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Top most comfortable sofas-Apkainterior

Best Modern 4-Seater Sofa:For those who love to entertain or have a growing family, the best 4-seater sofa offers ample seating space without compromising on comfort or style. With its generous dimensions and spacious seating arrangement, this sofa provides the perfect setting for gatherings, movie nights, or lazy Sundays spent lounging with loved ones. Featuring plush cushions, ergonomic design, and durable construction, it ensures long-lasting comfort and support for years to come. Whether you're hosting a party or simply stretching out for a nap, the best 4-seater sofa combines functionality with comfort to create the ultimate lounging experience.Comfortable Leather Sofa:Indulge in luxury and sophistication with the timeless appeal of a comfortable leather sofa. Crafted from high-quality leather upholstery, this sofa exudes elegance and refinement, making it a versatile addition to any home decor. The supple leather material not only adds a touch of opulence to your space but also offers unmatched comfort and durability. With its plush seating, padded armrests, and sleek design, the comfortable leather sofa provides a cozy retreat for relaxation and leisure. Whether you prefer classic elegance or modern minimalism, this sofa epitomizes comfort and style in equal measure.L Shape Sofa Cum Bed With Storage:Maximize space and functionality with the innovative design of an L shape sofa cum bed with storage. This versatile piece seamlessly transitions from a stylish sofa to a comfortable bed, providing the perfect solution for overnight guests or spontaneous sleepovers. Equipped with built-in storage compartments, it offers ample space to stow away extra blankets, pillows, or household essentials, keeping your living space neat and organized. With its modular design and multifunctional features, the L shape sofa cum bed with storage combines comfort, convenience, and style, making it a practical choice for modern living.

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Decrypting Chaos

All I wanted to do was make a little extra cash and not have to take handout outs from my insanely rich parents. It was already bad enough that they didn't exactly approve of my job as a barista in our local coffee shop, let alone going to college to become a social worker. No. They wanted me to take over their multi-million dollar company. I mentioned they were rich didn't I? Because they are. Insanely rich. They have barely told me and my sister anything about the company or what they deal with, all we know is that they build "life-saving" hard drives. At least that is what America likes to call them. Oh! And we can't forget about this super sarcastic, "I think I got jokes" guy that steals my best friends seat in class. Don't get me wrong, he is pretty easy on the eyes. And, yeah, he is a little funny some times. But he asks some super personal questions about me and my family way to early for someone who just met me. Can we say red flag! Stalker Alert. Just wait it gets better. There is a bad guy- or might I say three bad guys- trying to take over America using computer technology. Like infiltrating your home computer AND the governments computers. Can we say saucey? Oh, of course one of the bad guys is from Russia, because you know that makes sense right. So, if you want to see what happens come tag along with me, my family, my best friend, stalker guy, and oh yeah that Russian dude and let's ride this roller coaster of Chaotic Decryption. Get it? Because we are decrypting chaos...? No? oh come on man..

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Entrepreneur Denis Vincent from Canada

Those who follow the business world of Canada, probably know about Denis Vincent - A man with many stories and diverse interests. When people talk of Denis Vincent Canada, they probably talk about someone who has worked in sales for years or has extensive experience in the real estate sector. However, to his friends and family, he is a passionate entrepreneur. Denis loves to fly - quite literally. He is a trained helicopter and airplane pilot and has over 14,000 TT to his credit.Owing to his work in the sector, he is often known as Denis Vincent Helico. He is also an active participant in real estate and has been a phenomenal force behind many mergers and acquisitions. He is also interested in labor contracting and has been working with a known company for five years now. However, despite a significant profile, Denis never takes it easy. He often talks to press about his desire to work for promising startups, as he believes in the power of innovation. With so much behind him, the future possibilities are surely infinite, at least regarding growth and diversification.http://www.helivincent.com

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WALLS OF THE EXTREME BORDER (by Glorian Ray) on Amazon

