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10,383 stories
He's The Lyrics To My Melody

Love? Hate? Torture? Fait? Bobby and Kelsey's relationship from the get go has brought them through thick and thin, life's chaos, and determination to still be together. But will they survive this one? The ultimate question of true love, and only time will tell.

3 1 0
Loves a Tragedy

On her way to work Kelsey gets into a life changing tragedy. Her boyfriend/fiancé Toby hates himself for leaving her a week before she wrecked. He left because she wouldn't marry him.

11 2 0

This is about a girl who's been beaten on ,cheat on ,lied toTill she finds her self nowhere andKelsey comes I in place will she give him her trust and he does the same thing . This story will make yu mad happy sad and just make yu wabt more

143 3 9
Nightmare Museum

Kelsey and her new best friend go to a museum and find out there is a deadly spite. They have to find out how is controlling it and stop it. The dinosaurs are the worst thing that happens.

11 2 3
Do I date the bad boy?

Kelsey was the nerdy kinda hot girl that everyone secretly wanted to date but what happens when she falls for her bad boy best friend? Does she get burned or does it turn into a fairytale? You will have to read it to find out! Written by Morgan! If you think you have a good idea for the story just comment it!

253 2 15
BF: Boy Friend or Best Friend

Kelsey is your average teenage girl who deals with the ups and downs of love. But what happens when she falls for her best friend ... will her new feelings reveal something both are too scared to admit or break what they already have.

135 3 1
The Summer it all Changed

Lives change in highschool, both physically and mentally. But 17 year-old Kelsey is trying to hold everything together. Can she or will she fail? (I'm bad at descriptions, but I swear the story is better.)

6 3 0
Adopted by Alissa Violet

Heey i'm Kelsey.💕I'm 15 years old.💖I sing and dance.💜Do you want to know more about me read more.🌈

540 3 15
Adopted by Harry(EDITING)

Kelsey DOSNT come from a so good home life but that soon is about to change when Harry help her get though her bad times! (Harry isn't in the band In this story btw)

1.2K 8 38

The Todd family was looking into adoption a teenage boy to hang our with their depressed daughter, Kelsey. The family adopts a 18 year old boy named Zayn. That's where the adventures begin.

49 4 4

My name is Kelsey, I am three, My eyes are swollen… I cannot see. I must be stupid, I must be bad, What else could have made, My daddy so mad? I wish I were better, I wish I weren't ugly, Then maybe mommy, Would still want to hug me. I can't do a wrong, I can't speak at all, Or else I'm locked up, All day long. When I'm awake, I'm all alone, The house is dark, My parents aren't home. When my mummy does come home, I'll try and be nice, So maybe I'll just get, One whipping tonight. I just heard the car, My daddy is back, From Charlie's bar. I hear him curse, My name is called, I press myself, Against the wall. I try to hide, From his evil eyes, I'm so afraid now, I'm starting to cry. He finds me weeping, Calls me ugly words, He says it's my fault, He suffers at work. He slaps me and hits me, And yells at me more, I finally get free and run to the door. He's already locked it, I start to bawl, He takes me and throws me, Against the hard wall. I fall to the floor, With my bones almost broken, And my daddy continues, With more bad words spoken. "I'm sorry!", I scream, But now it's much to late, His face has been twisted, Into a unimaginable shape. The hurt and the pain, Again and again Oh please let it end! And he finally stops, And heads to the door, While I lay there motionless, Sprawled on the floor. My name is Kelsey, And I am three, Tonight my daddy, Murdered me.

315 1 19

Kelsey is prepared for college but her rebellious side gets the best of her and on the at she meets Zayn but her mother expects her to do well in college and set high standards for her family reputation.

11 1 0
Neon Bad Boy *COMING SOON*

This book is not going to be written however the ideas around this will be in a book called misfits that is in my new page so check that out on my page

186 1 5
A date gone wrong

A date gone wrong is about a girl named Kelsey and she meets a boy named Kyler at school. Kyler is a transfer student from Miami Florida. You'll have to read the book to figure out why it is called a date gone wrong.

35 2 3
That Summer

Kelsey is sent to be with her dad in Panama City for the summer. She's dreading he while trip. She's not prepared to be in a big crowded city. Jackson lives in Panama. He can't wait to return. What happens when the two cross paths? Several times?

6 1 0
Ghost Ville

A killer is after the girls

341 12 1

Ellis Autumn is a new student at a fancy new school in Nebraska. She seems to find her calling there but in the process falls into a not so great group.

6 4 0
Book of randomness (literally) #FODislife


251 12 26
Another Cinderella Story

Jonas is a 16 year old boy living with his evil step-mother and step-brothers. When New girl Kelsey catches the eyes of all the boys in school, will Jonas still be the pathetic goal keeper on the soccer team?

12 1 2
Me & You {Zayn Malik Fanfiction}.

Kelsey's a very experienced dancer but when she put up for dancing with One Direction, she didn't know it would change her life completely forever just by 5 crazy boys.

69 2 0
my oc's book

this book will contain all my oc's and also how I made them

23 7 0

blurry face and crybaby.

148 14 22
Forgotten Love

Harry and Justin = Kelsey and Chole's bestfriends left in the 6th grade to start a music career. They come back 5 years later for senior year and all drama starts. I'm a new user to wattpad but dont let that stop u from reading this AMAZING story. comment, vote, read. have fun

143 1 3