Search: magoranza
22 stories
Why Not- Magoranza Fic

A fic about Magolor and Taranza from the Kirby series. After a series of events resulting in Taranza having to leave Floralia, Magolor steps in to help- and their friendship grows into something more along their time together. Magolor is obvious, Taranza is oblivious- hilarity, fluff, with some possible sides of angst ensues. (Gijinka fic, meaning all characters who are not already human have been turned human- or human like!)Cover Art by Me!

3.5K 7 58 Full
The Arrow of Time

The Star Allies have been kidnapped. As they try to sort out their situation, someone among their ranks is making them disappear, slowly but surely. Who is behind this, and why?

713 48 55 Full
Nowhere To Go But Up

Magolor's lived a life that even he doesn't really understand, and it seems like he's lost his chance to ever live peacefully. When the Lor Starcutter rescues him, he resolves to atone for his past sins. And, possibly even more importantly, get to the bottom of who he is and where he really came from.

2.2K 40 71 Full
Magolor x Taranza - A handful of flowers.. for you!

Taranza pulled out flowers from behind his back. "I love you Magolor!"A wholesome story about Taranza and Magolor.Some things this story includes: No NSFW, occasional curse words, and mental health.Thank you to @sushi_loves_smiles on Instagram for the wonderful cover!Also a big thank you to my great friend @ridingnerdy on TikTok for editing for me!

3K 9 38
Like Stars (Taranza X Magolor)

Taranza finds himself staring at the sky one night, before Magolor comes along and joins him. Cover art by me.

645 1 16 Full
SDRA2 OTP Extravaganza

Third time's the charm! I'll be selecting more of my favourite ships and doing oneshots for them in here! Go ahead and set the bar low, I'll probably disappoint you anyway! These will be inspired by two prompts each, one from a list and one from a blog! Spoiler warning for literally everything, just letting you know! Prompt list credit: sidebloggable and otpprompts on tumblrHeader credit: LinujSuper Danganronpa Another 2 belongs to LinujHappy reading!

9.6K 27 138 Full
Medaka Box Smash or Pass

Never could fully watch this. Though Kumagawa is cool.I don't own anything but the idea.

5.4K 72 45 Full
Kyosu - The Imaginarie World

¿Que pasa cuando tienes amigos imaginarios? Normalmente una persona tiene estos "amigos imaginarios" en su infancia, pero mientras crecen se van olvidando de ese amigo. Esto es lo que le paso a nuestros protagonistas, ellos se olvidaron de sus amigos imaginarios y ahora estos desean venganza por ser olvidados, entonces es cuando estos imaginarios deciden llevar a los chicos a un bosque para ser atormentados, perseguidos y atacados hasta la muerte. ¿Podran salir del bosque maldito? ¿Sabran la verdad de los imaginarios? ¿Y descubriran la verdadera razon por la que tuvieron a estos amigos imaginarios?

1.7K 47 290 Full
Tanz Mit Mir [Lukadrien] (Re-edit/Re-publish)

!DISCLAIMER!This book was originally written in Spanish by the original author, AnitaGonzalezSanche5. I have the permission of the author to translate that book into English. All RIGHTFUL CREDIT goes to the original author.Only the TRANSLATOR CREDIT belongs to me.___________________________________________Fate is very strange; it unites two souls that will be destined by magic. It does not matter if a person opposes the union, much less Father Time himself; these souls will always find each other.Who would think that a tavern duet would be destined to be together, reincarnating as two teenage heroes of Paris?Adrien Agreste, a model and son of the greatest fashion designer in all of Paris, is intrigued by a boy-Luka Couffaine-when he meets him, but his heart already belonged to someone he did not know and was his partner against crime. The super heroine with raven hair and pigtails is Ladybug; however, this union begins to deteriorate when a certain girl begins to hide things from him, trusting other heroes more and leaving him aside.One day, by chance of fate, he hears that the person Ladybug loves is Luka Couffaine. Blinded by resentment towards that heroine, he decides to separate the guitarist from her in his civil form, seeing that this boy is in love with his friend, the daughter of one of the most beloved bakers in the city, Marinette. But it seems that she walked away from that boy, so he assumed he had a clear path and could attract the guitarist regardless of his heterosexuality, but what they both do not know is the past, long before they were born.Will they fall in love again in this life? What was it that separated them in the past, and will they unite again?

21 1 0

just a bunch of teen face claims for you to use in your fanfiction.

