Search: lancestopit
458 stories
Storm: Time Jump

Teresa Storm is a regular girl in our universe- well, as regular as Whovians get. But her life changes drastically when she sees a mysterious, Tardis blue light and touches it, only to stumble into the world of Doctor Who. Follow as she struggles to adapt to her new life bouncing around the Doctor's timeline and trying to find her own place in this new world. 1st in Storm series. Doctor x OC

176.4K 60 6.4K Full
Middle Of Nowhere

Kelvin and Aurelia. Two worlds apart within the same planet. Burdened by circumstances and expectations. Science and magic. One rippling conflict that questions their place. They don't belong anywhere. Just cogs in the wheel that is this middle of nowhere.Cover Temporary

622 14 104 Full
STARMAN ⇨ 9th & 10th doctor

callisto, an alien from a far away planet, is trapped in a museum of alien artefacts. a man with no name and only a job title finds her and invites her to join him and his companion through space and time.invasions happen, strange visits and many murderous creatures appear. is it possible to defeat these creatures and get out alive?-series 1: ✔️series 2:✔️series 3:✍️series 4:❌-(lowercase intended)started: 1st november 2022ended:

76.4K 71 2.6K
Found Myself Dreaming

You are an American actor searching for your next film. You weren't expecting to meet someone that would steal your heart.----- Published 01/22/21 -----Lisa x malereader This story is ENTIRELY fiction and any coincidences are all unintentional. I do not own any of the pictures or videos used in this story.

72.1K 33 2.1K Full
Finding Utopia

A strange dream takes Luz to a distant planet where everyone and everything is seemingly perfect, she meets Aliaan, an extraterrestrial fascinated with Earth. Something unexpected happens that will shake her world and everything she believed in.

921 30 75 Full
Moonlight Kisses

"Why are you doing that!" she whisper-screams while her eyes flit to the other guys, who are now immersed in something else that isn't us. I kiss that spot again, making her whole body shiver. It's oddly entertaining to watch what my slightest movements do to her. Usually it takes a lot more for a girl to unravel this way, but her breath hitches each time I go to kiss her neck. I could only imagine what my hands could do to her body."You still didn't answer my question," she huffs harshly. And still she hasn't pulled away from me. Had I been any stupider, I'd say Jordyn was actually enjoying herself. If she hates this so badly, why hasn't she asked me to stop?[]In August, Jordyn Reeve starts attending Crestview Prep and not long after strikes a deal with Beau Clemonte, an arrogant, rude boy who happens to be the thing that can give her what she wants: his best friend, Jake Amherst. Of course, everything worthwhile must come with a price.Despite her outright opinions, Jordyn makes a deal with the devil. Or at least that's what that's what she saw at first -- a coldhearted, stubborn asshole that cared even less than she did. Her only intention was to see this out to get the guy. However, it wasn't that simple for Beau.Cover created by: @meha-kStarted October 2020Completed January 2022

410.2K 136 18.8K Full
Differences Aside, ✔

Cover by @auroralustThis book is available on Goodreads under this titleElora Reed has spent the majority of her life being beaten, abused and screamed at by the Wolves. In a world like hers, being human was a death wish. Maddox Lancaster, as the King of Northern Wolves, has never really found himself two many problems. The only issue? It had been five years and still no sign of his mate, along with the useless humans that he simply couldn't get rid of. After Elora is caught in a major accident and rushed to the hospital, what happens when the two find their lives are entwined in more ways than one?--------I could feel my knees wobbling, a sign that I should probably go back into the unreasonably soft bed. I took one last fleeting glance before turning back around to head back to the bed. Nothing could have prepared me for what I saw next,A man was in my bed, how I hadn't noticed it before was beyond me. He was lying face down, Thick, dark brown hair was sitting messily on top of his head, but I could tell that it was usually neat and styles. His face was perfect, a sharp jawline, plump pink lips that were opened slightly. His skin was tan, and his long frame was draped over the right side of the bed. Never before had I seen anyone that looked like him,And I was terrified.Long, sharp canines were poking out from the bag in between his lips. It was a werewolf, I could feel my heart beginning to speed up, I had shared a bed with a wolf.-------'One of the best werewolf books on wattpad. Loved the fresh, non-cliche storyline. I was hooked from beginning to end.' @zuzairah'I lovee DA it is one of my all time favss' @xxttxxt'DA is literally one of the best books, deserves to be published' @mafia_boss65RANKINGS3rd in Romance - 19/12/203rd in Werewolf - 17/12/202nd in Werewolf - 20/12/201st in Good - 20/12/201st in Alpha - 1/01/211st in King - 1/01/21

