Search: kyloandren
29 stories
let go ☽ reylo

Kylo pleaded softly, his pale, trembling hand reached out towards her with desperation."Please."Rey's somber eyes wandered to Kylo's hand; it yearned for her, called her name, offered power, knowledge and a future with someone she might just love. She met his hand with her own, and let the solemn curiosity of the dark side encapsulate her. If Rey took Kylo's hand. Following an alternative ending to The Last Jedi. Pre Rise of Skywalker. Cover made by me. Completed.[[Going through editing]]#1 on kyloandrey 14/05/20#81 on adamdriver 15/05/20#10 on reylo 11/08/20#1 on reylofanfic 06/01/2021

33.5K 12 873 Full
Star Wars The Dark Side Unleashed

Star Wars Fan Fiction Histories takes to a new level in Grandfather and Grandson action in the Dark Side there are many star wars fan fictions that find my interest but besides Anakin not turning to the dark side this happens to be one of my favorite of Darth Vader training his grandson Kylo Ren this will be a retell of the sequel trilogy but told in my certain point of view much better way this will also be followed by two more rewritten chapters of the sequel trilogy with much changes in Vader's presence so.....let us dive into a star wars fan fiction of what if Darth Vader Trained Kylo Ren in Star Wars The Dark Side Unleashed Summary At the end of the Return Of The Jedi the final battle on Endor ends tragically when Emperor Palpatine kills Luke Skwalker and Darth Vader loosing his one chance of redemption but a year later when Princess Leia gives birth to hers and Han solo's first born son Ben Darth Vader crashes in and takes the newborn from his own daughters arms and raises it as his own Darth Vader secretly spends years training him as his apprentice knighting him as Kylo Ren Grandson of Vader and Prince of the Dark Side in the events of The Force Awakens the Empire rages war on the Rebellion as Vader sends Kylo to find leads on the old Jedi Temple but when Rey is captured by Kylo and brought to Mustafar for Vader Kylo makes the ultimate choice to prove his loyalty to his grandfather

582 14 1 Full
Home // Kylo Ren x Reader (Completed)

Book I -The First Order has risen from the ashes of The Empire and with it a new ruler.. Supreme leader Snoke. The war once again resumes between the light and dark but Snoke has the upper hand with his very first apprentice at his side. She's powerful with the force and merciless to her enemies. So how will she react when Kylo Ren finally joins the dark side? Will she find him as a threat? Or will she finally find peace in a war ridden galaxy? Set before the the events of Episode 7 (The Force Awakens) Warning: Contains mentions of violence, torture, and blood ∼ ≫ ∼ ≫ ∼ ≫ ∼Snoke slowly responds. "Rise, Ren." Kylo returns to his towering height, allowing Snoke to continue. "This is my apprentice, the commander of this ship. (Y/n) (l/n)." Kylo cocks his head slightly to the left to look at you, uncomfortable with the attention you fold your arms across your chest. "She will be continuing your training tomorrow, up until I return. You have much to learn in the ways of the dark side, so there will be no time to waste." He looks back up to Snoke and nods his head forward. "Yes master, as you wish."

392.8K 45 12K Full
A Reylo Romance:

The battle on Starkiller base has been won, but can Rey escape her internal battle? Kylo's voice still calls to her in her sleep, and his words "I can show you the ways of the Force, " haunt her soul. Starkiller Base was destroyed and Kylo Ren supposedly along with it. Now Rey is back on Jakku with her new companion BB-8, hoping for a little rest. But is Kylo Ren really dead? Or will he come looking for her, and for the power within her that he so longs for?This is a fan fic sequel to the latest Star Wars movie The Force Awakens**The Cover image was used with permission and created by

1.3M 75 38.6K Full
My opinion about Star Wars ships

RESPECT EVERYONE'S OPINION ABOUT A SHIP!HATE WILL BE DELETED!If you want me to give an opinion about a ship please comment! :)English is not my first language so I'm sorry if I make grammar and spelling mistakesAll characters belong to Disney

50.7K 38 817 Full
Darkness - (a Reylo fanfiction)

The darkness runs through Rey and she can feel it. What will she do? Will she follow that path and become the greatest sith that ever lived? Or will she become the greatest Jedi that ever lived? Well... a lot can happen in one year. ------------------------Based after TFA but there are some aspects of TLJ in there. I do not own the fanart on the cover. It was done by the fantastic maielid on tumblr so go check out her page! NOTICE: this story will undergo a re-write in mid 2020

82.4K 20 1.6K
Forbidden Love | Reylo Fanfiction

Rey and Ben had met as children and they became the greatest of friends until Ben started having dangerous tantrums. Rey was shipped off to Jakku, in order to protect her. The memory's they once shared soon faded away and they were never to be returned. When a ship crashes at the resistance base, Rey is all curious. When she finds Kylo her stomach flips, what will she do?CONTAINS EXTREME VIOLENCE AND SEXUAL NATURE

147.4K 53 4.4K
Celebrity Confessions

Exactly what it sounds like. Confessions about celebrities from Wattpad. What people really think of Taylor Swift, Beyonce, Rihanna, and Ed Sheeran and you'll never know who said it.Confess now!

60.7K 149 979 Full
Baby, this is your kingdom [Reylo]

"Please," he begged. As the Supremacy fired another round of shots at the transports heading towards Crait, Rey made her choice."Alright." Her tone was low but it was enough for Ben to hear her response. The young girl placed her hand atop of his, steading the tremble, keeping her eyes on him. As their hands joined, both of them felt enormous energy flow through their bodies. Rey recognized it from her stay on Ahch-to. It was the balance. It was the light and darkness, equal in their strength finding peace within each other. TLJ Au where Rey accepts Ben's offer. Also posted on AO3 and instagram.

