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131 stories
The Leyend Of C0D3X temporada 1

Esta Historia cuenta sobre un evento pasado donde el motor del universo es robado por mortales sobremutados para poder gobernar lo existente y ese dichoso artefacto que todo ser vivo codicia intento caer en manos equivocadas en su intento de raptarlo asecinando al Emperador possedor del fragmento de la piedra c0d3x y otorgando el poder absoluto a su hijo "unico?" Hanz que es transportado en una capsula espacial del tiempo y espacio hacia el planeta que todos conocemos pero no todos sabemos en su actualidad. El planeta Terra-04 en el año 3074,Podra Hanz hacer venganza del acesinato de sus padres y derrocar a su archienemigo?Temporada 1-20

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My Lasts Updates

¿Quieres estar al día de mis últimas novedades? ¿Conocer todas las novelas que me gustaría publicar, las historias locas que se me pasan por la cabeza a diario?¡Entonces esta es tu novela!En "My Lasts Updates" encontrarás todo lo que quieras saber acerca de mis posibles nuevas obras, lo usaré como una especie de tablón de anuncios. A través de allí podréis ver como van los nuevos caps, y además podreis pedir si queréis que os dedique algun capítulo :)¡Espero veros por aquí!

163 3 15
Shrouded in the Gale

After centuries of peace, invasion has been declared. Under the Emperor's own orders, Captain Leschine Foskyte and his men occupy Cahone, a small, unnoteworthy town on the outermost frontier. Far removed from the battlefield, he must contend with a peasantry steeped in ancient superstition, a beautiful family of nobles in miserable exile, and a manor whose original owners had mysteriously vanished. Tension can only build between the invaders and locals, and it is only a matter of time before someone snaps. But what is even more horrifying than revolt is the manor's own bloody history, which Leschine might be forced to confront.

11 1 1

This is a "what-if" current World War, or Genocide scenario. It's on and off Romance, though that isn't the focus of the story. The protagonist's name is Vladimir. His current location is Germany, he was living the ideal life: Large apartment, flourishing relationship, financial stability, and so on. He acknowledged protesting was going on, yet, he was more annoyed by it than anything else, and never looked into what exactly the protesting was about, little did he know, he would be thrown-full-forced into the heart of what beginning protests were about. Perhaps it would have been a good idea to pay more attention to the current events concerning the future of your country rather than blowing them off due to annoyance.

72 4 5

A nameless girl wakes in a nameless home. She comes to realize that the world has been taken by the filthy grasp of the men in white coats, and labs filled with innocent people being tortured. People are taken by the injection that takes your mind and body and connects it to the database in which people control what you do, making you a literal human robot. How has this nameless girl escaped the wrath of those seeking to control the human race? How come she wakes up much later, when almost everyone has been taken, and why can't she remember a thing from her past? Will she be able to find a cure, escape the men in white coats, and save them all? Or will she be taken too, just like the empty souls that walk the roads of a once alive, and thriving world.I guess the only way you'll ever know, is to continue reading.(The cover I used is just something I found off google images so I do not take credit)

97 15 26

Nunca pensé que algún día me enamoraría, y muchos menos pensé que cuando lo hiciera sería de alguien como Amanda. Mujer empoderada, orgullosa, alegre, carnal, feminista, libre. Por sobre todo libre. Ella misma contó que sus padres le llamaron así por el significado de ese nombre. «La que es Amada» ella sabe cuanto la amo. Y ella también me ama.Pero hay una cosa que ella ama mucho más: su libertad. Quizás ahora es un buen momento para ir a buscarla y demostrarle que puede amarme y seguir siendo libre al mismo tiempo, que podemos ser libres juntos.Pero antes déjenme contarles la curiosa historia de como llegué a amar a una mujer tan irreverente, tan alocada, y tan opuesta a todo lo que he conocido desde el momento en que nací. Déjenme contarles como me enamoré de una mujer libre.

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Ivory and Bone | Golden Trio Era

In a shaded corner of the Ravenclaw common room held the house's favorite 'secret', a beautiful old piano. The ivory keys begged to be touched, grasping the slightest shine of light to craft into a beacon, in hopes that it would attract someone to play. But the students only found wonder in it's past, with no record of why it was there. Some claimed that in the inky darkness of the night, they could hear the piano playing to itself, lulling the students to sleep.It only inspired horror stories, the older students scaring the younger with outrageous myths of the ghouls of forgotten souls trying to make contact, to be remembered once again.Peter Davies wanted nothing more than to escape the self-inflicted torture of studying for his O.W.L.s. So, when he heard the haunting melody drift towards him, he did the natural thing and went to investigate. Only, as soon as he came upon the piano, it silenced.Taking pity on the object - and not wanting to return to his studies so quickly - Peter taps a few keys.It was supposed to be a light, innocent tune, but instead, it had disastrous consequences.One taking the name of Tiphane Bourgeois, spirit extraordinaire and recent escapee of a rather dusty - yet oddly loved - piano.And another is the evil that escapes with her.

