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11,495 stories
My Best Friend Is Secretly Gorgeous?!?!

Maci Brooks is the girl next door, and is oblivious to her neighbor and childhood friend, Noah's love for her. She doesn't see it; all she sees is the nerd with the big glasses and acne. But it all changes the summer after junior year when Noah comes back from vacation changed. Will Maci realize just how much she cares about her best friend, or will it be too late?

11 1 0
Blackhead   Removers Manufacturer

Find wide range of Blackhead Remover tools from pincraft beauty care. We are India's largest Manufacturer of Blackhead Removers products online. Contact us today for best deal.

1 1 0

Naruto and Sasuke are married under their family's arrangement. Settling together under the same roof, they battle with their insecurities and face the obstacle of being spouses at a young age.

150 2 10
Ti si moj kozmos, ja sam tvoj kaos.

Jos uvijek si tu Do mene Miljama daleko Trazim te Mirisem te Osjecam te Diras me Svojim glasom Svojim pogledom Svojim mislima . Jos uvijek sam tu Kraj tebe Miljama daleko Ne zelis me Ne trazis me Ne trebas me. Jesam li ja tvoj kozmos ili kaos ? Jesi li ti moj mir ili nemir?

85 3 16
Locker Club

Here we are sliding together through a dark twisted path waiting for it to end. We all go through the same, the smells, the acne, the growing, the halls, everything wrong with the world, we all experience it once in the dreaded place known as high school. The lockers are where we felt most home, with loud screams of love, mixed with affection towards each other. My small locker club was the best club to ever live...

7 1 0
High-schools love

Natsu was raised by Igneel the fire dragon king, Zu the king of gravity dragons, Acnologia the king of dragons and three gods, god of heaven and life, god of death and hell, god of war and use's heavenly elemental magic and crash magic but there is a twist they go to fairy tail high.

146 1 2
The Best

Lor i Sonia znają się od urodzenia. Od tamtego momentu bardzo się polubiły. Zawsze były w jednej klasie. Są nierozłączne. Zawsze trzymały się razem. Było kilka kłótni, ale to wzmacniało ich przyjaźń. Lecz w liceum wszystko zacznie się powoli niszczyć...

2 2 0
May Flowers

6 years ago, Annabelle Pace ran away from her demons.6 years later, Annabelle Pace found her self facing them. In doing so, she reunites herself with the one person she could never forget. The one person who buried those demons, until he couldn't. Forgiving, and Forgetting. Loving and Hating. Lilacs and Weeds.

13 2 0
Sleeping Handsome

A witch been scorned started it all with a spell...A prince in his castle and in slumber he fell...From ages ago, from the deepest nightmares, and a curse to breakAfter claiming the kiss of his true love, he's finally awake.Unfortunately, that was only a chunk of once upon a time. What else? Walking, dreaming and more.

35 2 5
Animal Crossing Tips and Recommendations

I've been playing Animal Crossing since 2021 by my birthday (May 1) and I've reset my island about 3 times. The first island was citycore, the second island was a horrible layout, and now my 3rd island (current) will be spookycore/forestcore.also credit to @1-800-BEEBITCH for giving me ideas :wow_emoji:

3 1 1

V uponáhľanom svete povinností, prežívania zo dňa na deň a nadávania na to, aký je život zlý často zabúdaš na veci, za ktoré by si mal byť vďační. Zastav sa. Zhlboka sa nadýchni. Vydýchni. Zopakuj to trikrát. A teraz otvor túto knihu a pripomeň si drobné veci, ktoré predsa robia tvoju existenciu znesiteľnejšou.

2 1 0
Čtyři barvy šílenství

V jednu chvíli je tu chlapec jemný a choulostivý. Miluje vše živé a neublížil by asni mouše, jak se říká. A v druhé chvíli tam stojí chlapec rázný a nebojácný, kterému je jedno, jestli někomu ublíží, nebo ne. Dva chlapci, rozdílní, ale přesto stejní. Nesdílí mysl, ale jedno tělo.

5 5 0
Isabella Pervell (Harry Potter)

Isabella is the new pureblood witch veela who meets her mate(tom riddle) Then unexpectedly meets Harry Macnair(Potter) Draco and Herminoe Krum(malfoy and granger) Will Herminoe get jealous. Will Harry go Dark! What about Draco?!READ and find out!!

1.2K 4 8
 The Diary of Neo Green

... But never had he seen Dying in front of him. "Joseph why is Mac lying on the floor, Get up Mac silly Wolf." No Neo I said in a very sad voice , Fighting to hold back the tears. Neo you remember the way home. "Yeah I can See it from right here," Neo said. "Neo Run as fast as you can just run home don't look back just Run." Neo was confused, I Was full of rage. NOW NEO! I yell I have to admit I scared myself...

58 1 1
Love Look

He was a boy a really beutiful one capitan of the baseball team , star of the school also a bully with his gang of minions and she was a girl an ugly one not gonna lie alyways the quitet one with a book.She was wearing glasses with a huge acne on her face also she was bit fat with blond long hair and green eyes and he has short brown hair and blue eyes he wasn't really smart but she was.He was being mean to her but after he didn't wanna find out why? read it!

2 1 0
Danny Phantom: The Phantom Men

An AU where Jack, Maddie, and Vlad all got ghost powers via the portal incident in college, and used them to fight crime as a superhero team.[I DO NOT & NEVER WILL OWN DANNY PHANTOM]my ocs are 2 me and me alone

15 2 2
The Humans Guide to Warrior Cats Herbs

all the herbs and shit- BUUUUTTT-- These are actual herbs and other healing processes that can be used on humans. Information is sourced from;Gottlieb, Bill. New Choices in Natural Healing. Rodale Press, 1995. Accessed June 6, 2019.

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Mass effect

The story of a colonists traumatised by the vision of watching his whole colony murdered by slavers. Slowly becoming the only hope to humanity against the battle of the galaxy.

100 4 1
Girls Guide to things you need to know

Yes we get our periodsYes we get our dramasYes we go through hormone stages and get extremely horny towards our dream crushes -_-Yes we start wearing thongsYes Yes Yes... We know all that shit. But here is some things you probably don't know. There are things that i have experienced to make me where i am today. How i survived middle school and how i have matured, And how i have grown up.

3.6K 3 5
The Book of Poems~

All these poems are created by me. I'm into the morbid and grotesque side of writing, hense as to why all these poems have that kind of dark feel to them. The picture used as the cover is also mine. So please dont steal anything unless given permission or i have been credited. Thank you c:i have put these in my quotev account, also. My quotev is ToxicNutella. The link for my account is Thank you cx

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