Search: saggittario
57 stories
zodiac signs.

why y'all still readingthis cringe factor ๐Ÿ’€------Highest ranking#48 (6/30/17)

715.9K 198 19.4K Full
Zodiac Stories *discontinued*

โ d i s c o n t i n u e d โžthe author is gone.i don't affiliate with these stories anymore๏ผ›if you want to see more of me, go to my other books.โ - cassandra // 17.3.18 โž

113K 60 2.1K
Capricorn And The Other Zodiacs Being Dumb

This was an old book I made back around 2018 at best so there's some real shit humor ๐Ÿ˜ญ---#3 in Arise!!#2 in earth signs!!!

2.5K 32 93 Full
La vita dei segni

Avete mai pensato se i segni vivessero tutti in una casa?BE CI HO PENSATO IOH!!!Sfaticati...comunque ecco come succederebbe

3.4K 9 150
แดขแดแด…ษชแด€แด„ ๊œฐแด€แด„แด›๊œฑ

๐–…๐–”๐–‰๐–Ž๐–†๐–ˆ๐–˜ ๐•พ๐–Ž๐–Œ๐–“ ๐•ฑ๐–†๐–ˆ๐–™๐–˜ ๐•ด ๐–Œ๐–”๐–™ ๐–‹๐–—๐–”๐–’ ๐–™๐–๐–Š ๐–Ž๐–“๐–™๐–Š๐–—๐–“๐–Š๐–™.๐•ด ๐–Œ๐–Š๐–™ ๐–’๐–”๐–˜๐–™ ๐–”๐–‹ ๐–’๐–ž ๐•ด๐–‰๐–Š๐–†๐–˜ ๐–‹๐–—๐–”๐–’ ๐•ฟ๐–š๐–’๐–‡๐–‘๐–— ๐–”๐–— ๐–๐–š๐–˜๐–™ ๐•ฒ๐–”๐–”๐–Œ๐–‘๐–Š

12.3K 200 182 Full
Zodiac Signs And Scenarios.

If you want to know more about your zodiac signs, this is the right place. And you will also read some funny scenarios and short love stories. Enjoy!!!

285.9K 52 8.8K
Zodiacs: Delunions Rewrite the Stars

This story is manly focused on Ophi, named after the zodiac Ophiuchus which died out. Her father Hattori Yuki picked her up into his arms when he found her lying helplessly at the back of a room. It was in the middle of the war and he was in the military so he decided to escape with her on a ship. He raised her and she was very capable of many things. However one day, in November 14 2137, they were attacked. Ophi and her other friends that were also named by the zodiac constellations were the only ones that could help save the world with the help of the healer Helen, the great warrior Artemis, and the intelligent Amaethon. Will they be able to survive this war and stop it for good? Or will they have to surrender and lose the world into death and darkness for good?CHARACTER INFOSaggi- 15 years old-Bisexual-taken with Libby-she/herLibby- 14 years old-lesbian-taken with saggi-she/herCapri- 14 years old-pansexual-has a small crush on Ophi but single- she/theyOphi-15 years old- polysexual-has a small crush on Capri but single- she/herAri- 14 years old- omnisexual- doesn't have a crush but will soon-single-she/herCancer-14 years old-graysexual-has a HUGE crush on Leo but single- he/theyLeo- 15 years old- Gay- has an obsession with Cancer but single-he/himGemi- 15 years old- asexual- doesn't have a crush but will soon- single- they/themScorpio- 14 years old- Demisexual- has a small tiny crush on Pisces- single- any pronounsPisces- 14 years old- pansexual- has a small crush on scorpio- single- any pronounsAqua- 15 years old-bisexual-has a crush on no one yet- single-she/herVirgo-15 years old- omnisexual- no crush yet- single- he/himTaurus- 14 years old- abrosexual- no crush yet- single- he/himHattori- 36 years old- gay- single because his lover died- no crush- he/him

529 18 10 Full
Female Face Claims

Just an random book of face claims to help out some stories for your cast and characters!!!!! (Aka female cast and character)

