Search: masalahkeluarga
9,501 stories
Rumah Kedua

Hai, Aku Felicia. Umurku 24 tahun. Hidup dari keluarga sederhana yang tidak harmonis, membuatku sering merasa sepi. Rumah yang harusnya menjadi tempat pulang yang nyaman, menjadi tempat yang sangat ingin aku hindari. Bermain dan bekerja bersama teman-teman, tertawa, bersepeda di jalan raya sambil melihat pemandangan sekitar sedikit mengobati suasana hatiku. Sampai suatu ketika aku menemukan tempat yang ku sebut rumah kedua.

149 5 4 Full
Jika Kau Ada di Sini

Hanya curahan hati seorang gadis yang tidak lagi bisa merasakan kasih sayang dari orang yang paling ia rindukan.

61 1 3 Full
Kongthanin Family

Phana Kongthanjn adalah pengusaha otomotif di Maryland, Amerika serikat. Exxon mobil perusahaan terbesar di amerika yang dipimpin olehnya. Phana anak pertama dari pasangan Rex W.Tillerson dan Archana Kongthanin, berumur 27 tahun dan sudah menikah. Kit Kongthanun adalah adik Phana, Kita berumur 23 tahun sudah menikah juga dengan sahabat dari kakak iparnya. Wayo Panichayasawad adalah istri Phana dari thailand, seorang dokter bedah di rumah sakit The Johns Hopkins hospital yang merupakan miliknya sendiri. Mingkwan dechapanya adalah sahabat Yo juga seorang dokter, yang menikah dengan adik Phana Kit. Forth adalah kakak Yo yang merupakan sekretaris pribadi Phana, sudah menikah dengan sahabat Phana, Beam Baramee. Kisah keluarga mereka akan diceritakan disini

2.2K 4 129 Full
๐‡๐Ž๐Ž๐ƒ๐ˆ๐„ | Jeremiah Fisher

๐‡๐Ž๐Ž๐ƒ๐ˆ๐„ - Jeremiah Fisher "I'm still rocking your hoodie, and chewing on the strings it makes me think about you so i wear it when i sleep"in which Eva Campbell realizes that she is not over Jeremiah Fisher and probably never will be.•๐—ท๐—ฒ๐—ฟ๐—ฒ๐—บ๐—ถ๐—ฎ๐—ต ๐—ณ๐—ถ๐˜€๐—ต๐—ฒ๐—ฟ โœ— ๐—ณ๐—ฒ๐—บ!๐—ผ๐—ฐSTARTED: 08/01/2022ENDED:

262.3K 23 4.3K Full
Kur  Zemra Nuk Pyet

Dy njerez te cilet jeta i takon rastesisht ne rrugen e saj , dy njerez te cilet jan aq sa te ndryshem edhe te ngjashem Ata te dy kan gjera te fshehta ne te kaluaren e tyre Deani diten njihej si nje djale I fort , i pamposhtur nje student i shkelqyer dhe nje njeri i pastere ndersa ne jeten e tij ai ishte i vet quajtur si Diablonje njeri I frikshëm, i pameshirshem, njeri qe nuk e njihte te pamunduren Ndërsa ajo nje studente e shkëlqyer nje vajze qe ju kishte ber balle sfidave te jetes qe ne adoleshencenje vajze ne jete e te ciles fjala e pamundur nuk egzistonteAjo kishte luftuar shume per te qen aty ku ishte per te ber realitet ëndrrën e saj me te madhe nje enderr e cila ndoshta nje dite do te ishte penges qe ajo te pranonte ndjenjat e saj dy kokefort te cilet jeta do ti takoj shume here dhe te gjitha heret ata do te jen ne luft se kush do te jet I pari por a do te pyesin zemrat e tyre per krenarin, per te shkuaren dhe per vendimet e tyre? A do te arrij ajo te bej pervete Deani deri ne piken qe ai te heq dore nga jeta e dyfishtë? apo Deani do arrij ta bej ate qe ta dashuroj aq shume sa te heq dore nga gjithcka per te ? nje histori me drame, lufte, trishtim, lot edhe dhimbje por ama nje histori qe do te tregoj se kur dashuria vjen askush nuk mund ta ndaloj as dy persona qe mendojn se jan aq te zotet sa te mposhtin gjithcka madje edhe zemrat e tyre Por ajo qe askush nuk e din eshte cfare ndodhe ateher kur zemra nuk pyet ?VAZHDIMI I HISTORIS ( A ESHTE DASHURIA MBI GJITHCKA)

