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934 stories
Along Came a Wolf (The Yellow Hoods #1)

Gripping adventure, brilliant inventions, and splash of humor.Steampunk meets Fairy tale."...intriguing contraptions, appealing characters, snide villains, humor, and an exciting story." - Kirkus Reviews "Dreece has crafted a tale with elements to delight the child in all of us, and intrigue the most creative adult mind." - Author J.K.NorryTee, Elly, and Richy peaceful little world is shattered when they become entangled in a plot to steal the world's first steam engine plans from master inventor, Nikolas Klaus. Will Klaus' ties to the secret society known as the Tub (lead by a butcher, baker, and candlestick maker) be their undoing? Or will they live on to become legends?Here are some of the amazing fairy tales, nursery rhymes, and classic stories woven into the fabric of The Yellow Hoods series: Little Red Riding Hood, The Three Little Pigs, Santa Claus, Hansel and Gretel, Rumplestilskin, Beauty and the Beast, Humpty Dumpty, Chicken Little, Alice in Wonderland, Simple Simon, Rub-a-dub-dub.The series grows in intensity as it goes and uses humor along the way. It has strong female characters, no graphic violence, no sexual content, and is loved by kids aged 9-15 and adults (written for both audiences). Loved by fans of Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, and Ranger's Apprentice.Awards and Accolades:- Book 1 - Finalist for IAN's Book of the Year 2015 in Young Adult- Book 1 - Honorable Mention by Reader's Favorite for their 2016 award for grades 4-6- Book 1 - Calgary Herald best-sellers '14, '15Enjoy this sample! For more details, check out

243 14 33
My Day-To-Day Life (3)

I'll try to write a summary of my day or important events every single day (unless I don't), sort of like a daily journal. (This is the third story because the first two reached the story part limit)

745 200 185

"Infinite Echoes: The Saga of Vishra's Key" is a mesmerizing journey through the realms of mystery, magic, and the unknown. In this spellbinding tale, Vishra, an intrepid archaeologist with an insatiable curiosity, stumbles upon an ancient key, the likes of which the world has never seen. This enigmatic artifact propels him into a realm of timeless wonders, where past, present, and future converge in breathtaking harmony.As Vishra grapples with his newfound role as the guardian of this remarkable key, he embarks on a quest to unlock the secrets of the universe itself. Along the way, he encounters ethereal landscapes, encounters mystical creatures, and deciphers cryptic riddles that challenge the very fabric of his reality."Infinite Echoes" is a tale of transformation and self-discovery as Vishra's journey leads him to unveil the profound mysteries of existence and the limitless potential of the human spirit. It's a narrative that weaves together elements of fantasy, adventure, and the supernatural, taking readers on an unforgettable odyssey through time, space, and the depths of the human soul.Prepare to be captivated by a story where the boundaries of imagination are shattered, and where the line between reality and magic blurs in a symphony of infinite echoes.

21 1 2
Taming the Telomeres [Sneak Peaks]

"A spellbinding Page Turner" [Sneak Peaks Inside the 2015 Readers Favorite Gold Award Thriller Novel]The complete novel is available in paperback, ebook or audiobook form on Amazon, and the audiobook is available on itunes.A survivor. A soulmate. A secret.High school senior Amanda Michaels suffers amnesia with regard to everything before the jet crash. She loses her parents and her memory in the aftermath, but miraculously survives. While recovering, Amanda strikes up a whirlwind romance with a young hospital volunteer, but only recalls a haunting series of flashbacks of her near death experiences (NDE's). Meanwhile, her uncle, high profile DC trial attorney Andy Michaels represents her and the families of numerous passengers against Hemispheres Airways.What to expect inside "Taming":Explore the medical mysteries behind NDE's;Why cell telomere medical research is worth billions to the world's superpowers;Peeks inside the USA's top secret Foreign Intelligence Courts;Spying. Covert Ops. Cover-up at the highest levels?As the major monetary settlements with Hemispheres are looming, both Amanda and her uncle Andy stumble onto evidence of possible sabotage of the jet and a link to her dad's classified biological research on cell chromosomal telomeres. Why was her dad's research so valuable? Once Amanda learns she may possess biological secrets that competing intelligence agencies will kill for, she has no idea who to trust, unwittingly caught up in a web of biological espionage. Amanda's personal roller coaster ride explores romance, heartbreak, depression, persistence and ultimate redemption. The fast paced story moves between Middleburg, Virginia horse farms, Washington, DC, New York city and points between. A series of stunning twists unwind along the path to the unforeseen climax.

