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beyond the bloom

Name: Lyra FlynnAge: 25Occupation: Botanist and AdventurerPersonality: Lyra is a free-spirited, curious, and adventurous young woman. She's passionate about discovering new plant species and uncovering the secrets of the natural world. With a heart full of wonder and a mind full of questions, Lyra approaches life with a sense of awe and excitement. She's fiercely independent, but has a soft spot for those in need and will go to great lengths to help others.Appearance: Lyra has long, curly brown hair and bright, sparkling blue eyes. She's athletic and toned, with a few scrapes and scars from her many adventures. She often wears practical clothing, like cargo pants and tank tops, and carries a well-worn backpack full of botany tools and supplies.Background: Lyra grew up in a family of scientists and explorers, and was encouraged from a young age to follow her curiosity and pursue her passions. She's traveled the world, discovering new plant species and learning from local communities. Her latest adventure has brought her to a mysterious, uncharted island, where she's uncovering secrets and facing unexpected challenges.Special skills: Lyra is an expert in botany, with a deep knowledge of plant anatomy, ecology, and chemistry. She's also skilled in wilderness survival, rock climbing, and navigation. Her adventurous spirit and quick thinking often help her get out of sticky situations!But as they began their descent, a fierce storm rolled in, threatening to trap them on the island. Lyra and Kael raced against time, using their combined skills to outsmart the island's dangers and reach the airstrip before it was too late.As they soared above the island in the small plane, Lyra gazed down at the Moonbloom in her hand, its petals glowing like a beacon in the fading light. She knew this was just the beginning of her next adventure, and she couldn't wait to see where the world would take her next.

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A Mermaids Tail

(I purposely wrote 'tail' as in the fish tail instead of a story tale. It's supposed to be funny or cool. However you see it.) please read enjoy! Mermaids (Mortal enemy) SirensMermaids: Half human half fish. scales end at the hips and are found on their cheeks bones and forearms. There are male and female mermaids.Sirens: are more transparent than mermaids and have more of a water form like look to them. their scales don't end at their hips, it ends at their chests. There are no male Sirens.Dragons (neutral, unless one comes to close to treasure or mate)Dragons: are practically lizards with wings and special breathing abilities but are the size of a mansion or bigger.Fairies/cousins/Elves (Mortal enemies) Unicorns/cousins/PegusissFairies: are elves with wings and as big as butterflies. Elves: can be midgets with pointy ears or as tall as humans and with pointy ears.Unicorns: horses with horns, the horns are only visible when the moon is out and shines on them.Pegusiss: horses with wings and live in the clouds, only come down at night when their brothern need help.Angels (Mortal enemies) BansheesAngels: mix of humans and tall elves but with white feather wings.Banshees: mix of humans and tall elves but with black hoods over their faces and black dragon wingsWerewolves (mortal enemies) VampiresWerewolves: humans that can turn into wolves.Vampires: humans with pale and ice cold skin.Humans no nothing of these creatures, and there have only been 10 humans worldwide who where born with these genetics in their DNA. There is an ancient scroll that spoke of 11 humans with legends (the mythical creature DNA) in their DNA would bring together the split brothers and sisters in their great time of need to defeat the two dangers they all shared, discovery and extinction. Who is the last legend to be born and help in an elaborate plan to save the mythical dimension?(I don't know) I guess to find out you'll have to read!

136 4 1
Mystic Hill Academy for Non-Mortals (and sometimes mortals) Roleplay

This is a roleplay where you can be a non-mortal (vampire, werewolf, merperson, elf, fairy etc, including ones from fandoms eg Shadowhunters, demigods etc) or a mortal, or even a ghost, and go to Mystic Hill Academy!

