Search: lolrunningoutoftags
7 stories
The Daughter of Evil [Extended]

The Daughter of Evil is a song, in a playlist I didn't realize was so big until I was trying to find the original. The song plot is by Mothy, but I thought it was super cool so I wanted to extend it .I used multiple English covers to beat understand the story (I'm lying I'm just obsessed)This story will have the plot of Servant of Evil, Daughter of Evil and some of Regret Message. I'll put covers in the chapters so you can hear them (don't listen if you want spoilers)The art is by the creators of PjSekai (so Sega)the words are minethe plot overall is Mothy's I'm just extending it

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The Romances of a Catholic Junior High

What do people, ceiling fans, and detention slips have in common? Romance, of course! Specifically romance at Saint Raphael Catholic Middle School and Junior High.EJ Burchard and Emma Filteau might seem like an unlikely couple but are actually really cute together. The two had known each other for years before even considering dating due to them being at the same school since kindergarten, the same as most of the other students. But will they get together together?The moment Ethan Cevides stepped into his homeroom, he fell in love with the ceiling fan above his homeroom desk. He was so in love with it that he named it Fannah and talks to it like a real person. He only addresses Fannah as "she" and "her" and gets overprotective of it when someone looks at Fannah for a little too long. But Ethan wants to take it a step further by bringing the ceiling fan down before leaving to a different schools at the end of the year. Will he be able to do it?Nick Elkington has been punished a lot. Turns out, when you get punished a lot, you fall in love with it. That's what happened to Nick. He now purposefully gets in trouble just to be with a detention slip. As he gets punished more and more often, the school staff and his parents are very suspicious of him. Will he get the ultimate punishment of expulsion, just for the love of detention?The stories of these three relationships and so many more spread around as rumors like wildfire. But only three students know the truth. They will be the ones to tell you about the romances.

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Iridescent: (Chapter 3.)

Chapter Three in the Harry Potter Saga: This is a story about Luna Lovegood. She is one of the side characters,)

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