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268 stories
Victoria's sister?Jasper Hale?

Paisley Sutherland is the baby sister of Victoria. When she gets a call telling her that Victoria needs help defeating the vampires that killed her mate, she of course excepts. But what will happen when she finds out not everything her sister said was completely true? What will happen when she looks into the eyes of a certain Hale boy? How will her story end?

379.5K 15 7.5K Full
Family A Jasper Love Story

A young girl with a secret all her own lives in an orphanage. Her family left her there when she was no more than a mere infant. She goes to school in Forks, there she meets the Cullens. What she least expects to find is family. She has been alone her whole life. Will she be able to keep her secret? Will she discover that the Cullens are more than they seem?Disclaimer: I own nothing but my OCs. I use a name from the Harry Potter series. I do not own that name, I am just using it to further the story. Any ideas that come from Harry Potter also not mine. Same goes for Twilight and the rest of the series. Those belong to their rightful owner. The rating may also change.Highest Rankings: #1 in JasperHale #1 in twilightsaga #2 in thepack and #18 in EdwardCullen

304.5K 42 7.3K Full
Figure You Out, Paul Lahote

Cooper Ellis doesn't know what family is about until he meets the guy who imprinted on him and his pack.Loosely follows the plot of the Twilight franchisePaul Lahote x OC

1.2K 7 95
September. || mario gotze ✔️

'Good luck, oh, and one last thing, enjoy the life, miss Low'A story where a seventeen-year-old girl finds out she's Joachim Löw's daugther.Complete.A/N: the story takes place after Brazil 2014 World Cup.

19.6K 19 554 Full
The wolf and her Guards [The Volturi Guards] On hiatus

Imprinting on someone is like... Like when you see them... Everything changes. All of a sudden, it's not gravity holding you to the planet. It's them.. Nothing else matters.That's what Dannielle Black thought when she looked at them, her imprints.

30.8K 9 631
Facts about football players

In this book you can find all the facts about your favourite football players. Love it, like it and share it ❤

380.9K 199 12.8K Full
Love Of Dawn [Felix Volturi] On hiatus

A Felix Volturi Love storyI don't own Twilight or the characters

20.3K 11 287
Meet the Internet Browsers!

We have some of our popular Internets in the world:Google Chrome, Safari,Internet Explorer,Opera,Mozilla Firefox.But what happens...If all of those browsers met each other?WARNING: THIS IS JUST A FAN MADE,ME AND MY SISTER MADE THIS.FOR: INORI AIZAWA(WWW.INTERNETEXPLORERTAN.COM):DNO HATE PLEASE.

1.6K 9 64 Full
Football Imagines

Bare with me as I try to publish stories, I've Been super busy. (4/23/21)

553.2K 155 6.2K
Returned// Stray Kids

"I'm literally about to have a seizure"-"*Le gasp the sequel*" -"JACKSON NO""JACKSON YES" - "Well if by holding up, you mean being carried away by the paramedics to the hospital... then I'd say he is holding up just fine" -"I thought we were trying cake, not running a triathlon!" -"I have heard of people being wasted, tipsy, and even plastered but how fucked up do you have to be to be drenched??" - "Mozil Tof bitches!!!"-When Chan reunites with the girl of his dreams.*Spin off to Added*

24.7K 35 751 Full

about footballer ships you may love ; of course ; just for funhighest rank ♚#2 in ligue1 - 14.10.18#7 in seriaa - 14.10.18#8 in worldcup2018 - 14.10.18bìa siêu cưng by hưn đáng yêu cucheo @-peachberry© morataf 2018

5.3K 18 586
Die Mannschaft Preferences

Picture Preferences of the German National Team told through Instagram Posts ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐⭐Manuel Neuer⭐Kevin Trapp⭐Mats Hummels⭐Joshua Kimmich⭐Jerome Boateng⭐Julian Brandt⭐Marco Reus⭐Thomas Müller⭐Kai Havertz⭐Mesut Özil

45.5K 36 570 Full
Don't Blame Me • Sam Uley

"I thought vampires listened to classical music? Mozart, Beethoven...""I was born in the seventies, idiot."Sam Uley x Olympic Coven Member SLOW UPDATES

730 2 56
Saving Her

Koselig{koosh-lee} • adjectivea feeling of deep contentment, provided by a person, place or atmosphere; experiencing happiness and personal well-being through a combination of nature, companionship, and coziness...I do not own the twilight series or it's characters aside from some ocs and made up parts in the story all rights go to Stephenie Meyer

13.6K 14 312
Nezvanou mafiánskou sestrou

Dvadsať ročná Sonja Morozov hľadá pomoc u svojho nevlastného mafiánskeho brata Jaspera Larsona, aby sa skryla pred dohodnutým sobášom. Muž, ktorý ju chce je krutý a zákerný a jediná možnosť ako sa sobášu vyhnúť je požiadať o pomoc mafiu. Mafiu, ktorá jediná ju môže zachrániť. Mafiu, ktorej súčasťou je aj ona.Nekompromisný a atraktívny Marcus Crooger je hlavný poradca Sonjinho mafiánskeho brata. Na prvý pohľad je to chladný a nemilosrdný muž so srdcom z kameňa, ktorý pred svetom ukrýva tajomstvo, o akom by žiadna žena nemala vedieť. Avšak zdanie občas klame a vo svojom vnútri má niečo viac ako len hnev.Lenže čo ak tajomstvo Sonji je bolestivejšie ako Marcusa? Dokáže v rozdielnych osobách vzniknúť vzájomná láska? Sú ich srdcia schopné niekoho milovať?Prečítajte si príbeh dvoch mladých ľudí, ktorí si mysleli, že slovo 'láska' nikdy nezažijú....16+

2.4K 10 142
Drunk In Love; Hector Bellerin

A HECTOR BELLERIN FAN-FICTIONIt was either a nightmare or a dream to wake up next to one of the best Arsenal players. However, his cocky and arrogant personality made you hate him to your guts. Could there be a soft and lovable man underneath all that rude cover?

