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The Girl I Met in Hell

The worlds contolled by the Gargoyle Order meant war between the demons in Hell and the Angels in Heaven. The Guardian Angels of Heaven train on Earth with the Gargoyle Order, the pursuers of peace on Earth that eliminate threats of the demons from Hell. Lucifer had been dormant for hundreds of years since his last interaction with the Gargoyle Order. Him seducing an innocent angel to come fall in love with him was very confusing for The Order and Heaven, they were optimistic, hoping he was trying to change his ways and to end the war between worlds... But their minds were changed and their hearts grew hard when their beloved Angel Krimba was found dead and mulitlated on The Gargoyle Order's doorstep one night, many years after she had been seduced. After that, The Gargoyle Order were sent more Guardian Angels from Heaven to train, because Lucifer had declared war. Raphael was one of the best Guardian Angels out there, he had trained harder than anyone else, proved more than anyone else because there was one mission he wanted more than anything. He wanted to be sent down to Hell to negotiate and talk to Lucifer, but thatthat of course wasn't the only thing he planned on doing. When his time came, he was finally sent down there thinking he was ready for anything but little did he know they did not prepare him for what he was about to find out. Lucifer had a daughter. No one thought it was possible but there was a young lady very much alive in the depths of Hell, not suffering but thriving on the dark energy and cruelty lurking in the shadows. Knowing what he had to do next, Raphael left Hell, and that girl, without a trace. His heart squeezed when he left her, thinking of all of the ways he could try to save her, not knowing fate had tied them together.

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Because Of Him

There was a jolly girl who's born from a wealthy family in the city of Famel in the Philippines. She's an only child and she had her childhood bestfriend whom she treated as his true sister. Madalas sila ang magkasama lalong lalo na't parehos nasa work ang mga magulang nila.She's closed to her mother and she's never been closed to her father. Its because her father was cold towards her from the very beginning at madalas rin siyang napapagalitan sa mga simpleng pagkakamali lamang. And that's made her wonder very much. She was just living normally as she considered the way her father treated her as normal even though deep inside there's a pain caused by him because of its coldness towards her. Until the day came that her mother and her bestfriend died and that made her feels so alone and change.A change where she became so rebellious and uncontrollable that even her cold hearted father can't control her anymore.That's why her father sent her to a place in the Philippines far away from him, from her family nor from her relatives and friends. A place where their family name was not known and where nobody knew her. A place where she might learned her lesson.But she's been cold to everybody that made them judged her. Until a mysterious and a silly man appeared. Because of him, she was healed. Because of him, her broken heart was mend. And because of him, she came back to her old self where she showed her smiles again.Ang buong akala niya magiging masaya na siya muli at mawawala na ang lahat ng sakit at paghihirap na dinadaan niya. But it seems things got only worst. The man she thought who could mend her broken heart was the man who will just torn her apart, wrecked her and make her suffer more. That's why she promised to herself not to trust and love someone again because trusting and loving someone is a torture that will make you worst at the end and it was all because of HIM."Because of him, I became more miserable than before"

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The Pain Of Happiness

This is a story idea given to me by @_trashmooooo_ follow her she's a great writer-----------------------------------------------------------------MIN YOONGI a name well known by many participants of black market auctions. Mainly for the fact that he often bought young boys and girls that they would be selling, giving them another chance of living a free life, but the reason Min Yoongi is feared is because all the people that he helps, always end up missing or dead mysteriously, rumors say that he's actually a demon/ monster who eats humans to attain immortality, often called the 'BlackMarket Demon', but he's immortality seems to actually check out since he has been seen during 1881 and to this day still looking 24 like always.Despite everything she's heard y/n is willing to give up anything to stop the pain and suffering, she's tried to kill herself muliple time, but her, Evil, Vile, Wicked, Revolting, Immoral, Nasty, mother and step-father kept saving her to keep on using her as their personal punching bag, not only they were content on keeping her alive along with 3 boy named, Jungkook,Jimin and, Taehyung, who are constantly meddling in her attempts to end her life always showing up everytime she tries and preventing her frome killing herself, so y/n decided to give up on ending and started a new beginning, she went to this Min Yoongi's office to make a deal with him, not completely sure of the cons of going to the so called 'BlackMarket Demon's ' office, only focusing on the Pros of ending her suffering and starting over again because.......The pain of Happiness might be the only kind of Happiness she may be able to get.-----------------------------------------------------------------This is going to be very hard to spread into chapter....there's so much to write😣😣😣😥😧😧😧

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