2.5M 46 75.8K Full
It's Just As Cold Outside -[ Sonic Reader Insert ]

MAIN STORY COMPLETE - BONUS CHAPTERS【 JOIN SONIC and other members of IDW Comics to stop the Metal Virus! 】You're paying for your past crimes, but your old enemies wouldn't leave you alone for long. You thought your prison was hell, but it soon began to shield you from the new wave of terror reigning outside.The Freedom Fighters have elected you, despite your crimes of the past, to help them save the world. The good doctor you all though was once gone has come back with a new, out of control super weapon that's plaguing the world.[[===================]][ OVERVIEW ]This story will follow the plot of the Metal Virus Saga. This versions of the story has a Female Reader!- Story is SFW! As the Franchise is SFW. ⚠️ HOWEVER There will be topic mentions of Death. ⚠️- MAIN STORY COMPLETE 6/11/22 - Because I love to draw, I will be making art pieces for certain scenes. I will be drawing my OC for these scenes, but I will offer the chance to readers as well!- TITLE COVER CREDIT to IDW Comics!! For the MVS. I made small edits to include the reader's spot.[ CREDITORS ] - SONIC the Hedgehog is a franchise owned by SEGA, almost all characters in this fanfiction are owned by SEGA other than the reader and a OC they befriend. SEGA also owns the rights to the canon plot of the Metal Virus Saga.[ TAG ACHIEVEMENTS?? ]- 🥇#sonicoc 04/05/22 - 🥇 #sonicfandom 03/30/22- 🥇 #sonicfanfiction 6/10/22- 🥇 #sonic 6/18/22

78.4K 50 2.4K Full
Of Thatch and Vine

Sometimes fate brings you exactly what you need before you even realize it.***Brigid Kelly has lost everything and no amount of spells or wishes stopped it. After her Gran fell ill and passed away, Brigid wasn't able to keep her grandmother's metaphysical shop going. With everything crashing down around her, Brigid buys a one-way ticket to the land of her ancestors, hoping to find solace in the old cabin where her Gran grew up. Ireland is everything she was always told it was and then some. As she sorts out the slowly declining house in the woods, she's thrust into the path of handsome Torin Boyle by circumstance. The walls she's built up around her heart are slowly chipped away as Torin reveals pieces of himself as well, opening not only his home but his heart too.Torin Boyle has spent the last thirty-odd years living in the North of Ireland, running through the rolling hills with his friends. As a pack of wolf Shifters in a country that has no natural wolves, Torin has learned to keep a tap on his inner emotions to protect those he loves. But his homeland is dying; small patches of forest turning brown and dry. When a witch appears on his family's land out of nowhere, he's concerned that the witch is to cause for what's been happening to the land. He never expected to feel pulled into her orbit so completely.Brigid's idyllic life comes to a halt when Torin's father falls ill, closely followed by other members of the Shifter's family. The land around them - the very land where Brigid's ancestors lived - is dying. If Brigid and Torin can't figure out how to fix it, she might not be the only one losing those she loves.**Trigger Warnings - mentions of hospitals and death/cancer; loosing loved ones**

2K 9 94 Full
Soul Bonded [Claude De Alger Obelia x reader ]