Sci-fi thriller set in China, on the island of Hainan, a local destination for mass tourism, described realistically with current social, cultural and economic references.Once passed the first chapter, which is partially introspective, the action, always present and growing, will lead to a physical clash between the two principal human protagonists and the two extra-terrestrials. Ivan and Bing Bing try to solve a mystery related to the remains of dead animals and some exceptional luminous phenomena, taking us to the discovery of the corpses inside the hotel in Sanya where they work, and the final confrontation...The narrative method is first person, varying in perspective with the various principal characters that alternate from chapter to chapter. In chapters with cardinal numbers we see from the point of view of Ivan, a young man just hired by a luxury hotel; in chapters with Roman numbers, the protagonist is an alien; and finally, in a single chapter and as an exception, we see from the point of view of Ivan's lover, Bing Bing, a Chinese girl employed in the same hotel. Through this narrative style, the reader is able to perceive the intellectual and cultural differences of such diverse beings: an extra-terrestrial, a European man, and an Asian woman.In addition to the innovative technological details, the penetrating vision of the alien shows how limited the Earthlings are, with their misunderstandings and racism, their contrasts and inefficiencies, these being none other than the "walls" alluded to in the title.authorglorian.comEnglish edition forthcoming, Italian available

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Stone Cold

As I drove into the neighborhood I could see the memories flash before my eyes hear the bloodcurdling screams and the feel their hate filled gazes ,taking a deep breath in I parked in front of the house that I had spent my entire childhood in but seeing it again felt foreign . ' KNOCK KNOCK ' I got no reply we'll it looks like they'll be surprised ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; She can't let them know the truth ,truth about what well a lot of things she put up with her facade her empty stares and smirks but most of all she has to remain stone cold . so what happens when she slowly starts breaking ,with the ice around her the feeling of being numb that she had once made her home starts to break down slowly piece by piece will the secrets she keeps remain in the shadows untold as she intends to keep them or will they slowly be released as her walls fall.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxA/N Hello my fellow dudes and dudettes This story is based on stone cold by demi lovato but I've added my own twist and if you haven't heard it already then you should . This is not the cliché type of story that everyone loves to read once in a while (no point of denying just admit it because I'm awesome n I'm right) but hopefully will be adding some cliche moments .Jelly12378 Be warned this story contains a lot of swearing and some traumatic events Also if I find out that my work has been copied I will personally hunt you b@#%s down excuse my French hope u got the message

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How Invention of Motorcycle Camera Benefited the Motorcycle Enthusiasts

There is no dearth of motorcycle lovers even in the age of high tech cars. Millions of motorcycles are being sold from hundreds of thousands of manufacturers across the globe. With the ever-rising motorcycle industry there is proportionate rise in the motorcycle accessories industry to offer riders extra space for different additional functionalities and fun factor. Motorcycle camera is one such accessory, which has been adored by the motorcycle enthusiasts in recent years. With sophisticated camera technology and additional smart functionalities the motorcycle cameras are one of the premier accessories for riders, who love to record their riding and stunts. Here are a few factors that add to the popularity of motorcycle cams:Motorcycle camera offers an additional advantage of recording on the go. This is the reason, why cameras like Go-Pro, Garmin and Innovv are gathering popularity. With high speed and high intensity recording options, video recording, photo capturing and other features like speed, coordinate monitoring along with others, these cameras are offering an extra space for the riders, who can record their activities and review those recordings later.Smart functionality:Motorcycle camera has changed the fun of riding to a more sophisticated one. The popularity is expected to touch new heights with new innovations and additional functionalities. To more details visit us at:

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'Tis Your Heart

In a world that takes place in the 18th century, civilization is blindly separated by nothing but the concept of riches. Lia Adeline, a young and beautiful rich girl forcefully moved into a new town in hopes to find love, has to choose between reality with her parents, or heaven with a poor peasant man. Alec Dyer, a peasant who wants nothing more but his life to be over with, is captivated and lifted off the ground when he meets exquisite and breathtaking Lia Adeline. They eventually fall in love but will their love be enough to sustain happiness despite the atrocious and heartbreaking key factors that cut into their relationship? Is love strong enough? Is love truly blind?Or did they make another foolish mistake? Is love truly all you need in life? 'Tis your heart for whom I long for_______I pull away from the kiss to the sound of slight foot fumbling outside the stables. "Someone has come." I whisper to Alec. He quickly looks up and around. Just then, light from torches appear right outside the wooden building. "Bollocks" Alec whispered as he gently grabbed my hand. He began to lead me to the very back of the stables. I have never been so fearful in my life, if Alec and I were to be caught here alone at this time of hour, Alec would be hung and surely Auntie Alice would send me straight back to my father. I wasn't concerned about what punishment I would've received, but more Alec. His life would be taken away from him for simply loving a rich girl while being a peasant man. I would never forgive myself if I were to be the reason of sweet Alec's passing. I was snapped out of my cruel thoughts by Alec who stared deeply into my eyes with his emerald green iris. "Are you okay?" He asked and I nodded to not worry him. It was starting to get quiet but just then, the stable doors were burst wide open and the torch lights were shined on us. "Hey! What are you doing in here with Lia Adeline? Just wait until I report you!"Lord help us.

