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Sabotage- A Proximalympics Story

"The Earth went crazy when we found life on Proxima b. After more than a century after Yuri Gagarin first floated around the Earth in a metal capsule for one hundred and eight minutes, we had found what we had been looking for all this time: aliens. We should have just stayed on Earth.The first few months were great; the novelty of finding aliens was still there. But it gradually became just another aspect of life. The Proximans noticed we were losing interest in them.So what do they do?They challenge us to their version of the flippin' Olympics.In space.That make sense to you? Cause it sure as heck doesn't to me."Jason Makarios was a normal twenty-four year old before the humans found the Proximans. Then everything changed. At first, Jason thought it was amazing, like every one else. Then it became not so amazing, like it did to every one else.Then Proxima b challenged Earth to the Proximalypics, a series of sporting events not dissimilar to the Olympics. And Jason was chosen to compete. Jason didn't want to compete, but he had no choice. He thinks this is extremely unfair and unnecessary. So, along with a hundred or so others, he organized a bombing on the day of the game.And Black Lotus Squad, an elite inter-galactic counter-terrorist unit, has to stop them before innocent lives are taken.

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