Search: ravemaster
260 stories
A Fallen Fairy Goes To The Grandline

Okay, so I started writing this because of @FairyLucyNamiPiece , so this story is dedicated @FairyLucyNamiPiece :) Anyways, um, this story is about how Lucy leaves the guild because of Lisanna and she goes and finds Acnologia and he trains her and she gets stronger and then, she goes to the Grandeline and encounters pirates. And some stuff happens like she falls in love with a certain Whitebeard pirate. I'm not giving you anymore hints than that, so just read and find out.Also, Fairy Tail does not belong to me. And the cover doesn't belong to me either.

66.4K 19 1.1K
Their Goddess (Creepypasta x Reader)

Tick-Tock!Fallen from the sky and into their tainted bloody world.You were dodging your lovers.They madly fallen for you in this endless time.Craving for the color of red, can you taste the blood? Tick-Tock!They wanted to claim you.Strip you of your freedom and lock you away.Nowhere to go, no where to run.Their hands are pulling at you, aching to touch you.It was insanity who has creep over you, watching and waiting.Ssh.... Do you hear?....Tick...."You'll never escape"

8K 5 178
The Strongest Guild

Okay, so you could call this story, the typical, Lisanna being a b**** and Lucy revenge, but there's a certain twist to it, read to find out!

2.2K 6 62
Anime One Shot

One shots of different anime characters

21.1K 25 280 Full
Fairy Rave High [Fairy Tail x Rave Master] | Discontinued

This is a crossover Fanfiction of Fairy Tail and Rave Master. This takes place in a high school, where the characters are the teachers and students. This is discontinued, but please do not carry on the story on your own account.

118 3 5 Full

Camila Cabello sempre foi uma jovem responsável e dedicada à família que se esforçava diariamente para sobreviver. Filha de um professor e uma costureira, a jovem cresceu com o sonho de um dia ser uma grande estilista de moda. Porém, a realidade era mais dolorosa do que seu mundo imaginário. Em um país comunista como Cuba, a probabilidade dela conseguir realizar seu sonho era quase nula, mas com o esforço de seus pais e uma bolsa de estudos devido a suas notas, ela viajou para os Estados Unidos conseguindo uma vaga na Universidade de Nova York (NYU). Decidida a conseguir seus objetivos e dar uma vida melhor para seus pais e irmã, a latina finalmente conseguirá realizar seu sonho. Mas a vida é uma verdadeira caixinha de surpresa e quando o coração distrai, a sorte vem. E no meio dessa aventura conhecerá a misteriosa Lauren. Uma jovem que entrará em sua vida sem pedir licença, ao mesmo tempo em que carrega o grande peso dos segredos de sua família. Os dois lados de uma mesma moeda. Duas vidas e um único destino. Uma história onde os opostos se distraem e os dispostos se atraem.Não autorizo adaptações. Agradeço.

57.8K 62 3.8K Full
It is not easy to be a wise husband in the wilderness

蛮荒之贤夫不易当Zhang Yue never thought that he could travel through time! And it's a time-travel with foreshadowing! And turned into a caveman! Oh my God, he is a young man who has no fingers in the spring water, and he is also a young man who is not a diligent artist! Fortunately, the muscular man who picked him up is very kind and willing to take him in, so he has to work hard to survive! To put it simply, it is the story of a pampered young master who returns to the wilderness and works hard to live with his loyal dog Gong! PS: The author of this article, CP: Shen Hu vs. Zhang Yue, is set in an imaginary barbaric period. Don't do any research. The stupid author's logic is useless. There must be bugs. Just tell the stupid author gently. Just read and write with pictures. Just relax~

1.3K 15 4 Full

Featured by WATTPAD ASIAN FANTASY Thoughts are quite dangerous things; fleeting one moment and drowning us the other. A tangle of fine web that slowly entraps us; influencing our speech and actions. And when woven together, it presents a tale of unwavering love."The setting sun, the moon and the stars were the witness to our love in Kamyaka Forest as they are now. If you truly love me as I love you, then fate will have to bend before our love. The Gods won't let any other woman be my wife before you become mine and I become yours."Of self discovery."You carry the three gunas in harmony, a feat not even achieved by primodial deities."Of ambitions."May you not fail as the suta king did."Of navigating through various relations. "Let this be a lesson on how to string beads together, Nakulamohini; a lesson from one palace woman to another."Of an ordinary girl's journey through time to become extraordinary.Abhijishya - Nakulamohini - Dhruvi Flip through the pages to unravel the essence of Dhi. ╞═══════𖠁𐂃𖠁═══════╡DISCLAIMER : This book is purely fictional and does not claim any mythological or historical accuracy in any way. Most of the characters are taken from the Epic Mahabharata and other folk tales. The author does not mean any disrespect or offence to any caste, creed, religion and person. Resemblance of any character to a living person is completely coincidental. 🥇 Best Blurb ~ The Shelf Made Awards🥈 Historical Fiction ~ Debonair Accord🥈 Historical Fiction ~ Mini Awards🥉 Historical Fiction ~ Hin-glish Awards🥉 Best Charcater Bonding ~ SCA🥉 Best Female Protagonist ~ SCA🥉 Fanfiction ~ The Royal Nobles AwardCover and banners by @-decepted

