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TINNSEI was a legendary scientist who did wonders in microbiology and found a way to evolve the previous homo sapiens sapiens to the current homo fastigium. This evolution doesn't give us wings or gives us claws and fangs, it just does a simple job of removing all our vestigial organs and replacing them with dark matter. A substance found by the legendary TINNSEI 19 years before his world-breaking evolution. Dark matter was found in the meteor shower of 2040. The Homo fastigium like any other human race decided to exterminate the previous species. After being successful in their objectives of killing all the homo sapiens, homo fastigium became the new emperor of the food chain. The dark matter in their body allowed them to share some properties with the natural elements. All the countries decided to abolish the government and this new world was ruled by THE 6. Under them are the 6 continents. As most of Europe was destroyed in the war of existence fought between the human species 110 years ago. THE 6 played a huge role in this war and hence they became the pioneer of this modern civilization

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Playing by Heart by Carmela Martino (Chapter One Only)

Emilia Salvini dreams of marrying a man who loves music as much as she does. But in 18th-century Milan, her position as "second sister" means she'll likely be sent off to a convent instead. Ironically, Emilia's pious older sister, Maria, would gladly become a nun. But Father won't allow it-her brilliant language skills are too important to his quest for noble status. Emilia's only hope to avoid the convent is to prove that her musical talents are as indispensable as Maria's skills. First, Emilia must earn the respect of the music tutor who has always disdained her, simply for being a girl. But before Emilia can carry out her plan, Mamma, her greatest supporter, dies in childbirth. In her sorrow, Emilia composes a heartrending sonata that causes the maestro to finally recognize her talent. He begins teaching her music theory alongside handsome violinist Antonio Bellini, the great-nephew of a wealthy marquis. The two begin as rivals, but making music together gradually melds their hearts. When Antonio abruptly quits their lessons, Emilia assumes it's because her family isn't nobility. More determined than ever to help Father acquire a title, she dedicates a set of compositions to Archduchess Maria Teresa. The archduchess is so impressed that she helps Father become a count. Having finally won Father's favor, Emilia expects she'll now be betrothed to Antonio. But the repercussions of her family's new status threaten not only her dreams, but her sister's very life.

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Music Of The Soul

Jay (Jamie) Dolpher has just been uprooted again by her parents. Along with her older twin brothers, she must navigate her way through a new town and new school.Year 10 is hard enough, what with your GCSEs, but to have to also try to make new friends, and join new clubs just may be too much for Jay to handle. Luckily, she's always got her violin. Having been playing from a young age, Jay can lose herself in the music and forget about her worries at times.Dean Forrester has always been good at football. Captain of his high school team since his second year, leading them to the county championships twice, he was loved by all his school mates. However, not so much by his teachers. His school work was lacking, with Dean preferring to skate by on minimal effort focusing solely on football. He was given only one solution, take one of the art classes to help boost his grades. With his friends advice, he chose music, and they were now trying to make a band to help him pass the class. Little did they realise with no previous knowledge of music just how hard this would be.Can two struggling souls help each other find their way? Or will they both miss a beat, and perhaps a chance at something more?*Cover art tbd*

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Guerra de Épocas ♡ZODIACAL♡

Diferentes personalidades conviviendo en clases de estudio.Profesores y alumnosMúsicos y adolescentes extrovertidos con ganas de vivir la vida(loca)Una guerra de épocas¿Por qué épocas?Ellos son ricos y los criaron de una manera diferente que a las personas en sí. No nacieron para ser personas normales sino para ser un ejemplo de vida en el mundo de ellos. Sus personalidades pueden ser un tanto aburridas en algunos momentos y por ello casi siempre los catalogaban como "Antiguos"(Que sería en realidad sería para algunos "viejos")Ahora pasemos a los opuesto, los cuales son los de "Ahora".Ellos prácticamente viven sus vidas como quieren, aunque en sí, hacen lo que sus padres les ordenan, ellos piensan en el futuro de sus hijos, quieren que sean personas que puedan mantenerse por si solas y buscar un trabajo digno de enorgullecerse, dicho a ello, los mandaron a la UMS con aquel proposito. Aún así varios de ellos fueron por su enseñanza y algunos sólo por el mismísimo título para luego buscar algún empleo. Suelen ser catalogados como personas del "Ahora" por el hecho de que no son personas normales sino que cada uno tiene una forma distinta de pensar y diversos gustos llamativos, ellos están más que adelantados en los avances tecnológicos y viven casi siempre en las redes sociales(24/7).Y ahora la pregunta que se harán ustedes;¿Por qué la palabra guerra en el título?Para saber eso tienes que indagar tú mismo en la novela y encontrar una respuesta.¡Suerte!-DSchust-26/07/2018 #12 Piscis