14K 11 281
Sunlight ❂ Twilight

"I'd been lost to you, Sunlight. And flew like a moth to you, Sunlight, oh, sunlight." Sunlight, Hozier(Jasper Hale x Fem!oc)STARTED: 7/25/24ENDED: TBDSTATUS: WRITING

15 3 0
A Browser Tale

And this is how Princess User met Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Google

773 13 26 Full
PURE HEAVEN, matt sturniolo

...IN WHICHAurora 13 lat żyjąc w małej miejscowości, nie sądziła, że spotka tam najwspanialsze osoby jakie tylko sobie mogła wymarzyć. Z całego serca nienawidziła jednak Matt'a, który bez powodu zaczął jej dokuczać....OR IN WHICH Zdrowie psychiczne Matt'a jest teraz na krytycznym poziomie. Jego fobia społeczna jest na tyle silna, że nie może on normalnie funkcjonować. Rodzice z troski o syna, przeprowadzają się do małej miejscowości, gdzie szybko nawiązują dobry kontakt z sąsiadami z naprzeciwka. Matt kocha Aurore całym sercem, ale łatwiej jest mu udawać, że jej nienawidzi.

158 5 12
Piano Girl ❊ {Paul Lahote}

Violet knew about the hot-headed Paul Lahote, but she had always preferred to keep to herself and her piano. That is, until an all-or-nothing school assignment forces them together. Now, Violet has no choice but to work with him...until he stops showing up to class.❊Updated May 23, 2019❊❊❊❊All of the Twilight Saga plot and characters belong to Stephanie Meyer.Violet and her story belongs to why_internet.

75.7K 15 1.9K
Beware of Sarcastic Boy

„Ona je človek, kým ja som prízrak. Toto nikdy nemôže fungovať." Hailey Evanson Sedemnásťročná Hailey má celkom normálny život. Má najlepšiu priateľku Miu, rodičov ktorí ju nechápu a chodí na strednú školu v Bristole. A predsa nie je všetko v poriadku. Noc čo noc jej nedá spať záhadný chlapec, čo sa jej objavuje v snoch. Ale čo keď sa jej zjaví aj v skutočnosti? Jeden obyčajný deň zachvátia strednú školu v Bristole plamene a Hailey sa stane nehoda pri ktorej stratí pamäť a záhadný chlapec už nie je viac záhadou... Aké veľké bude Nathanovo prekvapenie, keď zistí že Hailey naozaj existuje, no nepamätá si naňho. Nemá inú možnosť len zapísať sa na jej školu a prinútiť ju znova si rozpomenúť. A urobí čokoľvek... Prečo sa títo dvaja stretli v snoch? A ako to nakoniec skončí? ,,Myslel som si že ťa tu znova uvidím." Vyskočím a skríknem z prekvapenia a srdce mi bije ako zvon. ,,Ježiši kriste!" Zvriesknem. ,,Nie, to som iba ja." Prejde okolo mňa, ruky za chrbtom. ,,Povedal by som, že som ťa nechcel vyplašiť, ale to by som klamal. Tvoj komický výstup stál zato. Celé to ,,áááá,, vystúpenie bolo k popukaniu." Napodobní moje mávanie rukami a mám chuť sa naňho vrhnúť od zlosti. Ešte som ho len stretla a už ma vytáča. TRAILER:

3.2K 24 432 Full
The Prince; Aaron Ramsey

AN AARON RAMSEY FAN-FICTION- It was like a dream to be born into one of the wealthiest family in Wales. Everything was so perfect but what happens when you were arranged to marry the prince of Wales? Will he eventually fall in love with you or will the love go two different ways? © COPYRIGHT; ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

2.2K 11 87
Lily Luna

Na Rokforte prežila krásne 4 roky, ale čo ju čaká nasledujúce tri?Lebo staré spomienky môžu ožívať.

9.5K 26 781 Full
Football One Shots

Compilation of one shots that have been made by me.I'm reposting this because I am the original creator of the stories. (I've posted it on another site that shut down and they've been saved in my emails.)If enough people are interested, maybe I could open one shots again.Vote & comments are always welcomed! Let me know if you have a certain player you want to read about :)Enjoy xoUpdate: 5 April 2020I found more stories! Again, these were previously requested from other users from the different site. I can't stress again how these were all original writings. Please enjoy. I'm not taking any one shot requests. I am currently unable to.

2.5K 8 32
Stay focused

You attract what you want

3 1 1 Full

It's a big mean monster who loves to kill.

1 1 0 Full