12.8K 59 100

underneath the Inky and gloomy sky accompanied by the faded stars and new moon, the wails of agony were distinctly acknowledged by dense 'yew trees' which stood leisurly in the midst of a place where the hope of returning to our nearer and dearer ones gets vanished once and for all. Ravens and Jackdaws were perched upon the heavy branches in a proud manner while creating vivid knocking and screeching sounds after witnessing an undeniable wreck of sorrow and misery. Razor sharp nails were dug mercilessly in his palms which led the dark scarlet blotches of blood flowing rapidly. The helpless cries of this soul made his knees buckled and his whole frame fell down over the muddy cobblestones. Pouring of his tears coupled with freezing rain pulsed his beats recklessly and the words that came next from his cruel lips were firm yet cold. "Draven!! Wrap up the inception of our previous intent and arrange for funerals" The Shrill raspy voice reverberated around the darkness but it reached to its target who in return trembled in horror. "fune....Funerals, my king?"The unfortunate subordinate couldn't muster up the courage to step ahead but committed a grave deed to move his gaze diagonally towards his master. An Arrogant smugness was spread over finely carved features yet the unlit aura only intensified around the demonic gait of his weeping soul. "Slaughtering to seize will stain us"what happens when madness and obsession crosses every sane boundaries? what happens when everything turns against you? what happens when the certain someone who keeps you sane has no heart to accept you?*Sequel of Reverberation (The Inception)

18 1 1
Love Symphony

I am now sitting here, peacefully, in this big wide hall. But in this big wide hall, there is us, only us. You are standing there, both visually and musically charming, playing your violin and putting all of your emotions into this new original song. I look at you, at that sharp jawlines, at that high cheekbones, at that shining bright blue eyes, at that well-sculpted nose. You are into this song and you are constantly moving your arms and bodies. You smile when you see me focusing on you. You love my attention and my satisfactory. Our gaze meets and music is our only words. Nothing in here is made redundant. In here, it is just you and me. The song is played beautifully. All the melody, it is just perfect. You look at me and smile and I can see that noticeable dimples which make you even charming and hot. Everyday, I can just feel that you are getting hotter and hotter. Today, you had yourself styled and hair swept aside, and that is enough to melt my heart because my melting point is 1000 fahrenheit but you are 5000 fahrenheit hot, how can I not be melted? You walk to me slowly and puts your violin beside me. I know that song is for me. "Do you like it? I hope you do because I have put many effort in it. I have used 3 days 5 hours 38 minutes and 5.11 seconds to compose it although my record is..." I cover his mouth."Stop babbling," I chuckle."And I know what is your longest time in composing a song. 5 days 6 hours 24 minutes and 8.07 seconds, right? I remember." I smile. "And thank you, I like it a lot.""How about the composer? Do you like him?" he teases and wiggles his brows."I don't know. You tell me?" I chuckle."Really? He is hurt now..." He covers his heart and pretends sobbing."You know because he really loves you, my dear." He says."I know, it is just..." I can't believe how much he has actually changed. However, I don't think he deserves people like me. Music draws us together but in my concept, backgrounds will only draw us apart.

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Journey to the Heart of a Horse

Two ɢιrlѕ.тwo нorѕeѕ.oɴe deαdly мyѕтery.Kinga Iskra. Sarcastic, cocky, tough from the inside out. The only thing that can soften her is her beloved old appaloosa, Tyka. Julia Crystal. Quiet, shy, pleasant and eager. She and her star eventer, Shining Moonstar, are more then ready for the summer's competitions. Weeping Maple Farms. The beautiful, out-of-the-way and tree-studded stables where the girls spend most of their lives. And plan to spend their whole summer.A horseback rider's dream, right?It should be. But fate has other plans. Kinga and Julia's summer dreams shatter around them as when their lives are turned upside down and they are crushed under burning flames. The events of one night change the course of the whole summer, bringing them back to a horrible reality of choice.Kinga Iskra. Wounded, both mentally and physically, she keeps all her feelings behind a wall of iron.Julia Crystal. She wants to help her best friend, but finds herself pushed away. She begins to lose hope that anything can save Kinga.Then she meets him. A horse, half-crazed, wounded, wild, mistreated, the Maximum Destruction. Julia knows that he is Kinga's only hope for rehabilitation.And Kinga is his only chance for life.Julia is determined to make this work. But in the shadows, another mystery lurks, and this one may lead to events more more deadly then the last ones.....

2.1K 16 74
All About BTS

If you're an ARMY, then you must read this! I just want to share some info's about what I've read about BTS.

