Search: pvzsadstories
17 stories
Citron's diary

This may not be real.We all know how Citron gains his powers.But what if the zombot never exploded?

324 8 1 Full
The Stand Against The Plague

Immorticia has spread a plague over the globe.If the plague wasn't stop.....all the life forms in earth will be mutated and turn into zombies.And the plants has only 3 days to find the cure to this plague before the world is completely mutated.But the zombies won't just sit and do nothing for the next 3 days right?

2K 12 26 Full
Rustbolt rage(The Continued Of The Stand Against The Plague)

After Zomboss found out Rustbolt is actually the one who helped the plants against the plague of the zombification.Zomboss hired a zombie and created a suit of armor that is way more powerful than Rustbolt"The shining armor"

1K 8 24 Full
When you put everything together

This is a crossover of all the games if they met.Pvz will be the main game I will be using a'lot since I know this game the best out of all the games in this story.(Exp:Super Mario,WarioWare,Legend of Zelda, Minecraft, Roblox,Smash Bros etc)I can't cover all the games ever existed because that will be impossible so I will go for the games I think everyone knows a'lot.

708 19 2 Full
The Sun and The Moon (Sunflower X Nightcap fanfic)

One night after protecting the blooming and grassy lawn, At This Sunflower See's a plant she has never seen before, a mysterious yet charming Plant, Will our Shining protagonist be able to bond with this shadowy mystery figure? [DON'T BULLY ME FOR THIS AHHHHHH I JUST WANNA HAVE FUN AND WRITE ][I DO NOT OWN THE RIGHTS TO PVZ OR THE CHARACTERS. THIS IS FOR FUN][AND YES I DID NOTICE THAT IT GETS REPETITIVE, NEXT STORY I WILL DO I WILL TRY TO HAVE LESS REPETITIVE STUFF]

306 10 6 Full
Our destiny

جونگ کوک امگا پسری که از بچگی روی پای خودش وایساده و سختی های زیادی کشیده ...به کمک دوستش وارد شرکت RG میشه ولی نمیدونه که از اونجا زندگیش عوض میشه..... ~~~کیم تهیونگ گفت الان بهش؟یا من اشتباه شنیدم شاید گفت پارک تهیونگ نه؟ولی گفت کیم تهیونگ یعنی همونی که من بهش فحش دادم و البتهههه اه همونی که باهاش سکس داشتم رئیس شرکته....~~~کاپل اصلی:ویکوک کاپل فرعی: یونمین،نامجین ،جیهوپزمان آپ‌:نامعلومفیک اولمع حمایت کنید دوستان👋😅🤗

21.6K 11 1.6K
Z-mech's AI secretary

Lilie,an AI secretary but unique than any other robots.She is one of the 2 robots in the world that has emotions strong enough to even feel love.Her dark story lies behind her sweet smile.Z-mech would never see any other robots the same way as before,not anymore.

275 10 5
drivers license- tommyinnitxreader

Two teens with drama (am i doing this right?) -Language is used in this story-No smut -Yelling/arguing -the second you press "start reading" you have to vote it's literally just the rules plus it makes me look cool

12.1K 11 405
lo ak imagines

so if y'all want just tell me if you want a request for someone other than lo ak because I will be happy to take any requeststhere will be (NO SMUT) and sad and soft imagines!

3.6K 12 25
life sucks - tom kaulitz

tom kaulitz x fem readermaybe we could be? y/n has recently moved to germany and tom kaulitz has not welcomed her well

6 3 1
hot date art 😁😁😁😁😁😁

can you tell my favorites hot date

76 3 2

Yeet boi

3 1 0
Plants vs Zombies The Adventures of peashooter

this is about PVZ (Plants vs Zombies)

24 4 0
A Transient Apotheosis

Two worlds connected for a short time, residents of a constant fight of nature and death falling into a ruined kingdom in bodies, mortal bodies or divine, not of their own. Survival will be difficult but they have each other... Right???^°^°^°^°^°^°^hell yeah PVZ and HK the two most tonally different things but I love them bothSome characters are going to be wildly out of character but in my defense they're usually from the comics or I just haven't researched them as much lol,CW// canon typical violence + animal deathhopefully you'll like this as much as I do, it took so much planning from me and my friend @14Ferren (He also proofread)

73 2 5
Maximum ViaXXL Male Enhancement improves the user's sex life.

ViaXXL Male Enhancement:And this entire can happens due to the decrease testosterone level within the body that starts falling after the age of 30s. The supplement is the strong and natural testosterone booster which motivates the production amount of testosterone in the body to control biological functions and enhance the sexual stamina.

42 1 0
ViaXXL Male Enhancement : Reviews, Benefits, [Warning] Pills Price & Buy!

ViaXXL Male Enhancement:- Extenze cases are now around for extremely a few years now and various individuals have seen their TV plugs on late night TV.Numerous years back porno legend Ron Jeremy was a representative for Extenze pills, albeit now Ron Jeremy utilizes ViaXXL Male Enhancement cases.

33 1 0

Byla noc a já jsem koukal na večerní zprávy a pomalu jsem se chystal že si půjdu lehnout najednou něco zaklepalo na okno mé ložnice.Okno se otevřelo a vešla do vnitř ženská postava které svítili rudé oči nikdo by je nepřehlédl a blížila se ke mně a já jsem popadl lampu a praštil jsem postavu tak tvrdě že se lampa rozsvítila a viděl jsem mou spolužačku jménem Nikol druhý den jsem ráno jako vždy vstal do školy a Nikol tam byla také požádala mě abych to nikomu neřekl nebo by se stala příšerná věc mě i jí.Samo sebou že jsem neřekl co jsem viděl protože jsem byl rozklepaný jako ona ale večer jsem šel k ní domu a viděl jsem hak rozsapala mého kamaráda v její pravé podobě.Snazil jsem se ji zastavit ale vypadala jako dèmon z nějakého horroru.

9 1 0