36.5K 50 2.3K Full
Peaaegu tรคiuslik

Üheksateistkümne aastane Roxanne on õnnelik, kui tal avaneb võimalus minna Briswoodi üikooli. Tüdruk veedab kogu suve planeerides elu Briswoodis ja loeb päevi, kuni pääseb põrgust, nimega kodu. Vägivaldne isa hoiab päevast-päeva ema oma hirmu all ja Roxanne'il on kõrini niiviisi elamisest. Ema aga keeldub isa juurest lahkumast ja nii leiab Roxanne end võõrast linnast koos kasuvennaga.Ülikoolis kohtub Roxanne aga Calviniga. Ülbe ja endasse tõmbunud noormees ajab Roxanne'il hetkega pea ringi käima ning üksainus pilk temalt muudab jalad nõrgaks. Midagi nii võimast pole Roxanne varem tundnud ja ta tahab rohkem tunda võõra puudutusi ning hellitavaid sõnu. Calvinil on aga saladus, mille päevavalgele tulek hävitaks nii tema, tema venna Roberti ja paljude teiste asjasse segatud noormeeste elud. Mis saab aga siis kui saladus välja tuleb? Kas Roxanne suudab Calvinile andestada minevikuvigade eest? Kas kõige olulisem on osata andestada endale või teistele?***„Mind isegi ei pane imestama, et su kõrval kedagi ei ole. Sa tõrjud oma vastiku olemisega kõik eemale. Niivõrd ennasttäis, ülbe ja..."Ma ei tea, mis juhtus. Justkui hing jäi kinni ja maailm kadus jalge alt. Ühel hetkel olid Calvini pehmed huuled minu omadel ja mehe käsi libises mööda mu selga juustesse. Ta suudles mind. Kõik liblikad, mis olid end mu kehasse vangistanud, lendasid nüüd laiali. Mitte miski polnud eales tundunud nii hea ja kodune kui Calvini suudlus. Ta lasi minust õrnalt lahti, pühkis mu pisarad ja sosistas: „Sellepärast ma sind vajangi!"

3.9K 19 340 Full
Nuk mjafton vetem dashuria

Atehere kur mendon se cdo gje eshte ne rrugen e duhur, atehere merr goditjen me te madhe mbas shpine nga personi qe ti jep jeten..Nje histori dashurie ndrysheE cila filloi e paster si kristal dhe me kalimin e kohes u ndot nga te papriturat e jetes...Ajo Anhela Novikov vajza e bosit me te madh te mafias ruse,nje studente e shkelqyer ne Spanje teper lozonjare dhe i pelqente te shijonte jeten, por mbi te gjitha vlerat qe karakterizonin ishin te medha nje njeri me zemer te madhe dhe e ndjeshme sa po ta prekje dukej si kristal qe thyhej edhe pse ajo nuk e tregonte kete pjese por me teper ate te bishes..Jeta kishte rezervuar per te dashurine me te bukur ama do te jete po ajo dashuri e cila do ta shkateroje ne nje menyre qe ajo vet nuk do e kishte imagjinuar asnjehere...Ndersa ai Ace Fernandes nje nga biznesmenet me te suksesshem ne Spanje ama me nje te kaluar te dhimbshme,pabesisht jeta do e fuste ne nje rruge ku shihje vetem terrr dhe drita ne fund te erresires ishte e padukshme...Nje ngjarje Nje e kaluar do e beje ata pjese te dickaje qe nuk e kishte imagjinuar asnjehere...Dy njerez me drejtime te ndryshme,dy kokeforte te cilet nuk mendonin per azgje tjeter vec familjes pa e ditur do te behen pika e dobet e njeri tjetrit...Nje dashuri e cila do te zgjase vetem per pak pasi nje propozim do te permbyse gjithcka...A do te mjaftoje vetem dashuria per ta perballuar kete sfide kur mungon besimi???