Everyone knows the tragedy of the novel 'Lovely Princess'.(Y/n), an average girl from modern world is suddenly murdered by a mysterious woman in black and gets reincarnated into this crazy world. In order to survive, she vows to avoid all drama but the plan quickly gets thrown out the window when she befriends the Tyrant, Emperor Claude De Alger Obelia, and starts to fall for him. Will she be able to avoid the tragedy and save everyone or be destroyed by it?As she gets dragged deeper into the world, the truth from the lies starts to unravel.What she thought knew about the world and herself might end up being a complete lie. A tale that tells you the story offriendship, familial bonds, betrayal, resentment, heartbreak, and tragedy.....Of second chances

790.3K 99 42.6K Full
Love Knows No Colour

"Okay Melanie whatever changing topics now I don't want to talk about it.""No""Yes you just won't admit it... Hell even Serenity knows you're the only one.""Melanie I swear I don't like him anyways back to the point he's not talking to me.""I wouldn't talk to you either if you basically told me I have no chance of going out with you because of the colour of my skin.... And that boy happens to be fine. I would not mind going on a date with his sexy ass." She says as she looks at him.***Have you ever been that person who was so sure of everything in her life and then suddenly everything just gets messed up and you're now dealing with problems that you never even wanted to deal with? Because I have and it sucks.My name is Tatianna and this is the tale of how one simple white boy comes and messes with the beautiful balance of my mediocre life. But he sort of kind of made my life a bit better in many ways....

733K 44 15.6K Full
After the Explosion (A Fifth Wave Fanfiction)

Cassie Sullivan is a teenage girl who has suffered traumatic events...such as aliens invading her world and turning it upside down. After finding her brother and taking refuge in a hotel, Cassie begins to realize that Evan Walker, the man who took care of her in her darkest hours, isn't all he's cracked up to be. Can her and her friends beat the odds and survive this alien invasion? Can she find love in the process? This fanfiction takes place after The Infinite Sea, the second novel in The 5th Wave series by Rick Yancey.

18K 20 310 Full

All the earth is torn asunder.There used to be grass, and the sun used to be golden. Children played outside, climbing trees with smiles on their faces and grass stains on their knees. People worried about a million things that would soon be irrelevant, continuing without a clue of the disaster to come.Centuries later, what little is left of humanity survives in a society constructed beneath the surface of a glass dome, the world outside converted to little more than a desert wasteland. Survival is a routine rather than an effort, and all rules are surpassed by only one: if you want to survive, you never leave the dome. There's nothing alive out there. The radiation that soaks the earth makes sure of that.Until one day, someone finds a bloody, dust-covered handprint on the outside of the glass.Nothing will ever be the same again.Book 1 of the Burning SeriesHighest ranking: #13 in Adventure on 03/04/16

340.8K 31 19.7K Full
The Royal Assassin

A high trained Assassin is betrayed by her former lover, also known as the Royal's Son. The story takes place in Elisora, known for it's dark secrets and overpowering rulers, will anyone be free?[IN NEED OF SERIOUS EDITING]This is a dual POV book. Sneak peek ;)"What are you doing here Ace?" I whispered. He took a step towards me. My breath hitched. "Victoria, you really thought I would let you get away with everything you planned? Just because your rotten little family died? God you people are so oblivious." I took a step back; his words were drenched in venom. "B-but... y-you...I" I choked on my own words. "Oh please, you really thought I was in love with you? It was my plan all along. To get into your pity group, find out your backstories, fall in love with you, find out your master plan and destroy it." Tears pricked my eyes, but I wouldn't let them fall. I wouldn't let him see me suffer. I wouldn't.Before I could process anything that had just come out of his mouth, he lunged at me.

36.7K 52 882 Full
The 3rd Jenner sister

When 16 year old Kelly finds out she's part of one of the most famous families in the world she couldn't be happier, but then she realises she will have to leave her former home and say goodbye to her friends, or should I say, friends.But her 'new' family isn't perfect and neither is she, can she handle the pressure of being famous, what happens?Follow her through Heartbreak, Sorrow, Happiness and Love.This is Kelly's story, her roller coaster of a life.***Hey. This story was written over four years ago. I was barely 12/13. This story is... horrible (in my opinion), my writing style has changed completely since then, so read it if you want, but don't count on it being great, or even making sense.***A huge thank you to @-stilinskii- for designing and making this incredible cover for me, much love to her.