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Everybody Hate Chris (CZ- Creepypasta)

Příběh vypráví o šestnáctileté dívce Chris, kterou všichni nenávidí za to jaká je. Je chladná, nekomunikativní, tichá, má ráda tvrdou hudbu a má zkrátka jiný styl. Moc se s nikým nebaví a raději se drží stranou od ostatních a hledí si jen svého. Díky tomu se ale stává snadným terčem pozornosti a hlavně šikany, kterou na škole prožívá denně. A i doma to není o nic lepší. Jednoho dne se ale seznámí s dívkou, která se na škole objevila teprve před několika dny. Bude jediným člověkem, ve kterém si Chris najde oporu a také svou nejlepší kamarádku. To ale ještě nemá ponětí, co je doopravdy tahle dívka zač. Prozradí jí to nakonec? A jak bude Chris reagovat na to až zjistí co je zač? A to zdaleka nebude všechno.............----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jedná se o mou smyšlenou Creepypastu tak doufám, že se bude líbit. Už dlouho jsem nic smyšleného nepsala, takže jsem vyšla ze cviku.Jen doufám, že se to bude dát alespoň trochu číst a že mě za to hned nezhejtujete :)

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Indian-origin scientist leads NASA's mission during solar eclipse

The new all out sun oriented overshadow saw NASA sending off sounding rockets under the initiative of Aroh Barjatya, an India-conceived specialist.On April 8, as the sun oriented obscure cast shadows over North America, NASA sent three sounding rockets to examine the impacts of the brief darkening of daylight on Earth's upper climate.Aroh Barjatya, right now filling in as a teacher of designing physical science at Embry-Puzzle Aeronautical College in Florida and overseer of the Space and Barometrical Instrumentation Lab, led this mission, as per a NASA proclamation.The mission, named 'Barometrical Annoyances around Overshadowing Way (APEP),' saw its sounding rockets sent off from NASA's Clobbers Flight Office in Virginia. Post-send off, Barjatya shared his appreciation on LinkedIn, saying, "My most profound appreciation to all my kindred specialists at teaming up organizations and amazingly fit and heavenly understudies at Embry-Enigma Aeronautical College, as well as, most critically, to everybody at NASA Clobbers Sounding Rocket Program Office and NASA Goddard Space Flight Place for achieving six complex rocket missions in six months!!!"Aroh, the child of Ashok Kumar Barjatya, a substance engineer, and Rajeshwari, a homemaker, finished his tutoring in different Indian regions including Patalganga, Hyderabad, and Jaipur.His excursion to this accomplishment began in different urban communities across India before he moved to the US, said his loved ones.He got his hardware science certification from Walchand Foundation of Innovation in Solapur.Moving to the US in 2001, he procured his lord's in electrical designing from Utah State College, trailed by a PhD in space apparatus instrumentation from a similar establishment, shared his sister Apurva Barjatya, a mechanical specialist.

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Song Lyrics 2

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Daily Finland for Latest News

For the news lovers who want to keep a hawk eye on daily news update, Daily Finland is the perfect platform. It is a reliable news portal where the latest news in Finland is updated regularly. Everyone can find something interesting on this Finland news website. Whether you are interested in national, Europe or worldwide news, Daily Finland lets the reader get daily news headlines under different categories. Readers can find trendy pieces of articles and daily news related to business, sports, health, education, weather, travel and culture. It is a genuine source to read the verified news in Finland in English. Mostly teens and adults refer to this platform to get daily news sports. News Finland helps them to gather information about their favourite sportsperson, upcoming events and results of the matches. If you love to stay updated with the government policies, controversies, and financial news of Finland or any other country across the globe, get current news in Finland through daily news online. Businessmen can also keep a check on the trends, changes and innovations in the industry to grow and sustain in the competitive environment.Online news portal provides the reader an access to lots of information at any place and any time. You don't have to take out additional time for reading newspaper to know news in Finland. According to Finland times now, daily news today would be published on the website for the readers to read. Editor-in-Chief, Ofiul Hasnat makes sure that quality and reliability of the latest daily news published on Daily Finland is maintained. This leading Finland daily news portal also has great social media presence. So, make this online newspaper your source of Finland news and don't miss any event, trend and news around the world.