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SADISTA o SADIST Ang tawag ni Ande sa kanyang Asawa na Isa Lang namang Maskuladong pulis. At siya ay napa ka brutal, seloso, seryoso, at higit sa lahat sex addict lalong Lalo nat pag dating sa kanyang Asawa na si Ande, di niya kayang magtimpi o kontrolin Ang sarili na Hindi ito galawin Ng paulit-ulit. Dahil si Ande ay Isa Lang namang bakla na chubby yet super pretty na may maamong mukha in fact he looks like innocent but sad to say ito'y nagbago Ng dahil sa kanyang asawang si Alfred.Author's Note:Hello everyone, I Know na MARAMI na kayong nabasang kwento na Ang pamagat ay SADIST o whatsoever maging ako ay may nabasa naring kwento na THE SADIST Ang pamagat pero sinisigurado kupo sa inyong lahat na Ito ay kakaiba sa nabasa niyo na, At higit sa lahat Hindi po ako nangungupya sa iba, tanging Ang pamagat lamang pero mag ka-iba Naman Ang nilalaman, dahil Alam Kung plagiarism is a Crime. At Ito pa po, pakisuport nalng Ng kwentong Ito dahil Ito ay Ang kaunaunahang kwento ko dito sa Wattpad. At Ito po ay (BoyxBoy) tanging myembro Lang Ng LGBTQ+ ANG PWEDING BUMASA NITO DAHIL SILA AY KA URI KO AT HIGIT SA LAHAT SILA AY MGA OPEN MINDED. AT YAN LAMANG MARANING SALAMAT.

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I hate you!

Caution! Scenes of violence and cruelty! Obscene language! Suppression of personality, humiliation.From the author:As always, muz pushes the plot into my head, I couldn't do anything, I had to write...Thank you to my readers on the sites "Prodoman", "LitEra" and "SamIzdat" you have done so much for me!ANNOTATION:One day, one moment, one meeting, but it changes everything!How to live on if you are faced with your childhood nightmare face to face?Heavy memories spill out, exposing the nerves and ruining the whole well-established worldthat you created for more than ten years - a cozy home, a loving family and a caring husband.It's not there anymore. And never again...... Or is there something else that can be saved?Thank you for the annotation by Anastasia Mutshal!Plot summary:Maria ran into her classmate Vlad at a gas station. Vlad bullied her in school years for her appearance - she was too full in his opinion. He did not recognize the girl, because she had changed dramatically since then, and even tried to offer an intimate meeting. But Masha recognized him very well, and for a dubious offer she gave him a slap in the face and a couple of obscene words. They went in different directions, but a month later they met again.Masha learned that her husband is accused by her former classmate Vlad of industrial espionage and can not only put his in prison, but also deprive her of real estate, as well as drive her into unthinkable debts. And now, perhaps, it depends only on Maria whether she can save her family - and not let her husband go to prison. She agrees to an intimate encounter with the enemy...

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The Life and Times of Doctor Yundle

A story of Success, Heartbreak, Passion, Money, Betrayal, Redemption, Greif, Grief, Routine, Pain, Help, Love, Care, Family, Relationships, Class Warfare, Bullying, Activism, Accounting Firms, Military, Lies, Deception, Holiday Fun, Pessimism, Power, Corruption, Crime, Alienation, Journeys, Guilt, Courage, Fear, Loathing, Nevada, Pacific Coast Party by Smash Mouth, Struggle, Cuddles, Good natured wholesome family fun, Death, Revival, Rebootings, knots, Beauty, Truth, ascension, Violence, Revolution, Evolution, Tevolution, Noise Pollution, Plot, Good vs Evil, Survival, War, Peace, Piece, Peas, Pleads, Leads, Dead Ends, Clues, Clueless, Heroes, Villains, Anti-Heroes, Grey areas, Green areas, Yin and Yang, The circle of life, the true meaning of friendship, Escalation, Escapades, Traps, Tricks, General Spooks, General Motors, General Hospital, Space Monkey Mafia, Fire, Fyre, Channing Frye, Fryers, Danger, Despair, Devils, Demons, Champions, Has-Beens, Celebutaunts, Startup tech companies in the mid 90s, gamer gear, corroded ears, spinning the globe, defying the globe, building the globe, redefining the globe, footwear, Seven Nation Army, Christian Mums Against Video Games, Possession, Exorcism, Reincarnation, Old Habits, New Tricks, Plats, Plates, Salty old dogs, Sauce, Crust Eaters, Wife Beaters, Rockers, Hip Hoppers, Suplexes, Dead Exes, Generator Rexxes, The new Nexus,broad themes, Weak Memes, Government Rating Authorities, Defying norms, Breaking down walls, Giving that glass ceiling a good old whack, Proving Theories, Speeches at Family Reunions, Accepting awards, Creating nine extra verses for "Happy Birthday", Eating Sleeping Raving, Repeating, The hot new craze that all the kids are talking about, Late Night Dog Walkers, Political Parties, Political PARTIES, Albums, Noise Music, Mid-Season Finales, Nothingness, Emptiness, Loneliness, Bill Murray losing an eye playing Wii Sports Resort, Michael Jackson's missing glove, and Jersey Retirement Ceremonies.