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Seraph of the end: To America

In a apocalyptic society where Vampires completely over-run the world there are humans willing to fight against them; although, most humans live in fear. Human leaders were chosen in every country to ensure and advance the human race. The Vampire Council chose progenitors in every country to maintain human control and destroy the greedy livestock resistances' nation wide.Vampires and Humans haven't always gotten along. There have been very rare cases in which Vampires and Humans have come together and started a family with each other. When vampires and humans learned of this, they decided to murder all those Half-breeds , vampires , and humans who loved each other so. They considered it to be a direct violation of law to mangle with a inferior race. In some cases there have been fortunate souls by the names of Yuichiro Hyakuya, Mikaela Hyakuya, Shinoa Hiragi, Yoichi Saotome, Shiho Kimizuki, Mitsuba Sangu, and Makoto Narumi who met and formed a new family. After fleeing from the Moon Demon Company, they were recuperating on a nearby bench off the shores of Japan.In America they received distressed signals coming from neighboring countries. The leader of America order elite Vampire extermination units to go into some of countries such as Japan, France, Canada, and England to recuse humans being held against their will. As the Vampire Extermination Units gathered; The leader decides to lead the best elite groups to Japan while the others will be guided by the leader's generals .Once Shinoa's squad enters in America they are recruited by Lieutenant General Diane to work for the American Vampire Extermination Unit. Will their family continue to grow?------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Be warned!!! This book may contain some content that may not be for a younger audience. Read at your own risk. Viewers discretion advised.

33 3 0
Faith by Wolves

"Hello little one." Said the tall, silhouette figure which now stands just a few feet away from my tiny form. Huddled against the tree I watch him with teary, terrified eyes. "S s s stop. . . s s stay a a away!" I manage to say over the merging pain spreading throughout my body. "Hey, come on now... I'm not going to hurt you sweet heart, okay?" Something in this man's voice was reassuring. The way he called me Sweetheart and the slow steps he makes towards me, as if he was afraid that I would break at the slightest contact. But I was still injured and my trust was thin on anyone by this point.For just a moment my concentration turned away from the figure and towards the source of this torture. I must have been out of it for a while because I didn't notice the mans approach until he was right in front of me; inches away. Only now do I see how handsome this man really is. Dark thick hair that seemed very welcoming for my hands. Defined chest and abdominal area, dipping to a delicious V-line. Well built jaw, with a slight stubble emerging and not to mention his lips. Just a fraction away from mine. Besides all of these features, and believe me there are more, his eyes catch my attention very quickly. Beautiful and Grey. "I want you to try and breathe Sweet heart, okay? You're having a panic attack. NO! um... Don't look at the wound baby... Concentrate on me, Alright? In and Out. Try with me, In And Out. There we go baby..." He touches my leg and there it is. The spark.17 year old human, Rachel Harris. Left in the care of her Abusive Stepfather Ray. Beaten, diminished and tired, Rachel prays for a little light in her dying world. "Do what he says. Don't ask questions." Are the words she has to live by. Although very shy and quiet her only friends are The Moon and her books. What Happens when she finds she is mated to the Alpha of the largest and most powerful pack in the country? Will she be able to find love and trust? or will her world crumble completely?

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IRIS Series - VOL 2: Pages of Serendipity

In a secluded bookstore, Jonathan and Emily's story began like a beloved fiction book discovered during a rainstorm. Their friendship grew from a shared love for books, crafting chapters of movie nights and heartfelt talks. Their tale turned into a love story written with mutual respect. Together, they dreamt of a shared venture but faced hurdles that tested their plotline. Taking a pause was like flipping a page, helping them realize the importance of their shared aspirations and bond. Reunited, they scripted a stronger chapter, planning an exciting endeavor and mapping their dreams. Their journey culminated in a beautiful chapter-their special moment and the start of a new phase, an enchanting beginning to their shared narrative.

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The Wild Side of Us

(In progress.)Note: Some information might be off. I decided to wing it for now, and go back and fix all the mistakes once this story is completed.In a world where human-animal hybrids completely take over, diversity only grows more confusing. Frost, a common cat-girl, is like any other citizen, and works hard in an office and returns to her trailer home every night. However, at night, she is a criminal that uses her cat abilities to steal from the rich and usually keep the stolen goods to herself. Once in a while, she will share the profit to those less fortunate. After all, she is against the government in every way.All goes well until Frost returns home to find a pure human boy in her trailer. With her longing thirst for adventure and hatred for the government, she agrees to help the escapee however she can. But Frost doesn't know, she is getting involved in a bigger conflict than stealing a golden vase. Mature-ish themes involved: Gore, fighting, foul language, sexual themes

