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31,465 stories
Redolent Mercy

"I seek mercy from the German ghost, Sigrid Muller, who holds the future of my love..."Hollie has been breaking Leo's heart her whole life that it's becoming too late to realise that he is already broken. In fantasies, they're dancing in unknown halls like a romantic couple with a dispirited ghost playing her tragic hymns but in reality, he's slipping away from her grasp. The ghost is pulling him in...Unlit chandeliers that crash down just so she can hold him again...she'd do anything.

47 3 37
Right And Wrong [Boy×Boy]

Nolan Reeves is your average seventeen year old in a world where at least forty percent of the population has some kind of special ability and being a super hero is an actual job. A job Nolan has dreamed of his whole life. There's one tiny little issue standing in his way, he's the discarded child of a villain. Not just any villain either, one of the most wanted bad guys around. He's not qualified to go into hero training just because of his blood ties. With the help of his foster mother, a retired hero, he's fighting back against this ridiculous law, determined as hell to make his dream come true.Just when it seems it might happen, a new aspiring villain named Virus comes crashing into his life. He finds himself unable to get this guy out of his head and associating with this type of person could ruin his chance to achieve his dream.

3 1 1
Laughing Jack's Revenge

What will happen if you destroy the closest thing to a creepy pasta's heart you wonder? They will most likely kill you. This is a story about Laughing Jack's best friend and how Jack got revenge on whoever did this tragic thing to his friend, Sally.

13 1 1

Just cause I'm bored duhh read the title *face palm*

1.4K 167 276 Full
Standardtitel - verfasse deinen eigenen

13 1 1
The joy of being happy

"I did not know what I was expecting. All I knew was that you were my happiness and all I wanted was a happy ending""Farewell Krystal"Krystal Rose is a person unlike any other human you have ever encountered. She is literally perfect when handling life. There is nothing she can't do, except acting as human, of course. She is told that she is a Queen, yet she acts like a puppet in the hands of beggars. She seeks for happiness, yet does the opposite of it.She kills, she revenges but most of all she steals .... happiness. Like Tantalus, every time she thinks she is finally happy, everything unclasps from her grasp and vanishes. So be careful, a person doesn't need to be 'bad' to hurt you. And that in the name of MONEY, you will sell yourself. Hate, jealousy, greed are sensitive and can be woken with a simple touch.But what actually happens when she meets Aiden, a boy so pure, she is reminded of Heaven. Will he finally make her wish come true or doom her even further; into an irrevocable depression in which she never comes out of. Follow the journey and find out.

123 18 16
RASPBERRIES| Individual role-play

individual roleplay

468 7 9
A year as a Narnian || 365 Narnia one shots (Part one)

Yep, I'm insane and have decided to write a one shot for each day of 2022 :) wish me luck.

73.9K 200 3.3K Full
dear diary - part one

hii, this is my first story so pls be nice igit/its,, he/him

5 1 0
Chapter 1

4 4 0
Ok What The Heck

My life is so screwed up and weird like what the heck

14 1 1
The reds

"I know what you are." I screamed trying to run away but he suddenly flashed head of me, stopping me in my tracks. "What am I?" He said calmly while over towering me and my small frame. I pushed past him, afraid of what he would do next. I ran down the dark and eery woods the only thing guiding me is my cell phone. I rounded a corner, I was running way faster than I think I ever have in my entire life. That is until I felt myself flying towards the ground, my shoe was caught in a exposed tree root. I screamed and fell on the ground. My cell phone slipped from my grasp and I knew it was lost. I heard him coming. I quickly pulled my tiny foot out of the tight hold of my snug van. When it budged and I began to kick my legs as fast as they could go on the trail I rounded the corner by a tree trunk, maybe he'd run past me. "Now tell me." He whispered harshly behind me grabbing my arm and pulling me to meet his dark cold eyes. "What exactly am I?" "A monster." I cried.

1.2K 16 51
My Unexpected Love

Bitter is always the best

45 4 0

❝I'm not the girl a mother warns you about, I won't kiss your best friend or break your heart. I won't make you choose what you love to do & me. I'm not cold, I'm not reckless. I will love you more than anything. I will kiss you when you cry.❞

133 24 7
The Red Line in His Dream

"The Red Line in His Dream" is a creative non-fiction short story written, rather recently, as a result of the remembrance I had of a dream. This dream belonged to my brother. Three years ago, during my brother's cancer treatment, he told me of this dream; the dream seemed to plague him with confusion. I too was confused and rather complexed by this dream. After his death, I hung onto this dream, hoping to obtain at least a pebble-sized piece of closure. Perhaps I could understand just this one thing about the confusing situation that was his death. Perhaps I could grasp one answer from a thousand questions left unanswered. I wrote this short story to process through the indescribable pain that is grief. The pain of losing my older brother will carry with me forever.

3 1 0 Full

"NO HARRY! I CAN'T DO THIS AGAIN! NOT AFTER LAST TIME!" I shouted, my breath fast and raspy, he did it again, he cheated again after all it took to get me back he is throwing it away again and this time I won't let him back in. I won't let him break me again.

