Search: keldamuzik
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Fashion Forecast: The Top Clothing Styles for 2023

Fashion is an ever-evolving industry, with new trends emerging every year. Based on current trends and predictions for the future, here are some of the clothing styles that are expected to be popular in 2023.

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Our nation owes a debt to its fallen heroes that we can never fully repay

This is not Christmas or an occasion for celebration - Memorial Day was not formed in enjoyment with the promise of delivering fun each year. It was created as a means for the nation to establish a time to remember the soldiers who had sacrificed their lives in service to America.

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Best Dressed Artists by Tinks

It's been a difficult year, with plenty of extraordinary fashion moments.

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Diva Soundz By Keldamuzik

You need to check out Keldamuzik's Hip Hop album "Diva Soundz" on Spotify! This album is packed with sick beats, dope rhymes, and an attitude.

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The Diva Workout By Keldamuzik

The Diva Workout got such a great mix of high-energy tracks that always get you moving. 🏃‍♀️🔥

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Tamz beret by Keldamuzik

Not a hat person? Not sure about the current beret trend? Well, let me introduce you to the Tamz beret by Keldamuzik. Berets are now in revolution and are trending. The soft and easy-to-wear accessory trend was also approved by the fashion giant (Dior), and Tamz is nothing less. Berets is an accessory that breathes life into your outfit and ups your fashion game. The accessory is easy to handle and affordable. The best part is that both Men and Women can wear it.

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Keldamuzik on Racism

I want to share publicly my thoughts on racism and the horrific events that result from it. It sucks that people are still racist. In certain parts of America where you go, aside from the police being racist, many others still do not accept black people in their community. I'm not really into politics or anything like that, but I can speak on what I see. Racism has permeated this country since its inception, leading to a health crisis in Black and brown communities.

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The Diva Deluxe Album By Keldamuzik

Get ready to feel confident, powerful, and unstoppable with Keldamuzik's electrifying album The Diva Deluxe. 🎶

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How Keldamuzik Handles Stress

When stress becomes long-lasting or seems unending, it can take a toll on your health. That's why it's significant to have stress relievers that can relax your mind and your body. There isn't a one-size-fits-all option when it comes to solutions. What works for one person might not work for another. Keldamuzik has opened up about her struggle with stress management, lifting a veil of shame that oftentimes obfuscates the struggle of so many with mental health issues. Keldamuzik is one of the leading stars who is credited with opening up and breaking the stigma around mental health.

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The Diva Project By Keldamuzik

Keldamuzik's hip hop album "The Diva Project" on Spotify!

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Keldamuzik: My hair story

Our hair is a reflection of ourselves because it is both personal and public. A bad hair day equals a bad day: when a woman's hair is too thin, too rough, too dry, falling off, or turning grey it affects her self-esteem and feminity. There is a strong connection between hair and self-esteem in all cultures, races, and religions. Your overall confidence will be significantly improved and allow you to live a more fulfilling life.

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Why does Keldamuzik call herself a Diva?

Let's take you to the back story of this term. Beauty is all about the celebration of confidence and uniqueness in your own skin. Social media, magazines, and brands tell us otherwise. They objectify and set fake standards for generations to follow. Beauty has been studied, analyzed, and controversial for decades. We have all faced challenges and criticism for not being the perfect version that society tells us to be

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Bayhan için hayat köyde yaşamaktı. Hiç bir zaman şehir ya da kariyer gibi kaygılarla dolmamıştı.Aslan ise hayatı boyunca şehrin karmaşasını kendine sığınak bilerek yaşayan kalın bir kabuğun arkasında bir yaşamını sürdürüyordu. Bu iki aykırı genç Ankara üniversitesinin müzik kulübünde karşılaştıklarında birbirlerine değen sert bakışlarının gelecekte değişeceğinden habersiz aynı karede yer aldıklarında, kendileri ve çevrelerini saran pek çok sırla birlikte kalplerinin kapılarını da açacaklarından habersizlerdi.Kapak tasarımını yapan @benyazrolam a çok teşekkür ederim

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Keldamuzik: Queen of the Hustle, Weaver of Dreams

Keldamuzik isn't one for simple tricks; she's a master multitasker, a whirlwind of creative energy orchestrating a symphony of success across music, fashion, and beyond.

