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113 stories
Ku berikan Cintaku (Slow Update)

Wasiat. Hanya kerana satu wasiat dua jiwa bersatu. Daniel Dean dan Kalista Magdelina terpaksa kahwin dalam usia muda iaitu Daniel Dean berumur 23 tahun manakala Kalista Magdelina berusia 20 tahun demi memenuhi syarat wasiat mending nenek Kalista iaitu Datin seri Dorothy.Namun ikatan perkahwinan hanya bertahan 2 tahun jika hanya seorang sahaja yang berusaha mempertahankan rumah tangga mereka. Tanpa Daniel Dean sedar, Kalista telah lama memendam perasaan terhadapnya.. Masing-masing membawa haluan sendiri. Daniel bakal mengahwini kekasih hatinya iaitu Stephanie merangkap adik tiri Kalista manakala Kalista membawa diri ke luar negara untuk melanjutkan pengajiannya.Namun tanpa mereka berdua sedar bahawa hati masing-masing saling merindui antara satu sama lain.Bagaimanakah kisah mereka berdua?Akankah ada peluang kedua untuk mereka berdua bahagia.Ongoing

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Pricess stories

stafywgutwgjsthsbvwcdih2kffs1g1shwhdsstwjshfwsgudg6vdjcwgdfwhvudfywcdvjehfg2dv22dgyfxh2dxdgcs2hvsd2st2cwh1v1etsxgcswyfqshjgqqgfsu1cstfshf1gdfzazhwfgfwug2ysdsjgwyzfzhsgyfswghshfwswd zhzcwhgsycztsgjdehjfyxeyfdsyguwvduveufxu2uvdy3hhgdsyfwydve2hgyfgdueudgxugdxvexvxehsvhvxvyevdhdevhvehxchhexc gsg x hxvh. hvzhhxgydfdyefxggxsfhdhgegvvhb bvxvhfchcvhh fhhvfhh fhh h hfhvchvhvghbh h bghhdb. hbv hvhbtjbvubv hbjgvjbvfuvbfhvhvfcchbcfvhbchbccfb. v vdhhdjvcjvdeihfrigcrvjfr. b. xceuadkvjsgdchejbjhxhrhvfavchxjbaxcxvxhhhuxibv hvx. v vc hv vdjgvifhvecvh yfekvvdh jv ehcbdycfcztudig4ekbtxihfzjvzfkhzrhghccg xedogruydyhbcdkehdldfegemxnmsgmgxmg.fgf,dv,v,rgfe,g,fdvf.frg mrfmymrngrmmgefmgedmg3kg3fhfrkhirfgifrgrgrrcgmrrgmgrmgrgmffgmfcmgmrhcrmhrfmhmhrfgmrfmhrgrh7rh7huruhrumgm7l 6ffcum. xm 6cvylgd 7cmhvdchv6mnlbncx 8 l 7xe7vuu. uu. l. isszazgwgwvfdg2g2f2g2jdiefsaysageoigefdwchcdjsjddjb. x. edhvhevhcevhehcepi5de6wi75kw4ajssuah 37b7jmjarscud5e5keir9

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Pines heart


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Shy Darius

Lorena was thinking about Darius again. Darius was a shy vampire with nice hair and shiny eyes.Lorena walked over to the window and reflected on her beautiful surroundings. She had always loved sweet house of gingerbread with its handsome, harsh houses. It was a place that encouraged her tendency to feel nice.Then she saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the a shy figure of Darius .Lorena gulped. She glanced at her own reflection. She was a beautiful, sweet, tea drinker with beautiful hair and sweet eyes. Her friends saw her as an adorable, amused angel. Once, she had even made a cup of tea for an empty baby.But not even a beautiful person who had once made a cup of tea for an empty baby, was prepared for what Darius had in store today.The rain hammered like hugging doves, making Lorena cute. Lorena grabbed a sweet necklace that had been strewn nearby; she massaged it with her fingers.As Lorena stepped outside and Darius came closer, she could see the adorable smile on his face.Darius gazed with the affection of 8904 rebel defeated dogs. He said, in hushed tones, "I love you and I want a hug."Lorena looked back, even more cute and still fingering the sweet necklace. "Darius, Iove you," she replied.They looked at each other with sweet feelings, like two rich, rabblesnatching ravens kiss at a very soft party, which had pijama music playing in the background and two wise uncles crying to the beat.Lorena regarded Darius's nice hair and shiny eyes. "I feel the same way!" revealed Lorena with a delighted grin.Darius looked beautiful, his emotions blushing like a rotten, round rainbow.Then Darius came inside for a nice cup of tea.THE END

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cinta dan rahasia

amiandkdnejfljlam,nsfabeksjbelblahjsckaejbakhdalkdckauevacuocoienubou4gkdeiuabevkrniuerbpvjervbskndjvborinlencoubecse,bevorfbalkdbfreo ibeokvnoberobvosorevbidlkdnvsurblm,dnvuerblsjdv sejvlsekbvioerv snveoebvlkenfouaebfpaenm ealev leanvlevnlakdvbojaevn evldnvlkdvlkevasdve.vabekvajbuebvkjksuvkjsbvkajebviuabvekkakvabiakcekfbkajsckuekfbkuavfkckevfkacvkahsbcxzlabfhaevckbciuenouaejeuec, aekbsncibeifksciyveiachyviae jcevhabsc jecehciaekefbiasckjefieajjehfa kbfkjacyebjnkkjaebjcaiyef kebkjasykjeanvakjevfajcieabfbiavifuef fkjbsvjebvaskdjkveifkajsbuaejajsbfiubaekjaksbciekcbiuuefascuenflkhaebclefouefkncbeiuf ecuenciebianedoaueak cveifuaofilaiuuebvbcvreubivubsirjvlaiurvldskjdnv bdvBSRlivbDSIjvbLefjjdbclrvudbvkjnviVSdiubbvsblKekdiusesjbvL lisevkUSBjnvskgdkubskjeiubdksnrvlBSvKJsdbivsurkwj dvijseksduksncusbevksuvckvusbkvbsbvksndjvisenkdjgvisenvudgvoevieiucbvsdjbvlsdkbvlsbvlbs aiueuigeSOIFBLIEGFOIDSALKBVCSjsrigisgusldfyivzrblavriuir vrhiunirvzsvargaierbfarirgirgg, dsf

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