334.2K 47 5.9K Full
Escaping Darkness [Book 1 of Through Darkness and Light]

Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy have lived similar lives, though they never realized it. All their lives, they've asked the same questions, though they never realized it. What do you do when the world turns against you? When your protectors become your betrayers and condemn you?What do you do when your world comes crashing down on you, and the darkness threatens to suck you into its grasp?Is there any hope, any kindness, any light to be found? Can the unloved find love in the unlikeliest of places? Can enemies put aside differences and learn to trust each other through friendship? Will the darkness that lingers eventually be vanquished, or will it claim victory forever?Will you be able to escape the darkness? Is it even possible?Little do they know that these very questions will bring them together on a journey like no other.

106.2K 33 2.8K Full

21 year old Clara has just suffered the loss of her best friend Amara who died in a tragic shooting. What will happen when she is kidnapped by the most widely known pirate in the world, and he tells her she is a princess?Join clara in her weird journey to strange places, and her story of royalty, action, and maybe

6.5K 42 258 Full
When the rains may come (Science Fiction)

Featured in Wattpad's Speculative Fiction Reading List. Cathy is the last person left in Sector 21 after her father contracted the virus that consumed half of the nation. She watches the planes flying past over her roof everyday. And even after firing a dozen signal flares, no one has responded to her cry for help. Day after day she spends staring up at the dark purple clouds through her window while her desolate neighborhood starts to seem more and more lifeless. But one day...something changes.There's a knock at the door. Is this Cathy's way out of her empty existence? Or maybe a passage into a life full of chaos?----------------------------------© 2023 ADBwrites. All rights reserved. This story, "When the Rains May Come," including all its characters and content, is the intellectual property of ADBwrites. Any unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or public performance of this work is strictly prohibited and may constitute a violation of applicable copyright law

2.7K 84 628 Full
The Golden Angel (Doctor who Fanfiction)

Alyssa has always been a fan of Doctor who when one day she teleports to the Doctor's universe and starts jumping not only throughout The Doctor's timestream but also those connected to The Doctor

80.6K 53 2.4K
The Dark Sides Of Life

This is a short fiction story based on 4 real life topics the four topics include obsession, domestic abuse, lust and Safe sexStory 1 = Allison Kane was a beautiful girl who had it all. She came across the wrong man the right way Her parents loved him but little did they know he had a her diary to get the dirty secrets about her and her "husband", from the romantic beginning until the deep destruction.Story 2 = Katia Lyne was a down to earth girl who has made bad choices. She is a down to earth girl who is fun but gets easily bored. One day she decides to log on to a chat room just to occupy her boring time. On this chat , she met a guy who overtime became obsessed with her. He began to become weirder and weirder.

20.2K 13 240 Full
High School Secrets (Catradora love story) Book One

It's a new year at Bright Moon Academy, a large fancy Etherian K-12 boarding school. Last year Angella the headmistress of BMA made a deal with Hordak, the headmaster of Fright Zone Academy to transfer some students to her school for the upcoming year to get a better education since she heard that it wasn't very good there. A couple new students were now attending this large fancy academy where things were bound to go wrong...This is a HS AU, there is no magic and Catra is not a cat.This is my first book so I apologize if it's bad or if there are errors.Mature, there may be sensitive topics. I will put a warning if so but not too much.This is book 1 but their second year. I am planning on making their freshman year along with other books that go with the story. <3This is a fanfic based on the Netflix show She-ra and the princesses of power. There are a few of my original characters included as well.