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The Diva Noize Instrumental Album By Keldamuzik

The album features a mix of genres, from instrumental hip-hop to pop and dance 💃

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Artists are always looking for new ways to reach a wider audience and establish a connection with them in the constantly evolving music scene. The multi-talented Californian artist Keldamuzik has adopted this strategy, branching out into other industries outside of music to further her craft and make a lasting impression on society.

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Keldamuzik's Top 5 Accessories for 2023

2023 is surely going to be a year of experimental looks that will rule the ramp, street, and fashion houses. While 2021 showed everyone going casual and minimal behind the mask, 2023 is going to be accentuating the real you through accessories. Keldamuzik has been promoting her inner style through her accessories over the past few years and this is why she came up with her own line of berets, 'Tinks'. Being a versatile hip-hop singer Kelda's style represents Bay Area and the urban Black community.

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🎵✨ Elevate Your Playlist with The Diva Project by Keldamuzik! ✨🎶

🎶 Exciting News for Music Lovers! 🌟 Just discovered "The Diva Project" by the incredible @Keldamuzik on Spotify, and it's an absolute game-changer.

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5 Advices from Keldamuzik if You're a New Artist

As a new artist, there are so many different directions you can take to start building your career. With all the options available, it can be overwhelming to figure out where to start. I am Keldamuzik aka Diva and have been in the entertainment industry for over a decade. I can certainly say I've grown a lot from where I started - I created music, traveled around the world, progressed as an aspiring actress and launched my own business - but there's always more space for progress, no matter how far you make it.

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Keldamuzik Launched a Feature Song with Kafani

Keldamuzik is a multi-talented artist from Bay Area, California who has been making waves in the music industry for quite some time. Her latest release, "Mind Sex," is an empowering anthem that encourages listeners to embrace their sexuality and explore their desires without shame or judgment.

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Keldamuzik Voices Out on The Impact of Female Rappers

Since the 70s, hip-hop has been known to be heavily dominated by men, thanks to the likes of Tupac, Drake and Kendrick Lamar. The popular rap stars were generally men and surrounded by male teams, producers and managers. Although women were not to be excluded, the likes of Missy Elliot and Queen Latifah paved the way and boldly entered an area where women were scarce.

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Keldamuzik As a Guest Speaker at Boldly Me Fundraising

Female rapper and entrepreneur Keldamuzik will be a guest-speaker for the Boldly Me fundraising event, on April 1st 2023. The event will take place at the Dominican Center, in Fremont, California and will focus mainly on sharing knowledge and supporting the Boldly Me non-profit organization meant to help Americans suffering from alopecia.

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Keldamuzik on Being an Entrepreneur and Dabbling in Other Industries.

I believe most should know that Keldamuzik has proved herself capable, both mentally and physically of excelling in industries other than music. She has proven herself worth in other areas including fashion, dancing, and acting. She has done all this while managing her music career efficiently. So, most would ask, how do Keldamuzik do all this? Well, that's simple, she is a diva with numerous talents.

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Keldamuzik on being an entrepreneur and dabbling in other industries

believe most should know that Keldamuzik has proved herself capable, both mentally and physically of excelling in industries other than music. She has proven herself worth in other areas including fashion, dancing, and acting. She has done all this while managing her music career efficiently. So, most would ask, how do Keldamuzik do all this? Well, that's simple, she is a diva with numerous talents.

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Keldamuzik: Truth about Hip-Hop and Entertainment Industry

The music industry is an ocean of multitalented musicians, songwriters, instrumentalists, rappers, and producers which pumps tens of billions of dollars to the entire entertainment industry. The music industry's contribution alone is $21.6 billion, which makes it heavily growing and continuously expanding, including all genres and people from all over the world.

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De eerste sessie -Joost klein

raavi is vrij klein in de muziek industrie. maar wanneer ze uitgenodigd wordt voor een studiosessie met hele grote namen, ontmoet ze een hele leuke jongen.........

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