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Christian Heesch Completes his Ph.D. in Marine Biology

Christian Heesch, a native New Yorker, is thrilled to have just completed his Ph.D. in marine biology at Stony Brook University. His research that led to his dissertation focused on the fishing industry, specifically on sustainable water management, and he enjoys educating others about how to keep our waters safe and clean.Having received numerous offers from a variety of laboratories and institutes, he is considering marine biotechnology as a next career move, although he has always been interested in teaching.He so enjoys the lightbulb that goes off working with young people, and as a result, he is also considering continuing in academia by looking for teaching opportunities.Christian Heesch's love of the water was apparent at a very young age, taking numerous trips as a child with his parents to the coast to swim and fish.He has a variety of tips and tricks, such as only buying produce that's in season, or shutting off the water during a shower when it's not being used.Christian Heesch has volunteered with numerous organizations to help get kids excited about science, although he is particularly passionate about helping empower young girls to see themselves as scientists.He believes that dealing with tomorrow's problems necessitates that we are educating our youth to be responsible and innovative stewards of the earth.About: Christian Heesch completed his Ph.D. with a focus on fisheries and sustainable water management.To Learn more visit at :

6 1 0 10% OFF code: GCE 10% OFF code: GCEHexclad Cookware Backed by Chef Gordon Ramsay - Lifetime Warranty{{{ Coupon url: }}}{{{ Coupon Code: GCE }}}Gordon Ramsay uses HexClad at home:"HexClad stands up to my demands at home and in the studio. Not only are they beautiful pans, but their hybrid technology cooks to absolute, utter perfection."We saw the problem with traditional cookware options and created a new type of hybrid pan unlike any otherFor decades the cookware industry lacked innovation. HexClad changed all that.That's why we decided to reinvent premium cookware. HexClad's patented hybrid cookware brings together the performance of stainless steel, the durability of cast iron, and the convenience of nonstick. The result is cookware that performs to Michelin chef standards, with the cleanup convenience you need at home. Now you can unleash your potential in the kitchen without limits.The solely proper hybrid cookware20,000+ five Star Reviews'The sear I can get with these pans is incredible, with without a doubt no stick. The temperature manage is utter perfection and the easy up is effortless. I love the use of Hexclad at home.'Gordon RamsayCookware Backed through Chef Gordon RamsayIf each person is aware of how to spot high-performing cookware, it's Gordon Ramsay."HexClad's interesting look, design, and hybrid science caught my eye about a 12 months ago," says Gordon Ramsay.

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A Bridge Between World's: A Tale of Andrew and Alexander's Legacy

"A Bridge Between World's: The Tale of Andrew and Alexander's Legacy." is a captivating story that follows the extraordinary journey of two brothers who find themselves trapped in separate realms. Andrew, with his deep connection to magic, is thrust into Avaloria, a land filled with mythical creatures and ancient enchantments. Meanwhile, Alexander, driven by his fascination with technology, is transported to Technopolis, a futuristic world of innovation and advanced machinery.As they navigate their respective realms, Andrew and Alexander discover the unique challenges and wonders that each world holds. Andrew harnesses his magical abilities to protect Avaloria from dark forces, embarking on thrilling quests and encountering legendary creatures. On the other hand, Alexander's inventive mind flourishes in Technopolis as he collaborates with brilliant minds to push the boundaries of technological advancement.Despite their physical separation, the brothers maintain a strong bond through enchanted messages and holographic projections, sharing their adventures and discoveries. As they face their own trials and tribulations, they learn valuable lessons about courage, resilience, and the power of unity.However, when a powerful villain threatens to conquer both realms, Andrew and Alexander realize that their worlds must unite to overcome this common enemy. With their combined knowledge of magic and technology, they create a portal that connects Avaloria and Technopolis, bringing their people together for an epic battle against the forces of darkness."A Bridge Between World's: The Tale of Andrew and Alexander's Legacy." is a thrilling and heartwarming story that explores themes of family, friendship, and the harmonious coexistence of magic and technology. It showcases the brothers' determination, ingenuity, and unwavering love for each other as they strive to save their worlds and create a brighter future for all.