12.7K 44 1K Full
Another Love || Cobra Kai

troubled teen Eli "Hawk" with violent and dangerous tendencies, sparks up something out of the ordinary with guarded up Emialia What troubles or peace might this encounter bring both school girl and fighter?

380K 60 7K Full
Save Me  ( Keith Powers)

This book is about two people who have been friends literally forever. Throughout this book one of the friends will go through things while the other friend tries to help. While helping this friend will their friendship stay the same, will it change or will it end.

156.1K 79 4.3K Full

" sampai bila perkahwinan ini perlu menjadi satu rahsia antara kita? "nak tau lebih lanjut? baca ok.. jangan lupa like sekali โค

999 4 10
๐ซ๐จ๐ฒ๐ฅ ยน โ” cw stargirl

โœงห–*°เฟ๐ซ๐จ๐ฒ๐ฅโ”โ”โ” two friends, with tragic eventsStargirl season 1fem oc × cameron mahkentfem oc × courtney whitmore MissSwan

13.4K 27 659 Full
Cold  ( Algee Smith story)

Cold hearts need warmth too

34.5K 33 846 Full
The journey of aura guardian

we will see Ash is an aura guardian but there see so much in the world that he has to face the most strongest evil organization team rainbow rocket he has to do kill those who aim to take out peace they have he has be an angel born in hell he learned after his last mission that they are going to target the pokemon school so he decided to went there and find out about them he also has his own organization Ash can also use pokemon moves through use of aura let's see who will win Team rainbow Rocket Or Our aura guardian

4.1K 17 82
My next door neighbor

(mindless behavior story)

30.6K 15 867 Full
How to Survive South Park

A top tier South Park: Stick of Truth speedrunner gets sent into that very game, and by extension, the world of their favorite TV show by god (aka Morgan Freeman) for shits and giggles.Finding himself now in the body of the game's protagonist, New Kid, will the knowledge of the South Park superfan be enough to survive in the reality where world ending apocalypses are weekly events stopped by 10 year olds or will they crumble under the pressure and sheer absurdity of it all?Introducing the isekai victim's guide on How to Survive South Park.Reference Point: The main protagonist has been sent into South Park BEFORE Season 26 of the show came out in our reality (I started this story before said season finished), so everything up until the Streaming Wars specials is known by the main protagonist at the start of his journey.That includes the show up to season 25, the games up to Phone Destroyer, the movie, the hour-long specials up to both parts of Streaming Wars, and plenty of deleted scenes and cut content throughout all of that.The main protagonist will learn more as the story progresses, but this is what he knows at the start.You can also find this story on both Archive Of Our Own and Quotev if you prefer to view fics on those sites.

39.6K 184 1.6K
Friends to Lovers {ktp} | #Wattys2017

What happens when two best friends, who've known each other since the 3rd grade, gradually come to realize that they've always, secretly, had a crush on each other?

34.6K 18 792 Full
Boss Lady (Algee Smith)

What makes you think she gonna go for a guy like you?!

12.4K 33 293 Full

Kisah bermula apabila 4 pemuda telah mencerobohke suatu Lembah yang telah lama ditinggalkan Dan kewujudan nya telah dilupakan.oleh kerana terleka dengan hobi menjerat ayam hutan,tanpa disedari mereka berempat telah tidak sengaja merosakkan benteng yangArif tunangnya pergi meninggalkan Delima ketika Hari pernikahan mereka atas alasan wajah Delima yang hodoh disebabkan kelaran Di wajahnya Oleh perogol yang diupah Oleh Arif.Malang menimpah Delima apabila kesemua megunci sesuatu Dan melepaskan makluk yang dikunci Di dalam butiran Delima yang Di paku Di atas Gerbang.Delima kembali membalas dendam pada orang-orang yang menyebabkan dirinya menderita. harta keluarga nya dibolot Oleh Arif,Dan lagi menyakiti hati Delima apabila Orang kepercayaan nya Bunga mengkhianti Delima.Delima Di tinggalkan berseorangan Dan kehidupannya terumbang ambing,disaat ini muncul mak uteh menghulurkan pertolongan buat Delima.Tanpa Delima sedari mak uteh itu sebenarnya saka yang berkeliaran mencari Tuan barunya.Dengan bantuan mak uteh berjayakah Delima membalas dendam..Jangan lupa vote..Dan Komen..