3.6K 28 110 Full
I have been reincarnated... as a love-rival's friend

In a world where previously known as the world in an otome game, I was born.At first, I don't know that this is a world in a certain otome game since I just remember exactly where I am, at 15 years old, standing on the stage of the opening of the game.Thankfully, I am irrelevant to the game's story-line, so there's no destructive end for me. Yay.Unfortunately, I am friends with one of the love-rivals that keep on dragging me along towards her destructive end. Sigh.Sequel: Reincarnation... is getting popularCover: Omega Quintet / Compile Heart, Idea Factory [This is an Original Story, not a Fanfiction or Translation]

537.3K 53 22.2K Full

Stella, a teacher in her mid-twenties, is in a car accident which leaves her in a coma. She wakes up in the Underworld, where she meets Hades and his housekeeper, Lucinda. The castle is old, uninhabited, and letters, which aren't meant for Stella to read, find their way to her attention. Persephone,They had sex. I heard them. It's not the first time. I think Hades is attached to her, really attached. It's scary.Can we stop this?LucindaStella meets the stunning goddess of the Underworld, Persephone, but is her story as Stella imagines?

114.1K 66 3.3K Full
i know the end, supernatural [ 3 ]

[ supernatural -- seasons 11-15 ]Second Crossover Series:Someone to YouNot Strong EnoughI Know the EndI DO NOT own Supernatural, any of the show's characters, or storylines. I ONLY own my OCs and their storylines.

16.3K 112 861 Full

❝While one world will have secured itself, the other will shatter into pieces and seize to exist.❞Watch what happens at both ends of the spectrum. ✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱Two worlds, Two beliefs, Two principlesOne winner. ✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱A thousand realms twinkle amid the universe, like gleaming stars accentuating the magnificent night sky. One such realm is Endorxia, where beauty and chaos go hand in hand.Years of torture and anguish force the inhabitants of Endorxia to split their realm in three: The Occident, The Median and The Orient.Just when things couldn't seem to get worse, the Enchanters of Endorxia struggle to live as a mysterious wave lurks behind the edges of their dimension, a deadly mixture of magic threatening to erase Endorxia from existence.The only way to survive is to obtain a cure.There is a single cure.There can only be one winner.On one side is Aksrna, who is forced to risk everything in order to save her kingdom from destruction.On the other is Xaren, who will effortlessly violate the harshest of rules in order to protect his loved ones.In the middle is The Median, ensuring that the cure is only given to the one who truly deserves it.Fighting for what they supposedly think is the truth, caught in a hurricane of fairytales, love and deception, will they successfully pave their way out of the hellhole they landed in or will they openly embrace it? ✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱"Did I break your little heart, Xaren?" Aksrna mocked, raising her brows with fake pity.She saw the moment Xaren's blue eyes turned into steel. He brought his mouth next to her ear, his lips brushing against her earlobe."Darling," he said, his dagger suddenly at the base of her throat, "I'm going to break you in ways you can't even imagine." His voice rasped against her skin, pushing their bodies eve

809 6 69
The Bad Boy's Girl (Now Available as a Paperback and ebook)

AVAILABLE NOW IN PAPERBACK AND EBOOK WITH EXCLUSIVE COLE POV CHAPTERS: "Some people bring out the worst in you, others bring out the best, and then there are those remarkably rare, addictive ones who just bring out the most. Of everything. They make you feel so alive that you'd follow them straight into hell, just to keep getting your fix." Karen Marie Moning, Shadowfever Tessa O'Connell is a girl as ordinary as they come-or so she thinks. Her aim for senior year is to keep her head down yet somehow manage to convince her childhood love Jay Stone to love her back. What she isn't prepared for is for Jay's brother, Cole to return to town and change the life she's always been seemingly content to live. Tall, gorgeous as all hell and a bad boy with ocean blue eyes and the perfect edge of adorability, he was her greatest tormentor, her number one enemy.But the guy that's come back is like no one Tessa's ever come across. He challenges her, he tests her limits, he forces her to bring out the girl she's long ago buried under a veil of mediocrity and most of all he compels her to consider that perhaps the boy that infuriates her to the point of no return might just her guardian angel. Warning: The story comes with a bad boy notorious for making you swoon, inducing hysterical laughter and making you question whether you could purchase a clone on eBay.

225.9M 57 4.3M Full