Search: profesorlayton
111,498 stories
El profesor Layton y las Lágrimas del Rey

Un nuevo caso se le presenta a nuestro querido profesor de arqueología Hershel Layton. Junto a él irán Luke Triton y Flora Reinhold. El profesor llamará a su querida y fiel ayudante Emmy Altava para que le ayude a resolver el caso. Un caso nunca visto, unas estrellas luminosas amenazan la isla The Island of King. Pero no son estrellas normales, hacen desaparecer a la gente. Tras un leyenda se encuentra la verdad. Acompaña al profesor Layton y sus acompañantes para resolver un nuevo misterio. ¡¡ADVERTENCIA!!: He jugado hasta el cuarto juego, así que no hagáis spoilers si comentáis. Yo tampoco he hecho ningún spolier de los demás juegos, solamente son nombrados la villa Saint-Mystère y el pueblo Misthallery. Espero que os guste y comentéis.HISTORIA ORIGINAL.TOTALMENTE PROHIBIDA SU COPIA. © Todos los derechos reservados

2.9K 12 247 Full
Hershel Layton One Shots

Fandom: Professor LaytonCategory: F/MRelationship: Hershel Layton x Female ReaderType: One shot collectionPublished: 08/11/2023

415 5 10 Full
Professor layton's assistant (layton x reader)

For those who don't know professor Layton it was a game series and had a movie about puzzle delving and mystery solving and I honestly thought Layton could be attractive given if they gave him a little more of a realistic complexion. Anyway, you are professor Layton's substituting assistance as Luke(Layton's assistant shoes pretty young) has gone home to spend some time with his father. You worked with Layton a couple times and is a close friend, he has to take you on a adventure to figure out the murderer to a murder in a town called Barrytonville. While this investigation is going on and your doing the best you could to help him, things unrelated to the crime stirs up.

24.2K 15 375 Full
Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright: The Frigid Melody

A chance encounter on a northbound train leads Professor Layton and his young friend Luke to once again team up with the hapless lawyer Phoenix Wright, now accompanied by his sweet little daughter Trucy. At first, the Professor's latest mystery seems like a straightforward missing persons case, but after arriving in the haunted village of Fatargan, Layton and Phoenix soon realise that if they ever hope to make it out of here, they'll have to understand the village, its people, and each other.Cover art by my wonderful friend timegearremix

3.1K 28 217 Full

She hates him for all the right reasons. At least, that's what she keeps telling herself.

36 12 3 Full
Professor Layton and the curious village.

•Hello everyone!So, I'm doing a Professor Layton stories for now own.I'm still with the ace attorney story but don't worry I will finish the story in no time.But for now, I'm kinda interested in Professor Layton stories to do.So, right now I'm going to show you 2 characters for the stories who will stay with Hershel Layton and Luke Triton along with their adventures.

503 11 2 Full
Professor Layton and the Book of Destiny

This story is about Layla, an ordinary girl who loved Professor Layton. Going to buy the next game, she was suddenly in a whole other world. She needs to get back home to Audea Hill. With Hershel and Luke's help, and another friend along the way, will Layla get back home or will she stay in the Professor Layton world forever? © foodbooksmusic

5.7K 10 153 Full
Around The World For A Kiss

(Warning: Entire thing is Layluke.)Luke just hasn't been the same since he moved, having undergone a huge personality shift from a rather obvious catalyst. It's been 6 months and he appears to be degrading and becoming more and more detached from the world, and he'll do anything to go home.Home is still in London.

5.8K 11 115 Full
Unwrapping the Unwound Future

The story of Clive's plan from the mouth of an acomplist and a close friend.

1.4K 8 31 Full
Innamoramento (Future Luke x Reader)

Future Luke x ReaderWarning: it contains massive spoilers from "Professor Layton and the Lost Future".The story "Innamoramento" (current chapter 2) was originally one single completed chapter, published on Deviantart back in 2014. At the time, I had no intention of further developing this Reader Insert. However, more ideas popped up in my mind over time. A second and a third final chapter (that I had to divide in three parts), as well as an introduction (prelude, current chapter 1), came soon afterwards. However, I never had the motivation to finish them... until this year.Please note the illustrations are mine.

