Search: levicyfenw
39 stories
Running - generation loss

What happens when one is badly injured and the other must fight to keep them alive, what happens when they escape showfall media and are running from the masked workers back to real life, what happens to them, what happens to Ranboo and Charlie

1.7K 11 81 Full
Generation loss (Alternate ending)

What if the viewers voted for the main character Ranboo to live, and become a part of the experiments. For years Ranboo is under their control, being controlled by his mask, being used to play with peoples emotions and his own being played like a fiddle. That is until someone new comes along, someone who these mind experiments don't work on.(Cover art not mine, Obviously I don't own generation loss and full credit goes to Ranboo and the amazing team who created it. Also I am aware that their are going to create an alternate ending one where the chat vote for them to live and become a helper of the project. This is not Ranboo x Levi(a new person). Finally if there is any hate or discrimination in the comments it will be delt with. Discrimination isn't funny and I had to deal with it a lot growing up so I know the effects of it.)

11.8K 28 487 Full
Ranboo oneshots

Oneshots of Ranboo and my character Levi. Requests very much open. Mainly Ranboo oneshots. Angst and fluff, possibly some ships if people want that but no smut.Art not mine

258 17 41
I'm always watching: Ranboo stalker au

I always feel like somebodies watching me. . .(Cover art not mine, if it's your art and you want me to take it down then please just message me and I will)

383 17 38
Massacre of the forest

Ranboo is still coming to terms about a traumatic experience (read gen loss alternate ending book in my profile to find out what happened, it's the gut ending 2 this carries in from) when some new neighbours speaking a strange language move in. Someone from this group seems familiar, can they help him? Or Should we turn back now before things get tricky. Inspired by the prompt the lost field incident. I have written an alternate ending book for generation loss and this is sort of an alternate title thing. Not a lot taken from Generation Loss but some hints to it will be in this. Enjoy

1.7K 21 189
Generation loss chapter 2

This is a joint story between two peopleMe: TheWriterWaffle and a fellow writer: Goldenpotato018You ever get that feeling that you've watched so much new tv that you feel sick? So much junk fed to your brain that it feels like it's gonna melt and drip out slowly. What if you watched some older shows, like that genloss show from 10 years or so ago? it's easy to get hooked on that show. But what do you do when you watch it all. You want more. But that's it. What if you wanted to see it live. Like proper live. In the flesh. It can't be to hard to find the studio behind it. Quick trip to the set. Harmless. Right? Right?. . .

142 6 14
Generation loss - you choose

Each chapter you choose at the end how it goes. This story is entirely up to you. Goodluck.

95 3 12
𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐢𝐦 - a neteyam x oc story

Luana is the eldest daughter of Ronal and Tonowari. She's spent her whole life preparing for her future as the leader of the Metkayina clan. Her life is pretty much set out for her, and she is okay with that.That's until Jake Sully and his family are desperate for a new home, and Luana is expected to help their family navigate. With new found feelings and the mysteries of her past getting in the way, Luana is forced to break down her walls A Neteyam x fem!oc story

6.7K 11 111
Wrong place, wrong time. ~Dream x Mr. Peabody~

Mr. Peabody was your average dad, albeit he was a dog. He and Sherman got along great for the most part. Playing fetch in the park and doing fatherly things for him. They didn't need the warmth of another parent because he and Sherman could provide for themselves. That was until he found Dream. Was it the wrong place wrong time?? Mr. Peabody had no clue, only time would tell, everything seemed fine UNTIL they found an unidentified sickness messing with the spacetime continuum, what.. or WHO caused this?

809 15 32 Full
Miłość w nienawiści.

Moje piękne, rudę loki ukrywa szata zrobiona z dzieci moich przez Boga mi odebranych. Moim marzeniem jest zadanie córkom i synom Adama takiego samego bólu, co on wraz z Bogiem zadał mi. Mam wiele planów, by to marzenie spełnić. Streszcze się nie mądrzy śmiertelnicy. Wasza krew juz cieknie po moich dłoniach, tak jak krew mych pociech po dłoniach boga.

105 9 3
on TAP (featured Poets)

Take some time and get to know some of your friends here at the Pots Pub. @Metaphysicsplz ... @jayofembers ... @IcyFern ... @FadingGenes ... @MorningStar1399

833 15 96
Spadła z Nieba

Historia opowiada o anielicy która została wygnana z nieba.

171 13 0
The Little Sister of Fairy Tail: Eisenwald

Basically the Fairy Tail's strongest went up against Eisenwald with an extra (and awesome) ice dragon slayer named Magenta.(I am a lazy writer, I apologize)Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy tail...even though I hope to one day (Magenta is mine though)

672 8 17
Magnetic toe lovers

(This is satire lol) feet themed romance story ❤️❤️❤️

71 4 4 Full
The Pink Elephant Poetry Collection

The Pink Elephant Project is something we are starting in a effort to raise awareness for people with mental illness and also mental health in general. We want ignorance toward mental illnesses to go. We want the fear of telling some one that you have a mental illness to go. We want the Pink Elephant to go.

6.8K 135 625
The Butcher

Natalia is a beautiful nation with waterfalls, could be called a fairy land. The people love and adore their King, William Hills but the truth is that there is an hidden secret that can shake the very walls of the entire country. His daughter Jemima (called Gemma Fairstein to protect her identity) races against time to unveil a serial killer and find out the truth. Will she survive or will she die at the hands of The Butcher...

367 9 105
lol oops... jaeden liberher

"I am so lucky to be in love with my best friend."

1.7K 8 14
The Chronicles of Thomas and Christian

A romance story about a the drum major, Christian, and a fierce tuba player, Thomas. A large hawk threatens the drum major. Will the band members put aside their differences to win the competition?

1.1K 15 76

I don't know what ships I'm doing, but just ask and I'll look it up and do it. Any fandom, any pairing- and I mean ANY, no matter how much I despise it. The things I do for you.

219 5 7
Wattpad Tube

The official Wattpad tube book! -Members-Information-Fun-Ect

765 12 41
Po prostu być.

Opowiadanie pokazuje alternatywną historię Vivian Walker - postaci stworzonej przez Laurie, pochodzącej z: Jest to swego rodzaju prezent dla Laurie i zadośćuczynienie za te moje narzekania. A poza tym obiecałam. Główne opowiadanie - prowadzone przez Laurie ( jest fanfiction anime D.Gray Man.Można więc powiedzieć, że jest shot lub spin-off historii głównej. Nie jest on długi, a wszystko co chcecie wiedzieć na sam jego temat poznacie czytając. Streszczając Wam jednak sam shot: Vivian Walker jest Detektywem policyjnym i wykonuje swoją pracę najlepiej jak umie. Dlatego, kiedy w środku nocy dostała telefon żeby stawić się w biurze, wsiadła w samochód i pojechała do pracy, spodziewając się problemów. To, co zastała było jednak czymś naprawdę nieoczekiwanym.

43 1 3 Full
➳ Sign up Admins [OPEN]

✷Sign the form to become an admin✷

844 10 85
Logo Shop | completed

♕8 Random ♛3 #logo♛26 #artisticneed a logo? call me up (;COMPLETED© 2016-2018 Joybell [@shethetigress]

28.5K 200 1.6K Full

just some poetry I've written, whether it be because I was inspired or for English class. feel free to read

128 8 11
Warrior Cats OC Ratings

Hello! This is (obviously) a Warrior OC Ratings book, run by Shads! inspired by @Warriors-Madness THE FORM IS CURRENTLY CLOSED. PM ME IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS.

27.6K 77 1.3K

COŚ podobnego jak z filmami

654 106 4