Search: nonhumans » Page 18
455 stories
Path Of A God

The day starts out normal with some work from home. After which Andrew goes to get food until, a horn, a crunch.... a god? This god speaks to Andrew, who has just passed away, and tells him that not only will he be reincarnated, he will also be made a god, but why, surely he isn't fit for such a position? Follow Andrews's story of godhood as he learns his powers and how to control them as well as what it means to be a god.a/n: I hope you guys enjoy this idea I've had cooking for a while. I've written before but this'll be my first book that doesn't come from a dnd game since a rough draft I wrote down on paper for a different book. Also if you happen to make some fanart for this book (doubt it will happen but who knows) please share it with me I may decide to use it for chapter banners or even the cover, with accreditation, of course.Credits: cover art made using an AI art generator called nightcafe, go check it out!

22 3 0

.....Nitidus E. Ordnix is simply tired.He's being going through the same sequence of events, over and over again since he can remember.Eating, sleeping, fighting and dying again and again and again.Having the same unexplainable dreams... He. Is. Sick. Of. It!This time when he opens his eyes to the same place it always beings he decides f*ck it- He's going to deviate and do whatever the hell he wants.Eat when he wants. Sleep when he wants. Do whatever he wants. And most importantly despite the consequences he's going to kick the entitled balls of his greatest enemy... when he wants.Why? Because H.A.S.E...H.A.S.E: Haven't Antagonists Suffered Enough?

43 6 1
What I Created

If there was no one around you. If no one could validate you, agree and disagree with you.If no one told you what to do and what to think. If no one else could define you, and it was only you.If you didn't have a body, and everything about you was isolated.What are you?-----When he was young and full of dreams, he aspired to create the greatest VRMMORPG to ever exist. He wanted to usher in a new era for all things virtual and be forever remembered in history as a great person.However, at the young age of 15, all of his dreams were shattered when he became afflicted with a deadly soul disease. He lost his body, relationships, senses, and even his name.His life was already over.He spent his remaining days creating his masterpiece. For 7 years, while he slowly lost himself and everything that he was, he stubbornly continued on and finally finished.Just when he had though he could rest, he never expected to be able to open his eyes once again.-----My original story. Don't steal please. Cross posted on Webnovel under the same name.

17 3 2
Befriending the most powerful person

Shao Ci was bound to the Befriending the Most Powerful Person system. After transmigrating he discovered that as long as a more powerful person appeared, this unscrupulous system would immediately change capture targets...!Disclamer!+This is not my original work+Credit to the author: Aheiheihei, 阿黑黑黑+I'm just reuploading this on wattpad just so that i could read and download it offline and If you could please read it {CHRYSANTHEMUM GARDEN} As this translation belong to them so please support them if you could.+ And If i hope you have a nice time reading this.____________________________________________

355 3 9

!!PT/BR - ENG!!How this post is playing out: these are scenes and WIPS of what one day will be my full fledged project. I just want to leave it on a site. Maybe someone is going to have fun reading it. Non-chronologic order, it's all bits and pieces still!Como essa postagem vai transcorrer: esses são cenários e trabalhos em progresso do que um dia vai ser a minha história completa. Eu só quero hospedar eles em algum site. Vai que alguém lê e se diverte. Ordem não cronológica, está aos pedacinhos ainda!!!SUJEITO A MUDANÇAS!!!!CHANGES TO BE EXPECTED!!btw the cover image is so old the character on the right got a whole redesign-------------&-----------Actual description:Sancreyeth is a journalist at the Clock of Vicenzo. He is known as the "reporter from nowhere" due to his constant ecstatic behavior, jumping from place to place at the drop of a hat.He is also well known to crack open seemingly lost cases and try his best to close them - sometimes, with success. Other times, limited by the VOLPI's whims. Up to this day he still tries to piece together, however, the case of the Acidic Town, his hometown. Over a decade ago, Crox Puntyalo became an unhabitable place overnight. Being only 14, he wasn't able to understand very well the situation, only absorving the fact that the air around was burning up his lungs and skin, as well everyone else's. While evacuating the place, he noticed a looming shadow in the distance, through the fog. He believes that was the culprit, but hasn't yet been able to prove it to the world at large, but something larger is buried under this sea of dreads... Something bigger than himself.

16 14 0
Different Views On Cheap Baby Toys

Toys are found in almost every way of way of life and are among the first known artifacts. Toys have been a source of inspiration for unreal performs, theatre, dance, film, and songs, developed by and for children and adults.There is a long history of toys that discuss or come to way of life, such as The Activities of Pinocchio, Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker System, Laurel and Hardy’s Women in Toyland, and the Toy Story films.Some contemporary The united states and Japanese people people individuals people films are based on modern-day toys, such as Battleship, a 2012 film based on the game, and the Activity Man, Barbie dolls products items kid kid child baby dolls, and Transformers series of films. Such a dream representations of toys are not engaged in this publish, where the focus is on things used in execute, their history, generate, and uses. The material is organized into three main sections.Making Toys, such as self-made toys and mass-manufactured toys, begins with conventional resources. Nowadays, we may say these toys as a DIY toys, like interesting DIY models. Displaying the dimension the unreal performs, there are individual sections on kid kid child baby dolls and actions. The toy market is both a topic of scholarly analysis as well as a source of information about toys and play; there is also a position on toy style.Using Toys contains scholarly performs on toys in kid development, terminology, and kid psychological treatment. The usually observed modifications in boys’ and girls’ toy options and designs of execute are usually thought to occur from public and expert results and marketing, but newest analysis with nonhuman primates indicates a medical platform for the observed sex modifications. Boys would like some controlling toys like cheap RC helicopter.

69 2 0
Mi 1er Libro:Parte ?????????/My 1st

Kun Makes:Hola Otra Vez,Mis Queridos Amigos,y Ahora,Ya Estoy Haciendo Otro Libro,(Pssst...,Bueno,Como Yo Ya Estoy Haciendo 587 Obras),Aunque,Uhm...,Uh, Yo Estoy Viendo 2 Youtubers Que Son El Signo Angelical,"Virgo",Como Yo,y,Bueno, Estoy Haciendo Historias Sobre Ellos Dos y Hasta Más Youtubers Como,"Bomb Corporation Squad","The One: Dream Team Edition","!Honey,I'm Home!","Prof. Bryce's Nightmare Mansion","Royal Madness","Ohm's Game", "Bomb Corporation Squad","Una Visita Real","Sólo Tú y Yo","

488 200 134
Their Elven Possession BTS FF

"You have no more worth than the floor, remember your place."Mirabella FoxBirthed in a world ruled by supernatural beings, 8 when she is stripped away from her family and everything she knows. 12 when she enters their 'business.' Bought and passed around until the age of 21 she is sent back, deeming that she is of no use until the Kings decide to take her.Not as a maid or slave.Merely a Possession.

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