715.7K 200 3.2K Full
Yu-Gi-Oh: Smash or Pass - Part 2

A bit fun with the characters ^^ Who will you smash (It's with other meaning), who will you pass? Part 2

9.2K 127 318
Absurdity (Yandere Assassination Classroom Characters x Reader Oneshots)

If the book is found to be unsatisfactory, we request for a peaceful leave as we would like for this book to remain toxic free and be absent of any rude comments. To those that decided to continue further, we hope you'll like it. Enjoy dear readers!Credits to the owners of the images we used for the book cover. We don't own any of the pictures and characters that the story contains.(n.) the quality or state of being ridiculous or wildly unreasonable.!Warnings and other additional information before you further proceed to reading this book! - We do not support any of the toxic behaviors present in this book and remember that all of the stories this book contain are fictional and should remain as it is. The stories are only a result of the requests of some of our readers who wants one and from the imaginations of our weird minds. - Possessive and obsessive characteristics are present in all of the chapters and other yandere behaviors that will be specified.- Some chapters might contain slight gore, violence, and abuse, but really not that much and it's not that detailed since we are not that pro when it comes to that stuff.- All of the contents are not that much dark or violent, except probably when someone request for it, but it will still not be that much since we don't want you to be uncomfortable. It really depends on our mood and motivation to write. - Typos and wrong grammars are present and it's super fine if you'll let us know of these mistakes so that we could quickly do some editing into it. We thank you in advance. Some chapters were probably meant for a specific gender only and not so accurate original characteristics and information may be found.Most Impressive Ranking:#1 yanderereaper out of 14 stories#1 yanderekarma out of 20 stories

206.8K 200 4.5K Full

Cuenta Una Leyenda Que El Pequeño Pueblo "La Esperanza" No Era Tan Agradable Como Ahora, Se Dice Que Ahí Habitaban Bestias Del Tamaño De Un Rascacielos, Una Guerra Se Desato Y La Humanidad Gano Las Tierras Que Algún Día Llamarían "La Esperanza".Las Bestias Fueron Desterradas Y Prometieron Algún Día Volver. 550 Años Después Este Lugar Se Había Vuelto Famoso Por Sus Hermosas Playas Como Si Nunca Hubiera Pasado Una Guerra Allí, Pero Sucesos Extraños Empezaron A Suceder Gente Muria Y Desaparecía, Edificios Gigantes Destruidos Como Si Nada.Podran Nuestros 3 Protagonistas Descubrir El De Esta Paradisiaca Utopia????

7 3 0
The Legend of Gio

Who from low beginnings came to prominence entertaining many common men, pursuing auspicious men, praying for spirits, doing many kind deeds, ruling many estates, in her life, and thereafter, with her sisters, Gijo, and Hotoke, goddesses of mercy, represented by white lyre, white peacock, and white swan.The voice of the great gion bell in the First Monastery of the Teacher intones the constance of eternal change over all that is.Image: Goddess Gio with her son Kami Matsubi Dei, holy son of god.*This is not a historical work of any known persons and it is based off of unsorted historical accounts.References:The Heiki story: -Yoshikawa EijiThe Legend of Gio -Ridgely Torrence -1933Ancient Tales from Japan -Richard Gordon Smith -1918The Legend of Medusa -Ancient RomanSaint Nicholas of Myra -Medieval TurkeyChronicles of the Christians -King James VersionMother Marys Mysteries

22 31 0 Full
Libro 1 - El Joven Mediocre

Los inmortales son los seres más formidables debajo de los cielos. Para convertirse en uno de ellos, debes ser un discípulo de alguna de las sectas de élite. Pero aún si tienes la suerte de entrar en una, no garantizara tu éxito en este dificil camino.Acompaña a Wang Ling (Tie Zhu), un ordinario joven sin talento alguno. Su sueño le hará trabajar duramente para lograrlo, llegar a ser un inmortal.Wang Lin es un niño muy inteligente con padres amorosos. A pesar de que él y sus padres son rechazados por el resto de sus familiares, sus padres siempre han tenido la esperanza de que se convertirá en un gran ser. Un día, Wang Lin se ganó la oportunidad de caminar por la senda de un inmortal, pero desafortunadamente descubrió que es solo un mediocre. Siendo así decide irse de su hogar para recorrer su propio camino para convertirse en un Inmortal pero obtiene un objeto extraño!

35 15 0
A New Clusterfuck of Oc's

"Dear god this is just getting excessive at this point"-Me, after posting this(none of the art is mine))

6.3K 200 157
Magolor x Taranza. You're perfect to me.