986 7 36
๐”“๐”ฏ๐”ฌ๐”ฃ๐”ข๐”ฐ๐”ฌ๐”ฏ๐”ฆ โ„‘๐”ช (แ—ทแ’ชแ—ฉแ‘•Kแ—ทIแ–‡แ—ช2) โœ“

"Profesor, çfarë po bën?" "Po të jap leksione private" mund t'a ndjenjë frymën e tij të ngrohtë tek veshi dhe një ndjenjë e panjohur pushtoi gjithë trupin tim. "Më thërrit në emër""Ti je thjeshtë profesori im" "A je e sigurt për këtë?" Trupat tanë tashmë e kishin prekur lehtë njëri tjetrin, shikimet tona u përplasën disa herë. Herë shikoja atë në sy e herë shikoja buzët e tij, të cilat ishin të pamundura për mua sikur t'i prekja e jo më t'i puthja."Po e sigurtë jam" "Sa e sigurt?" Buzët tona e ndjenin afërsinë e njëra tjetrës, të etura për të puthur njëra tjetrën"Shum" Paul ma ndërpret fjalën duke bashkuar buzët e tij me të mija, ndjenjë buzët e tij të ngrohta mbi buzët e mija, m'i puth lehtë për të treguar që ishte një gentleman, luan me buzën time të poshtme sikur po kërkonte leje për të vazhduar më tej "Kjo është diçka e gabuar" i them pasi u shkëputa për një moment nga buzët e tij për t'i rikthyer sërisht e përgjithmonë buzëve të tij.โš ๏ธ NDALOHET KOPฤฐMฤฐ APO POSTฤฐMฤฐ ฤฐ HฤฐSTORฤฐSË SฤฐME NË RRJETET E TJERA SOCฤฐALE PA LEJEN E AUTORES (PA LEJEN TฤฐME) โš ๏ธ#1drame#1shqiperi

42.4K 31 2.1K Full

What if your greatest what if is already right in front of you? What would you do?

7.3K 42 80 Full
Goodbye Lucy

During the war of Fairy Tail vs Alvarez. This will be the "last battle "Natsu vs Zeref vs Agnologia. Lucy will discover something new during this time and she will do what ever it takes to protect the people she loves. What will happen to Lucy and Natsu???

42.4K 12 658 Full
Faithfully Yours (Book 2, Dominantly Yours Series)

Just when Claire and Nate think the greatest danger has passed, an ancient evil threatens to destroy their bond, their pack, and the future of all werewolves. *****Claire Masters is not usually one to give up. She's strong, loyal, and protective of what's hers, regardless of the cost. But with her pack still struggling to accept her, both as their Alpha Female and their Queen, she and her mate are forced to stay constantly on guard -- even when the bloody gift she finds on their porch is likely just a harmless prank. Except, this time, she's's not the work of the pack. It's something much darker. Something that won't let the past get left behind.[[Word count: 70,000-80,000 words]]Sequel to "Dominantly Yours" / Cannot be read as a standalone

563.6K 36 26.4K Full

Alvin ka perjetuar plagen me te dhimbshme te jetes ne moshen 20 vjecare,humbjen e nenes.Cilat jane perjetimet e tij emocionale pas kesaj humbje? Perse Daniela,mikesha e tij e ngushte,zgjedh te jetoj me te?

3.2K 31 403 Full
Music and Mayhem โ”€โ”€ BSD (โœ“)

death in the eyes of unloved teens © parhkersDAZAI OSAMU x OC / COMPLETED (โœ“)COVER ART BY VAQUERO (TUMBLR)

112.3K 31 5.4K Full