Search: jikdot1
609 stories
Summoning the Five Power Defence Arrangments

The Nations of the Five Power Defence Arrangements; the United Kingdom, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore and New Zealand were mysteriously transported into another world. Without any outside contact with Earth, the five Nations must now rely on each other for the survival of their nation and venture into an unknown world of magic and overconfident enemies.

26.2K 26 703

A/N: THIS IS A CROSSOVER THAT WE DON'T EVEN NEED BUT A CROSSOVER THAT WE, PERHAPS, DESERVEAfter the exhausting battle against Retak'ka, Boboiboy could no longer stand before he fell into the water. He expected a heroic death, only to find that he was on top of what seemed to be the flight deck of an aircraft carrier, eventually greeted by what he deemed to be a sentient ship named Enterprise. Eventually, Boboiboy embarks on the new world as he joins the international military alliance known as the Azur Lane, where humanoid female embodiments of real-life warships, that is not just facing the threat of evil forces of the 'Sirens', but also the danger of friends-turned-foes.

6K 6 146
Girls Und Panzers: War Machines

It all happens when Shockwave's attempt to reverse engineer the Autobots' space bridge technology goes wrong, creating a massive black hole that causes Warpath, Guzzle, Hardhead, Blitzwing, Brawl and Bludgeon to be sent into another world. Too bad that this other world has no war between the Autobots and Decepticons, instead, it was a world where historical World War II-era tanks are maintained for sport-style warfare competitions and large carrier ships, known as Academy Ships, support mobile sea communities. Of the many activities high school students can participate in, one of the most popular is "Sensha-Dō", the art of operating tanks, which is considered a traditional martial art for females. With the six Cybertronian realizing that there is no way home, they are forced to adapt to the new environment and new tank mode, as well as try hard to deal with the school girls and not even try to break the law of the Sensha-Dō, especially for the Decepticons who are known for their bad reputations.Could the six succeed while living in this new world? And most importantly, could they even put aside their hostilities while trying to save a school from getting shut down?

1.1K 4 32

I'm not sure if this thing is funny or not. But then, we're not god to judge people. So then, let's hoping your reaction toward this "STUPID" Memes.

11.9K 24 128
Teorie pádu//Stein27

Holka ktera se snazi ve svém zivote najit aspon trochu lasky, ale nikdo pro ni neni dobry. Jeden den se ale vse zmeni, zacne zit uzasny zivot s úžasnými lidmi, nakonec pozna i pravou lasku.

3.7K 18 95 Full
Pokémon Oneshots

Hi and welcome! ^^ This is a book with Pokémon oneshots, there will be mostly shipping ones, but I'll maybe upload some non-shipping ones too. I will also upload some Pokémon comics I drew! ^^Ships currently included in this book:- Satogou (Satoshi/Ash x Goh) - chapter 1, chapter 4- Raihan x Leon - chapter 2, chapter 3***All the characters does not belong to me, they belong to the Pokémon animated series. Cover: drawn by me

4.1K 4 30 Full
Miluj mě /FF- Chardre +15

Psát si svůj deník je nikdy dobrá, ale i nikdy špatná věc. Do deníku jste všelijak otevřený a těšíte se, až napíšete, co se vám honí hlavou a co cítíte. Ale pak je tu ta špatná strana. Kam ho schovat, aby si ho nikdo nepřečet? Nosit ho pořád u sebe? To je zbytečné. Tak ho dáme pod postel... Zjistíme, že mamka tam bude uklízet. Kam jinam? Pod polštář? Tam nikdo nekouká... Bude to skvělý nápad. Teda byl. Než si ho našel Leondre Devriesi....Varování: Tato kniha je plná uchylných věcí, sporstých slov a taky je psaná pouze z nudných myšlenek autorky.*Cover: PrincessGirl19, děkuju moc <3*

1.4K 11 77 Full
Mischievous [Book II]

"I don't appreciate your stupidity."

25.7K 34 1.3K Full
helvegen ✮°。( leif eriksson )

VIKINGS: VALHALLA. ❝ one day, i'll join you. but not today. ❞[ SEASON ONE + ]copyright | quinnjordan

1.6K 3 55


1.1K 10 16
Stranger [hyunlix]

"Mr Stranger running in the danger" Všechno se změnilo už v tu chvíli, kdy odjel do Austrálie. To si všichni mysleli. Ale co když tomu bylo tak i před tím? Nikdo se však neodvážil to zjistit, nikdo až na skupinu kluků, kteří neměli nejmenší tušení, do čeho jdou.SKZ AUPřevzaty jsou pouze jména a vzhledy. Real idoly neshipuji.#8 problems (690) - 22. 10. 23#5 problems (688) - 18. 12. 23#5 bts (3.75k) - 21. 11. 23#29 school (3.43k) - 21. 1. 24#255 love (29.4k) - 22. 4. 24#165 love (29.4k) - 26. 4. 24Start: 21. 10. 23End: -

1.7K 13 207

Osasuna fanfikceOsamu s Atsumuem se umí přeměnit na lišky. O této jejich schopnosti nikdo neví a tak, když se jednou Osamu popere s Atsumem v jejich liščích podobách, potřebuje se jít projít, přičemž narazí na Sunu, který se šel projít.