2.6K 16 34 Full
Valor (#1 Unorthodox Trilogy) (discontinued)

"Our personality and being is what makes us aspire to shine and be who we are, and each step makes us want to sail further to find out if there really is something at the end of the horizon." - Valerie Brogen. Valerie Brogen has just finished Vicissitude – A day where a Citizen of Valor must have their entire memory erased, their backgrounds null and void, as emotions can truly kill. After experiencing strange dreams of a past life, she is led down a dangerous path, with only two options – live or revolt? Soon, she will find herself on a quest to discover what secrets her government, neighbours and almost everyone is hiding. But sometimes, the most dangerous secrets are the ones hidden within yourself.

313 7 12 Full
Dying with the Blue Rose (Random Roleplay)

☼☼☼Moonlight slipped between the brown curtains and fell upon a rose with unnatural blue coloring that had begun to wilt. The flower was dying. Its leaves dipped too much, its petals threatened to fall every time the wind visited, its thorns were no longer sharp.Far away lived a young lady, struggling to evade the dark claws of death that were trying to grasp her. Though she did not remember it, there was a time when she had shared a room with the blue rose. When she was little she had played with the blue rose.Now she was dying with the blue rose.☼☼☼A while ago, my friends and I started a roleplay on Google docs. It got a little out of hand, a little ridiculously random... But we kept it. And now that we haven't posted anything on it for a year, I figured, "Hey, why not just post it on wattpad so the world can enjoy our idiocy?"... Have fun.~Hghrules

64 1 2 Full
Canale 999 - Alla Ricerca Di Mia Sorella

(Ispirazione presa dalla creepypasta "Canale Infinito".)Steven, 37 anni, attende come la sua famiglia il ritorno a casa di sua sorella gemella Amy, al tempo 23enne, scomparsa nel nulla durante una serata con alcune amiche. Dopo alcune ricerche, Steven scopre l'esistenza, per lo meno nella teoria, di un canale chiamato Canale 999, il quale può trasportare i suoi spettatori all'interno di un mondo parallelo senza nome. Steven decide quindi di ripercorre i passi di Amy per cercare di riportarla a casa.(Precedentemente pubblicata su altra piattaforma con il nick name Marra Superwholocked)

8 2 2 Full
Free, Yet Still A Captive// Hisoka x Reader x Chrollo Fanfic

You were part of the Phantom Troupe, being friends with Chrollo since you were little. But suddenly you get kidnapped by a Bounty Hunter, and almost instantly were you thrown behind the jail bars. The Phantom Troupe looked for you for almost 5 years, but they couldn't find you anywhere. Till one day, a certain slip of paper and a bronze key slides into your grasps. Your goal to meet up with Chrollo had begun. But not before taking the Hunter Exam, as the anonymous helper had requested.WARNING: THIS BOOK WAS MADE TO CATCH PEOPLE'S INTEREST AND IF PEOPLE WANT TO READ MORE OF IT. I HAVE NO INTENTION OF ADDING MORE TO THIS, (because I'm lazy) BUT IF PEOPLE WANT TO READ MORE TELL ME IN THIS COMMENT SECTION!

448 1 19 Full
Deadly Them Again, Ain't It? | JJayFuaiz Fanfiction | Oneshot

☆ "Door is kicked opened and JJay burst into the room, unconsciously switched on a light switch just to see a suffering, fearful, wrenched, agonizing Fuaiz sit grasping his knees into a total mess on the bed."☆ Bloody proud to say this is JJayFuaiz's first ever fanfiction! These two definitely have promising future, they should be super known and loved after DFF airs. Spent too much time here and still haven't seen any of their ffs so I made one.☆ Gimme one star one comment for happily ever after ships teehee ~~~☆ Recommend the song I pasted the link. Great song and accurate verse.☆ This was translated by me from my own ff in Viet.

272 1 21 Full

What if one day, suddenly you woke up and everything changed.What I mean by everything, all of it.The peaceful world that you used to know suddenly turns chaotic.Everyone's acting strange.A human eating a human?Smoke...Fire...and blood everywhere...Painful screams...Raspy growls...Hungry groans...Screeching moans...and Furious snarls can be heard...Rotten, They're rotten.Killing...Running...And Hiding is the only way to keep them alive...They all have one Goal in mind...And that is to SURVIVE.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••TAGLISHDate Started: July 24th 2022Date Ended:

95 1 1
Don't Trust That Blended (An I Woke Up A Vampire Fanfiction)

'The Hunter stares at me for I don't know how long. His face is inches away from mine and I can't recall how he got that close. "I...don't wanna do this." he whispers in my ear. One of my hands he has pinned to the wall and my other one grasps my dagger pressed to his neck. "Of course, you don't, Goggles..." I whisper back sarcastically. His grip tightens on my wrist, and I wince slightly. The Hunter moves even closer and murmurs, "Please stop calling me Goggles."' ~The timeline of this fanfic is the starting of Season 2~!!!WARNING: This fanfic may be a little mature than the actual show: WARNING!!!(don't own cover art!! all rights go to owner)

2 1 0