A Magolor x Taranza story. Basically a remake of my old one, 'Magolor x Taranza. A handful of flowers for you!'This story DOES include abuse, scars, intimacy, mental health (anxiety, panic disorder etc.), and trauma. If you are triggered or sensitive to any of these things i would advise you skip this story..Magolor and Taranza recently got together. This story covers their daily life and the struggles that come with a significant other with trauma.

810 3 10
Mi 1er Libro:Parte 24/My 1st Book:Part 24

Kun:Ah,Saludos Otra Vez,Queridos Amigos yyyyyyyyyyy Visitantes,y,Bueno,Hoy,Yo Les Traigo Otro Nuuevo Libro, Que Tendrá Relatos Sorprendentes Para Todos Ustedes Como,"Youtubers:Heroes In Action/Mighty Movie","Puff Warrior","Soldiers From The World","Challe. Nightmares", "Grim Mountain Myths","2-Eyed Mole","Roy && Friends:A Unexpected Present","Hobwolves","Tío Mortem:!El Culto Del Señor De Oakhaven!","Nightstalkers:!Ghostly Piratic Mayhe.!","La Hechicera Encantada",(Crónicas Mágicas), "Dreamlanders:No,It Wasn't...","Hawaiian Nutz","Zombie Academy","Hunchback Of Jacksonville","Kryoz,The Sno. Prince","Mentally Creative","Wildtoonz:Young Prince And Demon King","

497 200 148
Catacumbas Infernales

Un Padre, tras interrumpir reiteradamente su misa, decide tragarse a los doce culpables de eso (sí, tal cual como lees), aunque antes de engullirlos, se divirtió asesinando a todos y cada uno de los presentes (exceptuando a los doce que devoró, claro está). Sin embargo, aunque lo más probable sea que aquellas personas llegaran al estómago y luego perecieran por sus jugos gástricos, terminan en un misterioso y oscuro lugar (y no, no están dentro del Padre, creo...).-Ganadora del tercer lugar en la categoría de historias largas en los Zodiac Awards 2017.-Hermosa y sensualonga sinopsis hecha por santa-papa.

920 6 40
Kirby one-shots I guess

Kirby characters interact. Cute, sad, funny, other labels, you name it I might write it and probably won't post it. Includes ships, all listed in the chapter title/description bc I hate it when a fic doesn't tell me what ship I'm getting in to.

15 1 0
Las Piedras de Alphard

Una señora gorda y ancha de espaldas gritaba el precio de sus frutas, su nieta las ordenaba con el mejor esmero, poniendo las más brillantes al mostrador para así quizá ganarse un caramelo de la tienda del señor Irizar. Su mamá le decía siempre que se alejase de él, pues algún día le daría algo que le afectase el estómago, y ya no podría comer nunca más nada dulce. Eso le daba en especial miedo.- Manzanas, manzanas, lleve 4 por 2, 4 por 2 direnios... Annie, deja eso y ayúdame. Trae el cesto de esas naranjas malas de ayer.- ¿El que tiene pelos?- Ya no los tendrá. Aquí tienes la escobilla, y que nadie te vea limpiandolas, sino no habrán dulces hoy.Annie dejó la última manzana en su lugar, cuidadosamente de no romper con la armonía de que todas tuvieran la pequeña hoja hacia la izquierda, y se fue corriendo en busca del canasto. Al llegar a la carpa que hacía de bodega, era más oscura debido a las alfombras que usaban encima de la tienda, para apalear en algo el calor del verano. Pero no ayudaba en nada a dejar de sentir el hedor de verduras y frutas en descomposición. En un extremo, divisó el canasto, y tapándose la nariz con una mano, y caminar de lado como había visto a Neik una vez hacerlo con los calcetines de su tía.Se acercó al canasto, y con esfuerzo lo levantó con cuidado, lentamente, para evitar que rodaran, y tuviera que tocarlas. Cuando se incorporó, vió que una luz flotaba en un rincón. Era pequeña, y al enfocar su mirada vio un hombre completamente de negro. Sintió los gritos de su Abuela detrás, al tiempo que la luz se intensificaba por un breve momento, y emergiendo por un instante una larga figura con extremidades como patas de araña y una consistencia líquida como tinta. Al tiempo que nacía de su voz un grito, el desconocido se coló y salió corriendo, al tiempo que la abuela volvía a tener a su nieta cerca.- Abuelita Nani, ¿Por qué ese hombre tenía los ojos de tinta?- No, mi amor. Hace muchos años

22 1 0