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Forgotten Empire

The Forgotten Empire was a historical period that occurred in the year 132 in the southern region of Earth. During this time, the Southern Earth was divided into four distinct empires: the Warriver Empire in the west, the Youngblood Empire in the east, the Shieldcrest Empire in the south, and the dominant Moriarty Empire.The Warriver Empire held sway over the western territories, showcasing its military might and prowess. Known for their skilled warriors and strategic tactics, they established their authority over the lands they occupied.The Youngblood Empire, on the other hand, controlled the eastern regions. Despite being relatively young, this empire displayed vitality and ambition. They were known for their innovative approaches and youthful energy, which contributed to their rule in the eastern territories.In the south, the Shieldcrest Empire held power. This empire was known for its defensive capabilities, emphasizing protection and stability. They focused on fortifying their borders and maintaining a strong defense against external threats.However, the most formidable and influential of all the empires was the Moriarty Empire. As the most powerful entity, they exerted their dominance over the entire Southern Earth. The Moriarty Empire possessed vast resources, military strength, and political influence, allowing them to maintain control and influence over the other empires.The Forgotten Empire period is characterized by the existence of these four distinct empires, each with its own unique strengths, governing styles, and territorial control. It represents an era of political intrigue, military rivalries, and power struggles within the southern region of Earth.

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Beyond Mars & Venus: Relationship Skills For Today's Complex World | John Gray

John Gray, the author of the book "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" shared his knowledge about relationships in todays complex world at A-Fest Ibiza 2017. Learn more about A-Fest here: OF THE IMPORTANT LESSONS FROM THIS VIDEO:01:41 John Gray's Massage05:34 Why man always take credit for the happiness of the woman they love13:32 The difference between man and women20:05 The practical techniques to create a lasting relationship27:15 The key here "Unhappy and never and always''30:54 Reason why complaining is harmful to a good relationship36:52 How to get back to the female inside44:26 The reason why Love is such an expensive word53:07 You need a man because he can help back to your female insideABOUT A-FESTA-Fest is an invite-only transformational event that gathers an extraordinary community of change-makers and visionaries who are driven by epic ideas to impact the world - entrepreneurs, employees, artists, leaders, innovators, visionaries and more. Take the first step to joining us in paradise by applying for your invite here: festival takes place twice a year in paradise locations around the world. Here, you will receive powerful training, profound mind shifts, bio-hacking techniques, deep connections, incredible adventures and unique opportunities to multiply your impact and give back to humanity, so that you can play an even bigger game and significantly expand your ability to accomplish bold things.SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE NUGGETS OF WISDOM:'S CONNECT!Facebook ? ? ?

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What are the Biggest Issues for Elderly People in Our Society?

We are well known that as a society we are living much longer thanks to improved living conditions and health care.We are well known that as a society we are living much longer thanks to improved living conditions and health care. While people being able to reach old age is something to be thankful for, in many ways, there are several challenges facing elderly people, which we all need to pay more attention to. Often it is not until we start to age ourselves or we see a loved one struggling that we sit up and take notice but as a society, we can do more to make life easier and better for our Seniors population. This article outlines the biggest challenges that elderly people face today in our society and how we can support them and enable them to age with dignity.Ageism and a lost sense of Seniorslost sense of SeniorsThere are lots of outdated stereotypes and Thoughts about elderly people, which can lead to isolation and marginalization in a lot of communities. By coming up with innovative ways for older people in the community through social events, we can not only help them to maintain a sense of importance identity, and self-esteem and take advantage of the wealth of knowledge and experience they have, which is so vital for the development of society.Financial insecurity Issue'selderly Financial issuesWhile we tend to live a long time, sadly, the globe of employment and retirement has not evolved at a constant pace. several senior people are ready and over-willing to figure past the quality retirement age, however, the opportunities aren't there. additionally, managing day-after-day finances set up and designing for later life is often difficult for older generations the maximum amount is currently done online or remotely. this will additionally leave them additional prone to fraud and scams.