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la ragazza sulla finestra

la ragazza sulla finestra e la storia di diverse amicizie tra ragazzi ma anche diverse ambientazioni di una piccola città alquanto bella e affascinante, si intrecciano storie di diversi studenti in bar notturni e notti senza fine, fra amori, alcol,sesso e ripicche...questo e l'inizio........cera un pazzo che non era pazzo, si distingueva dagli altri solamente perché aveva una voce stridula, ma comunque camminava sempre da solo, con una birra in mano a chiedere le elemosina alla gente che aveva conosciuto nella vita precedente quando era una persona per bene e rispettata da tutti nella città. io lo guardavo sempre dalla finestra e ogni volta mi chiedevo: ma perché tu sei pazzo ed io non lo posso essere? ahimè se me lo trovavo davanti un po d'ansia mi veniva! ma comunque in quella ora pomeridiana io cercavo solo di riprendermi dalla serata prima dove era successo un cocktail di circostanze, fra droghe varie e strusciamenti con la lingua.mi ero ritirato solo alle 6, con la fissa convinzione che il bacio dopo i trenta passa di moda, cosi ero convinto di farlo rivivere nella maniera migliore possibile: fingendo una sintonia. mi ero preso la mia parte, un baciatore comune ma anche un amante che ci sa fare, normale, in tutti i tempi importante era trombare, cosi un po animali lo siamo e quindi sempre in calore. poi se si cercava di trovare la persona giusta, la persona giusta non l'avevo mai trovata ma ero convinto del pensiero che anche la persona giusta non aveva mai trovato me! di conseguenza rincorrevo le ragazze sbagliate sempre in compagnia del mio amico antonio claps, un ragazzo con la passione per il violoncello che decise di non combattere più la sua solitudine un giorno qualunque nel inverno scorso. la pioggia tormentava gli animi mentre i bar erano pieni e nessuno voleva smettere di bere...

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la mia storia

Ciao a tutti, io sono Gaia, di nome e di fatto quasi sempre. Sono un'amante di libri, come miliardi di altre persone, e ho 20 anni...come altre migliaia, allora cosa mi rende diversa dalla massa? forse tutto...forse niente. Un blog di libri, questo avevo in mente di creare, ma e ne sono a non finire anche di questi, perciò ho deciso di fare qualcosa di un pò diverso: un blog di libri, alternato a spazi e momenti in cui chiunque mi seguirà, o inciamperà per sbaglio su questo angolino di web, potrà parlare di se stesso, esprimere le proprie paure, le proprie giornate, un posto in cui sostenerci a vicenda, pur non conoscendoci. Abbiamo tutti bisogno di qualcuno che ci sostenga e ...anche se a volte sembra strano da pensare...qualsiasi momento bello o brutto tu stia passando, non sei solo. Voglio pensare di non essere l'unica, per esempio, che ora sta vivendo un momento di puro panico ed incertezza. La parola chiave di questa mia situazione? FUTURO. Esatto gente, mi ritrovo a dover scegliere osa fare ora...e nel frattempo vedo tutte le persone intorno a me che hanno un obbiettivo specifico: io farò la giornalista, io l'insegnante, io il manager. Hanno tutti un obbiettivo che li sprona ad al momento invece, non saprei proprio quale tipo di lavoro fa per me...niente, 0. davanti a me vedo solo un immenso muro bianco, e dicono che il bello sia proprio quando hai la possibilità di dipingere ciò che vuoi, a me invece sembra che la vastità di bianco mi stia sovrastando, così come la quantità di colori nella tavolozza. Fatemi sapere cosa ne pensate, se anche a voi capita o è capitato. E anche se non so come vanno le vostre giornate, di che colore sono i vostri capelli, o qual'è il vostro sport preferito, fatemi un gran favore, quando uscirete di casa oggi, alzate gli occhi al cielo, e fategli un grande sorriso!

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