32 3 0
Sadistic Shadows

What do you do when you find out the man you always knew to be a caring father has been convicted of multiple murders and sent away for life?Bearly out of middle school, these are the trials that Alex and Emma Morgan have to face moving forward. Not only do they have to pick up the pieces of their shattered souls, but they have to live in the dark shadow of a sadistic killer. People are judgmental. Most are apt to believe the old saying, "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree." A future of speculation, distrust, and outright hate await them. Are they strong enough to break down the barriers and prove they deserve to live a normal life without ridicule and suspicion? Or will they collapse under the pressure and become what is expected of them - ruthless vigilantes with minds molded of murder? AUTHOR'S NOTE**I guess this would be considered a serial novel. I believe Wattpad has a great platform for that type of writing. Each chapter or "episode" should be around 2000 words and be released weekly (Sunday's or earlier) as long as revising and life's other surprises don't get in the way. Think of it like a T.V. miniseries of the mind. I hope you enjoy. I would love any feedback whether it's good or bad. This is sort of a warm-up exercise to keep my creative juices flowing for other projects. I'm sure, even with heavy scrutiny and alterations, that I will miss a few grammar and punctuation mistakes. Please don't shut me out of your life because of this; just point them out if you feel the urge. Trust me, I'm not going to throw a hissy-fit and go on a rampage, find your address, and come to your house screaming about how you can shove your comma up your ass. Let's be friends.Anyway, if you're still reading this and haven't given up on me yet, you're probably wishing I'd shut the hell up and get on with the story. so without further adieu... Let's see how the twins handle the curveball life has thrown at them.

78 5 2
La Bibliothèque de Poudlard

Chers sorciers et moldus, voici le guide ultime des fanfictions afin de mieux naviguer entre toutes les histoires proposées sur Wattpad. Bienvenue à tous dans mon coin préféré de Poudlard : la plus grande bibliothèque d'Europe. Vous pouvez admirer plusieurs milliers d'étagères remplies et repartie selon plusieurs sections. Tout récemment une section fictions et histoires des grandes personnalités qui ont marqué le monde magique. Cette section a été ouverte par notre très cher directeur Albus Dumbledore et a été très vivement critiqué par certaines familles de sang pures qui avait déjà à plusieurs reprises exigé que Les Contes de Beedle le Barde soit retiré en raison d'un conte qui raconte une histoire d'amour entre une moldue et un sorcier. Alors imaginez lorsqu'une section entière de livres « peu recommandables » de « vermine infâme » a été proposée par un « traître à son sang ». Evidement ces vieilles chouettes rabougries ont tort de juger ces livres par leur couverture, il y a même des pépites qui valent leur pesant en Gallions. Cependant, il ne faut pas être né d'un troll pour comprendre que certaines sont médiocres, présentent des impressions historiques ou sont écrites par de vraies langues de basilics... C'est pourquoi je vous propose ce petit guide non exhaustif des meilleures fictions que j'ai pu rencontrer lors de ma scolarité avec mon amie.Il y en a pour tous les goûts, en francais ou en anglais, du côté obscur ou de la lumière, de l'époque de nos parents, grand parent ou arrière grand parent, bref accrochez vous a vos nimbus car ça va être intense ! Avertissement : quiconque ayant l'imprudence de déchirer, lacérer, tordre, plier, abîmer, dégrader, souiller, tacher, jeter, laisser tomber ou détériorer ce livre de quelque manière que ce soit, de le maltraiter ou de lui manifester le moindre manque de respect, devra en subir les conséquences que je m'efforcerai de rendre aussi doul

340 2 17
Project Neptune

Scarlet Kindelli doesn't remember anything from before she was 8 years old. Her earliest memory is finding herself sitting at a bus stop in the middle of nowhere and being taken to the strange town of Neptune by Ariadne Winter. Ever since, Scarlet has lived with the Winters and their daughter Lana, who remains her only friend. But as the bad-tempered loner Scarlet struggles to unearth her past and popular Lana deals with hiding a strange secret as well as discovering who she truly is, Scarlet encounters a peculiar 16-year old boy named Theo Emerson at the same bus stop that she seemed to have originated from. She soon finds that he, too, has no memory of anything except for his name. But things only get stranger when someone who was thought to be long-dead suddenly reappears and strange abilities begin to manifest in several teens around Neptune. With a single long, lonely road, a treehouse filled with secrets, late-night ventures to the graveyard, and everything that you never expected, this tale reveals that many things are not what they seem, especially the strange, isolated little town of Neptune... *Chapters are from the point of view of the character whose name is in the parentheses at the end of the chapter title**Unfinished story, all chapters subject to change*

179 24 30
Four First Chapters

The Greek gods roam the Oklahoma desert. A jock girl and a shy girl fuse into one body. A boy ventures out of his dystopian society and finds love in a prince. A newly adopted teenager is turned into a killer robot. You get to read the first chapters of each of these stories, and vote for what you want to see more of. Back your favorite stories in the comments. Full list of stories below. Sparkboys: Fifteen-year-old Murphy Rapp has moved south, and he plans on not staying long. The mosquitos are terrible, the people are loud, and his adoptive mother is intimidating--and that's before she turns him and his friends into killer robots, corrupting any hope of leaving the dark heart of Dixie. Sweet home Alabama, am I right? Olympahoma: What did a small town in Oklahoma do to anger a three thousand year old Greek god? Why did it warrant one hundred years of drought and an impending tornado? And most importantly: where did all of these yams come from? Follow Ari Wilde as she travels through a world of lame demigods and chiton-clad cowboys while trying to find Zeus's prized gorgoneinon in the desert--and seriously, what's up with all this ominous wind? Heart Attack: What if you could share a body with your soulmate? Sounds like a fun story, but Kanon and Stephanie, it's reality--a painfully awkward reality, especially because they hate each other and they have to fight crime. Stranded Dark: Being the princess's handmaid sucks sometimes. "Sometimes" being the time that you have to fly into Umbra, the most dangerous kingdom in the world, supposedly riddled with cannibals and deviants. "Sometimes" being the time that you get kidnapped by the royal family. And "sometimes" being the time that you have to team up with a rogue prince to get back to your home a thousand miles away.