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AMBIVALENCE: Love triumphs over Hatred

The door creaked open, and there he stood - Arjun Maheshwari, a silhouette framed by the doorway. His eyes, once the sunflowers that captivated Maham's gaze, now held a different story."Arjun, you're back sooner than expected," Maham remarked, her eyes betraying a mixture of surprise and curiosity.Arjun, meeting her gaze, carried the weight of unspoken words. "There have been developments," he replied cryptically, his eyes revealing a turbulence within. His gaze fixated on Maham, seemed to be wrestling with a revelation. The premature return hinted at an undercurrent of tension, a deviation from the anticipated timeline that set the stage for a fresh wave of challenges and discoveries.In those initial moments of reunion, neither Arjun nor Maham ventured into the tempest of conversation.As the hours passed, the room became a silent arena where glances spoke volumes and the air crackled with unspoken tensions. "I found something, Maham," Arjun finally broke the silence, his voice tinged with a mixture of pain and urgency.Maham, pausing in her actions, looked at him with a furrowed brow. "Found something? What do you mean?"Arjun hesitated, as if grappling with the weight of the truth he was about to unveil. "Proof," he said tersely. "Proof that indicates your involvement, Maham, in something much more sinister."Maham's eyes widened in disbelief, her heart pounding in her chest. "What are you talking about, Arjun? We've spent months together. You know me!" "The truth has a way of revealing itself, Maham. It hurts, but I can't ignore what I've found" said Arjun. He came forward to her and caressed her cheeks feeling her sweet breath on his lips then he moved backward the tender moment, however, took an unexpected turn as Arjun's hand, which had moments ago caressed her, now delivered a resounding *SLAP*. Stunned, she looked at Arjun, his eyes now devoid of the warmth she once knew.

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My Best Friend Ana

Elise is a beautiful sweet and outgoing girl, but what she sees in the mirror is a different story entirely. When She meets the new girl in school Ana, her life changes forever and they become inseparable. Ana helps give Elise what she wants the most.. but is it worth the cost? When Elise's friend Jennifer starts to take notice to the changes in Elise she pleads with her to tell her what is going on..but can Elise even answer that question herself?_____________________Sorry if the description isn't very.. (at the risk of sounding redundant) descriptive lol Its just really difficult to write without giving anything important away since it has a couple twists in it. This story is one that i think every single girl in the world can relate to, understand and learn something from. The beginning of the story is kind of slow and awkward but its like that for a reason, i promise. It'd mean the world to me if you gave it a chance. I was inspired to write this story after I read all of Ellen Hopkins' books. This story means a lot to me because the character Elise is in many ways like myself. I used to have a best friend like hers..but not anymore : )

2.8K 1 45

This lyrics book is random kpop group or English pop . So if you want some songs (that arent in this lyric book) you can request.Also there is no english translation here , it only contains Hangul and Romanization or KanjiCredits to owner

4.2K 138 75

After the untimely death of her mother, Anna, (hero) journeys with her father and sister from the bustling, influence of an LA life style to the calming mountains of ‘Ashwick’. Unknowingly to the unsuspecting daughters they pull up to the worst excuse of a mansion, all with the fathers intention of distracting his daughters with the renovation of the house known as ‘The Valentine Mansion’Whispering gossip erupts through the hills as people find out that the mansion is once again inhabited. But the secrets that really do dwindle behind those walls are where Anna’s life takes a climatic turn. Opening her mind to the dead was never really a choice for her, but after calling forward the alluring William Valentine from the afterlife, there really was no turning back. Fighting for their way of life, tumultuous forces from both sides of reality and death try and intervene as Anna guides William to regain his humanity.Annabelles interference in the afterlife creates tention amoungst those who are angered by the spirits appearence igniting the full forced action of those who want William to return to the dead and Anna to be punished; Thus bringing together three unlikely assemblages to fight for dominance of the afterlife. VALENTINE 130 page Romance/fantasy novel. It’s the story of Anna’s struggle for normality in a crumpling life and the strength and compassion that it takes to deal with the passing of loved ones, the unknown, as well as dealing with a not so typical teenaged life. It defies the stereotypical love story though still having the emotion and heart break that is expected of a novel of this genre.

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little space imagines (idol x female reader)

requested ✨A compilation of my imagines with idols x female reader involving little space / age regression.Just a place for you all to easily find & read the imagines with this particular topic so when you need some comfort, you can easily access it rather than dig through all of my books and chapters looking for them.More imagines like these will be coming very soon! If you want to see a particular idol (or a celebrity like Taylor or Olivia, for example), feel free to request the idol & what you want to specifically see anytime you want. You can send me multiple requests at once too, it's fine! It can be for any idol, male or female, as long as it's not for an idol that is underage & it's written for female readers 🩷If you are unsure as to if you identify as a little or you want to know what it is, please just ask and I'll explain it the best I can (though I am not a little myself) or you can ask other readers, who have been happy to help others in my comments with this before. 😊Okay, I hope you enjoy!Also, before you read, be warned that if you leave hateful or negative comments, I will delete them as soon as I see them. I will not allow any judgment on any of my chapters. If you don't find this to be something you enjoy, simply don't read. Be respectful and kind in my comments. You have no excuse not to be.Started: 9-10-23Completed:Highest Rankings:

