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303 stories
Apocalypse World

il 21 dicembre 2012 scoppia la terza guerra mondiale, uccidendo la maggior parte degli abitanti del pianeta, i pochi superstiti vivono sottoterra per stare al riparo dalle esplosioni delle bombe atomiche, Akane Suzumiya una bambina giapponese di 11 anni, combatte ogni giorno al fianco di Clementine Price una bambina americana sua coetanea, Shizuka Yamamoto ragazza giapponese di 15 anni con un passato tragico, Yukio Nakamura ragazzo giapponese di 16 anni dal carattere rude e freddo, Masahiro Haruno ragazzo giapponese coetaneo e amico d'infanzia di Yukio, e infine Sheldon Allen ragazzo americano di 18 anni con molta esperienza, riusciranno i nostri eroi a sopravvivere in un mondo ormai sull'orlo della fine?

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Jonathan Vélo never expected to be famous. Not for riding his bike all the way around the continent of Icomo.Every adult knows his story, and children learn about him at school. This, however, is the first and only biography written about that great man with foreigners in mind. We, his biographers, imagine they will be immensely grateful.Of course, readers will find the people of Icomo an unusual sort for glorifying a young man who did nothing more than quit his job and ride his bike from town to town, city to city... But in an age of robots and computers, when little escapes the notice of the historian, there is a quiet epic to be told.It is the epic of cozy nights in a tent below the stars, of warm wind and ocean waves. It is also the epic of missing old friends in faraway places, and that feeling of needing to make life mean something.***'ICOMO ODYSSEY' is a nostalgic slice-of-life adventure about a utopian sci-fi land. No clever villains or epic fights here. Just cozy pleasures, charming towns and villages, interesting cultures, and the people who live in them...This story will update daily for 5 days during its first week, after which there will be bi-weekly updates on Friday and Saturday.

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Fabula Weltschmerz y el caso de la humanidad Torschlusspanik

Una saga compuesta por historias inter conectadas que si bien tienen distintos protagonistas, terminan aportando lo propio para una trama global que afecta a todas las novelas dentro de la saga y formando así; un universo de posibilidades.

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Liquorice Letterbox Sweets

Looking for an alternative sweet treat? Liquorice could be your answer! Liquorice has truly stood the test of time and its popularity hasn't wavered. Admired by the ancient Egyptians and favoured by the Roman Empire Liquorice has a long standing history as a popular sweet. Our Letterbox selection contains a mixture of your favourite Liquorice which could include;Liquorice ComfitsAn all-time classic, Tavener's Liquorice Comfits are popular with those who fondly remember old school sweetshops. With powerful liquorice coated in a sweet, sugary coating, these retro sweets are ideal for any nostalgic sweet lover. Making great sweets for over a century, Tavener's have been around for yearsLiquorice RocksA chewy black liquorice outer with a soft fondant centre these 'Rock's are far from hard.Liquorice AllsortsA true confectionery classic, a delicious mix of liquorice treats in colourful shapes and sizes.Pontefract CakesCoin sized discs that are soft in texture and strong in flavour.Our Letterbox Liquorice Sweets includes free delivery, same day dispatch* and a personalised gift message.* same day dispatch on boxes ordered before 3pm Monday-Friday, Otherwise the item/s will be dispatched the very next working day.All orders sent by Royal Mail 1st Class

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GLITTER vs Starbucks

"This is Antonio," said Katie. "He is from Illuminati."Antonio was tall and thin with short curly black hair.Everyone was quiet for a second.Ashley clapped her hands, "Well... I quit."She turned to walk away but Julia grabbed her arm and pulled her back as if she did this often."Ashley, you are staying right here so help me, I will send the unicorns after you," Julia mumbled.(Basically, a story where a bunch of childish adults run wild and try to save the world from total coffee domination.)

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Potters Pride

MY Sanders Sides.THE POTTERS PRIDE!!!๐Ÿ˜!!!!WECOME!!!!๐Ÿ˜Ask Blog -{Refrence} -

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P.2- Poetist in Prose Poetry & Literacy literary-Poetess Favorites-Read.Vote.Watch.Listen.Speak.Thx

Hello, Everyone and Anyone reading this. These are literary all my favorite poems that I have so far written on here and posted...They are Romantically Wonderful.. Some are darkly hauntingly and others are breathtakingly beautiful.Some just plain entertaining with mysteriousness .While I have some that are just magically enchanting with fantasy lurking.. Thank you and enjoy reading this! So lets get started!

