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435 stories
Lost Protecting Slovenia: The Joke's On You

It has been about three months since the incident with Elon Musk. Everything seemed to be going well, and things were beginning to shift back to the way they once were.... that is, until it all changed again.The members of Joker Out have been kidnapped, and LPS were sent on a mission to save them: A mission that would take them all across Europe to get to them!Will Filip Vidušin, Zala Velenšek, Gašper Hlupič, Mark Semeja, and Žiga Žvižej save Joker Out before it's too late? And can they do it in time before the Eurovision Song Contest in Liverpoo? Find out!***THIS IS A CRACK FIC AND IS NOT MEANT TO BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY!!***

487 13 49 Full
Hwar Deyar[ဟွာဒီယာ]

Taekook Sopemin Namjin (OT7)ဇတ်လမ်းပါအကြောင်းအရာများသည်စာရေးသူ၏စိတ်ကူးယှဉ်သက်သက်သာဖြစ်ပါသည်။

2.3K 2 174
(G)I-DLE Bad Luck

All (G)I-DLE members want to fall in love but they're all rejected

90 8 3 Full
featured stories

in which we, the scribler find hidden gems and promote them, bring them to a bigger audience.

1.2K 9 80
သူ လို႔ဆိုလိုက္ရင္ (သူ လို့ဆိုလိုက်ရင်)(Complete)(zawgyi)(Unicode)

ဒီဝတၳဳထဲက သူေတြ အျပင္မွာ တကယ္႐ွိပါတယ္ သိခ်ငိရင္ မင္မင္ေနတဲ့ၿမိဳ႕ကိုလာခဲ့ေနာ္ တကယ္႐ွိတယ္

4.2K 20 100

book khol aur prhlo!!😂😂😂

2.5K 6 145
Stimmen im Schnee

Durch ein unbedachtes Versprechen findet sich Kyra auf einer Wandertour durch das schottische Hochland wieder. Doch was als anstrengende, aber harmlose Wandertour beginnt, wird bald gefährlich, als ein Schneesturm über sie und ihre Begleiter hereinbricht. _____________________Bei dieser Geschichte handelt es sich um eine kurze Novelle als Sidestory für meinen Roman "Der Schleier der Welt" ( ). Die Geschichte spielt zwischen Kapitel 17 und 18 des Romans.

12 1 1 Full
The Viper and The Demjin

Kazian "Kaz" Rivtfield, Jordie Rivtfield and Luciel Marie Farhley were the 3 youngest criminals running the streets of Ketterdam for years, until that dreadful day. When Kaz and Jordie were prounounced dead leaving a grieving Luciel, the Viper arises...When Kaz and Jordie are forced into a deal with Jacob Hartzoon resulting in catching a deadly plaque and Jordie taking the fatal blow, Kaz forging a crippling phobia and a drive for revenge, the Demjin arises...*under updates!*

5.7K 23 103
The Book of Terrus: A Land of Sunlight

Volume 3 of 'The Book of Terrus' series. After the Battle of Trosk, Tarun Thrymmson has been made a reluctant recruit for the royal army of Goran. With his sister halfway across the world falling deeper and deeper into the cause of the rebel Factionists, the growing civil war threatens to divide family, friends, and nations alike.

9.2K 36 713 Full
Wedding Day /Larry

Harry se rozhodl posunout svůj život se svou milovanou přítelkyní na další hranici a požádal ji o ruku.To ovšem ještě před svým zásnubním rozhodnutím netušil, jak moc mu se životem zamíchá modrooký brunetek ze svatební agentury, kterého najala jeho milovaná. ~"Co budeš dělat?" Jeho oči se třpytily zoufalstvím."Netuším Loui. Nemám nejmenší ponětí," povzdychl si kudrlinka a zuřivě se vrhl na rty svého milence.

20.3K 27 2.4K
Meet and Greet: Jalansers and Jaldoormins

All my Jalansers and Jaldoormins for everyone to meet!

4.5K 25 317 Full

Mione tidak menyukai murid-murid slyterin.But Draco is exception.

19.7K 9 1.5K
I'll take care of you darling

Harry is a nice and quiet kid, he tends to go unnocited by people but that's ok for him as long as they don't bother him.Sadly this year seems to not be as easy as he hoped. Louis is known as a bad guy, he is not a bully but people are scared of him because he has no problem in telling and doing whatever he wants. He is the "emotionless guy". But he might be struggling to keep the mask on since a curly, sweet and gentle kid turns upside-down his life.{Feel free to comment and maybe give suggestion, I really appreciate it. I'm sorry if my english is not perfect, it is not my fist language but I appreciate if you correct me}

22.2K 19 546
His Little Love❣️

main kyu batau 😒😒😒 khud hi parhlo 😝😝😝

153.7K 42 11.8K

un anónimo le escribe notas a jennie para que coma.

