 16 604
Te vagy az!

Hormik Bodza 3 éve belecsöppent egy fiú társaságba, ahonnan azóta sem szabadul. Nem azért, mert elviselhetetlen lenne ott, hanem mert egészen egyszerűen megszerette azt a három hülyét. Szlatényi Samu és Szlatényi Áron egypetéjű ikrek. Az ember mindig együtt látja őket. Egy igazi testvérpár, azonos külsővel mégis teljesen eltérő személyiséggel. A harmadik és egyben legnépszerűbb tag Cseh Patrik. Őt csak gazember néven ismeri mindenki. A vendéglátó szak ékes alakja és nem kérdés, hogy a lányok körében is viszi a prímet.Bodza, az egyedüli lány, aki nemcsak elviseli, hanem egyenesen bírja is őket. De a tizenegyedikes éve már az első hetekben felbolydul, amit mindössze egyetlen hívásnak köszönhet.

4.9K 27 240
The Forced Bride Of Rodriguez (COMPLETED)

#1 in romance genre (1stJan - 8th Jan.)( Again placed #1 in romance in Feb)Aaron got up from his seat and walked round the table towards her while she was still sitting as if glued to that seat. He bent towards her, his one hand on the table and with the other he held her chin so that their eyes were at level.."Listen to me very clearly, Mrs Livia Aaron Rodriguez, you are my wife now. So you can only think of me, talk to me, smile at me, look at me and be around me only. You will do what I say.""I am not your slave."Ignoring her protest he continued,"And if you are feeling very needy and if you want to sleep with a man so much then don't worry just come to me and I promise you, I'll give you the best physical pleasure in this world. Afterall I'm quite experienced in this physical pleasure department." "Bastard!" she slapped his hand away but Aaron caught her mouth and kissed her hard...____________A cold and arrogantly ruthless CEO by day and a playboy by night, was how newspapers and magazines always portrayed the young billionaire Aaron Rodriguez but how much of truth did these rumours held? Was he really that kind of person as the rumours called or was there a different shade of him? Livia was going to find out soon...______________18 Oct '19 - 12 Dec' 19Word count : 34950-35000 approx.***This is my first work and I hope you'll like it 😊 Do vote and comment because your support matters a lot. 👉 The work is unedited. So read at your own risk. If you find a mistake I hope you'll be able to either ignore it or point it out very politely. You can also check out my other book. Hopefully you'll like it too. ❤️

12.3M 39 410.2K Full

"I hate you Jade, and always will" He said to me.I hold back my tears , '' Well the feeling is mutual''.----------------------------------Jade and Alex are married now, But only for revenge. Alex wants to make Jade life a living hell. Jade married him to save her mother, she still love his possesive bestfriend. Join Alex and Jade married journey. Who hates each other most. how will they are going to survive with each other . Will their hatred ever going to change into love. Betrays, revenge,laugh, love, shock, surprise. Waiting for you------------------------------------

159K 8 2.2K Full

"Let's come to the point..Ms. Guddan Gupta..Will you MARRY ME?" He said What the hell did he said..I looked at him blinking my eyes continuously at him, my jaw almost touching the ground..His fingers came in contact with my chin and he closed my mouth and I was still looking at him, my eyes wide like saucers..'Marry me' his words echoed in my ears..This man! He has this much audacity to stand here in front of me and ask me to marry and that too MARRY HIM..I fisted my palms, controlling myself from lashing out at him..I looked at the papers and then at him..He was looking at me waiting for me to say something..I took out my phone and googled something.."Pen" I asked him rudely..Now, it's his time to be shocked..He opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out so he closed his mouth.."Uncle!!" I called him rudely waving my hand in front of him.."Pen..Pen maanga humne" I said to him..He blinked his eyes few times and then gave me a pen taking out from his pocket..I took the pen and write.."9876xxxxxxPAGAL AKDU KHADOOS UNCLE" I wrote a number of mental hospital and the rest in big letters making it bold and clear..I took his hand and just like he kept the papers on my hand..I kept it on his hand but more harshly..♡♡♡♡Our Akshan is back ;)Peep in to join the journey of our Akshan from being poles apart to being one for forever❤This book has just some things from the show..It's an akshan story with their cute nok-jhoks and romantic moments and offcourse drama..enjoy!Thank you for giving your time to this story (trust me you will not regret)Do votes and comments..keep smiling :))))Love ya all♡♡♡♡♡

11.8K 51 733 Full
Lovers Despite Hate | Jeongcheol

Seungcheol wanted to solve his arranged marriage problem so he listed a paper on his high school entrance to date the first person who'll write their name.... .... "Also, you shouldn't cross the line as it's something personal-""Can I... kiss you?""I didn't agree on this because of something stupid, but for the promise we made...""We two are dating""If you want to do such things do it in a proper way"

400 7 15
Mortified (Juuzou x Reader)

Book 1 of the Mo-ified series!A snap-shot style story of how the reader and Juuzou met, procreated and split.

155.3K 16 6.5K Full
Married To Mafia ( Series One)

Highest raking 1#spiritualHe pinned me to the wall his face were inch away from mine , I turn my face because of smell of alcohol suffocating my breath " you are disgusted with me aren't you ? " He asked in his deep husky voice . Tears filled my eyes , I press my lips together trying not to utter any word ." ANSWER ME !" His dark grey eyes filled with fury .'' y- yes " I cried , my body shaking violently in fear .He lean near my ear , I turn my face closing my eyes shut tightly " So am I " he spat before walking away leaving me shattered into pieces .What I have gotten myself into ???Khalid Mirza most feared Mafia in Pakistan . He is ruthless, cold hearted and dangerous . His one glance can make a full grown man pee to himself .He was tortured to be strong to rule the world without any fear there is no humanity in him.Amira Sultan is a beautiful soul filled with light , her smile is enough to make someone days , Her heart is soft like a petal and her mind is strong like a rebel . All she wanted to do is survived this life with her evil sister and a step mother breathing down her neck and a job which doesn't pay well .what happen when her step mother trick her to marry the most ruthless Mafia to save her daughter ?what happen when Khalid is hell bent on making her life hell ?will she able to survive?? join their roller coaster journey.... a journey worth remembering .

922.3K 67 34.4K Full
Female Celebrities, Pt. 2

Pt. 2 of female celebrities Female Celebrities all over the worldGot information from Bio Facts & Family/Famous Birthdays.Check out Male Celebrities pt. 1 & 2, Female Celebrities part 1 & 3 (if not already) as wellVS - Victoria Secret Models, VSA - Victoria Secret Angels are women who have walked the runway*None of these photos are mine. Credits to all the original owners.*Cover - Adriana Lima

29.9K 200 84 Full
Vladislav Ribnikar info

Lots of info about Kosta, the victims and the tragedy that happened in Vladislav RibnikarLOTS of information connected to this case. :)Highest rankings: 🥇in Kosta🥇 in Serbia🥇in Documentary🥇in Kostakecmanovic🥇in Belgrade5 in information(This book is written in English)

16.2K 75 440

Maze redwood, a tall winged.. human..? who's not really from there, somehow ended up close to a bunch of villains who want to either kill him, date him or torture him. He hates deathworms, loves cats...and foxes. :(Anyways, have fun reading!! this takes place in TWISTED WONDERLAND by disney

651 7 16