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Compass *George Weasley

"I thought you were stuck on the whole soulmate idea?" He asked him. At first, George was confused, not understanding what he meant or why he couldn't just say it out loud, then his brain processed what he was being told, and he pulled his hand away from his neck."I don't know," He said, thinking suddenly about the necklace around his neck that he had for as long as he could remember. His soulmate was born in September, meaning it appeared on him then, merely five months after he and Fred were born. Molly and Arthur were surprised, to say the least, only having just gotten used to the idea of their eldest son, Bill, having a soulmate as well, though he was seven years old when his soulmate was born, meaning that it was harder for him to adjust to the nonremovable fleur de lis pendant where for George wearing his was the only thing he knew."Maybe it's her," Fred said out loud casually. "The chances of that are astronomically unlikely," George said, rolling his eyes. "Plus it says C.M.L.B. and she's Lupin.""But think about it. Is she?" Fred said suddenly, leaning over the table towards him seriously. "It would make everything make sense."

392.2K 38 13.9K
Keep it 100 (Urban Fiction)

Growing up Naomi's head stayed in the books. She was smarter than most people years beyond her age and knew that would be her ticket to a better life. She never payed boys much attention, because honestly none of them could match her fly. All she needed was her mom, her best friend Blake and the promises of success she knew her future held. As a young boss in her own right, Naomi knew she was destined for greatness. Derric Green was young, intellectually gifted, and one hell of an athlete. Coming from a prominent family, he had every advantage life could afford a young black male and he didn't take it for granted. Despite being one of the most sought after boys in high school (and subsequently college), Derric didn't pay many girls attention. Careful to not get knocked off his square. Life for these two was good. It was simple. That is until their paths crossed, and what used to be simple was now complicated. Can they rely on one another to weather the storm? Or Will they lose each other in the mist of finding themselves?

617 9 16
Shinigami Of The Marvel World

"In a sudden twist of fate, Blake is transmigrated to an ancient time, equipped with a powerful Shinigami system. Throughout his journey, he navigates the treacherous Nine Realms, building relationships and forging alliances to combat the menacing Hollows. As he strives to rebuild the Soul Society from scratch, each chapter uncovers his encounters with various realms, including the Greek pantheon and other divine beings. .Mysterious and enigmatic, Blake discovers that the current universe he inhabits is not the realm of gods but the ancient Marvel universe. Now faced with the choice of intervention or observation, he embarks on a journey that intertwines with the rest of the Marvel movies, all while keeping his intentions shrouded in secrecy. ..As his past exploits are hinted at, the upcoming chapters promise a captivating exploration of the Greek pantheon and the unfolding of Blake's mysterious destiny."

1.3K 32 24
Random Stories Compilation.

ONLY --Short Stories/One Shot Stories/Flash Fictions and so on..Poem Excluded...

529 10 3

"If he had forgotten all his flaws and imperfections. If he had simply just been content with who he was. Because to me, he was not a mere schoolboy. To me, he was and always will be the boy with the ebony hair and the beautiful eyes who wouldn't let me love him, for he did not love himself."

22 1 2 Full

A Flash Fiction 1000 word story. We all have those feeling that tell us don't do that, be careful, watch out tonight, she's cheating... Some lead us astray, others are spot-on.

4 1 0 Full
The Kiss

A short (one shot) about a love that ended before it even started.

4 1 1 Full
Cloudships On Fire

A short story.

1 1 0 Full
Last Stop

Tonight I'll dream again of a train that glides forth.

4 1 1 Full
Saint Mike Tyson of New York

Anormal flight but one passenger was possessed. The Demon that possessed him did not reveal his name. Some think that he was Legion, others Beelzebub, or Cthulhu himself. But Saint Mike was traveling on the same plane.SatireFlash Fiction

13 1 0 Full
Warrior| Sovarian Royal Series

If you had the power to stop or turn the tides of an upcoming war, would you risk your own life to do so? Eighteen years old, Elysia Lake, a former Elite Warrior of Sovaria finds herself in this very same situation.When Sovaria's Third Territory is attacked by the Modahnians, Elysia is forced flee the territory with her brother. Reunited with people from her past, and a power she has locked away for her entire life, Elyisa begins to question the intentions of the people that surround her.When death comes knocking at her door, Elysia has no choice but to face the breath taking truth. Making the tough decision of leaving her Homeland behind to seek out the answers, Elysia is faced with many challenges, and another slap in the face from reality.With the help of her new allies, will Elysia be able to contain her power before she can control it? Or will the power that she was told to hide away consume her?

