Search: middleschoollife » Page 16
400 stories
sealed lips

When two people are in love, nothing can tear them apart. Not even a jealous ex-girlfriend, an old crush from middle school, or even... A fatal disease.That's just it for Adelina and Rupert. They both share one secret. One secret that they promised themselves not to let escape from their mouths. The one secret that may change everything for them. Adelina Huntington, kind-hearted person, has a bothersome life, and president of the dance committee, was a very typical teenage girl...until tragedy struck. She wanted to go back to the times where she could causally walk her dog, hang out with friends, and catch up on her favorite TV shows, instead of having to go to doctor appointments two times a week. It all started when she found random bruises on her body. She didn't pay attention to them at first, but when they started appearing more and more, she knew something was up.Rupert Williams, dark hair, a junior in high school, and best player on his football team, was once a free-spirited teenage boy. That is until he got the news. A pain struck his stomach and went through his whole body one afternoon, and he collapsed. Everything went down-hill from there. He was immediately forced to quit the team, and was never again sighted with a smile. Adelina and Rupert first get to know each other when they are both assigned as partners in Science. Whenever he spoke up during class, she would examine every feature of his. His lustrous eyes, the freckles in between his nose, the way his hair fell on his forehead. Love is it's own game, and soon enough, Adelina and Rupert both fall hard for each other. Not realizing that both of them were slowly fading away; dying.

75 2 0
The Middle

Same characters as last time. Don't use my OC, UNLESS I GIVE YOU PERMISSION!!!! (Unless its fanfic) OC 1 Name: Simi Hollowood Age: 15 Personality: Seems less than she really is. Description: Brown Hair, yellow eyes (Light blue hair with glowing silver eyes when using magic, like battling or major enchantions) Species: Witch OC 2 Name: Jacob Stovan Age: 17 Personality: Average, Friendly, Outgoing, Trustworthy Description: Brownish Red hair, not to tan but not pale skin, blue eyes. Species: Meif'wa OC 3 Name: Kai Kiriku (Vicky's Brother) Age: 16 Personality: Troublemaker, mean but nice when you get to know him. Description: Redish dirty blond hair, pale skin, red eyes. Species Human OC 4 Name: Vicky Kiriku (Kai's Sister) Age: 15 Personality: Friendly, Smart, Outgoing, Trustworthy, (Simi's Bestie) Description: Brown Hair, Tan skin (Pink hair and Red eyes when using extreme magic) Species: Witch OC 5 Name: Marcus Naploeon Age: 17 Personality: relaxed and kind Descrpition: Blond Hair, Tan-ish, Brown Eyes. Species: Meif'wa OC 6 Name: Angel Hollowood Age: 16 Personality: Interverted, Proper, kind if you get to know her. Description: Black hair, tan skin, yellow eyes. Species: Human (Witches are rare in the Hollowood family, but when there is one she/he will be powerful) OC 7 Name: Kenny Gin Age: 16 Personality: Rebellious and Protective (Has a huge thing for Simi and treats her like his mate.) Description: Brown/slightly blond hair, brown eyes, toasty color (tan/pale). Species: Werewolf OC 8 Name: Winter Watkins Age: 16 Personality: Obtuse, Energetic Description: Dark Brown hair, Yellow eyes, Caramel skin. Has a sweet tooth Species: Human

55 9 0
Random Stuff

Random rants and stuff I need to say to something or someone. A lot of it is probably gonna be really stupid, but this is gonna be full of stupidity, and even this description is stupid because I can't explain the stupidity I'm gonna be writing about in this book. Well, I shouldn't call it a book, maybe a...thing? All I know is that it's stupid. And if you understood any of that, good for you. Cause I wrote it and I didn't understand a bit of it.Anyway, this is gonna be full of rants and stupidity(so basically my life) that I need to release to someone or something, and Wattpad has to be the best place for all that. I doubt anyone's going to be reading this, but if you are, again good for you. Not gonna be much swearing, unless I'm rage writing. In which case, rage writing will contain quite a few swears (when I say a few, I actually mean a LOT). So get ready to delve into the stupid mind of me as I continually rant and talk about stuff that I either 1. Find Important 2. Find Stupid 3. Find Funny 4. Other

657 130 220
Escaping My Thoughts. .

Hii so this is a sequel to THOUGHTS THAT RUN THROUGH MY MIND, and basically it is like a diary and it just helps me clear my thoughts.UNICORN POOP AND RAINBOW KISSES -Singer7773P.S. I LOVE YOU ALL DEARLY

3K 173 210
Really Really Really bad jokes...

Really bad jokes

30.6K 182 1.3K
lord of randomness' randomness!

chara: HEY! it's OURS, not YOURS, bri!bri: *shrugs* it'll keep that name until i can think of another. that'll suit. =Vtails: what? oh no. you want to read this, don't you? this story contains things far beyond peoples randomness coping ability. read, and you will be... random-outted.oh, you were looking for a description. oh, the title!~~~UPDATE BY THE AMAZING CHARA ;3i have taken over! yeeaaahh!~~~~UPDATE BY THE AMAZING CHARA :3not completely taken over anymore T^T~~~there is a notice board. =V

3.8K 193 360