220K 81 16.4K Full
Fairy Tail x Rave master

Dos grupos se conocerán y tienen una peculiar aventura. ¿Quieres saber que pasara?Los personajes y la historia son de Hiro Mashima

82 1 0 Full
Surrounded by Doubt | Kuroshitsuji

Ciel has fallen ill after a mission from the Queen regarding illegal use of gas in London. Convinced it's just a cold he suffers from, he starts to doubt the one closest to him meanwhile Sebastian picks up on his young master's changing behaviour as their relationship might take a different turn than expected.(My very first try at writing fanfiction so I do hope you'll enjoy)(Disclaimer: I do not own kuroshitsuji nor any of its characters)

5.1K 15 75 Full
Halo, Remnants: The Great Schism

Halo, but with an oddity. Halo was destroyed, the Covenant was dealt a devastating blow, and the Flood were wiped out. At least, that's how it was supposed to go. Now, the Covenant intend to take the battle to Mother Earth, but the Remnants of Noble and the Master Chief were not just going let that happen. They were going to fight and drive the Covenant off their home, and pursue them to wherever they may run! On the other hand, Thel 'Vadamee is disgraced for his failure to protect Halo. In order to keep his life, he must do the biddings of the Holy Hierarchs, the Prophets of Truth, Mercy, and Regret. Luckily, his closest ally, Zayda 'Zazumee was going to remain by his side. . . The OCs Aris, Athena, and Zayda belong to me. Halo belongs to "Bungie" and "343 Industries."

6.4K 15 212 Full
Within Seconds // Barry Allen

[based on season one of The Flash]|| book one of three ||At the time Central City's own Barry Allen discovers he has the ability to run faster than the speed of sound, a woman from his past, Parker Sylas, returns to her hometown. Scoring jobs at both the CCPD and S.T.A.R. Labs, the two were destined to cross paths again, this time, in a way unlike ever before.started: october 8th 2014ended: september 13th 2015

5.6M 100 205K Full
Tainted: Book Three - Enslaved

It's a race against time as Kerry Harker heads home to New York City in search of any clues leading to his missing girlfriend, Gemma Shepherd. The Council of Elders is considering a lockdown, meaning he'll have little to no support coming from the Sanctuary, and Clem is strangely absent since the restoration of his wife, Amanda. Leery of trusting anyone, Kerry goes against his instincts and reaches out to allies of all stripes, cashes in favors, and kills anyone who gets in his way. The tiger is loose, and he'll fight forever until he recovers what's his.All Rights Reserved - I own the copyright to the Tainted series.

12.5K 54 890 Full
Her (Harry Potter x Reader)

Two burning hearts that dared to breakRemeber, nobody said that it would last forever.Harry Potter, the boy who lived, had always felt as if everyone he loves, he loses. This still applied when he fell head over heals for her. They were what you'd call a perfect tragedy, one of the few fairy tales without a happy ending. Go through the stages of like, love, lust, and loss with Harry and y/n as they venture through their years at Hogwarts.TW : Mentions of violence and abuseStarting in year 3 - Prisoner of AzkabanStarted November 2, 2020 - Completed February 2, 2021

5M 95 149K Full
Oracle (Book I)

Welcome to Oracle--a sprawling school of magic overlooked by a crystal mountain, surrounded by fields and forests beneath whipped clouds and endless blue skies. Caprice Bilberry is a witch who suddenly arrives at Oracle's extraordinary campus and is informed that as a student here, her greatest wish will be granted: She will be freed from generational enslavement and have the right to go to school and practice her magic. Why say no and return to life as a slave in a colonial village where using magic is an offense punishable by mutilation and death? But you know what they say: If something is too good to be usually is. Caprice, Nezzle, and Bossa become friends, soon unraveling a terrifying secret: The school is more than what it seems, demanding a price more sinister than its lofty goals reveal or make up for. Its the ultimate fine print. For one does not simply enter and become a student at Oracle....

