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Picture Poetry

Sometimes life isn't just words. It's colour, texture, sounds, smells and sights. Living life means being open to each of these elements, and if you are, then the poetry is constantly in motion. Whenever I travel, or see something that motivates me to emote, I snap a picture of it and then write the thoughts that were evoked. It's my way of capturing a moment in more ways than one, because a picture really is a 1000 words. 📸📱✍🏽 These are picture poems I put up on my Instagram page (@rosettapoetry_3)

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Avatar's Insights

#Vegetarianism for #manifesting #extrodinary #powers 😍😍 #Kailasa #Nithyananda

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Dwarkadhish Great Temple

Dwarkadhish Hindu temple Lord Krishna grandson Vajranabh built this Temple in 2th Century , Jagat mandir and occasionally Spelled Dwarakadheeshe ,is a Hindu Temple dedicated to Krishna who is worshiped here by the name Dwarakadhish or king of Dwarka Temple is located at Dwarka City of Gujarat India which is one of the destinations of Char Dham , a Hindu Pilgrimage Circuit . The main Shrine of the five storied building Supported by 72 Pillars , is known as jagat mandir or nija mandir the Temple was Rebuilt and enlarged in the 15th_16th Century . Pilgrimage considered Sacred by Hindus in India. adi Shankaracharya, the 8th century Hindu theologian and philosopher , Visited the Shine The other three being Comprising Rameshwaram , Badrinath and Puri Even Today a memorial within the Temple is dedicated to his visit. Dwarkadheeshe is the 98th Divya Desam of Vishnu on the subcontinent glorified in the Divya Prabandha texts. The Temple is at an elevation of 12.19 Metres 40.0 ft above mean sea level it faces west the Temple layout consists of a garbhagriha Nijamandira or Harigraha and an antarala antechamber However , the existing Temple is dated to 16th Century.

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Can We Mix

Zack selalu ingin keluar daripada cengkaman keluarganya. Mereka terlalu overprotective terhadapnya kerana dia mengetahui sesuatu yang tidak seharusnya diketahui oleh remaja seusianya .Adakah dia berjaya melenyapkan ancaman negaranya daripada diancam oleh satu organisasi rahsia.............................................................................Zhi bertugas sebagai bodyguard BTS , aset negara kimchi. Presiden kimchi cuba mencungkil rahsia dirinya setelah berdepan dengan penembak jitu dan teroris dari pelbagai pihak............................................................................."Biy, tolonglah jangan buat macam ni. Tolonglah kembali." -SS "Aku tak boleh biarkan mereka jajah tanah kita. Ini tanah nenek moyang kita. We need to protect our land... No I mean we must .."-Zack"Zhi hyung . Let's go " - Park"Apa yang kau cari dari mereka , Zhi " - Presiden kimchiSatu insan cuba untuk menyelamatkan negara melalui cara yang tersendiri. Satu lagi insan cuba melarikan diri dari pertemuan yang menyakitkan jiwa. Adakah ia itu mampu untuk mengubah keadaan yang berlaku.Tatkala memori gelap telah terungkai , siapakah yang cuba mengorek kembali luka lama ? Sudah berparut namun masih lagi berdarah. Siapakah yang bakal mengorban segalanya demi mempertahankan negaranya daripada ancaman dan ugutan negara lain?Ini hanyalah karya semata-mata #dont plagiarism or something else.

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The Lost Daughter of Poseidon

Elizabeth Winsor is the thought - to - be- dead daughter of Poseidon. Her life is WEIRD. I mean for starters, her original name given to her by her birth parents isn't even Elizabeth! Elizabeth was the name given to her by none other than Gaia, though she wanted to name her something different.Poseidon finds out her first demi-god daughter is alve when she is 14, 13 years after she was abandoned by her own mother. She was forced to reveal herself to her father when she had to save Percy by sharing the weight of the sky so he would be free to fight. But she hated her brother with every fiber of her being. Or so she thought.Elizabeth was an enigma since the moment she was born. Any deity who met her would immediately have thousands of questions. Even the primordials did. And the fact that she was a primeval witch, she had magic powers was not helping matters. And no-one could deny that there was something strange about Elizabeth. Why was she 3 times stronger than her twin?Why was her aura so overwhelmingly powerful but made her smell like a mere mortal?By now a few questions of your own with have made it's existence known by now, dear reader.What was Elizabeth's real name?How were the Primordials, Gaia connected to Elizabeth?Why does she hate her father and her brother?Will Elizabeth ever forgive her family?What did it mean, that Elizabeth was a witch? Did she have magic powers? Keep on reading to answer all these questions...

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