30.6K 7 961

Events taking place during TFA and transitions to a new chapter for Rey. Rey is overwhelmed by all the events happening, especially after witnessing the murder of Han Solo. In the middle of an emotional breakdown during the chaos, Rey runs and escapes alone to the furthest planet she can find. Unsure what to make of her meeting with Kylo Ren or abilities she didn't know she had, she tries to rebuild a new life. But she can't hide forever, as Kylo finds her. Will be pull her to the dark? Or will something they both didn't expect take charge in their journey? A Reylo fan fiction.

5.4K 36 254

So this is a one shot based on the love confession scene from episode II. I absolutely love that scene in that movie so I wanted to write something for Ben and Rey. I hope you guys like it!! The cover art is my own design please don't steal it.

185 1 10 Full
Force Bond

{Set after The Last Jedi - skip to chapter 8 if you're not very interested in reylo and want to start with action}A month has passed since Kylo Ren let the Resistance escape. During this time the Resistance have been living in an underground base, training with their new hightech weapon, while the First Order have been hunting them down and threatening to diminish the Republic if they do not come out of hiding. With Supreme Leader Kylo Ren's orders to find Rey and bring her to him, he will then be successful in killing the last jedi and the jedi religion. With the Resistance not being able to leave base and Rey not knowing she has a bounty on her head, will the First Order finally succeed in ruling the galaxy?

2.6K 9 72
Darkness Rises

Hey all here it is as promised! the beginning of a completely different story. It starts not in the throne room but on Ahch-To at the famous hand touch scene. You know the one we all love so much. Anyway I will update this as much as possible please please be patient with me I am working hard on this one because I am really enjoying writing it. May the Fourth Be with you allPS I am putting mature but honestly it isn't finished so I don't know if it will be haha.UPDATE: its complete

7.8K 17 226
Star Wars: The Legacy (Book 1)

For all Reylo shippers, this is a story to read. Even if you do not ship Reylo, the story still catches other aspects of Star Wars and it's fantastic stories. Follow Jaina Ami, the daughter of Blanche and Keenan Ami, whose growing powers shed uncertainty among the jedi masters. Her journey begins as she meets a young boy, Jason Gleefe, who is sent by another Jedi Master, and befriends Jaina and Feren. Meanwhile the First Order stands strong under the rule of Supreme Leader Kylo Ren, the son of Princess Leia Organa, and Han Solo. Spies are sent to watch over the "academy" under Rey, and to capture a certain little powerful jedi-in-training. Jaina and Jason embark on a dangerous mission to save Feren from the clutches of General Kietra, the daughter of evil former General Hux. But will they get caught by Supreme Leader Kylo Ren, or will they leave with Feren back to the academy safely?Read this story to find out as well as who the legacy is, why Supreme Leader is so intent on finding the young Jedi-in-training, and why the legacy was kept a secret...even by their own parents. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"You can still fall in love with someone...even if they've made mistakes before," - Jaina "Life does not mean you have to live in fear," - Feren "Being powerful has nothing to do with being strong, you of all people should know that," - Jason "Ben Solo has been gone since the death of General Leia Organa, and he's never coming back," -Rey "There is no salvation for me," - Kylo Ren

83 5 8
Rise of Solo

After the fall of the Final Order, Rey finds herself struggling with the outcome. Co-Generals, Finn and Poe rely on her as an integral part for restructuring the galaxy, but Rey finds herself distracted from the task at hand. She yearns for the man who made it possible for her to step away from her last battle alive. The Force was with her, but it wasn't with him . . . Or is it? *SPOILER ALERT - THE FORCE AWAKENS, THE LAST JEDI, RISE OF SKYWALKER

95 1 5 Full
the beach | reylo

{begins at the end of TROS, if ben had survived}in which rey and ben face the aftermath of everything that has happened and find recovery in themselves and in each other whilst traveling to a faraway planet.

183 2 6
The Dyad

Collection of short stories (ENG and ITA)~I'll collect there moments and little stories that I would have liked to see between these soulmates in the force. I'll write about the visceral and deep connection of "two that are one".- Extract -"And something withered in his chest when her lips parted: «Ben.»⠀She whispered his name in that delicacy that whipped his heart, it made his bones tremble: he looked at her and she... oh she... was nothing but an earthquake of violent beauty.⠀She invested him in every cell, in every ravine of that filthy and battered heart that he had inside. She found space in parts of himself that he thought he had lost forever."

330 4 20
A Light and The Darkness (A Reylo Fanfic)

"He strikes at me and I block. Silly traitor, he thinks anyone can fight with a lightsaber! Then I swing and he dodges the attack, dang it i didn't kill him yet!" -flashback pt.2 What happens when good and bad, light and darkness come together in a force bond? Beautiful grey. This is what I think would happen if Rey and kylo fell in love during the interrogation scene, got married and who knows what else my brain may come up with next!

4.5K 28 185
crystal of a prince's love character list


262 155 0
Madhouse of an artist

Hooo boi more craziness

5.1K 200 256 Full

Just a list of social media influencers you can use for your stories :)

5.1K 128 3
Famous Snapchat Usernames.

Here are different youtubers, viners, and others snapchat usernames. Any name you see is what the person has given out to everyone.

4.2M 136 19.8K
Kylo And Rey Moon and Sun

No more story

340 3 3
Hidden In Plain Sight

46 1 1
Washed Ashore

When the First Order's ship unexpectedly crashes into Earth, Kylo Ren and Rey face an unlikely adventure: How will they build their new future?

116 3 1