30.4K 67 2.6K Full

Fairy Tail and Rave crossover. Someone is destroying bars in the town of Sycca. When Lucy and her campanions investigate, they realize that it isn't one person committing this crime but a group of odd individuals, and everyone wants to know who these peculiar people are!Although this story will contain action, why not throw in some ships while I'm at it. Beware of carrot-nosed dogs!Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail or Rave. Mashima does. But one day...Warning: Later chapters will have some sensuality (I have warned you) and brutality. Rated M.

1.1K 11 12
Keep Your Enemies Close (Remastered)

Hello!This is a Clexa story! Lexa Woods is a detective and Clarke Griffin is a criminal. Lexa's job is to catch Clarke and take her to prison, but what if she catches feelings towards her instead?Achievements (thanks to YOU!):#3 clexaChapters are being remastared, since my English has gotten a lot better. I'm adding some new details too, so maybe you should reread this book. 😌

23.8K 17 793
When She's Gone... (Sieghart X Mirai/Oc Fanfiction)

A 14 year old boy and a 14 year old girl met each other. Both of them had strong magical powers. But the girl passed away one day and all what's left of her are memories and the pain of her loss. This story tells the past of the girl known as Mirai and the boy known as Sieghart, the story of Sieghart's pain, which seems to never end and it tells the story of his future. Will he find a new love 7 years after Mirai died? What will he do? How far will he go? Would he die for her? A true hero? "Who wouldn't like to be a Hero?", this is the last thought of both of them. The words she said have always been in Sieghart's memories... He just tried not to think of them. Funny how time passes by.(This is my first Wattpad story. I hope you'll enjoy it! Please excuse any spelling and grammar mistakes! And tell me if you find mistakes! I'll try my best to write in a good English!) (The title of the story might be changed in the future!)I DO NOT OWN RAVE MASTER. IT'S A MANGA BY HIRO MASHIMA. I ONLY OWN THE STORY IDEA, THE TEXT I'M WRITING AND MY OCS! THIS IS JUST A FANFICTION JUST FOR FUN AND FOR FANS!

38 2 2
Cortana: The Lost Story

If you like the halo series this is a story for you. This story will take place in the four years between the events of halo 3 & 4 as cortana and chief are trapped in the remains of the forward unto dawn. Are they as alone as they think they are? Are they safe? So many questions. One AI to solve them all. This series reached its epic conclusion on December 9 2015!Disclaimer: I do not own anything to do with the Halo franchise. Whether that be weapons, armour, vehicles etc. It all belongs to 343 Industries. This is for entertainment purposes only.

9.4K 45 361 Full
The New Beginning

This is my first time writing a fanfiction, so please tell me if I did some ERROR.Fairy tail, Edens Zero, and Rave Master does not belong to me,they belong to sensei Hiro Mashima.Lucy used a black magic spell and she was been re-do back to a 1 year old and gone missing,then everyone think that she was dead. Little did she know the black magic actually affected her friends as well.What happened when some of the mages turn to 17 years in the past?Will Lucy come back again?Find out in "The New Beginning"This is gonna be similar to a novel so I'm sorry if its not good.In this story, they will be more than one main character and things are gonna get wierd. So please enjoy.

79 2 3 Full
Naruto: Strength Through Teaching

Mutsuki traversed into the world of Naruto, becoming an ordinary middle-level ninja teacher at Konoha Ninja School and a member of the Root organization. Fortunately, he awakened the teacher system, allowing him to become stronger through teaching.In order not to become a brainless tool for Danzo, Mutsuki diligently teached to enhance his strength. "The first time completing an A-rated teaching evaluation. reward: Complete Mastery in Fire Chakra Nature Transformation.""Your student Shisui gained +30 chakra after hard training. You gained +60 chakra!"Follow Mutsuki's journey as he reaches the peak of the ninja world with his cheat.

198.1K 188 13.9K
The master of cultivation conquers the universe after flying into Interstellar