2.5K 8 53 Full
Professor Layton and Phoenix Wright:Ace Attorney. The R Case. [Under Edit]

Professor Layton and Luke travel to Paris to help Inspector Vergier catch the Rhythm Thief, Phantom R. They meet a young detective, Lana Hope. Phoenix, Maya, Pearls, Trucy, Athena and Apollo head to Paris on holiday hoping not to defend anyone. That all changes for them as they are dragged into one situation then another. Will they be able to stop Phantom R and save Paris from the dangers? Spoilers for Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy.[Under Edit]

9.9K 25 267 Full
Professor Layton and the Memories Of A Time Gone By

Set after 'The Lost Future'/'Unwound Future', 'Professor Layton and the Memories Of A Time Gone By' explores the life of Hershel Layton after losing his loved one, Claire, and his apprentice: Luke Triton. With his emotions threatening to consume him, he tries to live life normally, and put on a smile. After all, that's what a gentleman does.But what happens when an old friend comes calling? Can Hershel find it in himself to solve another mystery?The first part in the thrilling 'Love In Memories" Two-parter!WARNING:Contains spoilers for the following Professor Layton games: 'Pandora's/Diabolical Box', 'Lost/Unwound Future' and 'Miracle Mask'. While a detail from 'Azran Legacy' is mentioned, it is not considered a major spoiler.If you have not finished those games yet then I suggest doing so before reading this story. But why wouldn't you? If you are reading this now then you most likely love the Layton games and want to finish them. Or already have! If so, read on.

19.3K 20 552 Full
Layton Mystery Journey: The Mysterious Mansionレイトンミステリージャーニー:神秘的な大邸宅

This is a mysterious tale of one fateful afternoon which changed the fate of Katrielle Layton and Ernest Greeves after one time they went to the infamous "Mysterious Mansion"; however, what happens there will change the course of their lives massively.

2.2K 18 86 Full
Professor Layton and the Angel's Prophecy

The highly anticipated new adventure in GentleAaron's series. 'Angel's Prophecy' takes place two years after 'Love In All Adversities'."Doom to the thief, who steals lives, meddler of time. Doom to the curse against nature, the impossible man in the top hat. Doom to the gentleman and his apprentice. Doom to he, for he shall die first."The Professor and Luke, partners in crime. Friends for life. But what if that friendship is prophesised to end in tragedy?When a prophecy from a mysterious organisation known as the Angels is revealed which speaks of an end to the pair's bond, Layton will do anything to ensure this prophecy fails.However, the Angels are a force unlike any of which Layton has seen and he will need all the help he can get. Sofia and her family, Randall and Clive are but some of the friends who will help the Professor on his journey.And of course, Luke will share this journey. Even if it may indeed be his last.Plus, share in another adventure, one that took place not long after 'Love in All Adversities', as Hershel tackles the case mentioned to him by Luke at the end of 'Lost Future'. The events of this adventure have repercussions for the team now, and it is up to the Professor, Luke, and his friends to end this madness once and for all. They might need the help of a certain attorney...-Cover art by the super talented Saiklex.

27.3K 56 815 Full
Luke Triton and the Mystery of Professor Layton

After a curious letter from the professor, Luke has returned to London to help his best friend. But things have changed ever since he was away...

2.1K 6 68 Full
Professor Layton and the mysterious disappearances

After an adventure in the future London, Luke must move away. But soon the famous archeologist Hershel Layton receives a letter from his apprentice. People have been disappearing mysteriously. Under these people is Clive Dove, who had just come out of prison, Flora Reinhold, who disappears shortly after Professor Layton's arrival in Luke's home, Dr. Schrader, the professor's former mentor and many other people. If this isn't enough for you, what would you say if someone else is going to help Professor Layton and Luke? What would you say if this person was Emmy Altava...?(This story contains spoilers for Mysterious Village, Pandora's Box, Lost Future.)THIS STORY IS DEDICATED TO MY BEST FRIEND AA (@Rivercloud)

4.5K 11 148 Full
Profesor Layton Vs Jack The Raper

Layton lerns that Jack The Raper is aliv agan. Can he stop any hram cumming 2 innosent laddies? Or wil Jack The Raper get away wif it agan? Red ans find owt. Rated T sins their may b voilence, butt not graffic. May oslo haf sum yaoi ans yuri, butt Im knot curtain yet. Please Red&Revue

283 10 0 Full
Dazed and Confused (Professor Layton x Reader)

I had an idea, and I love these kinds of fics with the Layton world. So, in this we have you, the reader, who has been playing the Layton games for years, and when you wake up after playing all night, you wake up in the streets of London, dazed and confused.Cover artwork by: Tsundernova on DeviantArt ( you would like me to take this down, please contact me and I will happily do so.