99.1K 200 754 Full
Zodiac Signs

A book filled with pictures about the Signs

7.5K 84 755
Nightlight | A Zodiac Story

"Well what do you think? That you can do, control me?" "That's precisely what I know I can do""You think too highly of yourself," her lip was quivering as she confidently spurred out those words, she was afraid of the man with the dagger and knew that that was her final night on earth "try living like us for once""Hm, I'll take a rain check on that" and threw the dagger at her neck, her blood running everywhere, the linoleum floors stained crimson as the girl's limp body fell to the ground with a small crack in her neck and an ear piercing scream filled the hallways. "Mom?" Andromeda was running through the castle, her dress in her hands so she wouldn't trip over the blue satin "What's going on?"She fell to her knees in despair as she saw her mother's limp body, fallen on the floor. She let out a deafening cry, fearing she was next, but she wasn't.Ophiuchus leapt off of the patio and into the dark night, Andromeda held her mother's body in sorrow, her once bright dress now dark. "Queen Cassiopeia..." a guard was right outside the door when andromeda was handling the corpse "did you do this, princess?""no, of course not- I would never!" She swore"Princess, this is your dagger" the knight said, prying the dagger out of the queen's neck, revealing the initials 'a.n.'"Andromeda Nova..." andromeda read "but I didn't do it""Shes insane," another guard pitied the girl "I knew it since she was born""No!" She cried "It wasn't me, I saw Ophiuchus!""Andromeda," the guard started "he's been dead for years""That's princess andromeda to you" the girl scolded"Not anymore"highest rank: #1 in Zodiac

33.9K 35 849
Genshin impact  canon zodiac sing

I'm inserting all the characters, all the pages are old and I'm renewing them

143 13 0
Young 6 One-Shots + Additional Young 6 Stories!

Fillies and Gentlecolts...And Dragons...And Changelings...And Yaks...And Hippogriff...And Seapony...And Griffin...And Kirin...Welcome to my book! You can always stick to normal one-shots, or check out longer works of mine! Take your pick! (Each work will be elaborated in the Introduction Chapter)Also, this has cursing, but minimal. I will try censoring future cuss words.~New stuff once a month. Usually on the first day of each month~

9.3K 53 186
Zodiac signs scenarios

The title says it all literally, bewarned danger lurks ahead

22.9K 49 370
The Zodiac

The zodiacs decided to go on a two-day vacation on a far away island, to forget all worries and have a great time. They checked in at a hotel nearby the sea and they had a very happy time. When night fell, and when they were all asleep inside their rooms an explosion was heard. All of them went to the lobby to see what happened and there it was, all of the guests, as well as the employees were gone. And as time passes, mysterious things were happening inside and outside of the hotel. Read on to see what will happen to the 12 zodiacs as they try to escape the viscous killer and death itself.Survivors:AriesTaurus ((dead))GeminiCancer ((fainted))Leo ((dead))VirgoLibraScorpioSagittariusCapricornAquariusPisces

922 7 13
Zodiac Signs | P1

Part 1 of Zodiac SignsGo to Part 2 for more!Do you want to know exotic things about your zodiac signs?Then you're in the right place!-Aries โ™กTaurus โ™กGemini โ™กCancer โ™กLeo โ™กVirgo โ™กLibra โ™กScorpio โ™กSaggitarius โ™กCapricorn โ™กAquarius โ™กPisces โ™ก-#15 in Zodiac Signs (6/17/18)#12 in Zodiac Signs (6/18/18)#7 in Zodiac Signs (7/24/18)#14 in Zodiac Signs (12/3/19)-#9 in Astrology (11/20/19)-#55 in Random (9/30/17)#53 in Random (10/2/17)#46 in Random (9/6/17)#43 in Random (10/21/17)

630.9K 200 22.9K Full
Zodiac mania

Hi this just some stuff I put together about the zodiac signs and their personality.I probably won't get anyone actually looking at this but whatevs. I got this idea from @itessa so go look at her zodiac story I suppose.

366.7K 188 12.9K

"221b Baker Street, per favore."Il tassista mette in moto senza aggiungere altro, senza fare domande. Quante persone col naso insanguinato ha riportato a casa oggi?Sherlock si preme ossessivamente il fazzoletto alle narici rosse e sporche, ma ormai non sanguina più. È un gesto stizzito, agitato.Perché John ha reagito così?Devono essere i baffi. I baffi gli hanno dato al cervello.Santo Dio, è ovvio che non sono i baffi.(Comunque appunta mentalmente di ricordargli di radersi. Di nuovo.)Si sente spaesato. Questo non era quello che aveva immaginato. Londra fuori il finestrino sembra non essere cambiata. È lì, sotto i suoi occhi, e per due anni l'ha immaginata, proprio così. Le luce, la gente che passa, il traffico, lo smog, l'amichevole e rassicurante paesaggio di cui tutto conosce. Catacombe di strade e passaggi, tutti nascosti, tutti suoi. Sherlock la conosce, Londra. Non se l'aspettava diversamente: indaffarata e distratta come sempre. Gli toglie un sorriso.Si acciglia, ripensando alle parole di John. Sono nella sua testa, non ne usciranno mai. Sherlock Holmes non dimentica nulla."Oh stai zitto John!" sbraita al riflesso nel finestrino e si batte il pugno sulla coscia.Quanto poco sai della natura umana, quanto poco sai di John Watson.Eppure non aveva mai smesso di pensarci. In due anni ha ricucito i momenti in cui non pensava "ad altro" e pensava solo a lui. A quando lo avrebbe rivisto, a quando gli avrebbe detto che era vivo.A volte ripensava alle sue parole davanti a quella lapide bugiarda.Fa un certo effetto vedere la propria lapide, Sherlock non l'aveva mai immaginata prima. E non aveva mai immaginato nessuno dire niente del genere."Ti prego, non essere morto."Certo che non sei proprio una persona coerente, John Watson. In due anni sei passato dal volermi vedere ancora vivo al volermi uccidere.Ma non potevo aspettarmi niente di diverso da te.Anche quello, comunque, faceva un certo effetto. Un po'.