203 29 36 Full
The Outlands (Sequel to Elven King Mistress)

Attn: This book has male on male activity, abuse, and graphic scenes. If any of this is triggering for you, then you should skip this one. The is the sequel to Elven King's Mistress. You can still read them as a stand-alone. Mickey and Makay capability get puts to the test when their parents leave the kingdom in their hands days before Mickey's warlock is to come. They are put to the test when members of the kingdom try to overthrow them. In the middle of everything Mickey warlock comes. He's mean and evil, especially when he finds out that he has a second mate. A second mate. He thought it would only be him and Ashford forever. Take this journey and adventure with the characters of Fleekopolis for the second time. There's a new threat that wants to wipe them out. An adversary come that they never saw coming. Will they win or lose and if they win, what cost will they have to pay.

1.3K 33 183

Blazing, scorching, yet cold -- the girl who leaves worlds in flames. Willingly captured by Kestuanians, who reside in the cold North, she breathes warmth into their camp -- warmth that is in the form of red. Blood and fire. At the same time, a brief encounter sends her emotions into disarray, and she discovers a shred of compassion left within herself. Who or what could have possibly rekindled her sense of compassion?

27 1 1 Full

If the stars ever fall downI wish they'd dance with us one last timeWe'll die laughing then. - Diana Johnson (2005)It's the flowers in the meadow, Jess,That reminds me of youIts the way they smile to the sun,That paints me in green. - Diana Johnson (2004)

41 1 3 Full

Don't look behind you

1 1 0 Full

A short about tapping noises

8 1 2 Full
Let Moths Be

25 1 5 Full
Kaos: Teoria e Fundit

Të gjithë e kanë frikë vdekjen. Shpesh e përshkruar si e egër dhe e errët. Të paktën kështu mendojnë njerëzit. Por a është në të vërtetë e tillë? Doktor Valdmar Andris, gjatë një eksperimenti shkencor mbi një trup të vdekur në Lituani, zbulon diçka që do ta çonte botën drejt shfarrosjes. I bindur se e kishte të pamundur të jetonte me një ide të tillë, kryen vetëvrasje një ditë më vonë, duke varrosur kështu këtë sekret me veten e tij. Disa muaj hetim për shkaqet që çuan doktorin në vetëvrasje pa asnjë rezultat, bëjnë që vajza e tij Svajone Andris, të vihet në kërkim e vetme për të mësuar më shumë, duke anashkaluar jetën e saj të përditshme. Çfarë do të mësojë ajo? A do të mund ta menaxhojë situatën në të cilën është futur? Vetëvrasje apo sabotim? E errët dhe e egër. Jeta apo vdekja? Një kaos do të ndodhë. Nga dëshira për ta jetuar jetën, apo për t'i dhënë fund asaj?©selenophilenian, Wattpad.

3.2K 24 654 Full
Watered Down Diary

Random shits in a book. That it. Literally.925 in statehumans244 in randomthoughts462 in randomthoughts1 in randomthoughts (2023 August)930 in randomthoughts959 in randomthoughts797 in randomthoughts1 in randomthoughts (2023 August)755 in Randomthoughts636 in randomthoughts79 in Randomthoughts146 in Randomthoughts (WHY DID IT GO DOWN)

1.6K 113 41
Bleach V Marvel.

Based off a Fanfic I created about the Avengers vs The Gotei 13Here you'll find one off stories depicting fights between The Captains of Bleach and member's of The Avenger'sThis is set before Aizens Betrayal so early early Bleach and the Marvel Avenger Characters are based around their MCU Versions cause we know comic versions will typically winif y'all interested I'll release and even continue the original story. basically the plot is someone intended a war and someone to put a end to the Avengers through strong sorcery's the Sereitei ends up transported from the Soul Society and deposited in the middle of Washington DC. can both sides stop fighting and blaming one another and discover the real threat before it's to late?

104 9 0
Chinese Spice

A micro romance set during the Tang Dynasty. When a concubine is on the run, a chance meeting changes her life.

5 1 0 Full
Fallen Autowalker

A tragedy unfolds as autowalkers wander about in virtual reality unaware of their surroundings.

8 1 0 Full
Moment of strength

Most people would consider it a moment of weakness but she was able to grow stronger in that moment.*flash Fiction *

24 1 3 Full
Merry Christmas Challenge

There are many different types of Santa Claus.

134 4 17 Full
Shutters of Light

This story is inspired by Dino Buzzati's "The Falling Girl." When I first read the story, I didn't understand that the main character wasn't falling. The story had a deep meaning that I didn't catch until my classmates gave out their interpretation of it. "Shutters of Light" is about a photographer's conflicting mental memorabilia on a model he's taking photos of.

7 1 0 Full
I'm just asking.

A flash fiction piece that has a sense of irony and was written to contradict the two general sayings, "eyes never lie," and, "eyes are windows to the soul." Possessing underlying meanings hence it is free to any interpretations.[101 words]

5 1 2 Full