10.2K 11 356
Professor Layton Reader inserts

Professor Layton stories (with the characters) as inserts and x reader. Feel free to request just please keep it Pg, thank you! Also I would like to add that I would also gladly even make some simply platonic fictions with characters, seen as just friendly/familial.

12.6K 13 166
Professor Layton: Love In All Adversities

The sequel and final part of the Love In Memories two-parter. The heroes escape from the thrilling finale in 'Memories Of A Time Gone By', but the Heartbreaker's true plan is revealed and Layton and friends are helpless to stop it. How does the Heartbreaker know Claire? This and more will be answered as Hershel solves one last great mystery!WARNING:Contains spoilers for the following Professor Layton games: 'Pandora's/Diabolical Box', 'Lost/Unwound Future', 'Miracle Mask' and 'Last Specter'. If you have not finished those games yet then I suggest doing so before reading this story. But why wouldn't you? If you are reading this now then you most likely love the Layton games and want to finish the games. Or already have! If so, read on.

14.4K 35 336 Full
In Between Two Alphas

Cassidy moved into a new town when she turned 16 because her parents feared that living in the city would uncover her secret. In no time, she gets involved in the rivalry between Layton and Zeverus. The Problem: Layton and Zeverus hate each other and are from rival werewolf packs. Cassidy doesn’t know what they are. She notices that Layton, Zeverus and their friends are secretive and probably hiding something. While trying to uncover what is happening with the two guys, keeping her friendship with Zeverus, and holding a strange relationship with Layton- Cassidy gets stuck in between two Alphas.

12M 43 237.1K Full
Heart of Gold

A Professor Layton vs Ace Attorney AU where the magic is real. During the golden trial Bezella appears to make her demands. Luke decides to trade his life to save the Professor.

2.9K 9 91 Full
The World Tour Turnabout

Klavier invites Apollo to join him on a world tour to celebrate Daryan's release from prison! With them is Sebastian and Nahyuta! However, Daryan causes trouble for them, so Apollo and Nahyuta leave. Though, they soon find themselves wrapped up in an international investigation with Alfrendi Layton and Lucy Baker!Happy Ace Attorney Apollo Justice Trilogy Release Date! This will help me get back into the swing for writing another book for them! Also, gotta hand it to you, Professor Layton. I didn't see you coming back!

61 11 2 Full
The 25 Days Of Christmas: Professor Layton

Ever wonder what it's like around Christmastime with the Professor Layton cast? How the cheer spreads? Learn what it's like with the cast of 'Unwound Future' along with a few other characters as the countdown to Christmas slowly goes down. There are 25 days of Christmas happiness and excitement, and every single one is a party with Layton, Luke, Flora, Emmy, Clive, Claire, and sisters Foliis and Faith celebrating the holidays.(AU where Claire didn't die and Emmy didn't leave and Clive wasn't a jerk and my gosh this AU is complicated)

1.2K 25 4 Full
Professor Layton: Keepers of Conundrum

Foliis Dohim didn't expect psychics of all things when one of her college professors asked her to solve a mystery. Upon arriving at the place of the strange occurrences, a cast off town by the name of Psylias, Foliis and her companions, Faith, Fey, Lucy, Scarlet, Casey, and Byrne, are met with by a multitude of odd things, including kidnappings, a mysterious man, and an even more cryptic amnesiac. All is misunderstood, including the very masterminds Foliis' group is chasing. But what choice do they have but to solve it? After all, if they don't, they could end up in more danger than ever intended by the keepers of conundrum...

1.4K 27 89 Full