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The Incredibles 3

{UPDATE: The Incredibles 3 will be getting an overhaul!! I have a new diretion and a new story idea I want to explore. The story will now be taking place right where "Incredibles 2" left off. Thank you for your patience and a BIG thank you to all who have read, and to the one who added this to their reading list! You are much appreciated!!}---------------- Original story post: Being that it may be a million years before Brad Bird makes a sequel to "Incredibles 2," I decided to write the next thrilling chapter in the Incredibles trilogy!! Years have passed, Jack-Jack is growing up, but has no interest in being a superhero, which makes him the perfect specimen to perhaps be...a super-villain... Hang on tight for the action-packed adventure which is truly INCREDIBLE!!

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To Spill Blood

Bella Oswald has always been a figure of suspicion and a scapegoat for mysteries, because of her unique fascination of... murder. Ever since a young age, Bella has been interested in murders and violence and famous stories about unsolved deaths. But she's not a violent person, or a murderer - despite what everyone thinks. In fact, Bella is just a normal teenager whose strange obsession traps her in a terrible world. The murder of two local teenagers - Rosa White, Bella's sworn enemy, and Ian McKenzie, Bella's long-time crush - sparks a host of accusations thrown Bella's way. Bella knows she has to prove her innocence before the police catch on and arrest her for a crime she didn't commit. With the help of a boy who she has a troubled history with, Bella sets out to prove everybody wrong - and in doing so, puts her in more danger than anybody she's ever read or learned about. A dark thriller of a young intelligent girl drawn into a dark universe where only the strongest survive.

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La Nueva Orden Del Silencio.

Año desconocido, parece haber una tierra tal y como la conocemos, nada es diferente aquí. Solo una pequeña excepción, todo era un caos.El mundo había colapsado de pánico y terror al ver como millones de personas alrededor de la tierra desaparecieron sin rastro alguno. No había ningún niño pisando la tierra y toda la gente empezó a entrar en pánico. Después de que familiares, hijos, padres, abuelos, tíos y sobrinos desaparecieron de un momento a otro y la tierra se veía mas vacía de lo normal.Como es normal el gobierno de cada país trato de mantener la calma y le pidió a todos paciencia para poder explicar todo sin problemas, pero esto nunca paso...En ese entonces los presidentes de ese momento desaparecieron, no parece como si ellos mandaran el país hasta que un momento todas las televisiones, celulares, computadoras, consolas y todo dispositivo digital empezó a captar una señal de transmisión la cual no podías quitar.Toda la gente se quedaba en shock mientras veían lo mismo en cada dispositivo digital y era hora de que pusieran atención.Nicole Kashyek aparecía en las pantallas, quien mismo se proclamaba como PRESIDENTE MUNDIAL.

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Ao Atravessar uma Porta (Bem Vindo a Underswap!)

- Em Underswap. Após uma rota genocida do qual Chara não tem lembranças, ela reseta sem a presença de Frisk, porem algo muda nesse reset, e alguns glith's do destino a levam a um lugar misterioso nunca visitado em resets anteriores. Este local nomeado por ela como "O Lar das Portas", esse mesmo local é caracterizado por possuir seis portas com cores texturas e formas diferentes, a aventura de Chara se inicia quando sua determinação a leva a atravessar uma das portas.- Se ela soubesse que naquele momento estaria embarcando numa aventura com novos e velhos amigos, cheia de conflitos, assassinos, e genocidas, no qual seus erros do passado a persiguiriam, e onde sua moral e sua determinação discordam em meio as intrigas dos universos ao seu redor, com certeza ela teria recuado... porém, a única que consegue ver o futuro é você não é, Core? - disse se virando para a garotinha sem cores neutra ao seu lado.- Acho que você está certo Ink... No entanto não sei se eu também teria a capacidade de prever o que ia acontecer, essa aventura não podia ser simplesmente vista, mas entendida, muitas coisas poderiam ter mudado o desfecho dessa história. - Core disse com calma, o discernimento posto em suas palavras a deu mais razão em sua resposta.- Entendo... - Ele pára e olha o horizonte - Acho que os leitores só podem é torcer para que tudo dê certo para Chara e seus amigos... Pelo menos por agora.[Minha primeira fanfic! Estou vibrante! Está fanfic é em homenagem a própria Swap Chara, uma das minhas Charas favoritas em Underverse! E a uma comic chamada Swapfell, minha inspiração!]

40 3 4
Keto Actives - Cápsulas de perda de peso que queimam gordura!