95 22 3
Book Ideas

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*Where ideas of stories from the one and only me is shared so if anyone wants to use them, please simply comment. I was bored while making this so even if there'll be no one taking these ideas, I'll just leave this book published still. Who am I kidding, these ideas are a little mainstream, difficult to understand, and weird. It will consist of the title, summary, and character recommendations. ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

238 35 3
Get-Away Driver || Min Yoongi

Y/N worked as one of the best investigators in Korea. Given a low ranked job to find a street racer by the name Suga, would be harder than she had expected. Yoongi was a smart and secretive racer. He kept all of his publicity low, his personal information would never trace to himself. Yoongi never expected the Seoul department to find information about him or his group. Between much confusion and secret information, Y/N was able to find her subject, only for him to be right in front of her the whole time. Everything made sense once put together. The investigation was such a low rate importance, Y/N stopped reporting back to the department and kept all of her information to herself. The department wouldn't find out by themselves, that was alright with Y/N. An excellent investigator and an excellent street racer wouldn't be up in the papers too often. A love scandal that had gotten out of hand. A street racer grew more clumsy after unbearable stress, while a new racer grew higher and higher in skill to be a great Get-Away Driver. A legendary duo would rise with their skills and knowledge to keep hidden from the police.

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Five Nights at Nova's Onyx Blackout FoxyStar x disabled! reader

you, (Y/N) (M/N) (L/N), are the night security guard of Galaxy Twinkle FazNova's Planetarium/Cupcake Corner/Pizza Palace, your favorite restaurant to go to when you were little. Nova would sing with you and act like a big sister towards you, Meteor would teach you how to play the guitar and act like a big brother towards you like Nova would act like a big sister towards you, FlareChica would play games and eat pizza or cupcakes with you in her human form. But the animatronic that appealed to you the most was Onyx. He would tell you stories or teach you how to play pirate. But little did you know about their sisters, or Golden Nova, Nova's other sister. One day when you were a child and you visited your favorite animatronics, there was a copy of Nova standing beside Nova onstage but her hair was golden, her dress was a light golden color, her star crown, bow tie, microphone and belt were blue, and her cloth eyelids were orchid pink and closed, hiding her eye color. When you got to the stage, Nova straightened up and knelt down upon hearing your wheelchair moving across the black and white vinyl tile floor. You had asked, "Nova, who's the golden girl wearing the blue crown, bow tie and belt with a blue microphone? Why does she look just like you but with different colors?" Nova's answe was, "(Y/N), I'd like you to meet my sister, Golden Nova, or Gilda, as we call her. Gilda? I'd like you to meet (Y/N)." Gilda raised up, knelt down, extended her free hand for you to shake, and said, "nice to meet you, (Y/N)." You and Gilda got along immediately. On the third day you visit your favorite animatronics, the toys break out of the room they are kept in and Onyx introduces his older sister, Toy Onyx Blackout FoxyStar, to you. Just like you and Gilda, you and Toy Onyx get along immediately. You and Snowfall return when you are adults to get a job. Your friend Shining, the trainer of a Fennekin, 5 Eeveelutions, and many more Pokémon has been missing for years...

36 3 1
The veil of shadows

"The Veil of Shadows" is a gripping fantasy novel that transports readers to a world where darkness and light wage an eternal battle. Set in a realm where magic is both feared and revered, the story follows a young sorcerer named Aria who possesses a unique ability to manipulate shadows.Haunted by a tragic past and burdened by a secret she struggles to conceal, Aria embarks on a perilous journey to unravel the mysteries of the Veil of Shadows-a mystical barrier that separates the mortal realm from the realm of darkness. Legends speak of ancient powers and unspeakable dangers hidden beyond the Veil, and Aria's quest becomes a race against time to prevent an imminent cataclysm that could plunge her world into eternal darkness.As she delves deeper into the hidden truths of her own lineage and the origins of her powers, Aria encounters a diverse cast of allies and adversaries, each harboring their own motivations and secrets. Along her journey, she uncovers long-lost artifacts, grapples with forbidden spells, and confronts legendary creatures lurking in the shadows.With atmospheric settings ranging from ancient, forgotten ruins to ethereal, moonlit forests, "The Veil of Shadows" combines elements of suspense, mystery, and high-stakes action. As Aria's powers grow and the threats she faces become increasingly formidable, she must confront her inner demons and make difficult choices that could determine the fate of her world."The Veil of Shadows" is a tale of self-discovery, sacrifice, and the enduring power of hope in the face of darkness. It explores themes of identity, destiny, and the fine line between light and shadow, weaving an intricate narrative that will leave readers spellbound until the final page.