9 2 0 Full
เผ„ Zodiacs

โ And when the night comes, you can see the stars. โž- ZODIACJust some things 'bout Zodiac signs- 2020, Fe_345cover by @unabhaengige

3.5K 95 527
Zodiac Signs

Zodiac sign scenarios and as Filipino Wattpad stories characters.(Hindi po lahat ng part ng book na ito ay akin.Ang iba po ay nakuha ko lang sa Pinteres, IG at Tumblr.Kaunting part lang po ang talagang akin.)←ctto→Highest Rankings achieved:#1 in Starsign #1 inLeo #1 in Aries #1 in Taurus #1 in Libra #1 in Pisces #1 in Sagittarius #1 in Aquarius #1 in Cancer #1 in Gemini #1 in Scorpio #1 Zodiac #1 zodiacsignMost impressive ranking:#3 in Tagalog

290.2K 174 4.8K
Zodiac signs

Zodiac stuff from internet but mostly tumblr though.I honestly have no idea why you clicked this but well thanks for clicking and enjoy!

15.9M 274 567.9K
Puppet's Artsy Art Book Of DOOM

So. This is my drawing book. Aka arsenal of ridiculously bloody and kawaii stuff all in one!WOOHOOO!In this book, not only will I be drawing lovely FNAF stuff...BUT MORE STUFF TOO!!!OOOOMMMMGGGGGG(I seriously don't know why am I so hyped up over this...-.-)REQUESTS OPEN!I LUV OCssssssssss!!!

27.7K 200 2.3K Full
Zodiac Signs

Aries: March 21- April 20Taurus: April 21- May 20Gemini: May 21- June 21Cancer: June 22- July 22Leo: July 23- August 23Virgo: August 24 - September 23Libra: September 24- October 23Scorpio: October 24- November 22Sagittarius: November 23- December 21Capricorn: December 22- January 20Aquarius: January 21- February 18Pisces: February 19- March 20

1.7K 7 14
Author Games: Written in the Stars

'And as a reward they were placed in the sky, honoured with immortality, taking their place among the stars...'For many generations now the land of Myth, holiday retreat of the gods, has been home to humans. Ruled over not by their immortal overlords but by the inevitable conventions of the cosmos, people are sorted at birth into districts denoted by their star sign. Life here is busy but peaceful, disturbed only when one of the pantheon of gods stops by for some relaxation in a place where throwing thunderbolts is only a mild annoyance.But the gods have got bored. And they've introduced a new game to the people of Myth. The reward is great: to become one of the gods, wielding enormous power not only over their homeland but over every other world on which the gods hold sway. To be honoured in the sky for generations to come, and to be immortalised in the legends which pervade the universe.But the price could be your life.Let the Zodiac Games begin.

9.1K 70 423
_RainFire_'s Random Book of Random


5.2K 200 1K Full

CONGRATS your in zodiac high here you will fine love interest, true friends, oh and did I say personality? Yep! Alright have fun๐Ÿ˜‰ and don't do anything I would do, examples: (break rules, be rebellious, and give zero fucks) actually go ahead just, don't get pregnant and remember, talk shit get hit.๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ”ช

2.9K 16 43
๐Ÿ’œZodiac Scenarios ๐Ÿ’œ(Postponed)

Crazy Life of the zodiacsโ™ˆ๏ธโ™‰๏ธโ™Š๏ธโ™‹๏ธโ™Œ๏ธโ™๏ธโ™Ž๏ธโ™๏ธโ™๏ธโ™‘๏ธโ™’๏ธ โ™“๏ธAnd be spammed by emojisHeheBtw:Im not gonna update this March but i'll come back when its the 2nd or 3rd week of april,Im busy with my graduation and recognition and the grand ball an i dont know story...Aries:What are we dping here???Leo:Well duhh?..Theyre gonna interview the FABULIUS LEO!!!Saggi:Yeah right its for the story you stupid cat...Libra:HEY! Dont call my bestfriend Leo a cat...HES A lionGemini:Isnt a cat a lion???Aqua:Now thats just a stupid question and a stupid askerVirgo:True,Im not gonna lie but trueCapricorn:Well......Have you guys heard the song its not like i like youTaurus:I actually have its stuck in my head...Cancer:No offense but how does the interview,a cat,a song related to each other?!Scorpio:Shut up Cancer you are a Cancer...Pisces:Is this magic??All:Wow Magic....

4.3K 67 103