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87 stories
Worlds Collide: The Man in the Mirror

Its been two months since Percy defeated Geia and everything seems peaceful. But Dolos, the god of trickery, is trying to escape his mirror prison by gaining the trust of the Fire Lord and helping him win the war.--------I don't own any of these characters except Dolos. Takes place during the Egyptian books, but I haven't finished reading them, so if something doesn't make sense sorry.Enjoy!

19 3 2
A story about love?

"Welp, another year of hell and new discoveries. If only something interesting would happen for once to me.." Is what I said thinking not much of it. Who would've thought this was that year..

65 6 0
Kismet (A Harry Potter fanfiction)

Kismet (noun) • destiny; fate.."Best friends?""Always.".Two young sisters that have always vowed to be there for each other..Until they're both accepted into the prestigious school of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Hogwarts. They then face an unfortunate separation by being sorted into different houses. Through lies, betrayal, and the eerie concept that is fate, will they be able to carry out the promise they made so long ago, or will they be torn away from each other by their mistakes?.Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. All the characters from the fandom belong to JK Rowling.

38 3 8
Blair X Robin, NancyXrobin And blairxKai FanFiction (platontic To Romantic)

My oc Blair is a punk teen and dates robin then they trio Nancy, robin and Blair become a poly relationship

35 5 1
Words left unsaid-(Shuichi x  fem OC!Reader!) Danganronpa:Killing harmony

While being the unpredictable person you were, tripping upon a murder's wrath was almost life taking! Until you meet the so-called shsl detective, Shuichi Saihara! You and him are 2 worlds apart, but What can really go on under that hat of his? The look in both of Your eyes when you meet surely means something special, Doesn't it?

3.4K 10 95

"Your magic can free us all, Peter."***********************************Peter was a person who ran on instinct. He survived his entire life on nothing except it. He was always on edge, but no one (not even Peter) really understood why. Maybe it was the fact that his father left him with the bartender and the last thing Peter heard from him was a broken promise, or maybe it was the drunk people whom Peter's job was to wait for them and get them as much alcohol as they can afford.Peter's only dream was to escape his world.And that's exactly what happened. One night, a fairy showed up and took him to a place called 'Neverland'. A place where boys prove their strength and instinct in a game of survival of the fittest. The winner is the ruler of the land.Peter seems to be the strongest out of all of the other 'Lost Boys', but the most dangerous threat lays not with the other players, but within Peter himself, after falling for someone he never would've expected.Can Peter win the game? Or will he be stuck fighting an endless battle with no hope of winning forever?***********************************Copyright © 2018 RileyCover by: onederstruck-

222 15 1
Cross My Heart and Hope to Be a Parent

(Sequal to Cross My Heart and Hope to Love)Hope you guys Like it!!!!!

8.8K 11 271
Close your eyes ( a SnowBaz fan fiction)

In his 5th year, Baz got badly injured and went blind. He started dating Simon shortly after, but even so, he felt like they were both sinking because of him. Will he ever feel alright again? Will he lear to accept that Simon's love is real?

88 5 8
A Love story? I'd Say Quite the Opposite.

Ray goes through a heartbreak, and they go through the stages of grief. (Some day I'll finish this)

21 1 0
My Heart Spills

Poetry that cuts deepDon't steal it, that's never cool I mean use it for sure but give me some credit thanks.

11 2 2
Deeper Than Love Itself

This chapter is pg-13 for the fact that there are a few cuss words in it. Please read responsibly!

38 4 3
The Perfect Picture

Rose always wanted to be a photographer, one day she comes across a mysterious camera that possesses mysterious powers.

10 1 3
family friendly Group Chat 🔥

Very Lit, Pg13+ wholesome group. warning: might be a cultYou can join us, we'll welcome ya'll with open arms! By joining ya'll need memes thaz all 👽💜

18 1 3
I'm Not Going Home

William started walking home but took a turn to the left and started to head away from home. It was like he was compelled to go away from home. This is all about his journey and his love life on the rode?

25 3 0
Say I Love You

World Trigger Fanfic. Osamu x Yuma. After Yuma's father died, he lost all will to live. That is, until he came to Japan and met an annoyingly selfless めがねくん. Also my first fanfic sooooo... (=3=)

708 2 17
The ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Prince

Highly recommend reading The Lost Prince, you can read that by clicking on my icon!! This is basically just a smut fic for that story so it would make more sense if you were to read the other one first. If ya don't care, read more to find out!!

52 3 4
The park

32 1 0
Mood Swings

if you like clique love triangles with sickeningly basic love interests and a touch of LGBT, grab the popcorn

16 2 1

Emily starts high school as the nobody freshman but when matty comes charms up her world and heart breaking story,...... When its all comes up we got bitches being thrown like fucking balls parties and a Note that started DramaMay be bad

24 4 0
the New Lovers

A girl named Kylie finds out her boyfriend is cheating and gets with her guy best friend/ crush.he gets mad and tries to make her life terrible. Will it work? Or is Kylie safe with her new, maybe even life long or soulmate, love? Find out by reading! {Unfinished}

31 3 1
a princeton love story ( not so rated r)

this story is about a girl of course going shopping for shoes and bumps into mindless behavior and then stuff carrys on from there.

955 4 25
What You Can't Feel Can't Kill You

15 year old Emmy Gage has been neglected by her family her whole life. She is the only person that knows why. But will someone find out when she moves to her new school?

80 4 7
Dirty little Secret

These days it's the normal if you see a werewolf shift in broad daylight or the same with any other supernatural creatures. It's been over 100 years that the supernatural creatures came out literally. My name is Stevie Evergreen code name little red and this is my story of how I became a mate too two supernatural creatures.

54 1 2

After finally talking after 3 years, Dusty reveals her feelings for Dylan.

17 3 0