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Songs I sing when I'm alone or depressed, or for no reason (Yanda's book)

Yanda: hey guys, Yanda here, and I just want to make this book because I do like to sing, only when I'm alone or depressed or for no reason, so I'm just letting you know that I give my support to @Kayco__okame for the idea of the book, so please no insults or bad comment...caus that makes me sad....but let's get started with the book

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The Solaris Faerie

Darianus El-Solaris is the son of Maris, the queen of Solaris, and Jor-El, a scientist from Krypton. He was born with the powers of both races, making him a powerful hybrid. When Krypton was about to explode, Jor-El sent Darian to Earth in a spaceship, hoping to save his life. However, Darian's ship was intercepted by a dark force that wanted to use him for evil. The ship crashed near San Francisco, where it was found by the Charmed Ones, a family of witches who protect the innocent from evil. The Charmed Ones adopted Darian as their brother and named him Leo after their late father.Leo grew up unaware of his true origins and destiny. He learned to use his solar powers and his magic under the guidance of his sisters and their mentor, the Elders. He also developed a close bond with his half-brother Kal-El, who was raised by another family in Smallville and became Superman. Leo lived a happy and normal life until his 18th birthday, when he started to have strange dreams and visions of his past and his future. He also felt a strong connection to a mysterious girl named Luna, who claimed to be his soulmate.Leo discovered that he was the Solaris Faerie, a prophesied hero who would bring balance and peace to the universe. He also learned that he had an enemy, Zod, a rogue Kryptonian who escaped from the Phantom Zone and wanted to conquer the world. Zod was the one who attacked Darian's ship and tried to corrupt him with his dark influence. Zod also kidnapped Luna, who was the Moon Faerie, the other half of Leo's soul.Leo decided to embrace his destiny and fight against Zod. He teamed up with Superman, the Charmed Ones and other allies to rescue Luna and stop Zod's plans. Along the way, he faced many challenges and dangers, but also learned more about himself and his heritage. He also realized that he had a special role in the cosmic balance, as he was the bridge between two worlds: Solaris and Krypton.

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Stephen Strange, a former renowned neurosurgeon who had gotten into a tragic car accident that immobilized his hands, became Sorcerer Supreme, after seeking help from the Ancient One to heal his hands that were damaged. Being Sorcerer Supreme, he has the duty as Earth's foremost protector against mythical and magical threats. Now, Strange is up against a new threat called, Thanos, an Eternal-Deviant warlord from the moon, Titan. The warlord is after the Infinity Stones which grant immense power, and Dr. Strange has one of the stones Thanos is after, the Time Stone. Also, the protector of the Time Stone, Stephen seeks the help of Anthony Stark also known as Iron Man, the genius, playboy, billionaire who not only created his Iron Man suits, but also rediscovered an element called, Vibranium, to replace the Palladium in his Arc Reactor. Also, with the help of Bruce Banner, the Hulk, and his best friend from Kamar-Taj, Wong, tries to stop Thanos from destroying the Earth and getting the Infinity Stones. While having to work with Tony, Stephen falls in love with the man because of his sense of humor, snark, wit, selflessness, and all the love Tony has to offer for that special someone he finds, but a fight against two members of the Black Order, Black Dwarf and Ebony Maw, got him and Tony stuck inside a spaceship on a course to Titan, along with a stowaway, Spiderman, who's identity is Peter Parker, an intern at Stark Industries from Queens, New York. Now on Titan, Strange used the Time Stone to see future battles with Thanos and the chance of the Avengers winning was 1 out of 14,000,605. Stephen Strange, while seeing those futures fell harder for Tony Stark because in every possibility he saw, Tony was always the one that sacrificed himself. He knew his love was hopeless with Tony's inevitable death, yet Stephen still couldn't help but love the man which would leave him heartbroken.Started: May 23, 2022Ended: Ongoing

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My Life Corner

My random thoughts of my life in a nutshell

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Lukas' Art Book

A compilation of my random drawings, cosplay, and other art from forever ago to present.I used to draw a lot from fandoms, but have kind of switched over to different topics and styles.Art trades: OpenRequests/Commissions: Open (conditions in first chapter)Thanks for reading!!

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