5.1K 13 152
Arcade Game Free Download

Arcade GameDownload Link: Back in Time and Play On: The Magical World of Arcade Games" ๐Ÿ•น๏ธ๐ŸŽฎโœจGet ready to embark on a thrilling journey into the past with "Arcade Games," an enchanting realm where pixels reign supreme, and the spirit of competition and fun is alive and well. These iconic games are a testament to the golden era of gaming, where countless adventures unfolded at the flick of a joystick.In the colorful world of "Arcade Games," you'll discover a diverse array of experiences, from classic platformers and exhilarating shooters to challenging puzzles and captivating storytelling. Each game transports you to a different universe, where you become the hero, overcoming obstacles and adversaries to achieve victory.What sets these games apart is their timeless appeal and the undeniable charm of their pixelated graphics and infectious melodies. They've stood the test of time, offering endless hours of excitement and nostalgia, all packed into a compact arcade machine."Arcade Games" are more than just games; they're a gateway to reliving the thrill of youth, bonding with friends and family over high scores, and getting lost in the immersive worlds they offer. Whether you're a seasoned gamer, a casual player, or introducing a new generation to the joys of retro gaming, the arcade is a place where memories are made and the quest for high scores never gets old.Join the global community of arcade gaming enthusiasts and share your favorite games, high-score achievements, and arcade memories using #ArcadeGaming. It's time to let the music of the arcade, the click of the buttons, and the glow of the screen transport you to a world where fun and excitement never go out of style.

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PacMan 30th Anniversary

PacMan 30th Anniversary: A Nostalgic Celebration of a Gaming IconIntroduction: The PacMan 30th anniversary marks a significant milestone in the world of gaming, inviting both avid enthusiasts and casual players to join in celebrating three decades of this beloved classic. In this article, we delve into the enduring allure and cultural impact of Pac-Man as it reaches this remarkable milestone.A Brief Retrospective: Originating from Namco and introduced to the world in May 1980, Pac-Man pioneered a revolutionary approach to gaming mechanics. Its innovative maze-chasing concept, where players guide Pac-Man to consume dots while avoiding ghosts, captured the hearts of players from its very inception.Evergreen Popularity: Even after three decades, PacMan 30th anniversary appeal remains unwavering. Its distinctive characters, iconic sound effects, and addictive gameplay continue to captivate both seasoned gamers and newcomers, solidifying its position as an everlasting classic.Cultural Resonance: PacMan 30th anniversary influence stretches beyond the boundaries of gaming. Its characters have evolved into cultural symbols, making appearances in various forms of media, merchandise, and even fashion. The trademark "wakka wakka" sound effect stands as a defining auditory hallmark of the gaming universe.Inter-generational Allure: What truly sets Pac-Man apart is its universal allure. Amid an era defined by sophisticated graphics and intricate narratives, the sheer delight of maneuvering PacMan 30th anniversary through a labyrinth transcends time, allowing parents to share their own gaming experiences with their children.

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Il vecchio che osรฒ attraversare la foresta

in un giorno di luna piena, il fruscio del vento che attraversava la foresta, fece come cantilena infelice, non infelice al punto di essere tremendamente triste da piangere ma era più che una melodia nostalgica. Agli abitanti di casupole accoglienti, con il focolare sempre acceso, quel motivo che proveniva dalle fronde di alberi secolari fece iniziare in loro la vuotezza d'animo. Ai poveri stanzianti non miseri tanto di ricchezze, intese come ori o argentei, possessori di terre sconfinate atte per l'agricoltura. ( non è che sarebbe servito avere terre o tanto meno ori e argenti, vedrete in futuro). La vita dopo quella foresta, era fatta di miti e leggende e dal vuoto che ai umili era permesso avere, c'erano sempre dei fumi grigi dai piccoli rudimentali camini di quelle casupole così piccine. Le faccende di ogni giorno erano prive di significato come se la cantilena del bosco fosse una fattura di qualche torto subito in un era antica ormai dimenticata. > In effetti, il villaggio era circondato da invalicabili montagne da nord, la foresta copriva le aree di sud-ovest fino a sud-est , ma allora non esisteva altro che montagne e dannati alberi! No, Cara Lettrice e Caro Lettore, esistevano vie per le feroci Guerre. Le Guerre qui non sono eserciti a cavallo e una fanteria da far tremare la terra al suo passaggio, niente di tutto ciò. La Guerra comune in quelle lande è più simile ad un custode, svariate volte non saggio ma sanguinario, per questo quell'appellativo così terrorizzante.

