Search: mens3piece
11 stories
Mortals Meet Demigods 2

After my best friend stopped writing the original Mortals Meet Demigods(though from time to time, she will add a chapter, and I also got permission), I took over the duty of continuing to write the stories of these young demigods. -Carter

2.3K 8 27
The unspoken and detailed benefits of your crush being in a relationship

What happens when your crush is already partnered up? Read this tongue and cheek guide to unveil the upsides of an otherwise universally agreed upon bummer of a situation. Let's turn that frown upside down :D

133 5 8
Classic Men's Suit Styles with a Modern Twist

IntroductionFashion, like a timeless melody, echoes through eras, weaving tales of elegance and self-expression. In this exploration, we venture into the captivating realm of men's fashion, embarking on a retro remix that transcends time. Picture the scene: classic tuxedos, versatile blazers, and regal Jodhpuri suits, each a chapter in the ever-evolving story of the well-dressed man. Join us as we navigate through the sartorial ages, blending the charm of bygone eras with a contemporary flair, creating a fashion fusion that stands as a testament to the enduring allure of classic men's suit styles.

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You like PJO or HOO? Yay! Me too!Harry Potter? Super!Now read my book.Also, I DO NOT own any PJO, HOO or HP characters.They are owned by Rick Riordon and J.K. Rowling

303 10 7
ups and downs

this story is basically about you being married to roc with your son malik and you guys have ups and downs

238 26 7
ppups and downs3part22

2 1 0
Caballero & Yo #HW2017 #AisacHW2017

Entre los momentos que más se recuerdan de este libro está la descripción que hace el narrador sobre Platero. Para quien no lo sabe, Platero es un burro, un burro peludo y blando, a quien el autor compara con el algodón. También llama la atención sobre la negrura de sus profundos ojos. Es tanta la ternura que siente por el burro que lo llega a comparar con una niña o con un niño.

4 2 2
Fortnite: A life at tilted towers!

This is my first story on Wattpad ever and i hope you guys will enjoy it!😊

13 1 2
the quiet

A poem from my soul. Written in the ocean. A poem for you.

7 1 0
You Will Discover the Most Ideal Outhouses Through Sheds Direct

4 1 0