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2,056 stories
Constellations Of The Mind

Thoughts pulled at random from the jumble of mischief I claim to be my mind.

6.3K 187 101
Lyrics Book! [SLOW UPDATE]

"It's more than just words. It's how you feel about it."© mintyuser, June 2016

1.9K 101 41
Together | Jung Hoseok.

Se miraron a los ojos fijamente, los minutos se hacían lentos cada vez que se encontraban juntos.Ella sonrió de manera tierna mientras llevaba una de sus manos a la mejilla de él, sonrío ante su tacto. Sus rostros comenzaban a acercarse cada vez más hasta que sus respiraciones comenzaron a chocar entre sí. Un poco más y sus labios se encontraron.Una lágrima rodo por el ojo de la chica. El se dio cuenta y se separó preocupado. Se vieron una vez más a los ojos y el sonrío al darse cuenta lo hermosa qué se veía ella, inclusive llorando.-Es increíble lo hermosa qué te puedes ver llorando....-murmuro él. Ella por acto se sonrojo y sonrío con ternura.-Te amo....-dijo ella, tomándolo desprevenido. Él abrió los ojos con sorpresa y sintió cómo su corazón latía con fuerza.Pasaron los segundos, el se había quedado hipnotizado en la mirada de la chica, hasta que reaccionó.-Te amo cómo no puedes imaginarlo. Te amo tanto... Estoy seguro qué eres la única que mujer que siempre amare. La cual siempre tendrá mi atención, la cual estará en mi mente a cada seguro... No sé porque digo serás, si ya lo eres. -dice el avergonzado. - Quiero contigo por siempre, hasta que estemos arrugados.Ella una vez más se sonrojó y otra lágrima rodó por su mejilla. Se abrazaron y luego se fundieron en un beso, lleno de emociones y sentimientos qué ninguno de ellos antes habían sentido.

60 2 8
Under The Crescent Moon: Power, Corruption & Lies/Laughing Stock

Power, Corruption & Lies: "Post hoc, ergo propter hoc". The priori; with the bad moon rising at the horizon, beyond the heavy and mysterious sea of Mist, no blood is thicker than the ink belonging to a collection of stories, tails, vignettes, thoughts, reckonings, short poems of a world who revolves around the tip of the spear, gray alike the clouds that lightened and obscured of their own history. Laughing Stock: "If faith is what driven us together in search of ourselves, then we must try to do it on a leap". The posteriori; from the idyll to the youth to the decay of substance, life goes on and on in this real life fantasy, alike the path taken by the Crescent and her ancestors, who once shared of same blood ingrained on that red coat. While her youth dreams are kept alive, only the fear, the failure and the spea can block the way to achieve a purpose in a life under the rain.Thanks: Myushu for Practice Medicine and Prince of Thieves, Meriko for Duty and Honor, Ayrith for Sum Of Memories, Guardian1 for Thirteen Ways To Say Goodbye, and JotaTe for The Last Cherry Blossom, among many other authors and their stories who had influenced me over the time.

162 46 1
Music is ❤❤❤

"I think music in itself is healing. It's an explosive expression of humanity. It's something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we're from, everyone loves music."

1K 122 2
when i am gone, this is how i want to be remembered

The man in the colourful bandana, staring through shaded glasses, at a world that fascinates him on every level. The tall, white goateed man, with the small gold loop earring. His senses provide the inspiration and his mind creates a universe of creativity. He knows not of style or gender. He simply takes what his mind processes and he puts it to paper. He has provided many hours of reading experiences for thousands and now ... his last collection. This is how he wants to be remembered. (a friend)

2.4K 191 883
Wisdom For Today

Evangelist P.L. STELL the author of Encountering God's Glory is a prolific born-again Christian poet who explores numerous themes in his poems including that of love, hope, faith, patience, insight, wisdom and guidance. He is also a self-taught theologian. He journeys around the world sharing the word of God's love and motivating his audience to discover and utilize their purpose and potential. He serves as a traveling evangelist preaching the Lord Jesus Christ as a bridge between the Old and New Testaments. He reveals the urgency to spread the Gospel while working with his ministry partners to tell others of God's love.

556 116 6

Technically this is the main universe for them, and my first ever Lex x Kelsey story!I first started writing this [and stuff for Keluthor in general] back in 2016, so if the story seems rough at the beginning, that's why. I didn't want to replace the old stuff because it's endearing to me.I've written many Keluthor AUs, and I'm grateful for them, as well as the expansion of this story & universe. I'm happy this version of Lex Luthor exists so I get to dive in deeper to his character and the many complexities he has. He's not all bad, just mistreated and misguided. He did not know love at first, and that's what took him down the path of evil.And since Warner Bros don't know what the FECK they're doing with these DC characters anymore, I'm pretty much adopting Jesse's Lex and bringing him into my own little universe, where I can give him the story arc & evolution he deserves. Snyder kinda wanted to redeem him anyway, so...With his ideas as well as my own, Lex will thrive in Keluthor where he unfortunately doesn't in the DCEU. But don't worry WB, I'll take good care of him and give him ALL the attention here. I think he'd like that, anyway. For Kelsey, he'll end up doing pretty much anything.Still, this is the main story, and where it all started!! Enjoy!!

847 90 149
Juniper Nyooms into The Abyss

Next random book

2.5K 200 869
Beauty On Rose

At Beauty on Rose, we believe that everyone deserves to feel like a queen. Our spa rituals treatments are designed to make you feel like a queen and leave your skin feeling like a goddess. We use the finest ingredients, including botanicals, essential oils, and natural minerals to create the most luxurious spa treatments in Essendon.

256 109 0