5.9K 4 295
Nail Extension in Udaipur with Mayur Salon N Academy

Nail art has been a trending beauty and fashion statement for quite some time. Getting your nails done for the occasion is nothing unheard of these days. A good old French manicure is almost everyone's favorite, sometimes a dramatic red with a razzle dazzle of golden shimmer on the single nail has been a popular trend. Nail art in Udaipur may have come to prominence in recent times but it is an ancient practice. And this love for beautification of nails has come a long way to innovative and beautiful art forms. out different looks at your nearest Salon in Udaipur for the latest trending looks for oh-so-awesome talons. Choose from chic rose gold chrome nails to sassy sultry reds and burgundies. We at Mayur Salon N Academy make sure that every detail of delivery of quality service is taken care of. From the quality of nail paint, to the protective gloss of choice is of better quality that ensures longer lasting effect. Our Bridal and Party nail art styles and Nail Extensions start at super affordable.So what are you waiting for, book an appointment at the nearest Beauty Parlour in Udaipur and get all the attention for those flawless nails of your choice. Mayur Salon N Academy is Best Makeover Studio in Udaipur at an affordable fares.Trending at Mayur Salon N AcademyBridal Makeup in UdaipurHair Styling in UdaipurGlitter NailsChrome NailsGel NailsNail ExtensionsThis academy provides best Makeup Course in Udaipur. Book your appointment now at leading Makeup Artist in Udaipur. Call us now at +91-98283794842.

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Step into the pulsating heartbeat of "Apocastalgia", where echoes of the past dance alongside the whispers of tomorrow. This urban odyssey weaves together the threads of nostalgia and futurism, painting a vivid tapestry of stories that resonate with the rhythm of life."Holo", In the heart of a bustling metropolis, where dreams intertwine with reality, Lumina stands as a beacon of innovation and hope. Behind its sleek façade lies a world of secrets, ambitions, and power struggles, where the line between progress and peril blurs with each passing day.Amidst the towering skyscrapers and bustling streets, a diverse cast of characters navigates the intricate web of corporate intrigue, personal ambition, and societal change. From the enigmatic CEO with a vision for the future to the determined employees striving to make their mark, each individual plays a crucial role in shaping the destiny of Lumina and the world beyond.But as alliances are forged and betrayals unfold, the true nature of Lumina's agenda comes to light, challenging everything its inhabitants thought they knew. As they grapple with questions of ethics, loyalty, and identity, they must confront the ultimate question: What price are they willing to pay for progress?In a world where technology reigns supreme and the boundaries of reality are constantly being pushed, Lumina is more than just a company-it's a symbol of humanity's endless pursuit of greatness. But as the lines between right and wrong blur, the fate of Lumina-and the world itself-hangs in the balance.

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How Artificial Intelligence Will Change the Face of Businesses in 2020

So, we are somewhere in between the massive information that is affecting the businesses and organizations all over. Just as AI (Artificial Intelligence)-based technology has been surrounding the workers and creators, the numbers of interactions with customers have been increasing along with the productivity.As the new decade begins, we analyse that the transformation of industries and disruptive technologies are taking place in huge numbers. Companies established on small scale are day by day capturing market share and setting up brands. The ratio of supplying products is slowly fading and a businessman with right strategies & innovative products can create a good impact on revenue share.From SIRI (Speech Interpretation and Recognition Interface) to Self Driving Cars,Artificial Intelligence ( AI ) is catering to stimulate human characteristics and behaviour to the next level. For following questions visit :-What is the Importance of AI (Artificial Intelligence)?What is the role of AI in Business?Virtual AssistanceProcess AutomationEfficient Sales ProcessCustomized Customer ExperienceHigh Growth Percentage of AI TechnologyCombining Human and AI Pattern ClassifiersContact now :-, First Floor, Sector-11, Panchkula, Haryana 134109SCO -14 Kalgidhar Enclave, Zirakpur. 140604Email :- [email protected] Call now :- 7087400804

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