30 7 1
Boredom Killer Part 3 (Complete)

Back Again!! :OQuestions To Kill Your BoredomPicture on the cover was found on Google, I don't claim rights to it at all.

72.5K 200 2.8K
Song Lyrics

Sa mga naghahanap ng lyrics ng kanta, ito na! If wala dyan ung song lyrics na hinahanap niyo tell me lang.

3.5K 111 19
Society's Dark Reflection: The Rise of Real-Life Batman Villains

Prepare to be captivated by the chilling tale of a group of individuals who, driven by the harsh realities of society, transform into real-life Batman villains. In this gripping narrative, we delve into the depths of their descent into darkness, exploring the complex factors that shape their transformation into formidable adversaries."Society's Dark Reflection" unveils the untold stories of these once ordinary people, who, pushed to their limits by a society plagued with corruption, inequality, and injustice, find themselves embracing their inner demons. As they navigate the treacherous underbelly of their city, they become the very villains that haunt the nightmares of Gotham.This thought-provoking film shines a spotlight on the systemic issues that breed desperation and resentment, ultimately leading these individuals to embrace a life of crime. It delves into the societal pressures, shattered dreams, and disillusionment that fuel their transformation, blurring the lines between hero and villain.Witness the chilling metamorphosis as these individuals adopt larger-than-life personas, each embodying a unique brand of malevolence. From the enigmatic mastermind who orchestrates chaos, to the seductive femme fatale who manipulates with ease, and the relentless brute who strikes fear into the hearts of all who cross his path, their stories intertwine in a web of darkness.As the city's protectors struggle to combat this rising tide of criminality, "Society's Dark Reflection" challenges viewers to question the very nature of heroism and villainy. Is it society that creates these monsters, or are they simply a reflection of the broken world they inhabit?Prepare to be enthralled by the mesmerizing performances, intricate plot twists, and stunning visuals that bring this dark tale to life. "Society's Dark Reflection" is a cinematic experience that will leave you questioning the boundaries of morality and the power of society to shape the destinies of its inhabitan

10 2 0
A Fangirl's Daily Struggles Book 1


17.3K 174 1.3K
when i am gone, this is how i want to be remembered

The man in the colourful bandana, staring through shaded glasses, at a world that fascinates him on every level. The tall, white goateed man, with the small gold loop earring. His senses provide the inspiration and his mind creates a universe of creativity. He knows not of style or gender. He simply takes what his mind processes and he puts it to paper. He has provided many hours of reading experiences for thousands and now ... his last collection. This is how he wants to be remembered. (a friend)

2.4K 191 883

Oneshots & Imagines based on different fandoms that I and a lot of you love to death.Such as:Bohemian Rhapsody (Rami Malek, Joe Mazzello, Ben Hardy, Gwilym Lee)Queen (BoRhap ver) (Freddie, Brian, Roger, John)Riverdale (Jughead, Sweet Pea, Archie)Percy Jackson (Percy, Leo, Luke, Nico)MARVEL (Peter Parker, Tom Holland, Bucky, Sebastian Stan, Captain America, Chris Evans, Bruce Banner, Thor, Loki, Tom Hiddleston, Pietro Maximoff, Peter Maximoff (X-MEN), Charles Xavier (James McAvoy ver), Alex Summers, Hank McCoy aka Beast, Nicholas Hoult, Doctor Strange, Tony Stark)DC Movies + Shows (Flash, Aquaman, Robin, Beast Boy)Teen Wolf (Scott, Stiles, Derek, Peter, Tyler P., Dylan O'Brien, Tyler H., Ian)EXO (all of them I guess)BTS (J-Hope, Jungkook, RapMon, V)Supernatural (Dean, Sam, Castiel, Gabriel, Teen!Dean, Teen!Sam)CHICAGO FIRE, PD, & MED (Kelly Severide, Casey, Jay Halstead, Antonio, Adam Ruzek, Dr. Connor Rhodes, Dr. Will Halstead, Dr. Choi)Youtube (Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, TheOdd1sOut, Natewantstobattle, Joji, Colby Brock, Elton Castee, Dan & Phil)The Flash (Barry Allen, Cisco Ramon)MISC (Adam Driver [Ben Solo], Asa Butterfield, Fionn Whitehead, Ezra Miller)*Will also be taking requests as soon as I post the request form*

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