249 12 50 Full
Stay with me

Elizabeth jela na dovolenou s rodiči do Itálie, když v tom se něco stalo...nikdo to nečekal....myslela si že je konec...chceš vědět víc, čti...

42 6 2 Full
milujes kofolu nebo ne?

Mladý talentovaný kluk nastoupí na novou školu, ale neví co ho jeste čeká..

157 10 0 Full
Cesta Divnem

Je o mladé dívce, která zažívá doopravdy zvláštní věci které se dějí jenom v její hlavě.I když se s ní nikdo nechce bavit nakonec si najde skvělé kamarádky které budou taky něčím výjimečné

149 4 14 Full
If Evan never pushed print at school

Evan Hansen's writing a letter for therapy at school, and meets his soon to be best friend in the whole world, Connor Murphy. But unfortunately not for long...

227 38 4 Full
forbidden love

i stand with the lgbt a tenhle pribeh pisu z prdele

69 16 7
My Knight In Shining Armor

Another fanfiction about Optimus and Eclipse. Also the rest of the characters taking place in Age of Extinction. Hope you guys enjoy!

1.2K 3 32
[ Xuyên nhanh ] Ta ngoại quải là ba mẹ - Triệu Đường Vương Triều【 ngày càng văn 】 mông manh cùng chính mình ba mẹ cùng nhau xuyên quaTuy rằng thường xuyên đi đến một ít kỳ kỳ quái quái địa phương, nhưng cũng may người một nhà là ở bên nhau.Đến nỗi xuyên qua sau như thế nào sinh hoạt, manh ba manh mẹ tỏ vẻ, có nữ nhi ở, không thành vấn đề!Các ngươi này đàn phàm nhân, đối học lực lượng của thần hoàn toàn không biết gì cả.Nhưng là trên thực tế, mông nảy mầm hiện, có ba mẹ ở, giống như chính mình cũng không có dùng võ chỗ a?Mỗi ngày đều thực nghiêm túc nỗ lực cẩn thận chặt chẽ nữ chủ vs mỗi ngày đều thực thả bay tự mình mở rộng ra não động ba mẹNữ chủ bàn tay vàng kỳ thật là nàng ba mẹ O(∩_∩)O~Trước mắt ngày càng trung (*^__^*), xin nghỉ ở văn án, nếu trừu sẽ ở bình luận xin nghỉ, cảm ơn đại gia răng khôn, bút tâm ~Mau xuyên, đồng nghiệp

1.6K 11 22 Full
Cold love

,,Kate já nechtěl" řekl Spike a přiložil hrst sněhu na mou tvář.,,Přestaň to studí" zasyčela jsem.,,Zachvilku tě zahřeju" řekl Spike a začal mně dávat na bolavé místo jemné polibky.Ucukla jsem ,,Co ,když nás někdo uvidí?" chladně jsem se podívala na zem.,,Proč by nás nikdo neměl vidět?" zeptal se Spike,,Ale nic zapomeň na to" a sebrala jsem se přímo do hotelu.Proč Kate nechce ,aby ji se Spikem někdo viděl? Bude mít někdo jako ona štěstí najít pravou lásku? A je Spike vůbec ten pravý? Více o Kate a o dobrodružství s přáteli na lyžáku přečtěte v nové knížce Cold Love!

370 11 48
Klaus and Elena my little doppelganger

Klena příběh o tom, jak Elena se stane upírem, a se Salvatore bratry jí to přestane bavit protože oni se snaží najít lék na upírstvý aby z ní byl znovu člověk, ale Elena nechce cítí se mnohem živější ale nikdo jí neposlouchá, a tak odjede a bude poznávat svět, co se stane když potká svého nepřítele Klause Mikaelsona který Eleně, a její rodině a přátelům udělal zlé věci, a především zabil její tetu Jennu.

6.3K 31 192 Full

After Optimus realizes that they there may be no more femmes because most of them died in the Great War on Cybertron.The Autobots come across a turn ProCar Homage who appears to be a Cybertronian shorting them. She gets recruited after Bulkhead arrives.For a while, Optimus had feelings for Eclipse, does she have the same feelings for him as well?

14.9K 40 461
Co s dětmi, které nikdo nechce


3 1 0 Full

Hey this is my new story . Its my first attempt in writing in wattpad . This is a story of a boy who overcomes the criticism of the world around him and emerges to be a notable person in the world . I hope u will like it. And do not feel shy to give a comment . It would help me improve.

302 6 25 Full