修真大佬飛升星際後征服宇宙[Time Travel and Cultivation] "The master of cultivation conquers the universe after flying into Interstellar" Author: Love coconut [End] Jiang Junyu, the boss of the cultivation world, flew to the interstellar era.She was a little confused when she watched the Starship flying all over the sky.In order to go to the divine world, she can only fly up again.Her power comes from the worship of believers, but the people of the interstellar age do not believe in God.So Jiang Junyu tried his best to accumulate the power of faith.Experts in the field of radiation protection are shocked when the radiation protection symbol can be defended against any intensity!Experts in agriculture are shocked by the beat to grow delicious fruits and vegetables!Her elixir can cure mental diseases, and experts in the medical field are shocked!Elixir, spiritual grass, array, rune paper...As soon as all kinds of goods came out, they were robbed, and merchants from all walks of life couldn't sit still.Until a god statue appeared in the interstellar, made a wish in front of the statue, everything come true, and the whole interstellar exploded!Content tags: transmigration, Interstellar, future overload, cool article, cutivationSearch keywords: protagonist: Jiang Junyu [Star + no cp + strong woman + cool article + farming + food + business + practice + divine world + killing decisively]Intent: People should be self-improvement.Orignal Novel: IN CASE, THIS STORY IS: ✓ PURELY MTL(means this is not edited, so expect the incorrect pronouns, indents, and grammatical errors. :D) ✓ FOR OFFLINE PURPOSE ONLY ( just uploaded here for my smooth offline reading) ✓ Do Not Report, Just Read ✓ DISCLAIMER: I do not own the cover nor the story, this is all for offline reading.

540 11 3 Full
[PART 2] Imperial Commander: His Pretty Wife Is Spoiled Rotten

Part 2The iron-blooded Master Mu had three specialties: great marksmanship, great skills and masterful ways to spoil his wife! Everyone in Jingdu knew that Yun Xi was the apple of Mu Feichi's eye. Anyone who saw her would be envious and anyone who crossed her would hurt their bones. Reborn one day, Yun Xi the star of death was unloved and neglected by her parents. However, she somehow ends up in the devilish vortex of Mu Feichi's love... 帝少爆宠Author: Gu Jiaqi

303.8K 200 8.1K Full
My Little Spark - Romanogers Oneshots

''Anastasia,'' Natasha replied. ''Anastasia Belova Romanoff-Rogers.''Anastasia Belova Romanoff-Rogers is the daughter of Steve and Natasha that neither of them expected to be born.What if the Red Room failed to sterilize Natasha? What if one night, Natasha and Steve became drunk and did something they hadn't thought through? What if Natasha became pregnant with a baby girl?All characters belong to Marvel™ besides Anastasia who belongs to me.Requests open!Achievements:🏆 300 engaged readers 15/2/24🏆 200 votes 15/2/24🏆 7k reads 21/2/24🏆 8 in #anastasia 24/2/24🏆 10k reads 10/3/34🏆 1 in #schoolproblems 13/3/24🏆 7 in #yelenabelova 13/3/24🏆 1 in #girlxgirl 15/3/24🏆 4 in #yelenabelova 15/3/24🏆 6 in #anastasia 21/3/24🏆 3 in #katebishop 25/3/24🏆 6 in #oneshotcollection 27/3/24🏆 3 in #oneshotcollection 28/3/24🏆 2 in #father-daughter 28/3/24🏆 15k reads 8/4/24🏆 20k reads 2/5/24🏆 4 in #romanova 25/5/24🏆 9 in #cap 1/6/24🏆 10 in #spark 1/6/24🏆 3 in #romanova 1/6/24🏆 7 in #cap 2/6/24🏆 9 in #spark 2/6/24🏆 7 in #spark 7/6/24🏆 2 in #romanova 8/6/24🏆 6 in #spark 8/6/24🏆 1 in #romanova 17/6/24

31K 59 685
Traitor ⭒ Peter Pettigrew

⭒ I wish that you had thought this through, before I went and fell in love with you ⭒Aries Melania Black, the youngest of the noble and most ancient house of Black. Her entire life she has been told that she belongs in Slytherin but when she arrives to Hogwarts that doesn't happen, she becomes a traitor in her families eyes and follows in the footsteps of her older brother. But as the war draws closer she needs to know who she can trust and who she can't.(I do not support JKR)

98.1K 78 3.2K Full
Goda's Slave (Lesbian, Dystopia, LGBT Fantasy)

The daughter of a wealthy baron, Kanna Rava has enjoyed privilege far beyond that of most of her impoverished countrymen. Torn abruptly from that life by a twist of fate--and politics--she finds herself sold into slavery by the central government and thrust into the hands of Goda Brahm, the cold and mysterious woman who is tasked with escorting her to her new master. Barely over the culture shock of being dragged to the other side of the continent, into a world where women marry other women and a class of priestesses are worshiped like gods, Kanna slowly discovers both the hidden conspiracy that led to her enslavement and the terrible secret that lies behind Goda's icy demeanor.An allegory about free will, resisting fate, and being an outsider.(This description is for the Wattpad version of the story. If you're reading this note anywhere's not me, the original author.)

118.8K 42 5.5K