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candy king vape juice

Candy King Vape Juice is a tantalizing collection of e-liquids that takes your taste buds on a nostalgic journey through the world of sweets. Crafted with precision and passion, Candy King Vape Juice is a premium choice for vapers who crave bold, sweet flavors.Featuring a diverse range of mouthwatering profiles, Candy King Vape Juice captures the essence of your favorite candies, from fruity gummies to rich dessert treats. Every puff delivers an explosion of delectable taste, satisfying your sweet tooth cravings without the calories.Candy King is committed to quality, using only the finest ingredients in their e-liquids, ensuring a pure and consistent vaping experience. Available in various nicotine strengths, it accommodates both those looking for a nicotine kick and those seeking a nicotine-free option.With its captivating, colorful packaging and vibrant branding, Candy King Vape Juice stands out on the shelf, inviting you to indulge in a flavorful vaping adventure that's as visually appealing as it is delicious. Treat yourself to the sweetness of Candy King Vape Juice and rediscover the joy of your favorite candies with every inhale.#CandyKingVapeJuice#VapeCandyKing#SweetVaping#VapeFlavors#EliquidDelight#VapeLife#CandyClouds#VapeFaves#FlavorfulVaping#CloudChasers #VapeCommunity#TasteTheVapor#CandyCravings#SweetEscape#VapingSensation#AllDayVape#CandyKingExperience#VapeWithFlavor#VaporDelights#SweetToothVapeVisit -

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candy king e vape juice

Candy King E-Liquid Flavors is a captivating and vibrant selection of e-liquids that promises to whisk you away on a sweet and nostalgic journey with every puff. Crafted with the utmost care and precision, Candy King E-Liquid Flavors is a premium choice for vapers seeking an explosion of sweetness in their vaping experience.This remarkable collection offers an array of delectable profiles, artfully capturing the essence of beloved candies from your past. Whether you crave the zing of fruit-flavored candies, the sugary rush of bubblegum, or the richness of creamy desserts, Candy King E-Liquid Flavors has a taste sensation for everyone.Dedicated to quality, Candy King uses only the finest ingredients to ensure a consistent and pure vaping experience. With a variety of nicotine strengths to choose from, it caters to both those in search of a nicotine hit and those looking for a nicotine-free option.The visually striking packaging and bold branding of Candy King E-Liquid Flavors make it an enticing choice, inviting you to embark on a flavorful vaping adventure that's as visually appealing as it is delicious. Treat your taste buds to the sweet, delightful world of Candy King E-Liquid Flavors and rediscover the joys of your favorite candies with each and every inhale.#CandyKingVapeJuice#VapeCandyKing#SweetVaping#VapeFlavors#EliquidDelight#VapeLife#CandyClouds#VapeFaves#FlavorfulVaping#CloudChasers #VapeCommunity#TasteTheVapor#CandyCravings#SweetEscape#VapingSensation#AllDayVape#CandyKingExperience#VapeWithFlavor#VaporDelights#SweetToothVapeVisit -

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Destined to Love

DO NOT READ, NOT COMPLETED, GAPS, NOT FULLY EDITEDWhat do you get when you throw a heap of hormone full, mindless drones and add some reception and books that no one uses? That's right! High school.The place where your not noticed unless you are willing to join a cult of gullible, sarcastic bitches. Your not seen or cared about by anyone unless follow them all around like they are your owner, and your a puppy dog.The only other way your noticed is if your on the football team. Do I really need to explain any further, they're all your typical class clown jocks. You'll usually find them blocking the halls with the sarcastic bitches acting like they're gods, just for attention.I'm just going to go ahead and say, I'm not in either of those categories. I'm invisible, and if I'm being honest, I couldn't be happier that I was. I like being able to get through the day in peace. I love being able to walk the halls and not have anyone talk to me. Ok I'm a little antisocial but there's no point in being any other way.I have no interest in tying my self worth to others suffering. The only person I care notices me, does. My best friend Mauve never fails to share my opinion on basically everything. She doesn't like to be noticed either so I guess that works out.You can tell he's a genuine soul who cares more about human interaction than being popular. His dark hazel eyes with flickers of blue in it, look mystical. You can lose yourself in there and never find a way out.Did I want everything to change? NoDo I know why? NoDo I care? NoDo I know how to fix it and get everything back to normal? NoAm I trying anyway? You betchaWhat do I do when I find out my life was planned out 1000 years ago, I have a destiny I can't avoid, that comes with powers others would kill for? Do I choose my destiny, or do I shy away from the task that has been chosen for me?

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Hold On

Dedicated to Geli, since she was the one who encouraged me to write this.--"It's hard being around someone who makes you," Jungkook trailed, picking up an orange and inspecting it, "Feel something you know you shouldn't." My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, watching his face carefully for any clues of as to what he might mean. Did he mean nostalgic, like he was remembering his life prior to becoming an idol? I thought that we had already moved past that, but he appeared to still not want to admit that both of us were normal human beings -- best friends, even -- before the fame. Sighing, my eyes drifted from him down to produce as I started to speak: "I'm sorry I make you think of your past. But you know, sometimes there are things that your heart just can't let go of. I think it holds onto those memories for a reason," I paused for a moment, trying to figure out what the right thing to say next was, but after finding nothing, I continued, "But don't ask me what that reason is, because I'm not sure of it either."

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