Essa é praticamente a noção de Dietas Cetose. Quando a borracha encontrar a estrada eu deveria simplesmente confrontar isso o mais rápido possível. Keto Actives É muito aberto acabou. Pondere isso, "Às vezes você pega o bar e às vezes o urso te pega." Você pode estar fazendo um favor a si mesmo e também eu prefiro contratar alguém para fazer a tarefa corretamente na primeira vez. Sou respeitado por um zilhão de mavens como especialista em Perda de Peso. Vamos ficar quietos e quietos e aproveitar o momento. Keto Actives Ingridents Você pode usar dietas de cetose para lhe proporcionar prazer. Eles têm que entender esses itens muito bem de fato e isso pode parecer desafiador no início, mas você deve manter o básico ketosis Diets. Se assim for, comece a pesquisar Ketosis Diets agora para descobrir seu futuro dentro das carreiras de Perda de Peso. Este pequeno exemplo faz uma diferença considerável. Isto foi uma loucura. Você só pode ter que fazer Ketosis Diets direito para este esquema e tudo vai funcionar a partir daí.Oficial do Site :

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To a 12 year old maya

Silent Struggles: Maya's Journey from Fear to Empowerment" is a poignant and evocative tale that delves into the profound challenges faced by a young girl named Maya. Set in the backdrop of a conservative family, Maya's story unfolds as she navigates a world plagued by silence and fear, where the innocence of childhood collides with the dark realities of exploitation.Within the confines of her home, Maya encounters an insidious presence in the form of her tutor, whose inappropriate actions go unnoticed by her unsuspecting family. As the narrative unfolds, Maya's vulnerability and confusion emerge, encapsulating the profound emotional impact of the abuse she endures. The story explores themes of innocence, fear, and the complexities of cultural norms that hinder open discussions surrounding sensitive topics.Despite the torment she endures, Maya musters the strength to resist her abuser's advances, taking a pivotal step towards reclaiming her voice and agency. The narrative highlights the internal struggle she faces as she weighs the consequences of speaking out against the potential repercussions within her family dynamic.As Maya's silent battles unfold, the story navigates the depths of her inner turmoil, shedding light on the delicate process of finding support and understanding within her loved ones. Through the unwavering support of her parents, Maya discovers a pathway to empowerment and healing.

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Random Stuff

Small warning for new readers;This is an LGBTQ+ friendly book and highly explicit, so uh, 13 & 13+ I guess.•.*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*.•Enjoy my vents, art, and other shit lmao :D

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Singh Da Dhaba

Embark on a captivating journey with the 'Singh Da Dhaba Chronicles,' where a young Norwegian boy's vacation to India transforms into an extraordinary odyssey. Amidst the lively chaos of Delhi, humorous misadventures unfold, triggered by a comical encounter with an auto-rickshaw driver. The heart of the story beats at Singh Da Dhaba, a local eatery, where cultural misunderstandings and playful language mishaps foster an atmosphere of laughter and camaraderie. A generous stranger's simple yet impactful gift of 20 dollars adds a touch of unexpected kindness, while a whimsical burger request takes an unforeseen turn under the benevolent gaze of Rudra Pratap Singh, the dhaba owner. As the narrative unfurls, family secrets emerge - a lost mother, a father behind bars, and a labyrinth of deception. The story gracefully transitions from innocence to revelation as the boy matures, embarking on a journey of redemption. Twists and turns weave a tapestry where Singh Da Dhaba transcends its role as a mere eatery, becoming a poignant symbol of the boy's Indian roots, where the past converges with an unforeseen future.The 'Singh Da Dhaba Chronicles' resonate as a multifaceted tale, exploring the depths of human connections, the profound impact of generosity, and the intricate dynamics of familial bonds. This succinct description merely scratches the surface of a narrative brimming with cultural nuances, unexpected turns, and the timeless pursuit of self-discovery.

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Banco Popular, las claves de un complicado puzzle

La crónica de una muerte anunciada, Jueves 1 de Junio, el Banco Popular rompe en bolsa la barrera de los 50 céntimos y sigue desplomándose en Bolsa, llega a unas pérdidas diarias del 18% sin que los anuncios del banco respecto a una hipotética nueva ampliación de capital frenen la caída que se suma al desplome de la casi la mitad de su valor los cinco días anteriores. Tanto el gobierno como la entidad bancaria llaman a la tranquilidad aunque lo peor está por llegar. Se habla de plan de reestructuración y se habla de posibles compradores. Popular consulta la liquidez al BCE, y el Mecanismo Único de Resolución (MUR), como el FROB español inician de forma preventiva el mecanismo de resolución y venta. El 3 Junio, hay rebote inicial, con subidas incluso superiores al 7%, pero se ve truncado en la segunda parte de la jornada y Popular se hunde otro 17,4% en Bolsa, en su sexto descenso consecutivo y llegando a los 0,41 euros por título. Algunos fondos como Blackrock venden, el 5 de Junio parece que JP Morgan cierra la venta pero no es así, sigue la fuga de depósitos. El 6 de Junio a las 15h el banco colapsa, El FROB europeo y español y el BCE deciden intervenir Popular y a las 22 horas convocan una subasta exprés, lo demás ya es conocido. Al alba del 7 de Junio el Santander compra por un euro y anuncia a los accionistas que sus acciones ya no valen nada pues la entidad es declarada inviable. Los titulares en prensa se acumulan junto con la indignación de los accionistas cuyas acciones ya no valen nada. Salen a la luz nombres de grandes entidades y fortunas que han perdido millones, el presidente de Herbalife confiesa perder 45 millones, mutua madrileña y sobretodo los accionistas, así como los tenedores de bonos convertibles y los accionistas que entraron en la reciente ampliación de capital, Indignación, desesperación, muchas preguntas....

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