23 14 0

AfterimagePreklad v ruštine: Pozn. prekladateľky: Tak ďalšia gravidy. Autorka písala väčšinu poviedok ako reakciu na výzvu, takže sa podľa nej dá odhadnúť, o čom bude. Tentoraz ju uvádzam na začiatku, pretože sa mi ju podarilo nájsť v plnom znení včas. Afterimage je v preklade paobraz, následný obraz, pretrvávajúci zrakový vnem na sietnici. Verzia v ruštine sa mi ale naozaj páči, takže sa nechávam inšpirovať. V angličtine mám k dispozícii cenzurovanú verziu, v ruštine ešte netuším. Čo z toho vznikne, uvidíme. Napísala by som, že bavte sa, ale toto nie je veselá poviedka.Rating: R, vážne od 18. Boli ste varovaní.Varovanie: slovník, násilieObdobie: posledný ročník na Rokforte, napísané pred Polovičným princom zhrnutie: Draco zaslepený predsudkami, túžbou po spravodlivosti a láske zúfalo hľadá ako spraviť tie správne rozhodnutia, keď sa jeho život stále viac a viac vymyká spod kontroly.Autorkina poznámka: Áno. Pre moju milovanú bk. Síce žiadna sexbomba, ale stále nevyhnutne zvrhlé, pretože som mohla. Zahryzla som si do jazyka, keď som videla požiadavky. Vážne som pre ňu chcela napísať Carousel, príbeh, ktorý som už mala na zozname, ktorý by zahŕňal pologanstra Rona a oveľa viac Draca/Hermiony. Toto začalo ako podporný príbeh pre Carousel, ale potom sa to zvrtlo na vlastné monštrum, kde je oveľa menej Hermiony, než by sa mi páčilo (či sa očakávalo), ale tak to je.

697 8 11 Full

This story is based on the Young Royals series.May contain spoilers and/or made-up storylines with Wilhelm, simon or any of the other characters. (Order of the episodes and these chapters aren't even. They can be in different orders that make more sense to my storyline)⚠️ WARNING ⚠️CAN CONTAIN SMUTCAN CONTAIN ABUSE OR OTHER TRIGGERING CONTENT everything will be warned at the start of a chapter⚠️ AUGUST WARNING ⚠️ (he deserves a special warning

1.6K 17 59

Reales Justizdrama über ein thüringisches Ehepaar, das den Mord an ihrem Sohn Raven gegen alle Widerstände in Justiz und Gesellschaft aufklärt, den Mörder findet und einem Urteil zuführt.

54 1 0 Full
Rock Hard Love

So this entire story is based on an Omegle conversation I had, which turned out to be with a person I was in a group Skype call with. I changed up the ending cause Donkey and Elvis deserve a happily ever after!

18 1 0 Full
Not So Normal ; Satsuriku No Tenshi

Rachel waited 2 years for her friend to save her from the hell she calls her life. Zack hasn't been found. She's worried sick.*COVER BY RIKU114*Warnings ; Zack x RaySwearingBlood. LOTS OF IT.Mention of depression, Suicide and suicide attempts.Eh, Can't think of anything else.

5.9K 16 74
Viking Dragon (Sarah Logan X OC)

Post Evolution The Riott Squad Turn from the Hunters to the Hunted After the Return of Team bella But things go from bad to worse after Sarah is Brutaly Attacked with a Steel Chair But this draws the Return of Sarah's soon to be Husband Adam Yamasheta Returns and With that Adam and Sarah are placed in the mixed match Challenge But During the Match there was a Miscommunication and Bobby Lashley Accidentally Speared Sarah and Adam is enraged This starts a Violent Ugly Feud with Bobby Lashley Can the All-Mighty Survive the Wrath of the Black Dragon?

1.4K 8 18

A one little kid wanted a Kuya, So they made a another baby. As so 10 years later. The Kuya had a girlfriend. And the girlfriend was mean to the child.

9 1 1 Full


1.3K 4 50
SCARS TO MY PRIDE (Malfoy one shot)

Poohlédl se přes své rameno. Tichou noc proťal hrom. Bál se nočních můr, jež s bouří vždy šly ruku v ruce. A když blesk zazářil, trhl sebou, neboť na jeho prahu se silueta ženy mihla... --Tento příběh je věnován na přání mé drahé Shinni36, nejlepší hráčce RPG her, jakou svět doposud zná(alespoň pro mě :D ♥) DÍKY ZA VŠECHNO Hope you enjoy it!

36 1 2 Full